if THE DALLES DAILY CHRONICLE TUESDAY, APRIL 12, 1921. PAGE THREE M , ', FAKE MURDERER, BUDDING NOVELIST HAS HERO AND HEROINE KISS ING IN FIRST AND ONLY CHAPTER. By United Press BUFFALO, N. Y April 12. 'Koy Harris, the youth who tried apd failed to make himselt out tile murderer in Now York3 most sensational society mystery, the Elwell killing, has been caught redhanded as an amateur nov elist. Following his confession that the story of the Elwell killing was an unmitigated fako, the police gave out the manuscript of the first and only chapter of Harri3' first novel. It starts like this: "'You hit the nail on the head'. Al. That's what I cravo, an introduc tion to one who boasts of respecta bility. I'm sick Of vamping the dam sel's ' declared Hugh Palmer, with all the sincerity that was within him. '"Well, then, Hughoy. lomortov, we will run down to the Peahodya and when you meet his Utile daughter, Pansy, why, your deiix:. will hav been realized', ro.iliel Dili Todd. "Todd passed the pe.'feutos and in the cloud of smoke iha: t-ame there from, Hugh co;nl s'ee the vision of 'one who boasted respectabllitv. "Palmer had o.ni!)' .o New York from the Coast to take charge of his father's business interests. Todd was an old friend from the university out in Seattle. Naturally as he delighted from the western Unified, a telephone booth was visited and he called up every Todd in the book, finally suc ceeding in locating his partner,. They resumed their old intimate companionship, leasing an apartment facing the river. Every night, saw them in the lobbies of the theatres and later at a table of one of the midnight roof productions. After a while Palmer became acquainted with Mildred of the Varieties, and Dollie of the Revue and Phyllis, the petite, the dancer at Rymans. The sky was the only limit in life. Back in 'Seattle he had left little Betty and more than once since coming to the gay metropo lis his thoughts wandered back to her and the bungalow on the ocean front where they had often drawn sketches of the future together. .. ..The tw.o friends, commuted down to the Peabody place next morning, be ing met by Peabody. Here, with his "luxurious limousine" and driven to his "palatial home" where he "dis missed the chauffeur." Hugh re framed from remarking on the "Per sian rugs, imported gardinlors and tapestries, being no social longhorn even though fresh from the West." After contact with "liveried servants who removed their discarded apparel" they met Pansy. At 'lunch Hugh, in his breezy western way, quaffed three cups of tea, amid much refined ban ter as to his appetite. (Later in the evening, a(f.er all the others "had retired to their sleeping chambers" Hugh and Pansy went out on the porch, Hugh having suggested Ingenuously that they "get the bene fit of a little night air." "'There is just room here for you, Mr. Palmer," she suggested, moving over the big armchair. "Just (Hughey, please,' was h.ls reply. 'I think I'll accept as a am rather uncomfortable on this little chair.' "She placed her arms about his neck and kissed him again and again" and thus ends chapter number one, the only chapter to date. The Best Big Sitter Taxi Mayfleld'e Taxi Telephone malM 5021. . 27tf The Best Big Sister 'o'r' two ro give m trie Kin:l of service, Help and advice thai auifces friends. The Dalles U-iltery com pan v. Willard Service. . IStf Liniment Is ajvaya ready to ease rheumatism. it A T the very first twinge, dow come my bottle of Sloan's: then quick relief, without rubbing, for it a etimulatinf and scatter congestion. The bey we it for. cm muUe, awl it fctJps Sally's . , . tackacbes. too, " J&y 7pc, L4.. EGQ OF PASSENGER , PIGEON WORTH $1,000 By United Press URBAN A, 111., April 12 How would you like to buy a dozen eggs, guaran teed stale, for $12,000? With prices of ordinary "hen fruit" fluttering back to near reasonable levels, $1,000 seems high for any egg, but that is the estimated value of a single egg in the Natural History Museum of the University of Illinois here. It is the egg of a passenger pigeon, an Ameri can bird now extinct, The egg was giv en to the University by T. E. Mussel man, a former student. The last known passenger pigeon died in the Cincinnati Zoological Gar dens about five years ago. Following the bird's death, the American Orni thologists' Union offered $7,000 to anyone proving the existence of a nesting pair, but none of the original species was ever discovered. Passenger pigeons were one so nu merous in the Mississippi valley that their migrations darkened the sky. The Best Big Sister Dr. S. Burke Massey, dentist, First National bank, rooms 307-308. Tele phone main 3911, res. tnain 1691. 8tf Sjnntvrts of tlie Anuual Statement of tlw NATIONAL MKN FUANKLIN KIM3 INSUIt- ANCK COMl'ANY of N. S. Pittsburuh, in tli ?Uie of PrnnsThsnU, on the thirty-first day of December, 1020, maije to the insurance commkiloner of the state of Oregon, imrsuant to lnw: CAPITAL Amount of capital stock :m.! uj, 1.00(l,000.00 INCOME Net premiums reccheil during the year $3,303,596.08 Interest. di?idemls ar.d rents re- irivcii d.lllnz I'M je.ir 230.S00.54 Income from other sources re- t celled during the year 3.807.OT Total Income S, 004.024.24 DlSnilHSEMENTS Net lossevrald during the year, in- eluding adjustment euwnses. .. $1,302,0 1 1.03 Dltidends paid on capital stock during the rear 180.000.00 Commissions and salaries paid dur- ingniie year . 1.211.810.57 rr -. .. llnAimaii anrl tot nafd during the year ?2.142.71, Amount of all other expenditures 200,uua.. Total expenditure . . . . . , . ..S3.082.029.85 Tr.i i .a.), nwni.il mar. ' tot lue) 102.000.00 Value or stocks ana nonm nwneu tnarlrnf vaIi1) 1.813,522.73 Loans on mortgages and collateral, etc. ........... fa, in tmttVft nnil on hand 2.375.810.50 410,100.43 Premiums in couri of collection written since Sept. 30. 1020. Interest and rents due and accrued 402.530.12 53,004.01 Totjrf admitted assets $5,314,012.45 LIABILITIES ., flrosa claims for losses unpaid. . .$ S8-.0.7.HU nrt'ASJaa iv miKirN FOR THE YEAR Net premiums recelred during the n71 . year ... , ... 'I'V,i ?7 Lobses paid during the year S'Sai? Losses incurred during the year. ,,, 3 V, J NATIONAL Bcn;NyPIUE 1NSUR- H. M. HCIIMITT, President. THOS. A. HATHAWAY. Secretary. Statutory resident atto-ney for scrrice. p, M. WKMJINCITON, Portland, Or. Synopsis of the Annual Statement of the TOKIO MARINE & FIRE INS. CO., LTD., Tohlo, Japan, on, tha 3l!tday of Uceimbcr, 1020, made to the Insurance Comral'jsloner f Uie State of Oregon, pur uant to law. CAPITAL Amount of deinslt capital $ 530,000.00 INCOME Net premiums received during the jenr . $ 2,331,400.04 Ilitcre.it, dividends and rents re ceived dining the year 172,380.42 Inc in ti in ot 1 t iiiiree re ceived during the year 707,784.51 Total income .$ 3,301,574.87 IHSlUJItSKMENTS Net losses paid during the year, including adjustment expenses $ 1,337,020.11 Commissions and salaries paid during the year 700,070.07 Taxes, licences and fees paid dur ing the year 134,750.02 Aiiuiiut ui ail other expendi tures . . . . 500,222.15 Total expenditures ASSETS .$ 2,780,008.95 1 Value of stocks and bonds owned 1 market value 1 .$ 3,010,301.80 Recoveries due on paid loans, .Schedule E Cash in banks and on hand. . . . Premiums in course of collec tion written since September 30, 1020 Interest and rents due and ac crued 81,020.40 077,384.10 407.254.05 35.044.37 Total admitted assets $4,008,505.32 LIABILITIES Gross claims for los-cs unpaid.! 403,705.15 Amount of unearned premium on all outstanding risks 1,102,308.13 All other liabilities 70,320.40 Total liabilities, exclusive of capital stock $ 1.075.432.74 liUSINESS IN OREGON FOR THE YEAR Net premiums received during the year t 12,558.32 Losses paid during the year.... 7,007.03 Lu&ses incurred during the year. 7,4(10,08 TOKIO MARINE & FIRE INS. CO., LTD., Tokio, Japan. APPLETUN & COX, Inc., AKjr. Statutory nid.m li t niei tor -truce FRANK E. SMITH, Portland, Ox. THE MARYHILL FERRY IS RUNNING From Grants, 20 Miles East of The Dalles, to Maryhlll Daily from 7 a. m. to 9 p. m. EXCELLENT ROAD8 UNEXCELLED SCENERY MARYHILL FERRY CO. Special Trips Arranged Phone Goldendalo 312X WOOD ARD & T A US CHER Contracting Bricklayers and Plasterers All kinds of Tile and Cement Work. Fireplace Work a Specialty. Estimates furnished free of charg;. All Work Guaranteed. Telephone Main 6461 or Call at Gates Block M. M. INSURANCE FIRE AUTOMOBILE-GRAIN HAIL PLATE GLASS LIABILITY AND ACCIDENT ' Office Corner Third and Federal Telephone Black 531 ECONOMIC TRIANGLE BLOCKS BUILDING CHICAGO, April 12. An economic triangle, with contractors, material men and labor at the corners has' tied up $100,000,000 worth of building m Chicago, according to architects. "The material man must reduce his price; the contractor effect harmony out of a chaotic condition and the workman must accept something rea sonable," declared Ernest R. Graham, architect. Graham said there will be little building in the United States until the three elements get together. It is declared plans for business structures, apartment buildings and dwelling places representing $100,000, 000 are lying on Uie desks of Chicago architects awaiting a readjustment of construction cost. 'Lumber prices are attacked by Synopsis ot the Annual SUtcmei. of tire NORTHWESTERN NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY of Milwaukee, In the statu of Wisconsin, on the 31st day of December, 1020, made to the Insur ance commissioner of Uie state of Oregon, pur suant to law: CAPITAL Amount of capital stock !Ud up. . $1,000,000.00 INCOME Net premiums received during the year $5,248,354.01 Interest, dividends and rents re ceived during ths year. ., 439,133.20 Income from other sources re ceived during the year 1,045.00 Tot.il income $5,088,533.20 DISBURSEMENTS Net losies p.ild during th? yjnr. In cluding. adjustment expeii us. . .$2,051,905.17 Divldeii.ii paid in capital stocic duri:i- the year 200,000.00 2,001,400.25 202.740.77 170.581.80 CmmLsioiiS and saUiiej paid dur ing tlie year Taxes, licenses and fees paid dur ing the year . . .' Amount of all other expenditure. Total expenditures $5,325,734.08 ASSETS Value of real estate owned (mar ket value) $ 225,000.00 Value of flocks and bonds ottned (market value) 0,007. 0G2.12 Loam on mortgages and collateral, , etc 1.088,125 no Cash in banks and on hand 240,500.03 Premiums in course of collection written since Sept. 30, 1020.. 705,471.04 Intercut and rents due and accrued 70,847.41 Reinsurance recoverable on loasea paid 3.860.04 Total admitted ivseLs $0,070,838.24 LIABILITIES Gross claims for looses unpaid... $ 601,220.00 Amount of unearned premiums on all outstanding risks 5,488,232.40 Due for commission and brokerage 58.883.1A All other liabilities 256,105.00 Reserve for conflagration and oth er extraordinary losses 000,000.00 Total liabilities, exclusive of capital stock of $1 ,000.000. .. $7,064,538.47 liUSINESS IN ORECON FOR THE YEAR Net premium; received duriug the jesr $ 78,008.75 Lu. -s lul l during tho ycur ' 18,775,72 Lost iiMirnl during tile year. . 21,0,01.011 NORTHWESTERN NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY AI FRED I'. JAMES, President. I.rillN M, STUART. Secretary. HOWARD I.. Willi E. Portland, Or. Statutory resident attorney for ervlee: CLCMEN8, WHITE A CCLZMAH, Inc., AfenU 8ynopRis of Uie Annual Statement of tin. U. 8. BRANCH NORTH URITIHH MERCANTILE. LTD. of London and Edinburgh, in Uie kingdom of Great Britain, on the thirty-first day of Decem ber, 1020, made to the Insurance commissioner of the state of Oregon, pursuant to law: CAPITAL Amount of capital stock mid up statutory deposit $ 400,000.00 INCOME Net premiums received during the year $ 8.503.180.48 Interest, dividends and rents re ceived during the year. . . , . . 474,082.71 Income, from other sources re ceived during the year 402. SOS. 04 Total Income $ 0,380, (18(1. 2; DISBURSEMENTS Net losses paid during- the year) Including adjustment expenses, $ 3,755,851,1ft Commissions and salaries paid during the year 2,434,138,38 Taxes, licenses and fees paid during the year 427,701.72 Amount of all other expenditures 1,572,812.33 Total expenditures $ 8,100,5G3.GO A(si;ts Value of stocks and bonds owned (market value) $ Cash in banks and on hand. . . . Premiums in course of collection written since September 30, 1020 0,755, 811, (11)7.1 572.43 1,078,000.85 interest and rents due and ac crued ,,120 102.34 losses, authorized companies. 40,1 850.40 Total admitted assets $12,422,201.27 LIABILITIES Gross claims for losses umaid.$ 1,014,123.85 Amount of unearned premiums on all outstanding rL'.ks,.:. 7,210,370.82 Due for commission and brok erage 27,837.00 AH other liabilities, estimated taxes and expenses 3C5,3l!2i00 Total liabilities, exclusive of capital stock $ 8,(117,702.67 BUSINESS IN OREGON FOR THE YEAR Net premiums received during the year $ 132,002.39 Los&ei laid during the year. . . . 30,785,68 losses incurred during the year. 40,754. 14 Name of company North British & Mercantflt Insurance Co, Name of president, Cecil F. Shallcroas. Name of secretary, R. P. Barbour. Statutory resident attorney for service, !L JL Smith. 524 Henry building, Portland, Oregon. CLEMENS, WHITE & COLEMAK, INC, 202 Stevens Bldg. Main C94. Portland. Oc PHIPPS architects, claiming they arc 150, per cent higher than 1914. Lumber men -Insist, however, tho percent Is but GO. Carpenters, the architects say, may accept 1 an hour as their part of a program to stimulate building. The Best Big Sltter-r $5.00 Slabs $5.00 Green slabs, $5.00 per cord, f. o. b. cars. Van Dellen Lumber company, 4tt The Best Big Sliter 1- Brdwn'a Dufur stage Time Table Two round trips daily. Leave Bank hotel, 9. n. m. and 4 p. m. Leave Dufur 7 lull a. m. and 1 p. m. tf Catnirha! Deuinoss Cannot Be Cured by lucnl npiillcutlons, ua they unnnot reach, the lUscacd portion of tho car, Thero ll only onn way to euro cntnrrlml denfntas, nd that la by n conrtltutlnunl remedy. Ciitnrrh.il Dcnfnc; Is oniitul by an In rtamcl condition of the mucous lining of tho Eustachian Tube, When till tubo Is InP.nmcil you hnvo .1 lumblliiir sound or Im perfect he.trlns, nnd v.hen it Is cntlroly closvd, Di-nrni'ss iJ tin result. Unless the Imlnmn'iitlon can bo rtducoU nnd this tubo ron.cn .1 to Us nuimal condition, hotrlnr will ho di-stroyrt forever. Muny cases of dnfne3 um caused by cntnrrh, which Is an InUjmvd condition .if tho mucous sur faces. Hall's ritnrl Mdiolno nets thru tho blood on the mucous surfaces of tho system We will give Pni Hundred Dollar fi ny cnto ot Catnnlml In-afness that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Modl-iino. Cir culars free. All nriiRclvt. T6o. V. J. ClICNSi CO.. Tolndo. O. Say 'Threaded Rubber Insulation" The Willard Threaded Rub ber Battery is immune to all old-time wood-separator ills. The plates are insulated not merely separated. No money out of your pocket for separator replacement, be cause Willard Threaded Rubber Insulation neither warps, cracks, carbonizes nor punctures. It outlasts the battery plates. Ask about the Willard Threaded Rubber Battery the only battery with Threaded Rubber Insulation. THE DALLES BATTERY COMPANY BATTERY SPECIALISTS 514 East Second Street THE DALLES' Willard Batteries NOTE Now is the time to have your GABRIEL SNUBBERS greased and straps ad justed. Official Gabriel Service Station. mis LWillaHj DANCE ELK'S WEDNESDAY, APRIL 13 Bob's Harmony Four Dr. T. HH Eyesight Specialist Hours 9:00 to 5:00 Sundays and Evenings by Appointment 17-1S Vogt Blk Over Crosby's Drug 8tore Phone 'Black 1111 Peoples Transfer Co. QUICK DELIVERY SERVICE EXPRESS AND DRAY AGE Furniture and Piano Moving Stand at Glenn's Paint Store Main 3721 Residence Phone Red 1811 HARRY L. CLUFF CRANDALL UNDERTAKING CO Wasco The Dalles LULU D. CRANDALL, Manager Bert Thomas, Assistant Manager Licensed Embalmers, Established 187 Woman Attendant Mrs. M. J. Wlllcmr Telephone Red 1781 Motor Equipment First In I CLECTRAC FARMERS A WEEK AHEAD IN SPRING Clectrac farmers are first in the fields every year. Even a late spring doesn't worry them their Clectracs get right into the fields and start work a week ahead of their neighbors. There are no delays with a fleet of Clectracs on the job. The tank-type tracks ride easily over the soft, wet ground. They do not dig in or mire in the soggy spots. With the Clectrac fleet its easy to get plowing and fitting done and be ready for those few days when conditions are just right for planting. And i one Clectrac should be laid up, the others easily shoulder the extra load and the work goes right on. "Selecting Your Tractor" tells all about how Clectrac reduces production costs on raising farm produce. Come in and get your copy. OLIVER TRACTOR TOOLS F. S. GUNNING The Dalles, Oregon HALL f sl DeLARHUE Dufur Telephones Day Red 351 Night Red 352 J. H. Harper, Black 2152 Cut Flowers The Fields