PAGE TWO THE DALLES DAILY CHRONICLE, TUESDAY, APRIL 12, 1921. PASTOR PUNS TO SAVt WILD GIRLS THE REV. BYRNE WAITS FOR $40, 000,000 FROM BENE. FACTOR. By Westbrook Pegler (United News Staff Correspondent) MEW YORK, April 12.A little, crippled parson Is killing time in, one of the gayest of the Broadway ho tels, awaiting the settlement of an es tate which he expects will make him the richest clergyman in the world, and place him beyond the necessity for church bazaars or rummage sales. Forty million dollars he claims is coming to him on Ma.f 29, and the Jflov. Davis S. K. llyrn of Toronto, doesn't Intend to lift a single church mortgage, pension a pastor or buy a bowl of clam chowder for a Bowery bum. Doctor Bryno is going to spen the money when ho gets it In pio vidlng a spiritual diet for girls gone wrong. The commodity prices on the spiritual menu aren't fixed by the produce exchange or quotable on the market tables of the newspapers, so the little minister doesn't attempt to say just how many wayward women he can restore to morality, but he ex pects to do much good In the world. Dr. Byrne Is living in the heart d"f the region whore whispered saluta tions from darkened taxies cruising slowly, close to t .lie curbs at night nnd sly glances from experienced eyes tell him there is work to be done with his millions. He is looking things over on Broadway as he did in Chica go in l'J07, when ho dropped into a dive on South Statu street to look up a telephone number and was In. vlted to buy a drink for a pretty young girl from Pittsburgh. "I told her U wouldn't buy hor a drink, 1 wouldn't oven buy myself a orlnk, but if she wanted me to, I'd say a prayer for nor," says Dr. Byrne on Broadway. "And I sat right down at the table and prayed." For the time being the girl's inter est still ran to that drink, however, Ibis being only 10 o'clock on n morn ing aftor. Sho strayed away from the little man who sat with his head bowed at the tablo and ho, finishing his Importunity to Clod, walked across tho strcot to a little greasy restaurant. A fow minutes later the girl rejoinod him and asked him to finish that story about forgiveness. Ho did; and sho was converted. Tlio girl went back to her father In Pittsburgh, who was Willliani Cloorgo Hyrna, a capitalist, according to tho preacher, and the father w:is so grateful to the minister that ho adopted him as his son the minis ter's name was Jacob Kldd naming him a Joint hulr to his vast ostato Tho other holrs wore Uio daughter. Lucy, her mother and 1ior brnthtv, John. Lucy died, and soon alter the father also died. His will, however, provided that the executor could not bo discharged until 10 years later, which time oxplros on May '29. Moan time the wlfo and son wore report oJ lost In tho KniproHS of Ireland OUas ter, which loft tho minister at solo legatee and executor. With tho prospects of this troiuen- THE BEST BIG SISTER IN THE WORLD SINNOTT HAS MEASURE TO INCREASE FORESTS The first day of tho finunco camp algn brought splendid results and en thuslastlc reports of the response w llh which the workers are meeting. Mrs. C. D. Butler and Miss Tillle U ash were voted the prize team for the duy. Instltu-i wayward dous fortune, tho minister founded, he said, the Christian Workers' emirch In Montreal, and an Hon for tho redemption of girls. The hotel clerks and bell hops have r'been very attentive to Dr. Byrne, but without much luck to date, as returns are measured on Broadway. But it is u good gamble on Broadway to be nice to a man on speaking terms with forty millions. The Best Big Sister Typing and Stenography done at reasonable rates. Koslua A Fleck. Office Hotel Dalles. Resi dence phon.- red 2332. tf The Best Big Sister WEDDING BELLS Tripp's Cleaning and Dye works. 1510 Union street. A.20 The Best Big Sitter MEETING NOTICES Notice to Class Members of psychological class will meet at the library tonight, 7:45. 12 The Woman's Missionary society of the Congregational church will meet Wednesday al 3 p. m. at the home of Alias Dorothy Freddcn, 312 Alvord. 12 Modern Woodmen Attention Special business Thursday evening. State Deputy J. O. Burgess will make an official visit. 14 Regular meeting of the Lutheran Hobson of this city, , Utiles' Aid Society will be held Wed nesday afternoon at 2:30 In ttie church parlors. 12 Mrs. Grace A and James A. Brown of Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, Canada, were quietly married yesterday morning at the United Brethren parsonage, Tho Rev. O. K. Hartman, officiating. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar S. Hobson, the bride's son and his wlfo; Mr. and Mrs. J. M. NIcol of Slverton, Oregon', tho latter tho bride's daughter, and Mrs. S. J. 'Badcock, of this city, were in attend ance. Thti couple loft yestorday after noon for Portland, where they will spend a brief honeymoon before tak ing up residence in Moose Jaw. The Best Big Sister Day Nursery Children cared lor while parent are busy. Mrs. J. M. smun. city park. 12 The Best Big Sister There'fi A Difference If you'vo been a "ready made" man In the past, be a "mado to order man" In the future. First class hand tailor- d suits to measure, $3G,00 and up. W, It. Webber, one block east of post- office, titf St. Paul's Guild will meet with Mrs. Grover Young, 911 F street, Wednes day afternoon. - 12 United Artisans will give a benefit social for needy brothers at the K. of P. hall Wednes day evening, April 13. A general good time Admission 35 cents. 13 LECTURE "The Fountain of Youth" By C. A. Greene Teacher, Lawyer, Lec turer, Psychologist Al Public Library 7:45 Tonight Admission Free Everybody Welcome Mahonla Mrs. L. Barnum will Mahonia club Thursday entertain tho afternoon. 12 The Missionary Society of tho Congregational church will meet with .Miss Dorothy Fredden at 3 o'clock Wednesday afternoon. 1 Good Intent Meeting The Good Intent society will meet In tho Sunday school room of the church Wednesday afternoon, 2; 30 Mrs. John Lang, Mrs. Amsbery and Mrs. Barney, hostesses. 12 , ,, ..I.,,, - t (Chronicle's Washington Bureau.) WASHINGTON, April 12. Congress man Slnnott has introduced in the house the following bills: To authorize the president to con solidate the offices of register and re ceiver In United State district "land offices. To add certain lands to government national forest, Oregon. (It adds 30, 803 acres and Is approved by the for est service.) Authorizing the postmaster general to investigate conditions arising from contracts In star route, screen wagon and other vehicle service prior to June 30, 1918. (For relief of star- route mall contractors facing tre mendous losses through enhanced coat in carrying out contracts. Was in troduced(last session, but disapproved by Burleson.) Amending joint resolution giving to discharged soldiers, sailors and ma rines a preferred right, of homestead entry approved February 14, 1920. (This amendment increases period of preference right from two to 10 days.) The Best Big Sitter FRANCE TO GIVE HONOR TO DEAD NAPOLEON Fontainbleau, .Severs Camplegne, museums and expo- birthday or the anniversary of Ins death While the real celebration of' Na poleon's death will take place on May 4 and 5, preliminary recognition of the event is already under way. At Malmalson, and sition of relics of Napoleon , have been, opened. In the meantime, excursions are being organized to the island of 'El ba, to the Napoleonic battlefields of France to Waterloo and, If possible, also to those of the Rhine. An International congress will nlso be held to which all the learned so cieties of the world are asked to will he held at Notre Dame in .Paris, with Cardinal Dubois present and at which Abbe Hennoque, who during the world war won eleven citations, will deliver the oration on Napoleon. ' On 'May 5 a great military cere mony will take place at the Arch of Triumph, in which the survivors of the Franco-Prussian campaigns and the poilus of Foch will participate. Finally, in the afternoon another ceremony will take place at the Ho tel dea Invalldes, which Napoleon constructed for his disabled soldiers, at which Marshal. Foch will make the principal address. In the evening gaia perionnauue send delegates for the purpose otWni be given at all the theatres or studying the Napoleonic code and parigi wnile the boluevards will be other works of the great French gen- turnea over to merrymakers until eral and statesman. ' tney themselves are ready to quit. On May 4, a religious ceremony By Henry Wood (United Press Staff Correspondent) 1 PARIS, April 12, On May 5, with France's celebration of the hundredth anniversary of the death of Napol eon, Marshal Foch will be given lit- tks foretaste of the nice things that Fiance will do in his honor when he is jafely dead as Napoleon. I There is nothing that France like.? to do better or that she does nicer titan pulling off honors on behalf of hor great military heroes. Generally speaking, France would just as soon honor a live military chief as a dead one, only experience nas uiugni nei that it is mucli safer to stick to the latter. Experience has taught France that her celebrations in honor of live mili tary chiefs are so Intoxicating that they are likely, to go to the head of said military chief, and cause him to want to take over the whole show. So iMarshal Foch will participate Tn the big celebration of May 5 with the quiet and sure consciousness- that as soon as he has been dead as long as Napoleon, France won't fail to overlook any little occasion like his JUST ARRIVED Our Summer Line ICE BOXES PORCH FURNITURE LAWN FURNITURE PERFECTION OIL COOK STOVES Docherty & Barnett Across from First National Bank EMPRESS Home of Superfeatures ANNOUNCING NEW SCHEDULE IN ADMISSION PRICES Matinee and Evenings Children 10c, Adults 25c BEGINNING TUESDAY, APRIL 12 . With "Scratch My Back" WEDNESDAY- 1 A FIRST NATIONALl feg ATT W ACTJ The EMPRESS Orchestra Every Saturday and Sunday COMING "MIDSUMMER MADNESS" Remember The Good Old Days? When you could buy ZuZu Ginger Snaps for a nickel a package and Uneeda Biscuits the same way? When soda crackers out of the box cost 10 cents a pound and other bakery goods were in proportion. -Well We're not quite back to those figures just yet but LOOK! UNEEDA BISCUITS, package....7c ZUZU GINGER SNAPS, pkg 7c LEMON SNAPS, pkg 7c These are specials from the cracker department of the National Biscuit Co. but they are not specials with us. These are our regular prices. Note these offerings on other N. B. C. products: NABISCO SUGAR WAFERS, packages AMERICAN BEAUTY GINGER SNAPS, in small barrels 35c PARLORGROCERY Where You Will Always FIRST Find the Lowest Grocery Prices in The Dulles Plain Soda Crackers in bulk, lb....l6c Oyster Crackers, bulk, lb .16c Graham Crackers, bulk, lb 20c Family Soda Crackers, in packages, large t 35c Family Grahams in large pkgs. 35c Premium Sodas, p"kgs .' 15c Grahams, medium pkgs 15c N. B. C. Sottas, med. pkgs 15c