The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 11, 1921, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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Synopsis of the Annual Statement of the
Bankers Life Company
of Dp tnlnpit. In thp Stiitn af Inwa. on
the 31st day of December, 1020, made to
the Insurance Commissioner of the State
of Oregon, pursuant to law:
Total premium income for
the car $13,260,890.15
Interest, dividends nndirents
received during the year 8,122,148.14
lucotne from other aourcei
'received during the year 333,967.83
Total income $15,717,016.11
Told for losses, endowments,
annuities and surrender
values . $6,277,393.79
Dividend paid to pollcyhold-
era during the year 674,887.20
Commissions and salaries
supervision 'and branch of
fice expenses paid during
the year 2.924.578-47
TadXin'glC theeByeaanrd 260,036.48
1.".': 911,901.01
Total expenditures $11,058,606.9,5
Value of real estate owned
(market value) ..............$ 85,000.00
Value of stocks and bonds
wned (market value) .... 8,726,336.62
lateral, etc ..36,575,004.70
Renewal premium notes and
policy loans 1'2?l,S?i,a
Caah In banks and on hand 617,871.68
Net uncollected and deterred ... .
premiums, . 1,186,596.84
Interest and rents due and -,,-
accrued . 1,J5i'nn70?
Other assets (net) ;. 148,067.07
Total admitted assets ..$44,452,819.40
Net reserves $25,800,621.00
Grossa claims for loMjm- 569i7g3.0o
All other' HabilltleB. Includ-
ing special funds WffHBO?
Contingency reserve l,0J9,eBB.U7
Total labilities, exclusive
of capital Btock ..r $44,452,819.49
Business in Oregon for the Year.
Gross premiums and assess-
yeT " l'.!!.!?." 183,321.80
Premiums ind dividends re- ,.,.
turned during the year.... JAiMZ
Losses paid during th eyear 94.0ol.00
George Kuhns, President.
G. W. Fowler, Secretary.
Statutory resident attorney for service
F. L. Emery, Portland.
Synopsis of the Annual Statement of the
Merchants Life Insurance Co,
of Dcs Moines, in the State of Iowa, on
the 31st day of December, 1020, made to
the Insurance Commissioner of the btata
of Oregon, pursuant to law:
ATni:L?.!!l!.ai.8!.0.cip."i- 400.000:00
& j?.m,Um in.?..n!.e...,-$2-003,194.43
'"SSSJSfllS "he "ear 207.115.53
Income from other sources al7170
' received during the year.. 108.17l.7U
Total Income $2,408,481.75
Paid for losses, endowments,
annuities and surrender
values i ' 650,3G9.oB
Commissions and salaries .,,-
paid during the year ...... 853,110.71
Taxes, licenses and fees paid ., ncn
during the year 51,060.25
Amount of all other expend-
tures iU5,iuu.iu
Total expenditures $1,749,646.64
Value of stocks and bonds
owned (market or amor-
tired value) 333,236.87
Loans on mortgages and col-
lateral, etc 3,063,156.33
PTanUsm "0,eB 109.617.31
Cash In banks "and on hand 464,087.36
Net uncollected and deferred ,P010qn
premiums 159.193.39
Interest and rents duo and o
accrued B6,75d.-u
Total admitted assots $4,300,044.48'
Liabilities. -
Net reserves $3,053,125.84
Gross claims for losses un-
All other liabilities - "'
Total liabilities, exclusive
of capital stock ..."..3'9M44' 18
Business in Oregon for the. Year.
Gross premiums received
during the year .-$ "-J"
T osses Jiaid during the year 10,000.00
W. A. Watte, President.
F. II. Davis, Secretary.
Statutory resident attorney for service
Henry O. Ortt.
Syiopsis of the Annual Statement of the
Montana Life Insurance
of Helena, in the Stato of Montana on
the 31st day of December, 1920, made
to the Insurance Commissioner of tne
State of Oregon, pursuant to law:
Amount of capital stock paid? oQ
Total premium income '".,,.,,
the year -- $1,-14,81J.
Interest, dividends and rents ,
received during the year 168,243.7
Income from other sources
received during the year.. 124,017.48
Total income $1,507,074.43
Paid for losses, endowments,
annuities and burrender
values - .-.-...$ 18-.-.7
Coupons paid to policy hold
ers during the year or ,..,.
credited to them 120,570.08
Dividends paid on capital -nnnnn
' stock during the year .... 2o,000.00
Commisbions and salaries .,..-
paid during tfie year ...... 414,070.98
Taxes, licenses and fees paid
during the year d.ol.lo
Amount bf all other expendi-
turea 101,346.11
Total expenditures $ 803,098.04
Value of real estate owned
(market Talue) , . $ 33,769.76
Value of bonds owned (mar-
ket or amortiied value) ,38,058.57
.Loans on mortgages and col- ,.,,.-
lateral, etc 1,017,133.60
Premium notes and policy
weV' '"ViS 426.085.30
Cash in banks and on hand 434,911.83
Net uncollected and deferred ..,
promiums su.jiu.ja
Interest and rents due and ...,.-
accrued 54,044.36
Total admitted assets $3,403,221.34
Net reserves, line 7, 8, ,
0, 10, page 5 of Annual
Statement $2,342,235.00
Gross claims for losses un-
paid , 21,904.00
All other liabilities .. 1,039,082,34
. Total liabilities, exclusive
of capital stock $3,403,221.34
Business in Oregon for the Year.
Gross premiums received
during the year $ 6.992.63
A. C. Johnson, President.
Carl E. Herfurth. Secretary.
Statutory resident attorney for service
Hon. A. C. IUrber.
Synopsis of the Annual Statement of the
American Equitable Aararaact
of New York, in the State of New York,
on the 31st day of December, 1920, made
to the Insurance Coaunluioner of the
State of Oregon, pursuant to law:
Amount of capital stork paid
op ..... I $ 500,000.00
Net premiums received dur
ing the year 12,197.831.37
Interest, dividends and rents
received during the year 118,742.39
Ic;o-.c. from other sources
received during the year 471,358.21
Total income $2,787,931.77
Net losses paid during the
year Including adjustment
expenses $1,276,135.57
Dividends paid on capital
stock during the year 108,000.00
Commissions and aalarics
paid during the- year 810,541.36
Taxes, licenses and fees paid -
during the year 65,319.73
Amount of all other expendi
tures 250,040.40
Total expenditures $2,510,037.06
Value of stocks and bonds
owned (market value) .. .$2, 1H 4,238.29
Loans on mortgages and col
lateral, etc 32,250.00
Cash in banks and on hand 206,749.33
Premiums in course of col- .
lection written since Sep
tember. 30, 1920 308,845.93
Interest and rents, due and
accrued 25,761.65
Losses due from reinsuring
companies 16,829.58
Total admitted assets $2,904,074.78
Gross claims for losses un
paid $476,115.09
Amount of unearned premi
ums on all outstanding
risks 1,178,085.30
All other liabilities 112,759.99
Total liabilities, exclusive
of capital stock of
$500,000.00 $1,706,960.38
Business in Oregon for the Year.
Net premiums received dur
ing the year ..$ 24,007.08
Losses paid during the year 8,405.87
Losses incurred during the
year 12,432.06
CO. OF N. Y.
Richard A. Corroon, President.
Thomas A. Duffey, Secretary.
Statutory resident attorney for service
T. H. Williams, Portland, Oregon.
Synopsis of the Annual Statement of tho
Minneapolis Fire and Marine
Insurance Co.
of Minneapolis, in the State of Minnesota,
on the 31st day of December, 1920, made
to tho Insurance Commissioner of the
State of Oregon, pursuant to law:
Amount of capital stock paid
, up . $ 200,000.00
Net premiums received dur
ing the year $1,121,610.02 ,
Interest, dividends and rents
received during the year 41,747.16
' Income from other sources
received during the year 988.29
Total income $1,164,354.47
Net losses paid during the
year Including adjustment
expenses $ 584,845.99
Dividends paid on capital
stock during the year 20,000.00
Commissions and salaries
paid during the year 326,417.54
Taxes, licenses and fees paid
during the year - 77,756.86
Amount of all other expendi
tures 55,440.86
Total expenditures $1,064,461.25
Value of stocks and bonds
owned (market value) ....$ 562,243.00
Loans on mortgages and col
lateral, etc 217,250.00
Cash in banks and on hand 154,902.04
Premiums in course of col-
lection written since Sep
tember 30, 1920 150,92544
Interest and rents due and
accrued 15,556.05
Total admitted assets ....$1,100,876.23
Gross claims for losses un
, paid $ 70,605.60
Amount of unearned premi
ums on all outstanding
risks 648,732.01
.Due for commission, and '
brokerage 7,500.00
All other liabilities 33,500.00
Total liabilities, exclusive
of capital stock $ 760,338.51
Business in Oregon for the Year,
Net premiums received dur
ing the year $ 0.435.71
Losses paid during the year 3,762.37
Losses Incurred during the
year 3,829.37
Fred C. VanDusen, President.
Walter C. Leach, Secretary.
Statutory resident attorney for service
Commissioner of Insurance
W. A. Liston, Resident Agent, 484 Court
St., Salem, Oregon.
Synopsis of the Annual Statement of the
U. 8. Branch, Patriotic
Assurance Co., Ltd.
of Dublin, in the Kingdom of Great
Britain and Ireland, on the 31st day of
December, 1920, made to the Insurance
Commissioner of the State of Oregon,
pursuant to law:
Statutory deposit . $ 200,000.00
Net premluma received dur
ing the year $ 391,737.66
Interest,, dividends and rents
received during the year.. 28,147.64
Total income ., $ 419,885.30
Net losses paid during the
year including adjuatment
expenses '. .....$ 182,615.86
Commissions and salaries
paid during the year 104,287.77
Taxes, licenses and fees paid
during the year 25,044.78
Amount of all other, expendi
tures 39,095.08
Total expenditures $ 351,043.40
Value of stocks and bonds
owned (market value) ....$ 556,790.00
Cash in banks and on hand 167,626.85
Premiums in course of. col
lection written 'since Sep
tember 30, 1920 110,076.03
Reinsurance recoverable on
paid losses 3,681.97
Interest and rents due and
accrued 5,797.14
Total admitted assets $ 843,971.99
Gross claims for losses un
paid $ 60,385.00
Amount of unearned premi
ums on all outstanding
risks - 260,261.48
All other liabilities 14,364.67
Total liabilities, exclusive
of capital stock $ 335,011.15
Business in Oregon for the Year.
Net premiums received dur
ing the year $ 5,554.13
Losses paid during the year 70,68
Losses incurred during the
year 643.92
P. T. Kelsoy, U. S. Manager.
Statutory resident attorney for service
E. R. Thompson.
Tbielsen, Roland and Uurghardt, Resident
Agents, Sslem, Oregon,
Synopsis of the Annual Statement of th 1
Imperial Assurance Company
of New York, in the State of New York,
on the 3 1st day of December, 1920, made
to the Insurance Commissioner of the
State of Oregon, pursuant to law:
Amount of capital stock paid
up - f 500,000.00
Net premiums received dur
ing the year $1,042,108.16
Interest, dividends and rents
received during the year 77,799.03
Income' from other sources
received during the year 3,249.26
ft .
. Total Income .$1,133,150.44
Net losses paid during the'
year including adjustment
expenses .. ........ .-.........$ 369,641.59
Dividends paid on capital
stork during the year ...... 20,000,00
CommUtlons and salaries - .
paid during the year 355,434.93
Taxes, licenses and fees paid
during the year 70,698.83
Amount of all other expendi
tures 83,039.92
Total expenditures $ 899,415.27
Value of stocks and bonds
owned (market value) ....$1,800,751.75
Cash in banks and on hand 85,386.20
Premiums in course of col
lection written since Sep-
tomber 30, 1920 237,228.22
Interest and rents due and
accrued .. 20,167.37
Total admitted assets $2,143,533.00
Gross claims for losses un
paid .. $ 80,049.76
Amount of unearned premi
ums on all outstanding
risks 859,315.49
Due for commission and
brokerage 35,000.00
Total liabilities, exclusive
of capital stock $ 975,263.25
Business in Oregon for the Year.
Net premiums received dur
ing the year $ 17,108.20
Losses paid during the year 7,257,39
Losses Incurred during the
year 8,705.39
Pcrcival, Beresford, .President.
Howard Tcrhunc. Secretary.
Statutory resident attorney for service
R. M. Carr, Portland. Oregon.
Synopsis of the Annual Statement of the
Farmers' Fire Relief
of Butteville, In tho State of Orgeon, on
the 31st day of December, 1920, made to
the Insurance Commissioner, of the' State
of Oregon, purauant to law:
Net premiums received dur
ing the year - $ 8,720.08
Net assessments and expense
fees received during year . 20,977.70
Interest, dividends and rents
received during the year.. 1,014.60
Income from other sources
received during the year 63.04
Total Income $ 30,775.42
Net losses paid during the
year including adjustment 1
expenses $ 11,047.90
Commissions and salaries
paid during the year 6,665.17
Taxes, licenses and fees paid
during the year 85.50
Amount of all other expendi.
tures 1,234.01
Total expenditures $ 19,082.67.
Valuo of real estate owned
(market value) $ 600.00
Value of stocks and bonds
FOR RENT One furnished room. 116
West Third. . H
FOR RENT Sleeping . room. Cali
evenings, black 5592. 12
FOR RENT Three furnished sleep
ing rooms, ?5'each, per month, In-
quire at" 1116 Jackson.' 1-
FOR RENT Three room furnished
apartment. 400 West Third. Tele
phone main 3471. . 12
i'OR RENT Two room apartment.
Inquire 417 Alvprd street, at side
door. . ia
FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping
rooin, also two-room furnished
house, Inquire 111 West Second
street. 13
FOR RENT Clean, roomy apart
ments, furnished. Reasonable to
right parties. 700 Case street. Tele
phono red 3991. U
FOR RENT Ford light delivery vTltli
driver. Light hauling and baggage
tt-ansfer. Telephone black 4661 or
black 411. Frank Cullins. A21
FOR SALE Steel range. Inquire Jew
ell Greenhouses. 16
FOR SALE Two show cases. Inquire
306 Union street. I-4
KOR SALE Full blood White In
born henB. Telephone red 4241. 12
FOR SALE One gelding, 10 years
old, work single or double. J. F.
Austin, Telephone 29F3. 12
FOR SALE Two delivery wagons
and three single harness sets. Ap
ply Model Laundry. 12
'FOR ALE Strawberry plants, 50
cents a hundred. 215 West Eleventh.
Telephone red 6082. 13
FOR SALE Practically new Under
wood typewriter, latest model. Call
red 2211 or 203 East Second street.
FOR SALE One large Flemish doe,
seven New Zealand rabbits. Alan C.
Woolley. . 12
FOR SALE Dry oak wood; old cok.
111.60. Second growth, 112.50. Deliv
ered. Call 30F22, after 6 p. m. tf
FOR SALE 5-room modern house, 2
blocks from nostoffice. Terms if de
sired. W. R. .Webber, 120 East Sec
ond. 12
acres, 21 miles up Mill creek. Jame-H
O'Donnell, on river road, li mllei
from city. . I5
FOR SALE Five-room modern house
and lot, -with garage. Apply 819
' View street, or telephone red 1292.
owned (market value) .... 1,012.50
Cash In banks and on hand 4o,7G4.7
Interest and rents due and
accrued 562.45
Total admitted assets . $ 47,939.65
Business in Oregon for the Year.
Net premiums received dur
ing the, year $ 8,570.70
Losses .paid during the year' 10,840.27
Losses incurred during tho
car 10.84Q.27
.las. P.Toller, President.
L. L. Slopcr, Secretary.
Synopsis of the Annual Statement of
The Hop .Growers' Fire Relief
of Butteville, In the State. of Oregon, on
the 3lt day of December, 1920, made to
the Insurance Commissioner 'of the Stato
of Oregon, pursuant to law:
Ict premiums received dur
ing the year $ 3,523.64
Interest, dividends and rents
received during the year.. 1,571.27
Total Income $ 5,099.91
Net losses paid during the
year including adjustment
expenses $ 4,016.58
Commissions and salaries
paid during the year 443,40
Taxes, licenses and fees paid
during the year 62.15
Amount of all other expend!- .
tures 205.00
Total expenditures' '. $ 4,727.19
' Assets.
Valuo of real estate owned
(market value) $ 600.00
Value of stocks and bonds
owned (market value) .. 15,212.50
Cash In banks and on hand 20,335.97
Interest and rents due and
accrued 430.09
Total admitted assets $ 36,578.56
Business in Oregon for the Yesr.
Net premiums received dur
ing the year $ 3,528.64
Losses paid dprlng' the year 4,000.00
Losses incurred during the
year 4,000.00
John Murray, President.
L. L. Sloper, Secretary.
Brown's Dufur stage Time Table
Two round trlpB dally. LeaveBank
hotel, 9. a. m. and 4 p. m. Leave
Dufur 7:30 a. m. and 1 p. m. tf
FOR SAliE Used furniture, Hoosicr
cabinet, heating Btove, rocking
chairs and few other articles. Call
red 3811 or 200 West Fourth. 11
FOR SALE 1917 Chevrolet, starter,
speedometer, electric lights, five
tires and chains. Fair condition.
$180,00., See J. W. Perry, Umatilla
House. 12
FOR SAILd? Radio-Active Solar Pad,
.Best therapeutic means for relief
of rheumatism, poor circulation, etc.
Demonstration free, telephone red
3651. 12
FOR SALE -Large and small farm
and orchard tracts. Reasonable
prices, good tennis. W. C. Hanna,
Dufur, Ore. ' 18tf.
FOR SALE Rose comb brown lep
horn and rose comb White Wyan
dotte eggs for setting. S1.25 per
setting. Telephone red 4401. A:l
FOR . SALE4-HorserB; t have a'nraibor
of good horses for sale cheap.
Read's Feed store, cast end of Sec
' onct street, telephone black 5211.
FOP S A LE Ow'in g t o tlw glif Mtl !
ity nnd increasing demand for
Rhode Island Red batching eggs I
will hold my special pen together
I during April. All orders cared for
at $1.00 per 15, or $6 per hundred.
Fred Cyphers, R. F. 1). No, 3, tele
phono red 6362. M2
FOR SALE Modern house and 4
lots. Seven, rooms and bath, 2 ga
rages, small house with basement,
good outside cement cellar, 30 boar,
ing fruit trees, fine lot of boirios
and Mowers. Seven blocko from high
school. This Is a fine homo and can
be bought for 13750.00 on good
terms. Address B155, Chronicle. 16
FOR SALE Automobile: If you wunt
a light weight, sturdy car, good
puller, economical on gas and oil,
priced reasonable, ,see this: Listen,
new clutch lining, piston rings, bear
ings, brakes relined, new curtain
lights, new cord tires (good for
thousands of miles), a new 5-coat
paint job, 1921 license and insured
for one year. Ready to muke any
trip. Will demonstrate. Cush, terms
or trade. Call main 2611 for ap
pointment. Red 3701, from 12 to 1.
FOR SALE Tho Dufur Orchard com
pany proposes to sell approximately
2000 acres of its apple plantings at
Dufur, Oregon, The acreage offered
is fully planted te seven and eight
year old trees In prime condition,
hut the telling price will be based
on agricultural value only. This salo
la for financing purposes and tho
actual value as orchard property Is
ignored. The property will be sold
at wheat land value. Will cut in
, tracU of 80 acres and up. W. C.
Hanna, Dufur, Ore., authorliert
attt. 26t(
sssj ysfwaasH llBa mm H mm m smsssssjsssj ssja mmmmmmmmimmmmmmmmimimmmmmmmmmfmKmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmAm
Synopsis of the Annual Statement of the
Milwaukee Mechanics'
Insurance 'Company
of Milwaukee, In tho Stnto of Wis
consin, on tho 31st. day of December,
1920, made to the Insurance Commission
er of tho State of Oregon, pursuant to
Amount of capital stock paid
up $1,250,000.00
Net premiums received dur
ing the year f4, 438,278.57
Interest, dividends and rents
received during the' year 313,942,14
Income from other sources
received during tl.e year 6,558.01
Total Income $4,758,770.62
Net losses paid during the
year including adjustment
expense $1,926,642.20
Dividends paid on capital
stock during the year 187,500.00
Commissions and salaries
paid during the year 1,305,305.27
Taxes, licenses and fees paid
during tho year 248,015.71
Amount of all other expendi
-tures 192,734.24
Total expenditures $3,920,257.42
Value of real estate owned .
(market value) . $ 14,200.00
Value of stocks and bonds
owned (market valuo) .... 5,087,912.43
Loans on mortgages and col
lateral, etc. 1,249,560,00
Cash in banks and on hand 262,414,44
Premiums In course of col
lection written, since Sep
tember 30, 192.0 817,306.48
Interest and rents duo and
accrued 1 64,105.20
Recoverable for reinsurance
on paid losses 15,824.24
Total admitted assetB $7,511,472.88
Gross claims for losses un
paid : $ 401,002.05
Amount of unearned premi
ums on all outstanding
risks 4,132,180.47
All other liabilities . 223,018.77
Total liabilities, exclusive
of capital stock $4,847,101.20
Business in Oregon for the Yesr.
Net premiums received dur
ing the year $ 65,821.08
Losses paid during! the year 21,980.31
Losses incurred during the
year 21,004.42
CIibb. 11. Yunker, President.
R. H, Wieben, Secretary.
Statutory resident nttornoy for service
W. A. Liston, 484 Court St., Salem.
Oregon. f
WANTED Two-quart milk goat. W.
F. King, Prinevllle, Ore. 11
WAiNTED Pasture for four months
old calf. 215 West Eleventh. Phone
red 6082. 13
WANTED TO RENT 5 or 7 room
modern house. Phono red 6822, or
John H. Race, Llbby cannery. 13
WANTED Experienced snoe mak
er. Cut Rate shoo shop, 414 East
Second. 12
WANTED Calsomining and painting
by day or hour. Call mornings or
evenings. Red 3961. 14
WANTED Clean cotton rags at The
Chronicle office, five cents per
pound. . tf
WA'NTKI) Place to board my son
on farm, for rest of school Win.
Mention price of board. Mrs. Gcorgo
E. Porter, 801 East 32nd street,
Portland. 11
'LOST Chevrolet Jack, Dry Hollow
road. Call 34F2. 13
FOUND Key ring nnd fivo keys;
owner may claim by paying for ad
at Chronicle office. 11
FOR TRADE 30 acres furm lnnd, 50
acres timber, good spring, no build
ings, 11 miles northeast of Coition
dale. Trade for houso and lot in
The Dalles. J. Shipley, Cnry Hotfil.
FOR TRADE City residence prop
erty in Ulllsboro, 200x146 feet, sev.
en-room house, finished last full, 14
fruU troes, for good improved city
property in The Dulles, Call Sunset
Garage. 16
HEMSTITCHING PIcot edging. Mrs.
L. M. Iloothby, 308 Washington
litreot. Telephone main f581. tf
IAAV1N MOWING Yurd work, gar
dening, etc. Your patronage Is so
licited. L. A. Mathews, C02 West
Eighth street. Telephono red 3651.
ture and piano moving. Freight
hauled and general express busi
ness. Telephones: Stand, red 101;
residence black 1362. J, K. Henzle.
FURNISHED ROOMS of tho deair
able sort, are In active dotnund.
Many people have recently movod
perhaps going to houses or apart
ments where they have no space to
spare. Former furnished room ten
ants are looking once more for de
ulrablo quarterV. Have you anything
to offer them? Tell about It in n
Chronicle Want Ad.
Synopsis of the Annual Statement of the
Michigan Fire & Marine
Insurance Co.
of Detroit, In the State of Michigan, on
the 31st. day of December, 1020, made to
the Insurance Commissioner of the State
of Oregon, pursuant to law:
Capital. ,
Amount of capital stock paid
up $ 400,000.00
Net premiums received dur- . '
ing the year $1,420,025.01
Interest, dividends and rents
received during the year 05,734.05
Income from other sources
received during tho year 3,000.71
Total incomo $1,518,850.67
Net losses paid during the
year including adjustment
expenses $ 651,445.01
Dividends paid on capital , '
stock during the year.... 40,000.00
Commissions and salaries
paid during the year 448,814.15
Taxes, licenses and fees paid
during the year 68,613,31
Amount of all other expendi
tures 115,537.81
Total expenditures ..$1,324,411.18
Value of stocks and bonds
owned (market value) ....$1,218,640.00
Loans on mortgages and col
lateral, etc 070,870.58
Cash in banks and on hand 64,600.95
Premiums In course of col- ,
lection written since Sep
tember 30, 1920 347,012.39
Interest and rents due and
accrued 32,545.67
Other assets 100.00
Total admitted assets $2,342,769.50
Gross claims for losses un
paid $ 161,617.13
Amount of unearned premi
ums on all outstanding
risks 1,270.714.70
Due for commission and
brokerage 780.60
All other liabilities 42,075,55
Total liabilities, exclusive
of capital stock of
$400,000.00 $1,475,187.97
Business in Oregon for the Year.
Net premiums received dur-
Ing the year $ 11,055.68
Losses paid during the year 1,858.41
Losses Incurred during the
year 2,163.53
D. M. Kerry, Jr., President.
H. E. Everott, Secretary.
Statutory resident attorney for service
E. R. Thompson, Wilcox Uldg,,
Portland, Oregon,
PIANOS TCNiCD tnd repaired, ac
tion regulating and refinlshlng.
Player actions a specialty. Work
guaranteed. S. A. Dockstader, Cor-t-on
Music store, 320 Fast Second
street. Telephone main lrffll. tf
Taught by
Lessons by Appointment
Empress Theatre Pianist
Dressmaking, alterations, repairing.
2185 East Third street. . M6
Expert Piano Tuner
322 West SlxtL street. Residence
Phone mwn 4201. .
WMtte Ttnuclk Lime
Freight and express between The
Dalles and Wasco, Moro and all way
points. Leave The Dulles, 9 a. in.
dally except Sunday. Leavo Moro,
1:30 p. ni. Leavo Wasco, 2:30 p. 111.
D. M. Piorco, proprietor. Telephone
black 1642 or main 471. tf
Latest ballroom and
Children's dunces.
IIX HastThltd Main 3051. A14
General reul estate, Insurance, and
loans, 100J East Second street. Tele
phono main 1571. 2Ktf
Whitney Repair Shop
709 East Second St.
Burget-Mogan Co
Funeral Directors
Phonos Main 2891. Night Black
401, Main 6291