y PACE SIX Synopsis of tlio Annual Statement of the Pacific States Fire Insurance Company of Portland, in tlio State of Oregon, on tlio 31st flay of December, 1920, made to the Insurance Commissioner of the State of Oregon, pursuant to law: , Capital. Amount of capital Mock paid ,ip $ 299,510.00 Income. , Net premiums received dur ing the year $ 300,703.32 Interest, dividends and rents received during the year 44,920,29 Income from other sources received during the year.. 0,744.77 Total Income $ 3.18,374.38 Disbursements. Net losses paid during the year including adjustment expenses $ 117,873.30 DivldcndH paid on capital Mock during the year 18,000.00 Commissions and salaries paid during the year 03,893.00 Taxes, licensed and fees paid during the year 13,581.98 Amount of all other expendi tures 30.10t.lt Total expenditures $ 282,450.05 Assets. Value of real estate owned , (market value) $ 201,870.82 Value of stocks and bonds owned (market value) . . 501,851.95 Loans en mortgages and col lateral, etc 04,552.89 Cash in banks anil on hand 43,033.90 Premiums in course of col- lection written since Sep tember 30, 1920 94,780.59 Interest and rents due and arcrued ... 12,317.92 Other admitted assets 11,280.00 Total admitted assets ....$1. 080,303.13 Llaballtles. Oross claims for losses un paid $ 28,282.11 Amount of unearned premi ums on alt outstanding risks .. 235,000.08 Mortgages on real estate 130,000.00, All other liabilities 17,898.51 Reserve, for federal, state or other taxes, ' .. 5,000.00 Total liabilities, exclusive of capital stock $ 447,147.00 Business in Oregon for the Year. Net premiums received dur ing the yi-ar $ 159,125.19 Losses paid during the year 41,203,80 Losses incurred during the year . .. 53,828.90 PACIFIC HTATKS FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY A. Ii. Averlll, President. T. II. Williams, Secretary. Blalulory resident attorney for service A. O. Barber, Insurance Commissioner. Minnesota Implement Mutual Fire Insurance Company of Owatonnn, in the Statu of Minnesota, on the 31st day of December, 1920, madu to tile Insurance Commissioner of the State of Oregon, pursuant to law: Income. Net premiums received dur- Ing the year $1, 347,855. 18 Interest, dividends and rents received during the year 35,350,18 Income from other sources received during the year 75,059.02 Total Income $1,158,870.08 Disbursements. Net losses paid during- the year including adjustment expenses $ 369,581.10 Dividends paid policyholders during the year 378,418,00 Commissions and salaries paid during the year 231,078,85 Taxes, licenses and fees paid during the year , 30,172.74 Amount of all other expendi tures 06,431.70 Total expenditures $1,000,282,39 Assets. Value of . real estate owned (market value) $ 12,000,00 Value of stocks and bonds owned (market value) 115,030.00 Loans on mortgages and col lateral, etc 77.ri,.r)O0.OO Cash in hanks and on hand 100,519,00 Premiums III course of col lection written since Sep tember 30, 1020 215,742.87 Interest and rents due and accrued 25,077.70 Total admitted assets $1,250,470,20 Liabilities. dross claims for losses un paid :p .00,511,00 Amount of unearned premi ums on all outstanding risks 710,050.83 Due for rnmuilssUu and biokernge 4,000,00 All other liabilities . 80,87,1.24 Total liabilities, exclusive of surplus $3 19,139.53 .$ 901,330.7:1 , Buslnoss in Oregon for tlio Year Net premium.; received dur ing the year $ 17,000.25 Losses paid during the jenr 4,050.17 Losses incurred during the year .. -t,rH7 74 MINNESOTA IMlM,i:.ti:.T MUTUAL FlllE INSURANCE COMPANY V. .1. Lake, Centre City, Minnesota, President. O. I. Buxton, Owiitonua, Minnesota, Secretary. Statutory resident attorney for service P. I. Flnlcy, 810 Hoard of Trade llldg., Portland, Oregon, t Synopsis of the' Annual Statement of Tlio American Druggists' Fire Ins, Co. of Cincinnati, in the Stale of Ohio, on the 31st day of December, IU20 made to the Insurance Commissioner of the Slate of Oregon, piiisiiaut In law: Capital, Amount of capital stock puld "I" .$ 300.000.00 Income, Net premiums received dur- Ing the year . $ 258,1108,73 Interest, dividends and rents rccelud during the jcar 311,837.0.1 Income from other soutces received during the )ear. 11,810,70 Total iniouie . . $ 2011,317.0(1 Disbursements, Net losket paid during the year including adjustment cxj.ciues f 88,500.00 Dividends paid on capital stock dililng'the cur 20,000.00 CouimUstons and salaries paid during Hie year ... 55,110.30 I e, licenses ifud fee. paid during the year . . .. 12,107.80 Amount of all other expend!- ure 19,080.119 .Total expenditures ASHHtK. $ 225,558.75 Reinsurance due from Mer chants rite Assurance ( orp n on loss . : Value of real estate owned (market value) Vuliio of stocks and bonds owned (market value) Cash in luniks and on linud Piemlmiik in course of col lection written since Sep tember 30. 1020 , . Interest am) leuls due and neeried 42.10 40,785.10 700,281.03 12,190.11 32,550.2 1 4,001.71 'I'otul admitted astets .$ 700 737 "5 LIbUtU). Uiuss claims fur lotses un- . i'M, 2 7,560.27 Amount of unearned premi um mi ull outstanding fl"k ... 130,710.00 Other liabilities . 24jl)4l.0a Total liabilities, exclusive ' of 'plUl stork . ,$ 100,120 3'.' Business in Oregon for the Year, Nel premiums recehed dur- In the yesr ... $ 8,375.83 Losses paid during the )ar 28.37 Losses inclined during die y'r Ul.tiT TIIK AM Kit I CAN DRUOHISTS' HKK INS. CO. Chas. II. Avery, President. Frank l(, V'rerrlcks, Hecrelary. ttlatutorv resident attorney for service P. W, Wilson, Synopsis of Mic Annual Statement of the Northwestern Mutual Fire Association of Seattle, in the State of Washington, on the 31st day of December, 1920, mado to the Insurance Commissioner of the State of Oregon, pursuant to law: Income, Net premiums received dur ing the year $2,149,317.48 Interest, dividends and rents received during the year 31,059.72 Income from oHier sources received during the year.. 47,503.88 Total Income $2,231,511.08 ' Disbursements. Net losses paid during the. year including adjustment expenses $ 538,321.01 Dividends paid policy hold ers during the year 519,308.00 Commissions and salaries paid (luring the year . .. 409,541.40 Taxes, licenses and fees paid during the year 25,607.51 Amount of all other expendi tures 241,920.50 Total expenditures ... $1,735,452.20 Assets. Value of real estate owned (market value) $ Value of stocks and bonds owned (market value) Loans un mortgages und col lateral, etc Cash in hanks and on hand Premiums in course ofeol lection written since ip- 097.83 ,747.30 050.00 022.75 581.81 993 39, 248, tembor 30, 1020 452, interest anil rents uuo and accrued Due from reinsuring com panies for losses paid 17, 340.08 587.03 Total admitted assets ....$1,703,434.33 Llaballtles. Oross claims for losses un paid $ 40,783.99 Amount of unearned premi ums on all outstanding risks 1,030,092.90 Due for commission and brokdrago 18,711.94 All other liabilities 151,589.43 Total liabilities, exclusive of capital stock . . $1,250,778.26 Business in Oregon for the Year. Net premiums received dur ing the year $ 100,005.17 Losses paid during the year 40,089.44 Losses incurred during the year 39,892.24 NORTHWESTERN MUTUAL FIRE ASSOCIATION P. ,T. Martin, President. M. D. L. Rhodes, Secretary. Statutorv resident attorney for service V. I. Flnley. Svnopsls of the Annual Statement of the Fidelity Phenix Fire Insurance Company of New York, In the State of New York, on thn 31st day of December, 1920, made to the Insurance Commissioner of the State of Oregon, pursuant to law: Capital. Amount of capital stock paid , up $2,500,000,00 Incomo. Net premiums received dur- Ing the year .$17,041, 181.51 Interest, dividends and rsuits received during the year 1,374,122,55 Income from other sources received during the year 509,411,88 Total Income $18,985,015,04 Disbursements. Net losses paid during thn year including adjustment expenses ....$7,021,307.39 Dividends paid on capital stock during the year .. .. 750,000.00 Commissions and salaries ' paid during tho year 5,320,092.84 laxeh, licenses -and fees puid . during tho year 408,979.80 Amount of all other expendi tures 3,345,189.73 Total expenditures .. ..'...$10,849,529.70 Value of stocks and bonds owned (market value) . ..22,595,010,50 Loans on mortgages and col lateral, etc 489,231.10 Cash in banks and on liund 2,275,0 I8I99 Premiums in course of col lection written sinco Sep- tember 30, 1020 2,340,004.01 Interest and rents duo and , accrued 120,803.47 Amount recoverable for re insurance on paid losses 29,053.32 Total oifmlttcd assets ..$27,803,408,38 Llaballtles. Oross claims for losses tin- , !ht . .. . ... J $1,038,882.22 Amount of unearned premi ums on nil outstanding risks 10,757,533.00 Due for commission und brokerage . . .... 01,721,35 All other liabilities 89l)jl22!oj Total liabilities, exclusive of capital solck of $2,- v500.0lltl.00 $19,077,200.18 Business lu Orogon for the Year. Net premiums received dur- ing the year .$ 81,010,03 Losses paid during the vear 2 1,310.11 Losses Incurred during the Vt"r 20 099 03 I'IDELITYPIIEXIX Finn INS, CO. OF N, Y. ' O. It. Street. President. F.rncHt Sturm, Secretary. Statutorv resident attorney for 'service I' . . D. Hangs, Sjnopsls of the Annual Statement of the Oregon Life Insurance Company of Portland, in the 'State of Oregon, on the !Ut dav of December, 1020, made Jo the lnsmnncK Commissioner of the State of Oregon, pursuant to law: Capital. Amount of capital stock paid 'l $ 100,000.00 Income, total premium Income for , l'1" nr $ 708,238.07 Interest, dividends and rents received during the ear 115,025.02 Income fiom other sources received during tho year 1,819.15 Total Income . . . ; 885,083. 1 1 Disbursements, ' Paid for losses, endowments, annuities and surrender . ,v,v"!1,, $ 00,531.03 Dividends nald to olieyhold- eis during the year . .. 21,072.14 Dividends paid on capital stock during the year 7,000.00 Commissions nnd salaries . paid during the year-.... 171.700.09 loxek. licenses snd fees paid during the year . . . 0,150.09 Amount of ull other expend!- '"res . . . 09.010.77 Total expenditures ... .J 311,537 02 ... , , Assets, uliie of re.il estate owned (market xalue) $ 10,0000 atuo of stocks and bonds owned t market or amor- tiled value) 1,102,813.81 l.oaijs on mortgage and col- ' tersl, etc. 702,878.89 Premium notes and policy loans 3in.079.0t Cash In banks and on hand 27.830 08 Ni l uncollected and deferred premiums . .. 47,053,59 ImeicM nnd rents due and accrued 30,000.83 Other uxkets (net) , 1,553.71 Total admitted assets . $3,033,370.84 Liabilities. tn Ti",,ru', ... . .J2.270.748.00 Alt other liabilities 45,131.11 Total liabilities, exclusive of capital stock 3,32l, 880.10 Buslneii lu Oregon for the Year, tiros premiums received during the year ... V08.238.07 Premiums and dividends re turned during the year . 31,073 14 l.ossrs paid during the ysr (10,531.03 OREGON LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY A. L. Mills. President. Sanford Smith, Secretary. Statutory resident attorney for service Oregon Life losuraucc Company. THE DALLES DAILY CHRONIC'-., Trr- - Synopsis of the Annual Statement of the Niagara Fire Insurance. Company of New York, in the State of New York, on the 31st day of December, 1920, made to the Insuranco Commissioner of the State of Oregon, pursuant to law: Capital. Amount of capital stock paid up - : $2,000,000.00 Income, Net premiums received dur ing the year $10,008,279,80 Interest, dividends and rents received during the year 019,852.07 Income from othfer sources received during the year.. 24,456.20 Total income $10,712,588.13 Disbursements. Net losses paid during tho year including adjustment , expenses ..: $4,184,027.13 Dividends paid on capital stock during the year . ... 250,000.00 Commissions and salaries paid during the year 2,084,770.17 Taxes, licenses and fees paid . during tlio year 326,910.80 Amount of all other expendi tures 017,473.04 Total expenditures $8,303t81.14 Assets. Losses and loss expenses rc- coverable on paid losses 140,326.45 Value of stocks and bonds owned (market valuo) ..12,150,261.00 Loans on mortgages and col lateral, etc 90,000.00 Cash In banks nnd on hand.. 1,123,419.25 Premiums in course of col lection written since Sep tember 30, 1920 1,585,363.98 Interest and rents due and accrued 02,470.14 Hills receivable 5,045,98 Total admitted assets .. .$15,192,886.90 Liabilities. Gross claims for losses un paid $1,219,919.00 Amount of unearned premi ums on all outstanding risks .'. 7,677,533.70 All other liabilities 537,200.00 Total liabilities, exclusive of rmital stock $9,434,052.70 Bui.'ness in Oregon for tho Year Net premiums received do ing th- ye.ir $ 90,022.85 Losses p.x'd durinr the y-ir 21,714.31 Losses f i'urrcd during tho year 21,304.51 NIAGARA FIRH INSURANCE COMPANY Otha E. Lane, President. Chas. A. Lung, Secretary. Statutory resident attorney for -sorvlcc II. W. Randall, Portland, Oregon. Synopsis of tho Annual Statement of the Home Life Insurance Company of New York, in the Stato of New York, on the 31st day of December, 192Qt made to the Insurance Commissioner of tho State of Oregon, pursunnt to law: Income. Total premium income for the year $0,094,401.76 Interest, dividends and'rents received during the year 1,949,612.95 Income from other sources received during the year 274,108.05 Total income $8,918,242.70 Disbursements.. Paid for losses, endowments, annuities and surrender values $3,002,170.24 Dividends paid to policyhold ers during the year 053,958.54 Commissions and salaries paid during the year 1,234,000.59 Taxes, licenses nnd fees paid during the year 165,521.98 Amount of 'all other expendi tures 579,777.02 Total expenditures $0,295,497.37 Assets, Value of ,renl estate owned (market value) .....$1,500,000.00 nine of stocks nnd bonds owned (market or amor- tized value) 23,004,916.00 Loans on mortgages and col- lateral, etc 7,592,805.00 Premium notes and policy 'nuns . ' 0,830,004.75 Cash in banks and on hand 302,898,00 Net uncollected and deforred premiums 823,280.19 Interest and rents due and accrued 3 10,230.79 Other assets (net) 4,473.21- Total admitted assets ...$10,405,508.30 Liabilities. Net reserves $38,450,740.00 Oroxs clam's and losses un paid .... 244 711 42 Dividends apportioned to ' annual dividend policy holders during 1021 500,000.00, All other liabilities includ ing $0 17,757.33 surplus.... 1,270,050.88 Total liabilities, exclusive of capital stock ...$10,105,508.30 Business In Oregon for the Year, OrosB premiums received during the year nnd prem ium abatements not col lected $ 4,011.9(1 Dividends .returned during tho year 420 OS Losses paid during the year 50o!oi. HOME LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY William A. Marshall, President. N illiam S. Oaylord, Secretary. Matntnry resident attorney for service I ion A. C. Barber, Insurance Com missioner. Synopsis of the Annual Statement of tho Detroit Fire & Marine . Insurance Company of Detroit, in the State of Michigan, on tho 3lst day of December, 1920, mado to the Insurance Commissioner of the State of Oregon,, pursuant to law: Capital. Amount of capital stock paid l ' $ 500,000,00 Incomo. Net premiums received dur- ing the year $1,300,311,80 Interest, dividends and rents received during the year 137,140,10 Income from other sources received during tho year 8,200.98 Total Income $1,511,754,97 Disbursements. Net losses paid during the year Including adjustment I'M"'"?1' , $ 001,901,79 Dividends paid on capital stock during the year . ... 70,000,00 t ommlsslons and salaries paid during the year . . 409,074.58 luxes, licenses nnd fees paid during the year f . 30,089.08 Amount of all other expendi ture 82,154,06 Total expenditures . .fl, 203, 120.11 Assets. aluo of real estate owiwd (market value) $ 140,603.25 slue of stocks and bonds owned, (market value . 11 1,323.28 Loans on mortgages and col lateral, etc 883,512 20 Cash In banks and on hand 110.910.05 Premiums in course of col lection written since Sep tember 30, 1030 243,285.00 Interest and rent due and accrued 31,2 12. 04 Total admitted assets $3,204,973.08 Gross claims for lusse un paid $ 149,732.02 Amount of unearned premi um on all outstanding , rlV 1,280,035.38 Due for commission and brokerage 10.000,00 All other llabllltiei . . 30,000.00 ' Total llanllitlea. exeluilv'e " of capital atock of $501V ' 000,00 1.40fl.657,31 Builimi in Ot?on for th Year Net premium received dur- Ing the year 10,370.40 Losses paid during, the year 860,08 I, ones Incurred during the yi-ar 1.137.08 DrrruoiT kihk a marine ins, co K. II. Holler. President. Cl-ss , ReeVIo, Se-rtr.rv. Ftf ( - ..,.... .Vvi.. Uasrrj Y. l5-uii.il, Po.lUnd, Orejou- MONDAY, APRIL 11, 1921. fojuwifl ui me jimiuai oiaieinem ui uiu r A 1 m m 1, QnnH.l. - . 1 , f 1 J . 1 . . national uasuaiiy uompany of Detroit, In the State of Michigan, on the 31st day of December, 1920, made to the Insurance Commissioner of the State of Oregon, pursuant to law: Capital. Amount of capital stock paid up $ 200,000.00 Incomo. Net premiums received dur ing tho year , $ 890,081.18 ' Interest, dividends and rents received during the year 1C.G40.97 Income from other sources received during the year.. 29,552.87 Total Income .'. $942,881.02 Disbursements. Net losses paid during the , , year including adjustment expenses $ 310,782.98 Dividends paid on capital stock during the year 10,000.00 Co'mmissious and salaries paid during the Tear 391,904.72 Taxes, licenses nnd fees paid during the year 30,201.48 Amount of all other expendi tures 120,403.51 Total expenditures $ 899,352.09 Assets. Value of stocks and bonds . owned (market value) ....$ 321,658.59 Loans on mortgages and col- lateral, etc ;.. 45,250.00 Cash In banks and on hand 65,832.72 Premiums in course of col- . lection written since Sep- tember 30, 1920 r.. 11,805.00 Interest und rents due and accrued , 5,941,14 Other assets 2,150,44 Total admitted assets $ 452,097.89 Llabllltiei. Gross claims for losses un paid , $ 18,991.37 Amount of unearned premi ums on all outstanding risks 83,244.44 Due for commission and brokerage 2,200.00 All other liabilities, taxes and fees 16,700.00 Total liabilities, exclusive of captlal stock $ 121,185.81 Business In Oregon for the Year Net premiums received dur ing the vear ? 0,100.22 Losses paid during the jear 2,530.26 Losses incurred during the year 2,580.26 NATIONAL CASUALTY COMPANY W. G. Curtis, President. E. A. Orant, Secretary. Statutory resident attorney for service E. P. Bristow, Portland,- Oregon. Synopsis of the Annual Statement of the American Automobile Insurance Company of St. Louis, in the State of Missouri, on tho 31st day of December, 1920, made to the Insurance Commissioner of the State of Oregon, pursuant to law: Capital. Amount of capital stock paid up .$ 300,000.00 Income. Net premiums recolved dur- the. year $2,918,535.29 Interest, dividends and rents received during the year 70,090.95 Income from other sources ' received during the year 22G.C54.04 Disbursements. Total incomo $3,221,280.28 Net losses paid during the year including adjustment expenses $1,807,479.94 Dividends paid on capital stock during the year, 12,000.00 Commissions and salaries paid during tho yeur 824,322.25 Tuxes, licenses nnd fees paid difring the year 93,475.83 Amount of all other expendi tures 105,120.16 Total expenditures $2,842,308.18 Assets. Value of stocks nnd bonds owned (market value) -....$1,755,690.00 Cosh in banks and on hand 207,370.95 Premiums in course of col lection written since Sep tember 30, 192.0 015,302.80 Interest and rents due and accrued 21,048.10 Other admitted assets 150,079.50 Total admitted assets $2,815,551.47 Liabilities. Gross claims for losses un paid $ 742,054.04 Amount of unearned premi ums 011 ull outstanding risks 1,257,446.08 Due for commission and brokerage 184,762,10 All other liabilities, 60,000.00 Total liabilities, exclusive . 1 of capital stock $2,244,203.22 Buslnoss in Oregon for the Year Net premiums received dur- ing the year $ 32,425.80 Losses paid during tho year 15,593.15 AMERICAN AUTOMOBILE. INSURANCE COMPANY Chas. W. Disbrow, President. P. R. Ryan, Secretary. Statutory resident attorney for service Harrison Allen. Synopsis of the Annual Statement of the Equitable Life Insurance Company of Dcs Moines, in tho State of Iowa, on the 31st day of December, 1920, made to the Insurance Commissioner of the State of Oregon, pursuant to law: Capital. Amount of cnpltal stock paid ' up $ 500,000.00 Income. Total premium incomo for the year , $7,904,052.12 Interest, dividends mid rents received during the year.. 1,580,850.20 Income from other sources received during the year.. 00,309.00 Total income .:. $9,011,301.98 Disbursements. Paid for losses, endowments, annuities and surrender values $2,013',207.23 Dividends paid to policyhold ers during tho year 708,705.80 Dividends paid on capital atock during the year . ... 31,500.00 Commissions and salaries paid during the year 1,697,715.50 Taxes. licenses and fees paid during the year 187,798,85 Amount of all other expendi tures 485,715.47 Total expenditure $5,121,702.85 Asset. Value of real estate owned (market value) $ 800,000,00 Value of stock nnd bond owned (market or amor Hied value) 2,737,110.75 Loans on mortgages and col lateral, etc 25,421,070.49 Premium notes and policy loans 3,004,713.38 Cash in bank and on hand 214,313.60 Net uncollected and deferred premiums 655,349.30 Interest aud rents due and accrued , j865,357.54 Otherasset (net) 11,819.50 1 Total admitted assets ....133,076,094.26 Liabilities. Net reserves $29,679,440.00 Gross claim for loases un paid 123,096.30 All other liabilities ... 3,373,551.90 Total liabilities, exclusive of capital stork of 500.000 ,.. 33,176.094.S Business la Oregon for tta Tear. Gross premium received during the year ... 96,290.87 Premium and dividends re- turosst during the year. 6,033.54 Losses paid during the year 7,500.00 EQUITABLE LIVE INSURANCE COMPANY OF IOWA r. C. HubblU Pmistoat. , B, V. Hadlev, Secretary. ' Rial it I ap Aaltt-tnt BllArnwr r .rwm - T J. llmJcr. Synopsis of the Annual Statement of the Synopsis of the Annual Statement of the Security Life Insurance ' Company of America, in the State of Virginia, on the 31st day of December, 1920, made to the Insurance Commissioner of tho State of Oregon, .urtmant to law: Amount of capital stock paid up $ 220,000.00 Income. Total premium income for the year $1,068,024.68 Interest) dividends and rents received during the .year.. 174,451.83 Income from other sources received during the year.. 18,031.83 Total income ....$1,260,508.34 Disbursements. Paid for losses, endowments, annuities and surrender .values $ 524,743.25 Guaranteed reductions paid to" policyholders during tho year 85.29 Commissions and salaries paid during the year 390,154.28 Taxes, licenses and fees paid during the year 19,524.83 Amount of all other expendi tures 134,304.51 Total expenditures $1,074,812.10 Assets, Value of real estate owned (market aralue) $ 12,000.00 Vniuo of bonds owned (mar ket value) .-. 1,313,043.04 Loans on mortgages and col lateral, etc 1,403,772.08 Premium .notes and policy loans k , 890,171.78 Cash in banks and on hand 71,031.28 Net uncollected and deferred premiums 86,805.80 Interest and rents due and accrued , 62,292.23 Other assets (net) 27,579.08 . Total admitted assets ....$3,920,695.89 Liabilities. Net reserves ....$3,427,189.00 Gross claims for losses un paid 57,954.56 All other liabilities 111,409.88 - Contingency reserve 6,000.00 Total liabilities, exclusive , of capital stock- of $220,000.00 and sur- Sins $104,142.45 $3,602,553.44 usiness in Oregon for the Year. ' Gross premiums received during the .yeir $ 32,109.67 Losses paid during the year 5,500.00 SECURITY LIFE INSURANCE OF AMERICA O. W. Johnson, President. J. Chas. Seitz, Secretary. Statutory resident nttorney for service C. II. Weston, Portland, Oregon. Synopsis of the Annunl" Statement of the Richmond Insurance Co. of N. Y. of West New Brighton, in the State of New York, on the 31st day of December, 1920, made to the Iusurnnco Commission er of the State of Oregon, pursuant to. law: . . Capital. Amount of capital stock paid , Up $ 200,000.00 Income. Net premiums received dur ing the year $ 990,721.12 Interest, dividends nnd rents received during the year 03,360.43 Income from other, .sources received during the year 275.13 Total Income $1,054,302.68 Disbursements. Net losses paid during the year including adjustment expenses $ 431,098.77 Dividends paid on capital stock during the year .. 20,000.00 Commissions and salaries paid during the year 335,90,. 03 Taxes, licenses and fees paid during the year 52,957.78 Amount of all other expendi tures 30,166.71 Total expenditures $ 873,790.89 , Assets. Value of real estate owned (market value) $ 3,500.00 Value of stocks and bonds owned (market value) .... 1,047,170.88 Loans sn mortgages and col lateral, etc 217.750.00 Cosh in banks and on hand 155.31j.70 Premiums In course of col lection written since Sep tember 30, 1020 113,017.38 Interest and rents due nnd accrued 7,089.32 Total admitted assets $1,544,443.28 Liabilities. Gross claims for losses un paid $ 180,728,22 Ar'ount of unearned premi ums on all outstanding risks 6C8'"2-Si All other liabilities 28,500.00 Total liabilities, exclusive of capital stoclP $ 883,800.83 Business in Oregon for the Year Not premiums received dur- ing the year $ 12,180.00 Losses paid during the year 7,097.04 Losses incurred during the. . year . 7.910.29 RICHMOND INSURANCE CO. OF N. Y. J, F, Smith. President. David O. Wakeman, Secretary. Statutory resident nttorney for service Frank E. Dooley. ' Svnopsis of tho Annual Statement of The Metropolitan Casualty Insurance Cp. of N. Y. of New York, in the State of New York, on the 31st day of December, 1920, made to the Insurance Commissioner of the State of Oregon, pursuant to law: Capital. , Amount of capitul stock paid up $ yio.ooo.oo Income. Net premiums received dur ing the yenr $1,522,431.16 Interest, 'dividends and rents received during the year.. 3t.384.93 Income from other sources received during the year 15.62 Total incomo ' $1,556,831.71 pisbursements. Net losses paid during the year including adjustment expenses $ 815,875.18 Dividends paid on capital stock during the year 10,000.00 Commissions and Salaries paid during the year 581,766.40 Taxes, licenses and fees paid during the yenr 43,284.86 Amount of all other expendi ture 58,141.36 Total expenditures $1,509,007.80 Assets. Value of stocks and bonds owned (market value) 071,972.50 Cash in banks and on hand.. 80,013.30 Premium in course of col lection written since Sep tember 30, 1920 ... 337,619.90 Interest and rents due and accrued - 6,855,67 Other aet U3.50 Total admitted aset $1,097,203.77 LlaMsltlts. Gross claims for lottes un paid $ . 46,377.64 Amount of unearned premi um on all outstanding riska . 721.375.83 Due for rommUalon and brokerage 105,732.71 All other llabllltiei ...r...' 31,305.10 Total liabilities, exclusive of capital atock -.. 894,691.38 Buinisi U Ortfta for th Tiar Net premiums received 4ur- 4ng the year , - 3,783.95 Loss patd during the year 1,776.48 Loaaea incurred during thi Tar . 5.030.65 THE METROPOLITAN OA8UAI.TY INSURANCE CO. OF Jf, V. Eugene-N. Window, President. H. Whi. Burton. 8ertary. . Rlstotorv resident Mn or fr service T. B. JIannrr. IV.-tliu !, Oreca. Synopsis of the Annual Statement of-the . American Alliance Insurance Company of New York City, In the State of New Yorkf on the 31st days of December," 1920, made to the Insurance Commis sioner of the State of Oregon, pursuant to law: - ' Capital. . Amount of capital stock paid up $1,000,000.00 Income. Net premiums received dur ing the year $1,404,000.71 Interest, dividends and rents received during the year 175,335.58 Income from other sources received during tho year 3,708.87 Total income $1,073,011.16 Disbursements. Net losses paid during the year including adjustment expenses $ 604,210.10 Dividends paid on capital stock during the year 200,000.00 Commissions and salaries paid during the year 473,560.70 Taxes, licenses and fees paid. during the year 83,070.24 Amount of all other expend!- tures 157,707.08 Total expenditures $1,519,148.12 Assets. Value of stocks nnd bonds owned (market vauc) 3,170,042.00 Cash in banks and on 'hand 99,021.30 Premiums In course of col lection written 3inco Sep tember 30, 1920 155,421.85 Interest and rents due and accrued 31,692.00 Total admitted assets $3,456,177.15 Liabilities. Gross claims for losses un paid . $ 106,734.00 Amount of unearned premi ums on all outstanding risks 1,284,895.07 AIL other liabilities 45,000.00 Total llabiities, exclusive of capital stock of $1,- 000. 000.00 $1,496,629.67 Business in Ore;on for the Year Net premiums received dur ing the year $ 14,330.24 Losses paid durin? tho year 3,691.68 Losses incurred during the yesr 3,148.68 AMERICAN ALLIANCE INSURANCE . CO. Charles O. Smith, President. Edward M. Cragln nnd Alex ander R. Phillips, Secretary. Statutory resident attorney for service 1. S. Watson. j Synopsis of the Annual Statement of the American Central Life Insurance Company of Indianapolis, in the State of Indiana, on the 31st day of December, 1920, made to the Insurance Commissioner of the State of Oregon, pursunnt to law: . Capital. ' Amount of capital stock paid up $ 137,000.00 Income. Total premium income for the yenr $2,194,808.82 Interest, dividends and rents received during the year 464,840,42 Income from other sources received during the year 77,602.13 Total incomo $2,737,250.87 Disbursements. Paid for losses, endowments, annuities and surrender' values r $ 719,492.84' Dividends paid to policyhold ers during the year 40,809.88 Dividends paid on capital stock during the year .. 10,960.00 Commissions and salaries paid during the year 857,680.54 Taxes, licenses and fees paid during the year 37,191.99 Amount ot all other expendi tures 281.300.fc3 Total expenditures .. Assets. $1,947,442.08 $ 500,477.83 Value of real estato owned (market value) Value of stocks and bonds owned (market or amor tized value) Loans on mortgages and col lateral, etc Premium notes and policy loans .. Cash in banks and on hand Net uncollected nnd deforred premiums Interest nnd rents duo 'and accrued Other uss'ets (net) 948,650.00 4,509,857.50 Hk78,450.80 139,793.00 197,487.58 125,183.30 25,895.15 Total admitted assets $7,074,004.92 Liabilities. Net resorves $7,004,744.32 Gross, claims for losses un paid 29,455.05 All other liabilities 280,450.08 Total liabilities, exclusive"1 of capital, stock of $137,000.00 -...$7,314,050,65 Business in Oregon for the Year. Oross premiums received during the year , $ 68,813,42 Losses nald d'iring Mm vear 1 520,20 AMERICAN CENTRAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Herbert M. Woollen, President. Edward A. Mever, Secretary. Statuorv resident attorney for service Judd Lowrey, Portland. Synopsis of the Annual Statement of the , Union Mutual Life Insurance Company of Portland. In the State of Maine, on the 31st day of December, 1920, made to the Insurance Commissioner of the State of Oregon, pursuant to law: Income, . Total premium income for the year $2,480,390.99 Interest, dividends and rents received during the year 913,957,68 Income from other sources received during the year 51,493,77 Total income $3,115,842.44 Disbursements, Paid for losses, endowments, annuities and "surrender . values $2,355,866.83 Dividend paid to pol icy hold- , era during the year 382,616.60 Commissions and salaries paid during the year 337,675,24 Taxes, licenses and fees paid during the year . ' 65,981,03 Amount ot all other expend!- tures 480,183.33 Total expenditures $3,522,323.13 Assets. Value of real estate owned (market value) $ 516,168.95 alue of stock and bonds owned (market or amor tised value) 14,262,273.77 Loans on mortgages and col- lateral, etc 831,218.16 Premium note and policy loan ., 3,922 170 22 Paah' in hank and on hand 145,'800,'37 .Net uncollected and deferred premium .....v........ 307,917.15 Interest and rent due and accrued . .... 232,814.95 Other assets (net) ..- 7,121.58 Total admitted asset .;..fl9,125,55.15 Net reserve ... ' 17,938,f69.00 Uro claims for Ioiim un paid . . ..,..... on, 487.70 All other liabilities ,........ 337,533 85 Burplui . 638,375:54 Total liabilities, exeluilve- of capital atock ......19,125.545.15 BntlniH 1b Ongon for Ui Year. Gross premiums received during b yer ..... $ 46,377.40 Premlaasa and divideadi re turned during the year ... 6.533.08 Losses paid during the year 33.728.33 UNION MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE Arthur L. Batea, President. . 8yWan B. Phlllipi, Secretary. Statutorv resident attorney for ervlcv T. H. McAllU, Portland. Oregon.