The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 11, 1921, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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THE DAILY CHRONICLE 10 iro,lllce soniothhifj. Year after who operated the plantation, paid the have formally set about securing a 1 gers on the local which arrived today
year you were forced to sen at iow ( lines 01 negroes, who, unable to pay, new trial, will no doubt go to the noon
pSXhcd "Every Evening Except sundry Pce because speculators Influenced 'were rotting in Jail. He took them 'penitentiary to spend his natural life.
t.y the Chronlclo Publishing company Inc the market. Then when you had let -home and worked them and held them 1 At times he may reflect that his fault
: : : . i.. ti . i
Hen K. Utfln ... General Manager go, tne wins tor wmim you rwoiw ln bondage. . i8 that he was born too late, tlwt
AlVIti I j llllfKlttl h:H If ..... ' i
- very "ttle took on great value. Alter- Then when the federal officials in- ' the ace which he could hnvo nttP,i
tercd ln Tho Dalles postofflco aa ,..hllr, vonM wake un and say. if ..... u .., ....
id class matter. " enusmsu vum-geti 01 mistreatment or ' into, nas passed away,
negroes and certain of
Mrs. Hilton and daughter, Florence,
returned from Portland last evening.
money is to be made in the markot-
United Press and United News Service jnB end and if I can't make
Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations
his negro
profit unless I market the thing ! Pns told too much, he ordered them
The Best Big Sister
There's A Difference
-The Best Bio Sister-
or.! BY CARRIEnff produce, I'll market it along with '". threatening the executioner, an-1
Six months, in advance 13.00 .. .. 'other slave, with ilonth If ho HM nnt
k0 oilier ieiiowH wuiiuuk ui iuo suum - -
One month
" carry out his fatal bidding.
j (Frc
(inn vnnp. In nrivnnvo e nn UUnlllCBOi
fijt ITHinthb. In nrtvn nnn to r.n . . i i i i , t
nn.. mmtir f rX woming very rauicm iiuuai un& jh . mo aOU uhiuubi joiiu?. 301,f nv, . . .
unu month .... . .go i fceufert Brothers started un somp
One yJtoWnEa Wltan"- T"C Saiy had bf of their fish wheels today.
j Farming is being put on a new j but three of the murders. Eight !
crlber should always Bivo old I as well that'H all. The gambling ele-nore are alleged to have been com
nn itvw uuuross.
Telephone .. .. .
Subscribers to tho Chronicle aro guar
anteed service. Prompt and regular do
nvi'iy of every subscriber's paper Is tho
aim of the circulation department. Tho
Chronicle carriers uru required to put
the papers on tin unrrii nr ............ .1..
subscriber wishes 'he paper delivered. 1
Main ill mcni- 's being eliminated.
A itirv heard the ease nenlnit .Tnhni .)
iMays and Crowe will give away an.
! mltted by the monarch of tho murder "other bicycle this evening.
1 The jury brought in a verdict of
The mystery of life is the greatest
problem ever given to tho human
mind. It Is so utterly tremendous that
tho human mind in many cases gives
Word is received today that Walter
irnnn .1 T 1 . 1 r j 1 .
ii. . a..... . . inuuje uuu juiih vncneii nave been
guilty and Williams has been senten-omlnuted jolnt senatonj and e
ecu lor lite to the penitentiary. 'Jones and R S. Huntington Joint rep-
Heading the cold facts of the cass, 'resentatlves In the state legislature,
one wonders if clvillzattlon is totter-
Inc. Second thotieht rAvois m,d rnf J,lde Blnkeley and Commissioner
Kepresentatlves of 3,000,000 farm. ' way under its investigation. It is so ; that the Jasper county wholesale mm- "enTthiB moral "" SUrV?yr
ers of tho United States mot ln Chi- tremendous that man setting out loaders of peons does not indicate the leading looTOhreeHerftthe.
cago recently and organized tho prove one theory accomplish little J decline of civilization. city, tor the purpose of ascertaining
greatest sellinir nuenev imnriiinfr . ....... ....... . ... ... . . u ., .
" -save 10 prove men- ijrucuncuiveu nu- vvimams is living out ot Ills time. l"c wuik, neeueu to maKe a good
' M6ns wrong, (In laboratories, scientists ' Me is a throwback from the feudal k'116, st!lles will be set by the -sur-
have labored long hours to hit upon ' baron age. ,He "could have fitted in veyor' ,aml an estimate furnished of
I the amount of work to be done and
the life principle Their quest has with the days when the world, was '.md lta probable cost
young anu strong men, ruling by
(luco of the fields, over formed
It is a co-operative agency known
as the United Grain Growers, Inc.,
and its purpose is to market tho
nation's wheat and corn crops. It is
a non-stock proposition and all prof
its will bo divided pro-rata.
It Is now the right moment for
some one to jump up and charge
that the organization is radical and
smacks of the Non Partisan league
or some other Hed movement.
Let's bo fair about this thing.
Without considering the matter at
nil, you'd say, of course that the
sales of the wheat In the United
States would approximate tho amount
rnlscU hore. You'd think that this
If you've been a "ready made" man
ln the past, be a "made to order man"
in the future. First class hand tailor
ed suits to measure, $35.00 and up. W.
H. Webber, one block east of post
office. 6tf
CHICAGO, April 11 A clean neck
costs less today.
The James S. Kirk and company
put into effect soap price reductions
rrnglng from seven to 15 percent.
Other soap manufacturers are ex
pected to follow suit.'
The bar of soap which formerly
sold for nine cents sold today for
six and one-half cents. Prices of
other varieties will be cut proportionately.
"ecu rum. 1 juuug uuu Hiruug men, ruling ny
What produces conscious life? Is power of might, set up little commun- 'Fire flared about 3:30 o'clock" this
'there a kind of latent life in inanl- lies which they governed despotically morn,nS in a house on the alley back
mate objects? Is life regulated by cell and in which those who lived were f Marder & -Wchelback's saloon. The
and atom and electron vibrations? Is 'serfs of the master " hW0B Twl & Clgarette
Which caught the lace curtains nnH
it the vibration which sustains life, I He could have been at home In such '
an organization as a feudal estate, whole room. The fire beU was prompt
because then he could have held pow- ly runB but some men running in the
er over the lives of thoan who wnrfcoH 'nouse nuickly extinguished the flames
or Is It the energy resultant from tho
j movement let's cal), the energy ele
As time goes 011 men's conception "for him. He could have commanded
by pulling down the curtains' nnd
"throwillC the hnrntnir
or the life principle changes. Back and the serfs would have rushed in of the house. A few gallons at water
'in ancient days, principles were per- fear to do his bidding. He could have the rest. The Jackson Engine com
sonified as gods and goddesses. pordered his vassals killed and' it,,,Pany aml Columbia Hose each got
1 We call those principles, operative f would have been accomplished with-.tne,r carts out within five minutes
would bo natural. You'd say that -year in and year out, unalterable na-J out a ripple on the surface of medi- "" the nlarm beU Btttr-tcd r,nSnB.
some years the country might not turill lttWB ln our present clvlllzatlon eval life. The feudal lord held power for S'ser " CCaSin
raise sufficient grain .0 supply tho lt nmkeB mtIo dlffefence what we of life and death over his 'serfs They . . .
could not be represented in court. B- S. Huntington, W. H. Wilson
They had no rights. What mattered it and Wl A" Johnston returned laa:
if a work animal were slain? "n'ght frm Po,t,and-
V( knnV thill Hrlllf tn nrntA n'ltiA ' Wllllatna nmiM I . . . .,
finding , . I "- ""U1U imvo "lwue 11 nu ' Messrs. Hugh Glenn, Fred W. .Wil-
( natural laws will lengthen life and ' with the other lords In discussion of Bon, and Troy Shelley were nassen-
life principle, no doubt.
maintained that tho property rights
were the only ones to bo considered,
demand and ln those years, some . .1 ,. . . ,
wu mum. iiietje uuiurui iuws couifl
wheat would have to be Imported. i(l, . . , , , ,,, .
they bo traced back would lead to the
uut youu reason, otner years, tho
country would produce a surplus ,
above demand (ho surplus
mnrket In foreign lands.
However, over a period of 10 years CrC," hca,,h' Wo know lhut viola-, property rights versus human rights
you'd say tho wheat crop produced Uon ot' tllcsu mitrul forces about unfile, In tho feudal days, could have
would be tho wheat crop sold. Alas, Cil,,sos ,1Inoss unrt (lea,H-
this is good reasoning, but It gots ' Why aro we hero? To work out our
us very Tar from tho truth. 'own salvation, perhaps. Undoubtedly t,m' n"niiln rights were myths, that
Wo have not the oxnxct figures wo aro today inhabitants of earth in ny ninn who stooped to labor with
.at hand, but government figures will ortl0'' that through our Impressions 'his hands by that act proved that he
Bhow that 40 times tho wheat pro- nnd experiences wo may grow toward was in the same category with tha
ducod In tho United States is spld'porioction. Only through experience, 'lower animals who were subdued d.v
here. This says plainly that the suffering and pain nnd joy does the ' the barons.
crop is sold and sold nnd sold again, 'human animal w'ln to goodness. Williams, although his attorneys
It Is ovidont that every time it Ij Whither are wo going? Somewhere, , ; '
sold, It Is turned at a profit. If it ' call It heavon or what not. Ufo doos
wore not there would bo no trans not end with the grave.
actions. Clearly the. men who sell Uo omlowo(, wh ,ntelngonno BOtUed I b th&cuff2W 01
tho wheat make the profit. Who un ., 1 . T'io puiies :t,ronlcie. published dally
in tho mind nnd glimpses of porlect 111 TJu- Dalles. Oregon, for April 1, 1921
sells tho wheat? Speculators and . 1 , ...
wisdom seated In tho $oul, If wo wore Statu of Oregon, 1
Kuniuiers. I .
COlnc tn Olid It III) whnn ,nnll. CoillltV at Wnsrn I
For years men who do nothing m
When Baby Has Grown Up
A single picture like this will be worth far more
to you than the price of the Kodak it was taken
That's one of the best arguments we have to
convince you that you need a Kodak.
At the present low prices you can afford to
get one.
You owe' it to yourself and owe it to the Baby..
Get One Now At
$2.00 up
$8.00 up
YOU Press the Button WE Do the Rest ,
and Do it RIGHT
'going to end it all when death comci. , County of Wasco,
'l'hlK lllllVilPQA lu Klin Kf 1 Iitfltr n JsTntawxi T..Ktl 1.. 1
tho scheme of production hnvo . v,nu, m fm ty.'d
, ,, .... . , . . n..'iiiui. j.iiu bumo iiroai I'ower inn-iruu a. u.
uuukiii iiiHi b"ii wnuai wiieat mat - iiuviiik oeen uuly
Huckllii, who.
NU'nrn n ,-..11 m.. ...
.1.1 . . .... . which controls tho natural laws roir. '".V- deposes and says that he is the
was not In tho market. Thoy havo U,VS8' ,og editor of tho Chronicle and that tho
traded and juggled and taken a um,ua mo eUD aml u " ' Wa. sonns , SW, K 1
profit. ",0 ,a,n' ca.8US o Bun to shine, ro- daUy0. " 0ftf
These speculators bought tho ,atcs tl10 soa808. keeps the billions ol : s!;vnf0in8ntho 'nbovS'eaptlun. enulred
wheat of tho farmetH atU-cmendously l''nots and stars socuroly fixed tn ft' "tlon rSstui iw.'inTlSlIu!
low prices. Usually these speculators ' tho'r orbits, this same All Wise Pow- fonoiwit!1'1 " th rcv,!r8e of t,lllJ
declare.! that the wheat market was r, all perfect, all efficient, didn't put tho nubtlsher" editor! nm.ming "editor
shot to pieces and that they couldn't us here Just to fill in sparo time. Wo , Nifem,,of!L,nnni!ftB ZmL , '
nav nr.inli nf it flL'inn. Tlinv frlclit urn lui i,m-t ..i- .. ..1.... i l'ubllsher Chronicle
" ' o"- " ...... v.. ii on iiiui'ii mny, 11
Coin- -
otud the farmer Into getting out trouble is taken
Inc.. Tho Ditllea. r..i-,n,
4 T ...... I.H.. mi. . V...
- " . . . ...i.ik.u .i.l .....ill ir .it'll if .iTrni 'I1....
..... i . . A. . " " lira
from umior a crop wiilcn was rated tinniiL'ii nntm-ui i..,..o i jrt-on.
, - " .i.i, .1, ii oiiiiiii 1(1 U. 111 SI lit'
as a liability.
t'Ks Aliinairer
son that we aro too valuable in the ' 2. ,ThitrXn
-Hen H. Utfln, Tho
So soon as thu wheat was bought
from thu farmiMs, thu market out
look seemed lu'ttur. l'llces leaped ..,. ... ,
". , . , ot raced at death. Death, then
uL-VtVIII'll 'I'll.. MIIIWHlllttni'M lllnillt It ....., l.icru,
few barrels of round dollars and tho
ultimate consilium's paid big prices
for flour.
The pernicious system resulted ln
owners urn! :lv. nnnm.
i ...i.. v..... -
I. ill. Illlill t.'ffat.'M Ul 1II111V1I1I1I1I flVV'lini'Q r-
..nil If .. ............ .1., I... " ..'"
, V-MII "1 I'VUllvui, ,VU 11H lUllIlU UIU1 IU!)
,,oi uoauiu'ti tor that, t stockholders, nnd security holders. i(
proposes to wo wouldn't be undergoing i-ai,,, j RSiaoA'u??11. YhoV:
s who have" in this earth lire to fit us for tho con- KSI'in .wSerSStttwK
sight of tho controlling dostln
this ileal Inv tli if i i i . imnios and addresses of stockholders
uestin uou If you wish, to ho 1 owning or holding i per cent or nioro
.,,,., , . .. ... ' of tho total iimouut of stock).
seems J JJ , aiorry. rortlnnd, Oregon.
to be merely a transition from ono ' it." Utfln, Tho DVlles.oKon
piano of Hfo to another S' llllt y known bondholders, m'ort-
1 lu U'loiner. irneees. and ot in sei'iir iv in. ,i.r. .......
Whiuo aro wo irnlm..? ii............ . i hut tr holding I per cent or moro of,
muu aio wo totnj,.' Heaven? o-.; total amount of bonds, niortKRes, o
that Is tho ..- ' ?l',er...K.00I'li,los ,iro: " " ro none.
...... .u ttiiiL I liouijl. I i niillii.
" . .... Hloiiv..!. i .......... ... . . 1 ''rencn s uo., rno ualles. Oregon
poor prlcoH to tlio ranuor ami nigii D,"l "i iieriection and' . rimt tho two iwraRraphs next
prices to tho consumer. ' 'W0 wore not destined for that tehofdSi and "Security hoUdeL'rf;
Tho now organization
eliminate the speculators
.i i ..ii..,...,i vm illt Inn ,,r ,,....... . : Mf ..?." .r''!.r,.,r...,i,V.:. l'Pwira upon tho
tho far
price, lly elimination of tho gam
biers, tho price ot wheat at tho
farm and lu tho store as flour will
bo regulated lo fair level.
You may call tho cooperative
movement, a wild scheme of some
hair brained bomb-throwing radical,
But it seems on its face to be a
movement for self protection, lt is lmck u hlt' u" .'limbing withal,
a ninnlfesUon of the defense In. Tho tion was horrified when the
atlrfct In life. . rc,s r "o Jasper county murder
Suppose you were- working hard tnn were given out. John S. Williams.
i'' ...... v n'w i'v,,.wm,ii in v'Uiuo lieioaitor "i in coiuimuy us trusieu or Ii)
t ones. Thus, It appears, thatr The mystery of Hfo s the greatestV'"'
mar alms to got fair profit problem . I fi,... .ii., .Vi.i .c,L. !"'ff)l
. . ju mo UUUian . v ",w. . i"ni.i ni'UJi couiiiini
sell to tho consumer at fair ,.., ,.. .. t , . !VV"''' ...lVn.l?.c:lMB... ff,.'t'8. hL
" .a III UfllUl. II lu til.lvuil i . t..m uvm-i na 10 lliu cirCUIll-'.
Development does uot coino in a
moment. It is a matter of long ages
Tracing the course of civilization we
find that It Is as a spiral, up, (hen
stances and conditions under which
stockholders and security -holders vhu
do not appear upon tho books of tho
i-uiiiiKuijr ns trustees, nom stock nnd
securities In a capacity othtr than that
of a bona fldo owner! and this affiant
has no reason to believe that nay other
person, association, or corporation has
nny interest dlroct or Indirect in tho
said stock, bonds, or other securities
than as so stated by hint.
6, That the averac number of cop.
Ie of ertcli Issue of this publication
sold or distributed, through tho malls
or otherwise, to paid subscribers during
tho six mouths preceding tho date
shown above is 1627, (This Information
Is required from dally publications
Sworn to and subscribed before mo
ms am nay 01 April. ln
(My commission expires March IS, 191.)
What Is The
Mother's Day Club?
It is a club composed of those whose wish it is tokeep Mother's heart
singing" and who have, accordingly chosen to tsurprise her with a Bruns
wick 112, presented in an appropriate way on Mother's Day (May 8th).
What must one do to join the Mother's
Day Club?
.Call on any Brunswick Dealer on or after April 1st. Select the Bruns
wick Style No. 112 in the finish you dasire (there are four). Select ten rec
ords your dealer will suggest a list suitable for the occasion. The cost of
the Brunswick 112 is $200.00, of the. ten records (black-seal) $8.50. The first
club payment is $8.50, just the price of the records.
The first payment should be made on or about April 1st, and if possible,
not later than April 15th. The Brunswick Dealer will then put the Bruns
wick 112, and the Records you have .chosen 'to go with it, to one side, first
seeing that the instrument is in first-class condition and properly adjusted
in every way. ' The second club payment is made on May 1st, and is $20.00
(being only 10 of the cost price.)
. m
On the morning of Sunday, May 8th, Mother's Day, Mother will receive
the Brunswick with an inscribed gift-card especially designed f or this day
and twenty selections (ten records) in a Mother's Day Envelope, bearing in
four-color process work, of unusual bsauty, a Mother and Babe, symbolical
of the spirit of Motherhood.
There is no charge to those joining the Mother's Day Club, for the
Mother and Babe Envelope, the Gift Cird, or the special delivery or other
service given in connection wifr the Club.
The deferred balance should ordinarily be paid in one year, in twelve
equal parts.
Remember that one of the chief ideas of the Mother's Day Club is that
it is a SECRET between the members. The details will NOT be made pub
lic or advertised. We don't want Mother to know. We want to make the
morning of Mother's Day a real surprise, one -which will .always be a happy
memory for Mother. ..-.,. .
CORSON, The Music Nan