THE DALLES DAILY CHRONICLE, SATURDAY, APRIL 9, t021. AUTO LICENSE FEES SPENT ON ROADS 90 PERCENT OF TOTAL NOW AP PLIED TO HIGH WAYS, (Chroniclo's Washington Bureau.) WASHINGTON, April 9. Of tlio ?102,034,10G.'JC collected In the 48 states and District of Columbia last year for automobile, motorcycle and registered chauffeurs' licenses, 9G percent, or $97,997,160.00 was applied to road maintenance or construction. In 190C, Just 14 years ago, practically none of the automobile revenue was applied to road construction or main tenance. There has been a tremen dous change In the last 14 years. In 190G the total registration of cars wns 48,000, the total gross reve nue of $193,000, or just about what Arizona paid in 1920. Last year 9,211, 295 motor cars, including commer cial vehicles, were registered. Hn ad dition to this number there were 24S, 146 motorcycles. The amount received from regis tration revenue last year was equal to approximately 25 percent of the total rural road and bridge expenditures for the calendar year of 1919. In 1900 the grosB income from registration was only equal to throe-tenths of 1 percent for expenditures on account, of total iiiiiil road and bridge eon- structlon. personal property in addition to the required registration fees. In Ala bama, Delaware, Idaho, ilowa, Mich igan, 'New yampshlre, New York, 'North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Carolina, Pennsylvania, Tenner see and Vermont the registration fees are in lieu of all personal property. The Best Dig Sister Wuie Hero to hivu uu (lie Kind ot ii-i-vice, Help ami advice ttiai aiuke.- iileiids. Tho Dalles Battery company, U'illard Service. 18tf The Best Big Sister Typing and Stenography dfniu at reasonable rates. Kosina A. Plcck. Office Hotel Dalles. Rest dence phone red 2332. tf -The Best Big Slster- VIOLENCE FLARES (Continued From Page 1.) some impulsive, fiery youngster, not caring for communism, but rising against the capitalist system and stir- .'ring up the others by oratory until I they also become impulsive. , "Tho miners hate capital now as 'never before. They distrust the gov eminent, believing it Is incapable of being impartial. They are determined flint if they fight .at all they will flghl ' hard. 1 "There may be some 1iead break ing, but it won't be .the result of plan ned, deliberate bolshevism, only the biind, Impulsive fight for life." By Ed L. Keen (United Press Staff Correspondent) LONDON. April 9. With Great Britain tottering on tho verge of the I greatest industrial strike In history, Tho most significant feature of the the government continued its efforts report, which has been compiled by'todrty to avert the plunge into tho tho bureau of public roads of tho 'abyss. ' " United States department of agricul- Premier Lloyd George received a ture, is that only 4 percent of the , special deputation of the "triplo at entire amount collected was applied Hance" In secret conference. The to tho administration expenses and ' mooting adjourned shortly before purchase of metal number plates. All noon and, while the labor leaders ro of tho rest of tho amount, ulmost i fused to discuss what tf had occurred, $100,000,000, wont for road work and all delegates bore a serious nileri and of this sum 79 percent, or $77,531,682.- .'Indicated that no progress had been 57, was expended under tho control made toward halting the general or supervision of tho several state strike of railway and transport work highway departments. ' ers, called for midnight Tuesday In For a number of years the general support of tho miners' strike, tendency toward dovotlng nn ever- Immediately after tho conference Increasing portion of tho motor vehl- with tho labor representatives, Lloyd clo revenues to road work under tho Goorge called into consultation tho control and direct supervision of tho Marquis of Londonderry, vlce-presi-state' highway department has. been dent of the air council, and Sir 11. M. very noticcablo. Prior to 1921 only Tronchard, air marshal. The country's a very small portion of tho motor vo- air forcos were included In tho mil hlclo registration was devotod to this Itary mobilization order and are ex purpose. peeled to bo utilized for communion In 1920, 76 percent of tho revenuo, Hon with remote districts and trans or $77,531,582.57, was applied to road portntlon of food, work undor tho dlroct supervision ltofusal of the railway and trans of tho stato highway departments, and 'Port workors of Liverpool and other In addition $20,405,578,04 was 'applied ' cantors to accept tho general strike to road work by count ios or otlior lo. decision was pointed to in official cal supervision, but with llttlo or no 'quarters-as Indicating tho correctness dlroct supervision from tho state high-' of tho government's statement that way departments. not more than 50 percent of tho inon In most statos the motor vohlclo will respond to tho strike order, rovenuos uro devoted lo nuilntonanco Meantime, thoro has been a big it and repair of tho state roads or other spouse to the kiug's call lor volun Improved highways. These states toors for a dofense force. Drill halls aeomed to have solved fairly well tho 'woro presenting scones slmllnr to difficult problem of securing funds thoso In August, 1914, at the outbreaic for tho'mulnteniineo of the more mi- f tho world war. portant roa'ds undor tho ever Inereas- Destruction of mines, through ces ing traffic requirements. As both tho 'satlon of pumping continued to grow, traffic and tho rovonuo Increase with Most of tho mines In tho Uhondda vnl tho number of cars, there apparently 'loy woro said to have boon lrrotrlo'o exists a possibility of so adjusting the "bly flooded. All pumping had ceased registration rates as lo keep pace In the Cardirf district,' with tho ever growing nmliitoniineo . Glasgow already was exporlonclng changes, 'a coal Innilno. It was estimated that A number of states having In gon- ' fully 500,000 porsons woro out of work era! but a small mileage or I nj proved In Scotland and that this number roads have recontly adopted the plan , would Increase to 2,000,000 If tho gen of capitalizing tho motor vehicle rev- oral strike went through, onuos and devoting (huso funds to 1 What was rognrdod as a very slg road construction. The states doing nificunt Incident was tho tact that this are Illinois, Maine, Minnesota, King Georgo nnd Queen Mary today Missouri, Nevada, Utah anil W'yom- moved fiom Windsor Cnstlo to Huei; Ing, In them bonds have boon voted Ingham pnluco in London, or Issued for road construction, and Tho fact that tho "triplo alliance' tho principal, In some Instances also loaders consented lo moot the premier tho Interest Is to bo paid entirely ' utter yesterday's general strike docl trom the motor vehicle revenue. sion which would call out nearly four At tho beginning of 1921 there woro million workers, including tho minor? still seven states In which motor now on strike was accepted as a trucks were registered at the -same Kooil omen la official circles. Tho rate as passenger cars, but in recent mooting was ostensibly for tho pii" years thoro has boon a very decided l,oao 'r lonnully convoying the strike tendency in most statos to liieronao decision to the government but there tho foes required lor motor trucks was a fooling that It also ropresonten over and above those required for disposition on tho part or the labor passenger cars This Increase Is usual- ' negotiate If they saw their ly bused on tho weight of tho truck wy clour to do so. and Its carrying capacity, its horse powor or a combination of thoso factors. Tho most general practice seems to : bo toward definitely limiting tho max. imum total road wolght of tho vo hlclo and biiblng tho registration fee on tho capacity of the truck. Some few states have adopted P scale of ,fees which in the actual prac The Best Big Sister in the World Watch for the living posters in the store windows tonight. The first one will be in the Dalles Garage at 7:30. Then see the parade and fol low the crowd. Milk Milk Milk Pure fresh Clean. Are you satis fied with the milk you are buying? ! not, give me a trial. L. C. FALMEft, Phone red 4972. If -The Best Bio Sister- TOMORROW AT THE CHURCHES CHRU. iTAN JCII3NCE SOCIETY Seventh and Case streets. Services 11 a. m. Sunday and 8 p. m. Wednes day. Reading room maintained by the iociety In room 507 First National bank building' is ope to tlie public dally, except Sunday, from 8 a. nf to 6 p. m. ST. PETER'S CHUKCH Third and Lincoln streets. Morning services, 8 and 10:30. Evening services, 7:30. Al- rar society first Sunday ot month. So cial circle, first Thursday of month. ifoung Peoples' club second and third Mondays. Knights of Columbus, first nd third Mondays. Rev. P. J. O'Rourke, pastor. day, 2:30 p. m. Young People Leg ion, Sunday, 6:15 p. m. Salvation meeting, Sunday, 8 p. m. Captain C. Nielsen, Lieutenant M. Langdon, officers in charge. i ENGLISH LUTHERAN Union street at Seventh. Sunday school, 10 a. m. Morning worship with sermon by the pastor, 11 o'clock. Prelude, (Lowe); offertory, (Bennett)-; an them, "I Will Lift Up Mine Eyes," (Petrie), Girls' Choir; postlude, (Saunders). Luther League, 6:30 p. m. Vespers, 7:30 p. m. Rev. W. I. Eck, pastor. UNITED BRETHREN CHURCH Elm and G streets. Sunday school, 10 a. m. Morning service, 11 a. m. Subject, "Tho True Christian."' Jun ior Christian Endeavor, 3 p. m. Chris tian Endeavor, 6:30 p. m. Evening worship 7:30 p. m. Subject, "The! Great Change." Ladies' Aid monthly I social, Wednesday, 2:30 p. m. at church. Dr. F. R. Brazcau gives ad dress. Prayer meeting Thursday, 7:30 p. m. Rev. G. K. Hartman, pastor. 400 in Bible School by Children's Day Q til c Oi u 6 c CHRISTIAN CHURCH Bible. School, 10 o'clock. Morning Service, 11 oclock. . THEME:' "My Yoke Is Easy" . C. E. 6:30. Norman Rossell, Pres. I. C. E. 6:30. Lois Griffin, Supt. Evening Service, 7:30. "Jonah and His Submarine" Duet Mr. and Mrs. Walker. Sunday afternoon the church will make art every-member canvass; please take notice and stay home. This means YOU! The Church with a Cordial WELCOME. Mr. and Mrs. Walker, Ministers. 400 in Bible School by Children's Day ST. PAUL'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Holy Communion, 8 a. m., church school, 9:45 a. m., morning prayer, 11:00 a. m. Evening service, open; forum and choir practice on Fridays nt 7:30 p. m. Rev. G, G. Hoisholt, rector. CHRISTIAN' CHURCH .Blbla school, io:00 a. m., morning service, 11:00 a. m., theme, "My Yoke is Easy." Evening service, 7:30 p. m. Theme, "Jonah and His Submarine." Christian Endeavor, 6:30 p. m. Pray or meeting, Thursday evening, 7:30. Hev. Carl C. Walker, pastor. . CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH Union and Seventh. Bible school, worship and preaching at the regu lar church hours, In the evening Hov. John L. Bogue will speak on "Evidences, external nnd internal that the Bible is of supernatural authorship." Rov. John L. Bogue, pas tor. CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Morning service at 11 o'clock. Sub- just, "Through the Shadows Into tho Light." Evoning service nt 7:30. Pleasant Sunday evening service. A program in motion picture. "Paul Rovore's ittdo," and "Labrador and Newfoundland." Blblo school nt 10 a. m. Christian Endeavor at 6:30 p. m. Rev. E. Ooudge, nastor. THE SALVATION ARMY Meet ings, Tuesday, Thursday and Satur day at 8 p. m. Holiness meeting, Sunday. 11 a. m. Sunday school, Sun- FIRST METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Fifth and Washington.. Sunday school, 10 a. m. tMprning service, 11 a.- m. The Rev. R. E. Gor-j nail of Portland will preach. Ep worth League, 6:30 p. m. Evening service, 7:30, in charge of the high school Y. W. C. A. "In Sunrise Land," a motion picture will be shown in connection with the eve ning service. Special musical num bers; Anthem, "God's Boundless Love," (Wilson). Offertory solo, "Prayer Perfect," Miss Edith Bug ger. 'The Girls' Quintette will sing three numbers In the evening. Rev. W. H. H. Forsyth, pastor. The Beit Big Sitter Taxi Service i Day or nfght. Stand at Club Cigar. store. Telephone red 1711. R. Winter muth. The Beet Big Sitter Private Dinner Parties or banquets. We are always at your service with a varied menu of the best foods prepared by a skilled chef under the most sanitary conditions. Our watchwords, "Quality and Clean liness." Hotel Dalles. 9 Catarrhal Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local applications, at they oannot reach tbe- dlseaseiKporllon ot tho ear. There li only ono way to euro catarrhal deafness, nd that It by a conatltutlonal remedy. Catarrhal Deafness It, caused by an In .darned condition ot the mucous llnlnr ot the Eustachian Tube, When this tube It Inflamed you have a rumbling sound or Im perfect hearlnc, and when It Is entirely closed, Dvafnets Is the result. Unless the Inflammation enn bo reduced and this tube restored to Its normal condition, bearing will be destroyed forever. Many cases ot deafness nr caused by cutartj), which Is an Inflamed conillt.lon of the mucous sur faces. Hall's Catarrh Medicine acts thru the blood on the mucous surfaces of the system Wo will Rive On Hundred Dollars fl any cur.i of Cntmrhal IVnfness that cannot be cured by Hall's Cnt.trrh Medlolne. Cir culars free. All nrtiRi-'Uts, "So. V J. CI1UNSV v. CO.. Toledo, O. LONDON, April 9, A special ses 8km of tho British cabinet was calloit lor mis afternoon, following tho talluro of a conference between Llovd Goorge and labor leaders to reach an ngroement tor averting tho general strike called for Tuesday. Tht Best Big Sitter Notice i I will not be rosoonsttiln tnr nnv lice serves to make the operating of 0,Ma contracted on my account with very heavy trucks impracticable. j out n wrlt,ew on,or 1);Uoa Mnrch a0 In Colorado, Now Mexico nnd Ore-1 , j.;, Doyio. q Ron, In addition to the registration ' Trie Beit Big sitter fees, a state tax on gasoline or other ' $5!O0 Slab 15.00 products used for tho propujslon of j Green slabs, fR.OO per ford, f. o. motor vehicles is also levied. In b. cars. Van Dellen Lumber company, some states motor .curs are tutcd jb i; fOUNOED THE ONE EXTREME WHICH 13 BETTER THAN ANOTHER CONSKRVATIVENESS Is always an asset In bank ing, and that Is particularly so when clouds of doubt ariso upon the horizon. However, you will always find the proper mixture of -prosresslveness in our conservatlveness which betokens GOOD as well as SAFE service. i Paid on Savings XtMPfl'MI'niH E. H. FRENCH, Pretlofc.n PAUL M. FRENCH, Vlct-Preildtnt V. H MENCH. Secretary J. C HOtTETLER, Caahtor First Congregational Church The Family Church Morning Subject: , ' Through the Shadows Into the Light" SPECIAL SINGING Pleasant Sunday Evening Service "Paul Revere's Ride" The Best in Motion Pictures 2 Have You a Church Home? Come With Us y T-rt Services 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. WOODARD & TAUSC'HER Contracting Bricklayers and Plasterers All kinds of Tile and Cement Work. Fireplace Work a Specialty. Estimates furnished free of charg:. All "Work Guaranteed. Telephone Main 6461 or Call at Gates Block w CRANDALL UNDERTAKING CO Wasco The Dalles ' LULU D. CRANDALL, Manager Bert Thomas, Assistant Manager Licensed Embalmers, Established 187 Dufur Woman Attendant Mrs. M. J. Wlllerton Telephone Red 1781 Motor Equipment Telephones Day Red 381 Night Rsd 352 J. H. Harper, Black 2152 Cut Flowers . M. M. PHIPPS INSURANCE FIRE AUTOMOBILE-GRAIN HAIL PLATE GLASS LIABILITY AND ACCIDENT Office Corner Third and Federal ' t Telephone lack 531 FRENCH & CO, n A TI71?nCI DiVIIlEjIfaiNC. THE DALLES OREGON Peoples Transfer Co. QUICK DELIVERY SERVICE EXPRESS AND DRAY AGE Furniture and Piano Moving Stand at Glenn's Paint Store Main 3721 Residence Phone Red 1811 HARRY L. CLUFF P w M. a t 1 I j.