PAGE FOUR THE DALLES DAILY CHRONICLE, 8ATURDAY, APRIL 9, 1921. THE DAILY CHRONICLE Established 1890 Tho Dalles, Ore. Published Kvery Evening Except Sunday by tho Chrontclo Publishing company Inc Ben R. Itfln Alvtn L. Hucklin . .Oeneral' Manaser Editor Entered In The Dallas postofflce as second class matter. United Press and United News Service Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY CHRONICLE BY CARRIER One year, In advanco J5.00 Six months. In advance...$3.00 One month .60 DAILY CHRONICLE BY MAIL One year. In advanvo. $5.00 Blx monthfi, In advance . $2.C0 One month . .60 WEEKLY CHRONICLE One year, In advanco .$2.00 In ordering "hango of address, sub scriber should always give old as well as now address. Telephone Ifaln 111 Subscribers to Ihe Chronicle are guar antoed service. Prompt and regular de livery of every subflcriber'H paper Is the aim of the circulation department. Tho Chronicle carriers are required to put the papers on the porch or wherever tht subscriber wishes 'ho paver delivered. COMMUNITY SERVICE Krom time to lime, certain schemes are put forward by good men to make tho world's people better and happier. Indeed a history of life is a history of agencies tending to further human progress. The church, lodges, social organi zations, welfare movements these are Home of tho uplift agencies which are refining tho dross in human na ture Into the pure metal of worth. Just now there has arisen a now movement to salvage humanity, a movement so remarkable in its scope as to be assured of success. It Is the Community Service organization. Community service goes into tho several communities of the United States and directs tho energy of peo ple. The Community Service heads realize that men arc not good or bad, but are mixtures of good and bad and that it depends upon the interests at hand which set of char acteristics will predominate. This organization emphasizes the do, eliminates tho don'ts. It renlizes that men and women go wrong not because they are inher ently bad, but' because they have no Interests. Give a man or a woman somo wholesome Interest to occupy tho mind and that man or woman will become so wrapped up in what they aro doing that ho or she will huvo no tlmo to do things which' qualify for the downward route. Tho Community Sorvlco ompha- sizes self development. Oio of tho greatest crimes in tho world, it seems, is tho Ignoring of Intent forces In one's own boing. Goij gave us these talents for use. They woro not given to bo wasted. Ho who wastes qualification, Is guilty of a gravo sin. Tho Community Service organiza tion takes Into consideration the big fact that men and women go wrong very often from their own physical condition. A lot of physical steam and no safety valvo on tho human j enginu is Thoro is very likely to be an explosion and wreck, So the Community Sorvlco takes Halting In periostitis, and ho will un this steam and works It off In health-! dergo a surgical operation performed ful play. In this play, sportsmanship I by the family doctor at Hlllsboro. is .aught, square dealing is acquired, 1 goDESFTHREE 'ssTng" vl(.(iU m uu.iFh, nuuiiKui i tallied. Often, too, tho players be come so proud of their splendid phy- steal powers that they will do noth- Ing to lessen their prowess. This moans that they lead normal and wholesome lives. But the very fact that the physical energy Is directed and utilized In play prccludim It being turned to evil account. The Community Sorvlco organiza tion through crystalling the inter est of any community upon one set of Interests, levels factional linos and coalesces the community Into a unit of action, thousht, and friend ship. Tho Community Sorvlco movement Is one of the finest things which has over entered American life to niako it bettor. o MONOGAMISTS Lot's i , consider tuo pavrots. j Those almost human birds dwell in the tropic regions of the earth lu the cool of evening after tho' blazing sun has dashed below the, horizon ami night comes on swlftly.t those beautiful birds make IllKlu.j through the sky, talking In u queer Jargon and laughing shrilly. j They fly two nnd two. Once la it ' while one lone parrot wings his cr her way. But the birds do not roin bine In flocks. Two is the unit, male and female. Observers declare that parrots do not change mates. Two start Hfo to- gother and fly side by side to the , end of their days. Tliey nterauy laKe each other for better or worse. Yes, and more when one of the family dies or Is killed, the surviving mate does not haste away in quest of another partner. No, to the end of his or her days, tho bird files alone The parrots teach us a true lesson in' monogamy. It Is refreshing at this time when there is so much clamor over divorce proceeding the ground for which is Infidelity. Evidently there are no Stillmans and no Stokes among the parrots. The Beit Big SUtei LOOKING BACKWARD (From The Chronicle, April 9, 1896) Mr. August Buchler Is now boring for water near the brewery. A five inch hole Has been bored to a depth of 70 feet. Rock was encountered 24 feet below the surface, and still holos out. Work on the Kolsay well has been temporarily discontinued, after boring down 134 feet. The Goldendalo Telephone company bus made a proposition to Tho Dalles Commercial club to construct a tele phone lino from Goldendalo to The Dalles to be connected with the Con-don-Seufert systcim. The club is asked to guarantee ?250, half when the poles are put up and half on coni' pletion of tho line, 'No pleasanter evening has been spent among the young folks than that at Miss Hilda Beck's last night. The evening was spent in playing games and singing until a late hour, after which a delicious luncheon was served. Her many friends wish her many more happy birthdays. Those present wore as follow: Misses Clara and Julia Nlckelsen, Edith Randal!, Nettie Frodden, Lizzie Bonn, Chris tino Nlckelsen, Martha and Constanco Whealdon, ilva Boston, Katie Sargeant, Minnie iSandrock, Mrs. Jensen anti Hilda Beck; Messrs. Clyde Riddoll, George and Charles Campbell, Frank Wood, Ed Hill, Homer Angell, I. J. Thomas, Freas Saunders,, Christ Schwabo and Ernest Jensen. Mr. and Mrs. A. Jewott and dauehter. Mrs. Thompson of Port- i,in,( nn,i Miss Southwlck of Salem wont to Wlilto Salmon on tho boat this morning. Mrs. Julia A. Gault of McMinnvllle, grand chjof of tho Dcgroo of Honor, nnd Mrs. Kato J. Young of Portland, past grand chief, returnod to their homos this morning on tho Regulator. Thoy were accompanied to tho Locks by C. F. Stephens and Mrs. Captain AVaud. Mrs. Goorgo Ernest Stewart lelt this morning for a threo weeks' ub senco to his old home In Hilsboro. Mr. "Stownrt'8 back was injured when no fell from a bicycle somo time ago, re- HUNTERS FOUND IN POND lty United News I SARANAC LAKE, N. Y April 9. Another mystery of the Adlrondacks . aolvotl Thursday when, tho bodies of A. I). Perkins, Joseph F. Sharpo jnnil William T. Perkins, of Cortland, ' ' Y., three nam who disappeared 1 ll,st November, whllo on a hunting 'expedition, wore discovered near i Long Lake. In Third Pond. Guides and friends had searched tho ! woods for weeks without finding a i trace of tho lost inon. it is thought j thoy lost tholr lives whllo attempting to cross the pond In a shallow rtucK I boat during a windstorm. CHRONICLE . TELEPHONES ARE CHANGED To improve its telephone service The Chronicle has installed departmental lines in its office. F"r the business'office, circulation and adver tising departments, call Red 111 Editorial rooms, call Black 111 Classified advertising 1 cent per woro each Insertion. If Inserted 6 times or more, 3-4 cent a word. Monthly publi cation rates on application at the office. FOR KENT FOR RENT One furnished rcom. 116 West Third. ' 11 FOR RENT Sleeping evenings, black 5592. room. Call t2 FOR. RENT Threei unfurnished rooms upstairs. Phono main 4341. 9 FOR RENT Three furnished sleep ing rooms, $5 each, per month, In quire at 1116 Jackson. 13. FOR IpNT Three room furnished apartment. 400 West Third. Tele phone main 3471. 12 FOR RENT One furnished house keeping room. 221 West Fourth. Tel ephone red 1562. 9 FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping room, also two-room furnished house, Inquire 111 West Second street. 13 FOR RENT One furnished sleeping room, hot and cold water in room, 205 East Tenth. Phone black 411. 9 FOR RENT Clean, roomy apart ments. furnished. Reasonable to right parties. 700 Case street. Tele phone red 3991. 11 FOR RENT Ford light delivery -with driver. Light hauling and baggage transfer. Telephone black 4661 or black 411. Frank Cullins. A21 POFf SALE. FOR SALE Two show cases. Inquire 30(5 Union street. 1 FOR SALE Full blood White Leg horn hens. Telephone red 4241. 12 FOR SALE One gelding, 10 years old, work single of double. J. F. Austin, Telephone 29F3. 12 FOR SALE Five room plastered house, in good condition. One lot and fruit trees. Call main 1571. 9 FOR SALE Two delivery wagons and " three single harness sets. Ap ply Model Laundry. 12 FOR SALE 2J-ton truck for ?1000. Only used four mouths. Harry Gor dlon. Phone red 1331." 9 FOR SALE Dry oak wood; old cak. 111.50. Second growth, $12.50. Deliv ered. Call 30F22, after 6 p. m. tf FOR SALE Jubilee Incubator, 108- egg capacity. Cheap If taken at onco. 1112 Jackson street. 9 FOR SALE 5-room modern house, 2 blocks from postofflce. Terms If de sired. W. R. Webber, 120 East Sec ond. 12 FOR SALE OR RENT Farm, 455 acres, 2J miles up Mill creek. James O'Donnell, on river road, 11 miles from city... 15 FOR SALE Five-room modern house and lot, with garage. Apply 819 View street, or telephone red 1292. 12 FOR SALE Trap nest White Leg horn eggs, $1.50 per setting. Ira G. Smith, route 1, box 110, Thomp son's addition. FOR SALE Thirty-acro fruit ranch with six room house, outbuildings. Mile and half from town. Telephone main 1571. 9 FOR SALE Used furnituro, Hoosier cabinet, heating . stovo, rocking chulrs and few other articles. Call red 3S11 or 200 West Fourth. 11 FOR SALE 1917 Chovrolot, starter, speedometer, electric lights, five tiros and chains. Fair condition. $180.00, See J. W. Perry, Umatilla Houso. 12 FOR SALE' Radio-Act Ivo Solar Pad, Best therapeutic means for relief of rheumatism, poor circulation, etc. Demonstration free, telophone red 3661. 12 FOR SALE -"Wheat farm. $800 will handle, good buildings, plenty of water, 250 acres In wheat, 80 acres to plow, 30 acres not cultivated. Prlco $32.60 per acre. DARNMELLE BROS. 405 Washington Main 6S31. 9 FOR SALE-OrTrado for Dalles city property 44 ncro Irrigated rnuch, 20 acres now In alfalfa, bal ance leveled ready to seed. New 6 room California bungalow, other good improvements. Columbia Re alty & Ixtan company, 30S Wash ington street. 9 CHRONICLE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS FOR SALE Cut Rate shoe shop. Part down, balance easy terms. Money making guaranteed. 414 East Sec ond. 9 FOR SALE Large and small farm and orchard tracts) Reasonable prices, good terms. W. C. Hanna, Dufur, Ore. 18tf. FOR SALE Hose comb brown leg horn and rose comb. White Wyan dotte eggs for setting. '$1.25 per setting. Telephone red 4401. A3 FOR SALE Horses. I have a number of good horses for sale cheap. Read's Feed store, east end of Sec ond street, telephone black 5211. 26tf FOR SALE Owing to the high fertil ity and increasing demand for Rhode Island Red. hatching eggs I will hold my special pen together during April. All orders cared for at $1.00 per 15 or $G per hundred. Fred Cyphers, R. F. D. No. 3, tele phone red 6362. M2 FOR SALE The Dufur Orchard com pany proposes to sell approximately 2000 acres of its apple plantings at Dufur, Oregon. The acreage offered is fully planted ts seven and eight ' year old trees in prime condition, but the selling price will be based a agricultural value only. This sale is for financing purposes and the actual value as orchard property is ignored. The property will be 'sold at wheat land value. Will cut in tracts of 80 acres and up. W. C. Hanna, Dufur, Ore., authorized agent. 26tf WANTED WANTED Two-quart milk goat. W. F. King, Prineville, Ore. 11 WANTED Chambermaid at Glen wood hotel. 9 WANTED Experienced snoe mak er. Cut Rate shoe shop, 414 East Second. . 12 WANTED Calsomining and painting by day or hour. Call mornings or evenings. Red 3961. , 14 WANTED Clean cotton rags at The Chronicle office, five cents per pound. t ' tf WANTED To purchase light car. Have $400 cash or less. Call Grif fith, J. T. Henry Tire company, Saturday night or Sunday morning. 9 WANTED Place to board my son ' on farm, for rest of school term. ) Mention price of board. Mrs. George E. Porter, 801 East 32ad street, " Portland. 11 LOST OR FOUND FOUND Key ring and five .keys; .owner may claim by paying for ad at Chronicle office. 11 LOST 'Man's garnet ring between Alvord street and high school. Find- or return to Chronicle office. Re ward. 9 FOR TRADE. FOR TRADE 30 acres farm land, 50 acres timber, good spring, no build ings, 11 miles northeast of Golden dale. Trade for house and lot -in The Dalles. J. Shipley,. Cary Hotel. 14 FOR TRADE City residence prop erty in Hlllsboro, 200x146 feet, sev-en-room house, finished last fall, 14 fruit trees, for good improved city property in Tho Dalles. Call Sunset Garace. 16 MUtCfcLLANCOUS HEMSTITCHING Plcot edging. Mrs. L. M. Boothby, 308 Washington "street. Telephone main 6581, tf 'LAWN MOWING Yard work, gar- dining, etc. Your patronage is so licited. L. A. Mathews, 502 West Eighth street. Telephone red 3651. 9tf TRANSFER AND EXPRESS Furnt ture and piano moving. Freight hauled aad general express busi ness. Telephones: Stand, red 101; residence black 1318. J. Hensle. . lit! FURNISHED ROOMS of the desir able sort, are In active demand. Many people have recently movod perhaps going to houses or apart ments where they have no space to spare. Former furnished room teu ants are looklag once more for de slrablo quarters. Have you anythtng to offer them? Tell about it In Chronicle Want Ad PROFESSIONAL AND BU8INESS PIANOS. TUNED And repaired, ac tion regulating and reflnlshlng. Player actions a specialty. Work guaranteed. S. A. Dockstader, Cor son Music store. 320 Fast Second street. Telephone main 1061. tf POPULAR MUSIC Taught by BOB WERSCHKUL Lessons by Appointment Empress Theatre Pianist tf VEENA , SAWYER Dressmaking, alterations, repairing, 2185 East Third street. M6 HOWARD S. SOULE Expert Piano Tuner 22 West SixtL stieet. Residence Phone inniu 4201. U Synopsis of the Annual Statement of The North River Ins. Oo. of New York, in the- State of New York, on the 31st day of December, 1920, made to the Insurnnee Commissioner of the State of Oregon, pursuant to laV: Capital. Amount of capital stock paid up $2,000,000.00 Income. Net premiums received dur ing the year $5,474,9'1.72 Interest, dividends and rents received during the year.. 383,041.28 Income from other sources received during the year.. 177,690.90 Total income $0,037,723.90 Disbursements. Net losses paid during the' year including adjustment ' expenses $2,169,569.31 Dividends paid on capital stock during the year 700,000.00 Commissions and salaries paid during the year 1,766,657.55 Taxes, licenses and fees paid during' tho year 179,154.68 Amount of all other expendi tures 397,869.94 Total expenditures $5,212,751.48 Assets. Value of stocks and bonds owned (market value) ....$7,592,453.16 .Loans en mortgages and col lateral, etc 132,456.18 Cash in banks and on hand., 780,864.18 Premiums in course of col lection written since Sep tember 30, 1920 772,671.94 Reinsurance recoverable on paid losses 19,332.02 Interest and rents due and accrued 20,226.95 Total admitted assets $9,318,004.43 LlabUities. Gross claims for losses un paid $1,004,112.63 Amount of unearned premi ums on all outstanding risks 4,012,078.13 All other liabilities 175,041.25 Total liabilities, exclusive of capital stock $5,191,232.01 Business in Oregon for tho Year Net premiums received dur ing the year $ 71,068.27 Losses paid during tho year 21,137.15 I.os'ses incurred during the year 20,890.15 THE NOltTH ItlVER INS. CO. John A. Forster, President. David 0. Wakeman, Secretary. Statutory resident attorney for service Frank E. Dooly, Board of Trade Bldg., Portland, Oregon. Synopsis of the Annual Statement of the Synopsis of the Annual Statement of tho New Jersey Fidelity & Plate Glass Insurance Oo. of Newark, in the State of New Jersey, on the 31st day of December, 1920, made to the Insurance Commissioner of the State of Oregon, nursuant to law: Capital. Amount of capital stock paid up $ 500,000.00 Income. Net premiums received dur ing the year $1,574,771.92 Interest, dividends and rents received during the year 76,687.77 Income from other sources received during the year 692,31 Total income $1,052,152.00 Disbursements. Net losses paid during the year including adjustment expenses $ 820,737.00 Dividends paid on capital stock during the year 24,000.00 Commissions and salaries paid during tho vear 454,898.15 Taxes, .and fees paid during the year 39,682.51 Amount of all other expendi tures 35.771.07 Total expenditures $1,373,089.33 Assets. Value of stocks aud bonds owned (market value) ....$ 940,664.21 Loans on mortgsges and col lateral, etc 672,050.00 Cash in banks and on hand 73,256.38 Premiums in course of col lection written since Sep tember 30, 1920 370,446.71 Interest and rents due and accrued 23,114.23 Total admitted assets $2,085,531.53 LlabUities. Gross claims for losses un- paid $ 409,314.68 Amount of unearned premi ums on all outstanding risks 777,079.68 Due for commission and brokerage - 118,826.02 All other liabilities 39,830.42 Total liabilities, exclusive of.capltal stock $1,343,030.80 Business In Oregon for the Yir Net premiums received dur- Ing the year 6,743.78 Losses paid during the year 537 20 Losses incurred during the year 337 20 NKW JERSEY FIDELITY PLATE GLASS INSURANCE CO. Samuel C Hoagland. President. Harry C. Hedden, Secretary Statutory resident attornev for service Campbell, Smith ft Cook, Portland. Dr. T. Heurs t:00 te 1:00 undays 1M Vft Ilk Over Cresbys WMfte Track Lime Freight and express between The Dalles and Wasco, Moro and all way points. Leave The Dalles, 9 a. m. dally except Sunday. Leave Moro, 1:30 p. m. Leave Wasco, 2:30 p. m. D. M. Pierce, proprietor. Telephone black 1642 or main -471. tf School of Btacibg Latest ballroom nnd Children's dances. MISS YVONNE JARRETT 218 East Third Main 3051. A14 VmZ BAUER General real estate, insurance, and loans. 100 East Second street. Tele- phone main 1571. 28tf FORD Specn&lists Whitney Repair 8hop 709 East Second 8t. SALTS IF KIDNEYS OR BLADDER BOTHER Harmless to Flush Kidneys and Neutralize Irritating Acids. I Kidney and bladder weakness re sult from uric acid, says a noted authority. The kidneys filter this acid from the blood and pass it on to the bladder, where it often re mains to irritate and inflame, caus-' ing a burning, scalding sensation, or setting up an irritation at the neck of the bladder, obliging you to seek relief two or three times during the night. The0 sufferer is in constant dread, the water passes sometimes with a scalding sensa'ticn and Is very profuse; again there is difficulty in avoiding it. Bladder weakness, most folks call it, because they can'l control urin ation. While It is extremely annoy ing and sometimes very painful, this is really one of the most simple ail ments to overcome. Get about four ounces of Jad Salts from your phar macist and take a tablespoonful in a glass of wafer before breakfast, ' continue this for two or three days. This will neutralize the acids In the urine so it no longer is a source of irritation to the bladder and urinary organs which then act normally again. Jad Salts is inexpensive, harmless, and is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with 11th- ia, and is-used by thousands of folks who are subject to urinary disorders caused by uric acid irritation. Jad Salts is splendid for kidneys and causes no bad effects whatevor. Here you have a pleasant, efferve scent lithiawater drink, which quick ly relieves bladder trouble. Adv. WHITE WIZARD LAUNDRY COMPOUND Washes Clothes Spot lessly Clean without rubbing in FIFTEEN MINUTES Will not injure the most deli cate fabrics; removes spots and stains; will not hurt the hands; contains none of the object-, lonable elements commonly used in washing preparations and No Injurious Chemicals MISSION PARK CONFECTIONERY Sole Agents 510 E. Second Street Burget-Mogan Co. Funeral Directors THE HOME OF SUPERIOR SERVICE Phones Main 2851. Night Black 401. Main 5291 DeLARHUE " I Eyesight Specialist and Evenings by Appointment Drug Store Phone Black 1111