PAGE TWO THE DALLES DAILY CHRONICLE, SATURDAY, APRIL 9, 1921. Social Activities and Other Things 65th Wedding Day. ' One of the most notable social events ever held in The Dalles, was tho celebration of the sixty-fifth wed ding anniversary of Mr. and '.Mrs. John L. Thompson, Monday, at their home In West Third street. The occa sion was observed with a reception. During the afternoon, from 3 o'clock until 5 and in the evening from 8 o'clock until 10 a constant line of friends callod to extend good wIhIicb and present tokens of their esteem. The rooms were beautiful with he numerous floral gifts received. Many telegrams and cards were received by Mr. and Mrs. Thompson. The dining room was profusely dec orated with red tulips. .The serving tabic was tastefully arranged with cut glass, silver and linens which were the gifts of flowing friends in past years. Mrs. Alice Sheldon and Mrs. Anna Kinnersly poured. Mrs. Clifton Condon, Mrs. John Stuben, M1ss Vic toria Thompson and Miss Florence Thompson assisted. During the afternoon, Mrs. J. M. iLowe sang "Fulfillment," and "Sing, Sing, Birds on the Wing." and Mrs. Carlton P. Williams sang "Lassie O' 'Mine." During tho evening Miss Myr tle Mlchell sang, "When Yon Come Home." and Mother. Machree," and Mrs. Pat Foley sang "Perfect Day." John Lennox Thompson and Miss Margaret Itosloy wero married in L'owell, Mass., April 4, 1850, by tiie Rev. Theodore lSdison, who was then the most noted Episcopal minister of that state. Mr. Thompson came to tho Pacific coast In 1858, at tho lime of the gold rush in California. This trip was mado by boat around Capo Ulorn to San Francisco. Mrs. Thomp son later Joined him, and thoy resided in San Francisco for 10 years, then enmo to Dallas, Oregon. Thoy lived there two years, then came to -The Dalles In 1870 and havo lived hero slnco that time. Flvo daughters were born to them, threo of whom are living, Mrs. C. U Richmond, Mrs. Anna Thompson Lindsay and Miss Laura Thomuson of tnls city, Jarrlo Elizabeth and Lena Jyonnox Thompson havo dlod. Mr. Thompson is now 89 years of age and Mrs. Thompson is 85. They havo novor suffered any serious 111 nesB other than the general ailments attendant upon declining years. Historical Society. Tho Historical society gave a very pleasant social afternoon at Hotel Dalles Tuesday afternoon. Tho mem bora of tho Sorouis club ami many other guests wore invited. A very pleasing musical program consisting of tho following numbers, was ren dered: Group of iSongs, "For You Alone' 'and "Sweet Ruin," Mrs. ( It. Marshall Piano Solo, "Under tho Loaves",' John Croflon Solo, "Tho Barefoot Trail," and en core, "I Don't Havo to Die to Go to Heaven," tMrs. Peggy Sullivan. 'Solo, "Today," Encore, "Gray Days' Lynn Roycroft Solo, "Tho Charm of Spring," and en core, "llor Dream," Mis. Carlton P. Williams. Piano Duot, "Hungary," and encore, "Carmen Overture," Miss Lucilo Cummiuu and Miss .Nellie ling gorty. Tho rest of lho afternoon was spent at bridge rind flvo hundred, with some of tho ladles busy with needle--work. Tho different hostesses served dainty refreshments. Enjoyable Dancing Paity. Mrs. .1, I." Chuinliors and Mis. Thuiu as R. Hudson wero hostessos at a charming dancing party at the Cham bers homo Friday night. A color scheino in yellow was carried out. Tho luvitod guests wore: Dr. and Mrs. Thompson Cohort h, Mr. alid Mrs. J. .H. Kilnioro, Mr. and Mrs. Ben It. Lit fin, Mr, and Mrs. It. C, Hradshnw, Mr. and Mrs.. Gus Pearson, Mr. and Mrs. Don Yantls, Mr, and Mrs. Foster Kuls. ton, Mr, and Mrs. Chauncey Butler, Mr. and Mrs. Carlton P. Williams, Mr. and Mrs, llalllo S, Uleo, Mr, and Mrs. C. A. JohiiHton, Will Baker and Mrs. K. H. Shirley. ridge Party. 'Mrs. J, 1. Chambers and Mrs. Thom as Hudson euteftalued with bridge at. tho homo of the former, Thursday afternoon. Yellow flowers were used for the decorations, Mrs, Guy Kudos won the prlzo. The ladles present were, Mrs. W. C. Waldron, Mrs. K. R. J,yda, Mrs. Edward Seufert, Mrs, Sidney Bloom, Mrs. John Will, Mrs. T. H. VHt, Mrs. Guy Eadeu, Mrs. V. T. Henry, Mrs. Constance Hodder, '.Mrs. Floyd Sims, Mrs. Bert Thomas, Mrs. William Seufert, Mrs. J. H. Scott, Mrs. Loren Roberts, Mrs. El liott Roberts, Mrs. Joseph Fulton, Mrs. Clifton Condon, Mrs. Carol Pat (Arson. Mrs. ,?Jilllf Grills. Mrs J. W. Koontz, Mrs. Anna Kinnersley, Mrs. F. L. Phipps, Mrs. L. Barnum, AIrs. ! ... , , . , Arthur Seufert, Mrs. Leo Schanno, u as i i i, u Mrs. Joseph Stadelman, Mrs. Pat , ... . , . , Foley and Mrs. Claud Knight. . Danclng Party, Joyful. Mr. and Mrs. William Seufert gave n informal dancing party at their I home in West Third street Wednes- ilnv nvnntnt. Tho tni'ltntlnnnl Hat In. , ,,. eluded: Miss Margaret Sampson, Miss ! ... ,, , .. Alleen Kelly, Mrs. Cnro Patterson, I , .. ., ' , Miss Ueraldlne KeHy, Miss Margaret , ... . . . , Ma er, Miss Beatrice Coffey, .Miss Ada Herbrlng, Miss Amelia Sleeves, Miss , .. ,, , , , , Jeanette Crosfleld, Miss Helen Schoi en, Miss Mary Koch, Miss Imogene Sexton, Miss Myrtle Rorden, Miss ', 'Winnifred Wolk, Miss Nellie Masking Miss Edna Pease, Miss Violet Du clch, Mrs. Constance Hodder, George illostetlor, Robert Williams, Gilbert Kelly, James Michaelbrook, Lynn Roycroft, Elmer Bottingen, Chris Wetle, Maurice Langston, Jess Sex ton, Henry Scherrer,, George Scherrer, Robert Goo, Phillip Sharp, Luy Car lisle, Merrill Donnell, James Sharp, Bon Cohen, Will Pease, J. T. Fries, and Si Cohen. Lynn Roycroft and Miss Jeanette Crosfield sang several beautiful songs during the evening. Dancing was enjoyed until a late hour when lefreshments wore served. Betty Booths' Party. Mrs. J. Minor Booth gave a party Thursday afternoon; for her little daughter, Betty, celebrating her lenth birthday anniversary. The little guests present were: Mary Alice Hos- totler, Frances Van Dellen, Dorothy ! Loomls, Helen Llndiiulst, Letha.Klrk, Emma Johnson, 'Mary Stevens,, Lola Van Horn, Maxlne Vogt, Ruth Wit . , , . ' D1 ,, Hams, Christine Rice, Joan Stadel- Dorothy Greene and Elizabeth Yan Us. Outdoor games wero played. Cun ning little baskets of candy were given as favors and dainty place cards wore used. The refreshments includ ed a line birthday cako. Artisans Surprise Lemkes. ,Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lamke were thoroughly surprised Wednesday even ing, when tho Artisan lodge tondored them a surprlso party In the lodgd rooms, after the regular session. About 150 Artisans and Invited friends wero prcsont. A three-ploco orchestra played for dancing. Tho tables m the dining room were beau tifully decorated with carnations and ferns and a well served lunch was enjoyed. Mrs. Loniko was presented with a basket of red carnations. Mr. and Mrs. Lemke expect to leave for a visit to Germany next Thurs day, which occasioned tho enjoyable llnio, and many friendly expressions wero bestowed upon them. They sail from Now York City on the Frederick tho Eighth. Thoy will visit relatives ami see many places of interest be fore returning to this city In Septem ber. Party For Mrs. Ross. Mrs. F. L. Phipps entertained at her 'homo Friday afternoon, honoring Mrs. j C C. Itoss, who Is a now resilient of Tlie Hallos. Tho invitational list In cluded: Mrs. U. C, Uradshaw, Mrs. 0. C. Hoss, .Mrs. Guy Trades, Mrs. Nel lie Grills, Mis. .1. H. Scott. Mrs. Gus Pearson, Mrs. Constance Hodder, Mrs. 1). W. Yantls, Mrs. Floyd Sims, .Mrs. Hon R. Lit fin", Mrs. Harlan K. Fancher, Mrs. Chauncey Butler, Mrs. Thompson Coborth, Mrs. B. A. Lubbo, .Mrs. Dupre, Mrs. Carlton P, Williams, Mrs. John G. Oiloll, Mrs. W. C. Wal dion, Mrs. Alspaugh, Mrs. Ki.tiicls v. Galloway, Mrs. 1M. Seufori, Mrs, Luz on Roberts, Mrs. Elliott Uoht'rts, Mrs. J. I. Chambers, Mrs. Thomas R, Hud ton and Miss Maud 'Harrlman. R. V. P. Club. Mrs. Claud B. Knight entertaino.1 tho R. V. P. club at her homo Thurs day evening. There aro 12 members of the club. On account of two regrets sent in, two jnvlted guests wero present. Bridge was piayed and Mrs. Harlan P. Puncher won the prlxo, Pink and lavender were used In tho decorations. A dainty lunch was serv ed. Needlecraft Meets. The Needlecmtt met with. Mrs. A. b, Esson at her home, Friday after noon. Members and several invited guests were present. A pleasant so cial time was enjoyed, after which tea was served. Yl W. C. A. Meeting. One oflhe four regular membership meetings, of tho Y. W. C. A. held dur- ,n J, convened In the Y. W, ,OUI"8 OIlua l ""fu , was arranged by Miss Maud Harrl- man. A recognition service for 12 new members was a part of the pro gram. Mrs. Carlton P. Williams ana Mrs. J. M. Lowe sang solos. Tile .rooms w,?re ta8te'ul,y Jecorated with wrlnB flowers. Reports from the general secretary and the treasurer , wei'e erven. Mrs. E. M. Williams, ' ' chairman of the finance committee, discussed the 1921 budget. All present 'joined In songs led by Miss Helen Fair. Excellent refreshments wero served. Some interesting facts gather ed from the reports were that 437 ' people were served with lunches dur- ing the month of March, and that A. . , ,. tie cost was so carefully planned ' . t. . , , that the balance in the cafeteria 4 4 , , A. treasury at the end of the month was . ,, , , , . ... . , . mlttee reported 25 new members for the month. Miss French, field secre tary, reported that The Dalles associa tion easily ranks first of any of the town associations of fohr states. Ten tative plans are being made for a girls' summer camp in some pleasant place, accessible from The Dalles. i Address on Sociology. On Wednesday, April 6, the Congre gational Men's club, met for the monthly dinner and address. A large body of men was present and par took of a sumptuous meal which was prepared by the ladies of the Junior Aid society. After the dinner the club was privileged to listen to a scholar ly and well delivered address on tho interesting subject of sociology, by President R. F. Clark, of Pacific Uni versity, Forest Grove. The club hopes to have as its next speaker Mayor Baker 'of Portland. Reception to New Members. On Thursday, April 14, the Congre gational church will tender a recep tion to all the new members who have been received since the coming of the present pastor. The 90 new , . , L L CASINO THEATER NOW PLAYING TODAY 4 D. W. GRIFFITH'S bS sWT-. aLi Bar'1 VJB bbbbT sbBiBA i' 1 bbW;bbW .bEsHJ -oH i HBLLbv. .LLLW bHHbIbHIbH BvLLmBLH BFBBW aA BBTBBrBV BBBBVH BLBH BBBBB BBBBI BBBBB LBBH BLBLS LLY W H bH bH bH bH 'BbHM' ' HbI ' Wmwm MWm BBBBJ J bjjh 1 BBBBBB BBB BBBW BBV BBBH BbS BBBBBBBBBBP BJBBBBB BBBHl BBBBBW BBBBB BBBBBB PRICES OF ADMISSION MATINEES 50c to $1.00 EVENINGS $1.00 to $1.5Q (Plus Tax) tCATi ON SALE AT 10X OFFICE. PHONE REO 3921 , NOTlIt's not only food' judgment, but a good investment to sot your seats early. The reception will be held in tho par sonage at 8 o'clock. A program will be rendered, ,and refreshments serv ed. AH prospective members are al so invited. -Sunday School Social. The young married people's Sun day school class of the Christian church, met with Mr. and Mrs. -Eugene Lee at their home Wednesday evening. A pleasant social time was enjoyed and refreshments were serv ed. Blllikln Club. Mrs. F. L. Phipps was hostess tp the Blllikln club at her home Friday ol last week. The members and the following invited friends were pres ent: Mrs. Sidney Bloom, Mrs. Claude Knight, Mrs. T. H. West(-Mrs. J. T. Henry, Mrs. C. C. Ross, Mrs. John Van Dellen, Mrs. O. R. Krier, Mrs, Carlton L. Pepper Mrs.. C. R. iMar s'hall, Mrs. tfrnnk Emerson, Mrs, Hal He S. Rice, Mrs. E. M. "Williams, Mrs. Bert Thomas, Mrs. F. J3. Gannett, Mrs. G. C. Moore, Mrs. W. L. Crlch ton, Mrs. E. R. Lyda, Mrs. Roy Ent ler, 'Mrs.; John Burnett, and Mrs. H, A. Harden. Mrs. West won tho high score at bridge and Mrs. Moore the April fool prize. Rebekahs Meet. A delightful time was enjoyed by the Rebekahs at their lodge room last night, when a reception was given,' honoring Mrs. L'Jlu D. Cran dall, Mrs. Mary Ward and Dr. O. D. Doane who are the only charter mem bers of the lodge in the city at the present lime. About 200 people were present. A delightful program was rendered, consiting of a solo by F. M. Sexton, a reading by Laura" Bon ney, a solo by Miss Edith Bugger, a reading by Mary Aldrich, a history of the local Rebekah lodge by Miss Dora Sexton, and a roll-call of the members. The local lodge is known as Azalea Eodge No 99. Dr Doane In former, years suggested the name "Azalea" which was adopted. It was particularly fitting therefore when each of the charter members were presented last night with a beau tiful flowering azalea. Mrs. D. D. Bolton made the presentation ad dress and Dr. Doane responded In a very appropriate manner. Elaborate refreshments were served in the ban quet room. The Best Bid Sitter Main 60,61 Bennett Taxi Main 01 tf THE GREATEST SENSATION OF ALL TIMES SUNDAY 2:15 LbbbbbH bbbb bSbbbM LbbbbbV LbbbW i BBBWfl BYfl BBBbPLbBBBBM BBBM BbV LTbH BBILI MbVsSbVV&1. k.B ' ' SbVAMm I IIHhVsVsVsV' H r ' "WAY DOWN EAST" ' , (Review.) Sitting for two hours ' and a half, tensely interested, sometimes laugh ing, sometimes tearful eyed, Casino patrons last night enjoyed "Wav Down East," the super screen drama, produced by D. W. Griffith. The j storjy as adapted to the. screen is a mixture of comedy and pathos.' It la a human document as well as a photo play. It is life with Its tragedy and' its joys, its thrills and its drab mo ments. Griffiths, tho producer poet has tan 'en an old, old storyand made a clas sic of it, so gripping that it easily ' ranks as one of the two or three great pictures of the year. i Anna Moore, a poor relation goes to live with rich relatives in the city. Lennox Sanderson, mnn-about-town, who specializes in charming women, sees her and falls for her charm. She is something different and his jaded appetite is revived. , Under cover of a mock marriage, he accomplishes her ruin and then heart lessly turns her adrift. A child is born which dies shortly after birth. . Anna is kicked out by one of the "holier than thou" brigade in the per son of the landlady. Anna seeks wor.1:. She finds it at Squire Bartlett's. But wagging tongues loose her dark past and she is denounced and eject- fed by the Squire, nqt, however, un til she has won the heart of Seth Hoi comb, one of the Bartlett household. Anna is turned out at the moment the man who caused her undoing is a guest at Squire- Bartlett's table. Tense drama is just here enacted. Anna tells the other half of the story. Seth tries to kill the breaker q(. wom en's hearts. , Out into a driving storm goes the frail Anna. Seth and the whole countryside seeks her. Finally Anna falls exhausted upon the Ice of a rlv- er. Then the ice goes out. Anna in ert lies upon a great ice cake as it drifts towards the fallfc where death lurks. The 'rescue scene Is so vivid that '. one forgets one is viewing a picture. It seems actual life. Yes, Seth rescues Anna, leaping from floating. Ice cake to floating ice cake just above the falls-. ' ' Real absolutely, it is real. The 8:15 fight between Seth and Lennox San derson is so actual that cries escape the Hps of the spectators and many hands are clenched. That is the story briefly, side lights eliminated. But it is not the story. Only a Griffith can tell tho story. The picturlzation is wonderfully, beautifully done. 'Lillian Gish who plays the role of Anna Moore, Lowell -Sherman who takes the character of Lennox San derson, Porter Strong as eth Hoi comb, George Neville as the country constable carry forward the story by means of high art. 'But 'the entire cast Is worthy of mention. , ,A six-piece drchestra which accom panies the production, sympathetical ly interpreted the scenes of the play. "Wlay Down East," will be Bhown again at the Casino theater tonlgnf, (Sunday and Monday. -r The Best .Big. Sister The very latest thing in young wom en's sport shoes is a white and brown trimmed oxford now being shown by Edw. C. Pease company. TheBest Big SUter Day Nursery - Children cared for while parenti are busy. Mrs. J. M. Smithy park. city 12 -The Best Big Sister- . Taxi Mayfleld's Taxi Telephone mala 6021. ' 27tf The Best Big. Ststsr Give Your Wife A Treat It may not be a more excellent meal than she can prepare at home, but she will enjoy it the more and be remarkably surprised -at the reason able cost and splendid food served in our dining room. Hotel Dalles. 9 The Best Big Slstsr Card of Thanks We wish to sjneerely think our friends and neighbors for their kind ness nnd sympathy shown in our re cent bereavement, the death of our baby. We desire to especially men tion the local Knights of Pythiis lodge and the Pythian Sisters. MR. AND MRS. R. WINTERMUTE AND FAMILY. 9 v COMING "CITY MARKET" MONDAY