THE DALLES DAILY CHRONICLE, FRIDAY, APRIL 8, 1921. PAGE FIVE NEWS NOTES Coy Born to Smith's Born to Mr. and Mri. Thomas J. Smith this morn: lng r.t the family home, a nine pound boy. Girl Born to Johnsons Born to Mr. and Mrs. N. F. Johnson of Lyle, at The Dalles hospital last night, a seven and one-halt pound girl. Boy Born to Van Scholcks Born at The Dalles hospital yesterday after noon, to Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Van Scholck of Miller, an eight and three quarters pound boy. Frosts Do No Damage Although light frosts have been reported In va rious parts of Wasco county during the last several days, as far as can be ascertained no damage has result ed, according to County Agent E. R, .lackman. To Explain Cooperative Association -i-The purpose and workings' of the Oregon Grain Growers' association will be analyzed Monday, April 11, in a meeting to be held at the Endersbv school on Eight Mile -creek. A num ber of speakers of state and national note will address the "meeting. The meeting is open to wheat farmers and their wives, it is announced. Schools Insured for $270,700 If every school house in school district No. 12 should suddenly burn to the ground, the city would have $270,700 with which to rebuild, according to insurance statistics compiled by Miss Prudence Patterson, city school board secretary. Of this sum, $143,- 500 is carrjed in insurance upon the. high school, fixtures and general equipment. Dalles Dip Initiated The Dalles dip was initiated for the 1921 season yesterday afternoon, when a number of local young men decided tHat the season had progressed sufficiently to permit summer bathing. The follow ing persons, enjoyed (?) the waters of the Columbia: Floyd Ford, Dana Lange, Everett Mann, Edward Hack ett, Loren Hecker and "Slim" Taylor. Mrs. Rachael Hill Dies Mrs. Rach ELY MANSION OK LONG ISLAND MAY BE SUMiiR WHITE HOUgE The summer White House will be (In the beautiful Shinnecock Hills on -Long Island, according to late in formation. Dr. Albert H. Ely, who n '- i it I r accompanied rresiacw naruing on his Florida trip before inauguration, has offered his beautiful home to the Hardings. And there is one over powering appeal, say the President's personal friends and that is "it is near an attractive golf course." 3 eon and bring a friend. The next! but had to use a trio of pitchers meeting will be held Thursday noon, do it. April 21. West-End Community Service A Community Service program will be given at the West End school tonight. Miss Kathleen Cockburn of the Port land Community Service will speak on "Girls' Work." Ray F. Carter, dis trict representative, will be there to speak briefly. The children of the school will put on two surprise num bers; and a community sing will be a big feature. Picture slides of the Canadian Rockies will be shown. Lynn Roycroft will render a .vocal sel ection and assist in directing the 'community sing. Two community council members will be chosen from 'che west end for The Dalles Com munity Service to serve for a period of one year. Many, Out-of-Town Visitors The following visitors from outside coun ty and state' points were in The Dalles Thursday: Attorney R. W. Mon tague of 'Portland, in the interest of The Angels battled 11 Innings with Seattle before Carroll's single brought Wade Hlllefer home with the run which made the score 4 to 3. Vernon and Sacramento furnished some thrills. Twice feacramento was in the lead and twlco Vernon came from behind, finally winning 8 'to 6. -The Best Big Sister j- Main 6061 Bennett Taxi Main 01 tf The Beit Big Sister PERSONALS I ael Hill, 76 years old, aiea earij the adjudication of White River, yls this morning at the family home ite(j rjointy Commissioner Leo Kel near Five Mile, after an extended j iy; Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Henneghan, illness. She is survived by her hus-,Maupin; joseph A. Graham, Wapin- hand. C. G.-E. Hill, a rancher,, and ltla forest ranger, J. 1. West, Wap-; one son. Joe Deirk, a deputy snerm of Multnomah county. ' Funeral ser vices will be held tomorrow from the Burget-Mogan company's funeral home. The Rev. Frank Johns will officiate. Burial will be in the Odd Fellows' cemetery. initia, cattleman; Harvey Morris, Maupln, realty broker; Dr. Elwood, Maupin; Bates Shattuck, Maupln, jnerchant; Nathan Hill, Wapinitia, merchant; J. M. Conklin, Maupln, rancher; N. G. Hedirf, Wapinitia Plains, Commercial club secretary; Acetylene Explosion Burns Man A use has at last been found for the Celilo canal. Wednesday night, R. E. lighted match he was holding in his hand caused the gas to explode, tir ing his clothes. The canal was but a few feet away, and McClellan he turned off the acetylene gas which was still leaking, climbed in hs auto- I mobile and drove to The Dalles, . . . -can. 1 Everett Redmond. Wapinitia, garage ..Chamber To E cct mcn. Ben Flinn, Wapinitia; Mr. and turn of officers of The Gutylei. John sinclalri County Chamber of Commerce win George Waplnltla. be held tomorrow afternoon at "i . and MpB w B KerDi Wapinitla. at the chamuer oi building. At this time, a president, two vice-presidents, a secretary and a traiunirer will be chosen to head the city-county organization. All directors j jMcClellan of Big Eddy was attempt will have a vote. In fact, there is a 'tug to light the acetylene headlights possibility that men from the county ! upon his automobile, when the rub may secure Borne of 'the offices to be ' ber tubing connecting the lights with . i ru.tntaH nut. i Mir pas tank suddenly slinned off. A hoi nfAn l nun. iL is iv... i o Cooperators. Slfln 800 Acres With a total of 1200 acres of fruit and pro duce land necessary before the Ore gon Growers' association will esiaD-, u dove , head-first. He put . . .i.nllnn In WnBCO .... .... . nsh a Drancn urB""""-" - .out the fire. Climbing out or tiie canai, county, local fruit and proauce men have already signed up 800 acres and exnect to have the remaining 400 acres within a few days, County Agent ,.where severe burns aD0Ut his hands R. Jackman said this morning, u is estimated that 90 percent of the fruit and produce growers In the Mill creek district have signed up their land in the cooperative organization. Nurses Take Examinations A ban quet will be held tonight at the nurses' home back of The Dalles hos pital, in celebration of completion of examinations for graduate nurseB, held yesterday in the city hall. Ex amination papers were sent to Sa - iem for correction, making it impos sible to tell who has passed as yet. The following student nurses took the examinations: Misses Grace Gib son, Cora Dlckensen, Arlfa Sears, Al oerta Eddlngs, Edith Ogle, Charlotte Allen, Mabel Spinning and Mattie Pritchard. Community Luncheon, Enjoyale-y One of the most delightful and en thusiaslic meetings occurred at the noon luncheon at the Y. W . C. A. rooms Thursday at 12:15 o'clock. The topic of the day was: "The Value of Y. W. C. A. Activities to the Comraun- and arms were treated at The Dalles hospital. Had not Uncle Sam been so thoughtful as to build a canal at this point, McClellan would probably have been dangerously burned. The Best Big Sister Pastry Sale Chenowith grange will hold a pas try mile at Parlor grocery all day Sat urday. 9 The Beit Big Sister Give Your Wife A Treat It may not be a more excellent meal than she can prepare at home, but she will enjoy It the more and oe remarkably surprised at the reason able cost and splendid food served In our dining room. Hotel Dalles. 9 The Best Big Sister Day Nursery Children cared for while parent 1 are busy. Mrs. J. M. Smith, city park. 12 The Best Big Sister AROUND THE BASES By United Prcm SAN FRANCISCO, April 8 The CahIo Ttrnra an1 Anemia f rill m filled uy. anon, io iU Vmm fa yeaterday.8 CoaBl ieaKU0 delivered by Mrs. Carlton v. u imams, bageba gameij( repeatIn lno per Mrs. Lulu "D. Crandall, L. Barnum, Mrs. E. M. "Williams, John L. Bogue, Miss .Helen Fair and Miss French. A Ehort community sing preceded the talks. It was vdled, to perpetuate tbeie booster" meetings and each one pres ent agreed to attend the next lunck- romances of the day before, although In each instance they had to work a bit harder. Salt Lake and Oakland still were snowbound but they hoped to get started today. The Seals beat Portland, 5 to 3, A. Davis of Grass Valley was a 'Dalles visitor yesterday. Ralph 'Butlerof JJufur was in the city on business yesterday. Ben Frantz of Fallbrldge was a bus iness visitor in the city yesterday. J. W. Allen Is In Bend upon legal matters. Thomas Joy of Fossil is registered at Hotel Dalles. D W. Guinn of Fossil is a "busi ness visitor in The Dalles. A. M. Wright of Moro is registered at the Bank hotel. Clyde Ham of Wasco is a busi ness visitor in Tiie uaues. Mrs. L. W. llell.ini of Dufur It a !in?st at t he Bar'f hotel. Dr. G. Gray of Yakima is in Tne 'Dalles today visiting with friends. Miss Myrtle Michell is visiting her sister, Mrs. W. E. Nixon, at Twin Falls, Idaho. Frank J. Rooney of New York Is in The Dalles attending to business mat- tors. R R. Dickson of Wat'.a Walla is in ".'he Dalles to:y atttJiuwiK io business matters. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Minton of Pen dleton are visiting with friends in The Dalles. Mrs. O. E. Wilson of Moslor was 'here yesterday to visit her son, Frank, who is ill In the local hospital. J. M. Hlatt, special agent for Seely & company ,ln the Portland office, was here on business yesterday. Mrs. C. A. Spitler of this city Vent to HoodRiver yesterday to visit With friends. J. H. Curry, traveling auditor for the Equitable Savings & Loan asso ciation, Is calling on local friends today. e If. L, Price has purchased a hotel at Sundy, Oregon. He went thero yes terday, accompanied by Mr. and Mr. Mainard, whom he has employed' to manage it for him. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Mc.N'ab of Port land, who have extensive Sherman county interests, were hero yesterday on business. They expect shortly to 'make The Dalles their home. i Mrs. Alvin L. Bucklin and , two boys returned home last night after a two month's visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George M. Havico in Montara, a residential suburb of San Francisco, Cal. Mrs. W. H. Arbury of Portland ar rived in The Dalles today to bo with her husband who Is directing Com munity Service work here, over the week-end.' She is bringing as her guests, Miss Kathleen Cocklwrr. an'! Mrs. Bettlna Brown. The Best Big 8lstt Chenowith Dance Dance at Chenowith grange, Satur day. Good music. 9 MEETING NOTICES ; He grafted the Idea from Julius Caesar who bui'.t the road tVor.i Do ver to London, which, by the way, is ' tn excellent condition today, after 1 almost two thousand years of ser vice. " 4 j The specllicaUona for true .Mac . Adam calls for layer of tixGxS Inch cut stone laid in a clay mortar, then the three sizes of rock arc laid on n nine courses, each course wet and tamped (or rolle.l.) The u!nc courco amount to fourteen inches. Each courso is bound together by a thin layer of clay mortar. Thla nmkus a permanent roadbed with very little upkeep but the cost la exorbitant. There is not and never has been any macadam in The Dalles, A pile o j rock rolled into the mud is not ma cadam, neither is it a serviceable roadbed. Bithulithic is expensive if properly applied aiyl is excellent for light trar flc, but if the people of Tho Dalles are really interested in getting the best road possible for tho least money, let them investigate concrete pavins Write to the Wayne county conimls sioners, Detroit, Mleh., and nsk fo the Wayne county specifications and the report on 50 miles of concrete roads built, I think about 1900. The upkeep after 15 years was about 40c per mi!o. This ir. worth investigating. AN OLD ROAD liUILDElt. The Best Big Sister Free Clinic No Charge For Examina tion Tuesdays and Thursdays. Dr. Baum, chiropractic physician, Third and Washington, main 501. tf -The Best Big Slster- Rcbekahs' annual roll call Friday, April 8. All visiting Rebekahs invit ed. 8 Annual Stockholders. Meeting .Notice Is, hereby given that the reg. ular annual meeting of the stockhold ers of The Dalles Hotel company will be held at the office of French & com pany, in Dalles City, Oregon, Monday, April 1, 1921, at 7:30 o'clock p. m. Said Meeting ia called as provided by the by-laws of said company, and at said meeting will be elected a board of directors tb serve for the ensuing year, and such othen business will be transacted as shall regularly come be fore said meeting. By order of tho board of directors. V. H. FRENCH, Secretary. Dated at The Dalles, Oregon, this first day of April, 1921. 11 Seventh Day Adventist Services a the Seventh Day Adven tist church, E00 East Fourteenth street are held regularly as follows: Sabbath school at 9:45, preaching at 11 a. m. and Young -People's meet ing at 3 p. m. Saturday. Preaching dunday night at 7:30. Prayer and missionary meeting Wednesday even ing at 7:30. Tho public is invited to attend these meetings. Elder P. W Province, pastor. Personal address, 420 East Fourteenth street. The Best Big Sister THE FORUM Editor, Tho Chronicle: The ques tion arises: has The Dalles ever built any macadam pavement? Macadamized pavement was patent ed in England by a Scotclv engineer named MacAdams, hence the name. BRITT AND HANLON SOX FOR IRISH RELIEF FUND Tty United Press SAN FRANCISCO, April 8 Time has not tnken from Jimmy Brltt his famous loft hook ana Eddie Hanlon still knows how to land the body punches. Perhaps the blows lacked a littlo of the old-time steam and perhaps the. two warriors could not go tho distances or furnish the bursts of speed they used to show, but they haven't forgotten how. Tliat was proven hero last night when Hanlon nnd Brltt boxed three rounds for tho Irish relief fund. Jack Welsh refereed. No decision was giv en but that had no effect on the en thusiasm of the two boxers who flay ed away at each other with a vim which recalled the days gone by. , . Alex Greggans and Jack Stelzner also were on the bill. They mot last 24 years ago In San Francisco. fin . More New Arrivals I Voile Waists at $1.25 and $1.50 Just received an express shipment of fine new Voile Waists. These are very nicely made up, both in short and long sleeves, high and low neck, come in thq plain white and colored silk striped Voile, and offer exceptional value at the prices of $1.25 and $1.50 vvhen Uou ThinK Dru Gcods-TMnK7 FOR YOUR MUSIC LIBRARY The New Victor Records FOR ARPIL, 1921 . THEY ARE HERE . 88C28 (Red Seal) "Serenata," sung by Enrico Caruso $1.75 C4937 "JtiHl a Little House of Love," sung by Sophie IlraHlau 11.25 74C70 "Hungarian Rhapsody No.- 2" (Liszt) piano, by Alfred Cortc-t $1.75 C4934 -"Beau Solr" (Bourget-DobusHy) sung by Giuseppe Do Luca $i -. 64938 "Clelo o Mar" (From La Gloconda), sung by Olgll ., 87575 "Oh, Morning Land," duet, sung by Mmo. and MPhh Ilomor..................... $ .50 87574 "O Ceaso Thy Singing, Maiden Fair," John McCorinuek and Fritz hreialer, $1.50 74671 "Samson t Dallla" Uacchanalo (Saint Saens) Philadelphia orchestra, $1.75 87323 "MunaBterlo," sung by Tltta Huffo $-' 74072 "Gagliarda," Toscanlnl and LaScala .orchestra 6493C "Serenade" (Piorne) violin, Efrem ZlmbaliBt.. ?L-. DANCE RECORDS 35700 "Sally." medley fox trot; "Lady Hilly," medloy fox trot (Smith orchuatni) $l..l. 18733 "Rose-NIKl.tlngale," medley fox trot; "Tip Top," mwlloy ono-Htop.......... 18729 "Homo Again Blues," medloy fox trot; "Crazy Blues," fox trot, Dixieland 18734 "?aNovbearDdlbfow'," Tox trot; "Do Ygu Think of Mc?" medley fox trot, Paul Whlteman und orchestra, 85c. 18735 "Bright Eyes," medley fox trot; "Lovo Bird," medley fox trot Sfo 18728 "Valse Erica," "Saxophobla" (solos by Rudy Wledoft). jc 18730 "My Mammy"; "Underneath Hawaiian Skies," Peerless Quartet.... H5c 55135-"Rcturii Victorious." from Alda; "My Natlvo Lam!," from Alda, soprano solo, Lucy Isabollo Marsh, $1.50. 18731 "Look for the Sliver Lining"; "Wandering Home," mimical comedy lilts .....85o 18732 "She Gives Them All tho Ha! Ha! Ha!" Billy Murray an.l Amor can rjunrtct. SSo 45241 "HuHh-a-Byo, Baby Mlno"; "Mammy Dear," cradlo songs by fcljlo akor......l.oo 18720-"Carry Your Cross With a Stnilo"; "Tell Mo the Story of Jesus," Homer Rodeheayer, 85c On Sale by F. A. FRENCH Opposite City Hall