THE DALLES DAILY CHRONICLE, FRIDAY, APRIL 8, 1921. PAGE THREE BOY BANDIT SH9WS UP MERE THRILLERS POLICE CAN'T KEEP HIM WANT ED FOR MANY CRIMES. By United News EUREKA, Cal., April 8. The ox ' plolts of Willie Clark, 16, the boy bandit of California, aa he is known to police officers, far outshines the wildest dreams of the enterprising young authors who wrhe the nickel thriller libraries. With more than 20 state, county, municipal and federal charges against him, Willie is still at large today af ter his latest escape from the Hum boldt county jail yesterday, after boasting to deputy sheriffs that he would get out of any cell they put him' In. (After escaping, Willie, 'according to the statements of witnesses, went to. the offices of the Northwestern Pacific railroad and looted the office safe. By the time the job was well under way the city police had been Bummoned. Willie Immediately de camped through a rear window and after exchanging half a dozen shots with the arms of the law, hid himself in a lumber yard. After dark he slipped out past the men who were searching the lumber yard and boarded a freight train which carried him to Fields Landing, several miles south of here. Railroad police discovered him there and sur rounded the car on which he was rirl- iug. He stayed there for some time and late today a posse of some 20 men arrived from Eureka to attempt to capture him. By the time they got there Willie had slipped into the car. The sheriff held up the white flag long enough to talk to Willie to per suade him to surrender. Willie had a gun and told fhe sheriff what he thought of him. As the armistice was ended the sheriff spread his men around the car and said that h would wait for Willie to get hungry. Another attempt at a conference will be made in the morn- WHITE WIZARD LAUNDRY COMPOUND Washes Clothes Spot lessly Clean without rubbing in FIFTEEN MINUTES- Will not injure the 'most deli cate fabrics; removes spots and stains; will not hurt the hands; contains none of the object ionable elements commonly used in washing preparations and No Injurious Chemicals IVySSION PARK CONFECTIONERY Sole Agents 510 E. Second Street ing If Willie doesn't slide out again under cover of darkness. The sheriff wants Willie for a few little things. He says that there are charges against him In five different cities for burglary, one of automobile stealing, one of receiving stolen prop erty and several minor offenses. The army also would like to see Willie as . i i . t.i i j i . i I uic.v auy ue ncipeu iiunseii 10 consul J erable army property before he desm- ed in San Francisco. , 'He has also escaped from severn! California reform schools as well an ) most of the jails in Northern. Califor- ( nia. Only 16, Willie is small for his age and is a very handsome youth with a winning way. The Best Big Sister Eyes tested, glasses fitted. Dr. Geo. K. Newhouse. o : The Best Big Sister Notice I will not be responsible for any bills contracted on my account with out a written order. Dated March SO, 1921. R. E, Doyle. 9 The Best Big Sister Private Dinner Parties or banquets. We are always at your service with a 'varied men of the best foods prepared by a skilled chef under the most sanitary conditions. Our watchwords, "Quality and Clean liness." Hotel Dalles. . 9 The Best Big Sister School of Journalism In Philippines Manila. A school of journalism, the first in the Far East, has been estab lished at the University of the Philip pines, in Manila. Admission to the School of Journal ism Is limited to third and fourth year students who have shown marked ability in the use of English. The course is open' to both men and wo men. A class of about 50 registered at the opening of the journalistic course. ASKS INDEPENDENCE FOR PHILIPPINES "Here Comes The Bride! Everybody Vislieshcr svell J Happy and radiant she starts out on life's adventure. She should have health to begin with. Good looks in vrornan. do not depend upon age, but upon health. You never see a good looking woman who is weak, run-down. irritable, out of sorts, fidgety and nervous. Headaches, backaches, dragging-down pains, irregular ities and troubles of that sort aro all destroyers of beauty. Men do not admire sickness. It is within the reach of every woman to be well, healthy and strong if shewill tnkeDr.Pierco's Favorite Prescription. Roseburq, Oeegon. I suffered something terrible from an organic trouble. Could scarcely etand on my feet. My head and back ached so hard and I was weak and nervous. I had a severe pain in my side and my limbs and feet ached. I was also troubled with constipation. I took Doctor Pierce's Favorite Prescription, Golden Medical Discovery and the Pleasant Pellets, and these medicines relieved me of all my ailments and I was well and strong." Mrs. W. D. Moobe, 1246 N. Jackson Street. Send 10c. to Dr. Pierce's Invalids' Hotel in Buffalo, N. Y., for a trial package of any of his medicines. Made Only As The Phetteplace Knows How to Make Delicious' Candies PENOCHIA at the 22nd Saturday Sale A dozen or more varieties in nuts and creams AT POUND, 50c Saturday, April 9, Only PHETTEPLACE STORES Second and Court ' 1008 Union SPECIAL Saturday and Sunday SPECIAL. Pineapple Sherbet Manila. Fran cis Burton Harri son, former 'gov ernor genernl of the Philippine Is lands, offered to tender his resig nation eighteen months ago upon condition that the Secretory of War r e c o m m e n d to President Wilson that a Filipino be appointed his suc cessor, lie made Francis Burton the offer while In Harrison V n s h i n g t o n In 1019. D:scusslng Philippine Independenc. the governor general said : "I cUn see in the future n vei beautiful vision. When the Hag of the Philippine republic shall be hoist ed, when the Stars and Stripes will come lloatlng down to the strains of 'The Star Spangled Banner' that Hag. Old Glory, so rich In huppy and hon orable achievements, will be made doubly dear because It will mean that the United States will have kept. Its word to the people of the Philippine Islands." Spring Is Here Once More Tripp's Cleaning and Dye workB. 310 Union street. A20 KODAKS from $8.00 up. Brownies for Little Folks $?.00 and up. Get Out Your Kodak At no other time of the year does Na ture invite us outdoors with such appeal ing force as in Springtime; 'at no other 'time do we want to respond to tle call more readily, and at no other time are. we given such ample opportunities for Kodak pictures. Don't neglect these op portunities; let your Kodak keep a faith ful picture-record of the enjoyable inci dents of life. The pictures you take now will become ever more precious to you as other Springs go by. A. E. CROSBY Prompt, Efficient Kodak Finishing TODAY STARTING A 4 Days .flMTi ny RICHARD BAQTHELMEtt" tl IN D 3X GD.tFFITH'j' WAY "DOWN EAfT STARTING TONIGHT Mr. Richard Barthel mess as David. APRIL 8th it 8:15 Twice Daily There after. AT 2:15 AND 8:15 P. M. D Wi GR IFFITH'S lif mm ' The cinema spectacle, "Way Down East," is accompanied by a superb orchestra of players selected from New York and. San Francisco Symphony in a unique thematic score. Curtain rises promptly at 8:15 p. ni., as 2'2 hours are required for the pre sentation. ' NOW PLAYING I