PACE TV0 THE DALLES DAILY CHRONICLE, FRIDAY, APRIL 8, 1921. I mm i VIEWED JS FAILURE VISIT HAS HASTENED STATE MENT OF POLICY AGAINST TREATY, LEAGUE. ' By Fred S. Ferguson lUnltcd Nowb Staff Correspondent) NEW YORK, April 8 Viewed as u diplomatic mission and it really amounts to this the visit of Itene Viviani, French ambassador extraor dinary has resulted in nothing less than one of tho most complete diplo matic failures of recent years, when regarded from tho French viewpoint. Sufficient information has now drifted into financial and semi-official circles in Now York, where there Is more or less freedom from official Washington restraint to gain a real estimate of tho effect of Viviani's visit. II Is described in one riuarter ns an "extremely unhappy affair," through out. While Viviani has been shown nv-' cry courtesy in Washington, and offi cial pleasantries have been properly exchanged, reports to well informed quarters hero are that the visit of tho French envoy, who hns been describ ed as being cloaked with extraordi nary authority, is resented liy republi can loaders. Resentment Is felt, espe cially by mcmbors of the foreign re lations commlttco, It is stated. Viviani arrived In this country while tho republican foreign policy was still In tho I'ornmtivo stage and at such a time, tho republican leaders aro declared to feel behind their dip lomatic smile that we have tho right to bo let alono. Tho Viviani visit Is regarded by somo as nothing short of attempted foreign interference. There Is a well defined belief in some, quarters that instead or improv ing tho situation from tho European standpoint Vlvinnl's visit nctually hastened somo of the statements re garding tho now administration b policies. Sensing tho possibility or such a result, Ambassador .liissornnil, II Is understood bore, advised agalnrt the visit of Viviani at this time, when it was first proposed. An interesting sidelight Is presonted, however, In a further roport that I'remior llrlnud was willing to tako tho chances Jus Eorund pointed out because ho was anxious to got Viviani out of France forn time, owing to domestic political conditions. Summed up, the results of Vlvlanl's visit, when viewed from the stand point of actual events, are about as follows: "The primary object of his visit was to prevent the declaration of a separ. ate peace with Germany." It Is now announced that the first step In re-establishing our Internatlon nl affairs on a normal basis will be the establishment of peace with Ger many by resolution. Convinced that this was inevitable, Viviani sought to bring about the adoption of a resolution which would declare specifically that the United tJtates would regard herself as con corned in event of nnother attack upon France by Germany. In this, according to best reports, he has failed. Vlvlanl's next concern was naturally for tho treaty of Verspllles. He had hoped to save It, and that the new administration might be brought to accept it, with such amendments ns might bo deemed necessary and thus swing the full force of American sup port to tho French reparation de mands. Rut President Harding has Indicated that the Vei sallies treaty Is definitely scrapped. Tho An'glc-Franco-Apierlcan treaty, pledging aid to France in even of an other German attack, also goes to the scrap heap with the strong declara tion against any foreign alliances. Considering tho reparations proo loms, Franco hoped for speedy policy. But ovon while various conferences with Viviani were still in progress it is stated that tangles arising from the Versailles treaty will be-straightened, but before other stops are taken, the entire course will be pursued "slowly and prudently." The Best Big Sister Taxi Mayfield's- Tolcphone malx 5021. -Taxi 271 f The Best Big Sister Thcre'rs A Difference If you've been a "ready made" man in the past, bo a "mado to order man" 1 in tho future. First class hand tailor j ed suits to measure, f35.00 and up. W i It. Webber, one block cast of posi- offlco. ur A STHMA No cure for tt, but welcome relief is often brought by ICKS V apo Rub Oiler 17 Million Jan Used Yearly V Jiilll In Groceries Arc to be Found Every Day at the Parlor Grocery Come in and find out about them. We challenge comparison of our prices with any other grocery store in the city. Good grade Pink Salmon, No. 1 tall cans 10c Quaker Pancake Flour, containing Puffed Rice, Packages : 10c Another new shipment of Fresh Prunes, 4 lbs., 25c Best Cane Sugar, 100 lbs $9.50 Flour, White River, Diamond brands, sack $2.25 Potatoes, 100 lbs $1.50 Onion Sets, lb , 10c ALL BRANDS OF GARDEN SEEDS Tillamook Cream Cheese, lb : 40c Federal Milk, 2 cans 25c Peerless Brand Butter, lb .'46c Nucoa Nut Margarine, lb 30c Parlor Grocery WHERE GROCERY PRICES ARE LOWEST , CAT SUBSISTS ON PAPER; NpW SAILS REGALLY My United, Press SYDNEY, Australia, April 8. A "Cadillac cat," which nearly starved to death on the way to Australia, is to be returned to America fn state. ( A few weeks ago, when an au- tomobile was unpacked after a voyage from Montreal, via the Panama canal, the cat, fearfully emaciated, was found under the hood. The only food eaten by the . animal during the trip was the heavy oiled paper, used in pack- ing engine parts. ' President McClelland of the K Cadillac company of America, cabled full instructions for the return of the cat. She Is insured for f 5,000 and special rations are provided for her return jour- ney on the steamer Sonoma, bound for San Francisco. Dr. S. Burke Massoy, dentist, First National bank, rooms 307-308. Tele phone main 3911, res. main 1691. 8tf The Best Big Sister v Typing and Stenography done at reasonable rates. Hoslna A Fleck. Office Hotel Dalies. Resi dence phone red 2332. tf The Best Big Sister Brown's Dufur Stag Time Table Two round trips daily. Lea rtr Bank hotel, 9. a. m. and 4 p. m. Leave Dufur 7:30 a m an'd 1 p. m tf .iia-.VAi-U x.v BICYCLES Bought, Sold and Repaired. . JACK WHITNEY 709 East Second KSJ EMPRESS Home of Superfeatures SATURDAY- CHARLES RAY in "45 MINUTES FROM BROADWAY" By Geo. M. Cohan It's the biggest Picture '-fe Ever Appeared In. 7"0"i AND "THE TOONERVILLE TROLLEY" SUNDAY- Bill Hart At His Best in "The Testing Block" With the EMPRESS Orchestra SATURDAY and SUNDAY No Advance in Prices TONIGHT TONIGHT TONIGHT BENEFIT GIVEN BY 15- Including Regular Program -ACTS OF VAUDEVILLE Admission 25c, 50c -15 w V E S THIS BEAUTIFUL SET OF "LIFETIME" ALUMINUM COOKING UTENSILS GUARANTEED FOR TWENTY YEARS Only 3 Cents a Day REGULAR RETAIL VALUE $17.00 SPECIAL ADVERTISING 30-DAY OFFER . $12.98 30-DAY FREE TRIAL We positively guarantee to refund your money If after 30 days free trial this set does not prove satisfactory. THE SET One 4-lr-l convex covered kettle combination, sot which can be used in 5 dif ferent ways: Pudding Pan, extra deep Steamer or Moat Cooker, deep Iloaster or Dutch Oven, Strainer or Colander, S-cup French Drip Coffee Percolator, lj-quart Colonial Double Boiler, Lip ped Sauce Pan, 6-qunrt Tea Kettle a complete kitchen equipment. 4-in-l Combination ggg S-Cay Ftrcolitor y. 4ut Tm Xtftt OUR EASY TERMS $1.50 down ai'd 59 cents weekly. Think of the convenience of buying a good quality, heavy-weight, pure alumin um complete set of kitchen ware without feeling the cost. Immediate delivery for your use upon first pay ment of $1.50. ' YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD HERE PAY AS YOU .COOK Our hobby is SERVICE. We like to make things easy for our patrons when there is on opportunity of doing it. We believe that this ' is the way in which we can best serve you at this par ticular season of tho year when every housowife is re newing her house furnish ings. This is a wonderful opportunity for the thrifty housewife to replact her old worn out enamel ware or granite ware with bright, clean sanitarj't pure alum inum "LIFETIME" cooking utensils at a big reduction in cost. Made on the Coast for the Coast Trade Through special arrangements with the manufacturers of 'LIFETIME" aluminum cooking utensils we are able to offer this set of pure aluminum kitchen ware for 30 days at a greatly reduced price. However, to participate in this special factory offer we had to agree that only 50 sets .would be placed on sale at this reduced price. Therefore ONLY 50 SETS are to be sold. An offer like this does not come every day. If you want to be one of the fortunate 50 who will get in on this wonderful bargain with the convenient payment terms we advise that you come early. THIS SET IS NOW ON DISPLAY AT OUR STORE HACKETT-GOTT FURNITURE CO. HOME OF GOOD FURNITURE THE DALLES Ope Block East of Postoffice : OREGON