' r THE DALLES DAILY CHRONICLE. THURSDAY, APR(L 7, 1921. CHRONICLE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Classified advertising 1 cent per woro each Insertion. If Inserted C times or more, 3-4 cent a word. Monthly pubu cation rates on application at the office. FOR KENT FOR RENT -Sleeping room. Call evenings, black 5592. 12 FOR RENT Three; unfurnished rooms upstairs. Three lots for gar dening. Telephone. main 4341. 9 FOR KENT One furnished house keeping room. 221 West Fourth. Tel ephone red 1562. 9 FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping rooms. 421 East First street Black 5781. 8 FOR SALE 22-ton truck for $1000. Only used four months. Harry Gor dion. Phone red 1331. 9 FOR RENT Furnished housekeep ing suites. Telephone black 2301. 620 East Third street. 8 FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping room, also two-room ' furnished house, Inquire 111 West . Second street. 13 FOR SALE Five-room plastered house, in good condition. One lot and fruit trees, Cajl black 6252 or call at 312 West Thirteenth. 7 FOR SALE Dry oak wood; old can. $11.50. Second growth, $12.50. Deliv ered. Cull 30F22, alter 6 p. m. if FOR SALE 12x14 tent, 2000 old brick. Telephone red 5741. 7 WJANTED Two-quart milk goat. W. F. King, Prineville, Ore. 11 FOR RENT Three-room furnished apartment. 400 West Third. .Tele phono main 3471. 8 FOR RENT One furnished sleeping room, hot and cold water in room, 205 East Tenth. Phone black, 411. 9 FOR RENT Furnished housekeep ing suites. Telephone black 2301, 20 East Third street 8 FOR 'RENT Clean, roomy apart ments, furnished. Reasonable to right parties. 700 Case street. Tele ' phone red 3991. 11 FOR RENT iNJcely furnished house keeping rooms with sleeping porch, no children. 323 West Ninth, Tele phone black 1811. 7 FOR RENT Eight room furnished house, sleeping porch, piano, elec tric range. Telephone main 1631 or red J972. , 7 FOR RENT Ford light delivery with driver. Light hauling and baggage transfer. Telephone black 4661 or black 411. Frank Culllns. A21 FORRENT Eight room house down town. To one buying plain furniture of same, cheap. Three rooms up stairs now rented will pay entire rent. No small children. Inquire at 209 West Fourth street., 7 FOfc SALE. FOR SALE-Full blood White Leg horn hens. Telephone red 4241. 12 iimsssss 's FOR SALE 6-rqpm modern bouse, 2 blocks from postoffice. Terms if de sired. W, R. Webber, 120 East Sec ond. & FOR SALE American Wonder seed nptatoes and big market potatoes. Cheap. W. Gasser, Mill creek, near school house. 8 TORSAITwo show cases. Inquire 306 Union street. 12 FOR SALE Two delivery wagons and three single harness sets. Ap ply 'Model Laundry. 12 FOR SALE Three lots on West Tenth street, good terms. Black & Crum. 1 FOR SALE One minute washing ma chine, ball-bearing wringer practi cally now. Telephone black 4762. 7 FOR SALE Wireless, apparatus of all kinds. Bogue ft Miller, Tresco agents. Telephone red 3642. S FORSAl Jubilee incubator, 10F egg capacjty. Cheap if taken at once. 1112 Jackson street. 9 FOR SALE Thirty-acre fruit ranch with six room kouse, outbuildings. Mil and half from town. Telephone mala 1571. 9 FOR- ALE 24 J acres or 138 lots on Cheaowlth paved road. Will make i ' special price e aU U takes thit ' week. Columbia Realty ft Loan com pany, 303 Wasatagton street S FOR SALE Grape plants. Call 30F13. T FOR SALE Seven-rcom house on West Niuth, with one lot. Pavement in and paid. Good terms. Black & Crum. 7 FOR SALE Used furniture, Hoosier cabinet, heating stove, rocking chairs and few other articles. Call red 3811 or 200 West Fourth. 11 FOR SALE 1917 Chevrolet, starter, speedometer, electric lights, five tires and chains,. Fain condition. 1180.00. See J. W. Perry, Umatilla House. 12 FOR SALE Hatching eggs from heavy laying White Leghorns; $1.50 per setting; $6 per 100. Watterson Pullet Farm, telephone red 6361.' 7 FOR SALE Trap nest White Leg horn eggs, $1.50 per setting. Ira C. Smith, route 1, box 110, Thomp son's addition. 9 FOR SALE Cut Rate shoe shop. Part down, balance easy terras. Money making guaranteed. 414 East Sec ond. " 9 FOR SALE Large and small farm and v orchard tracts. Reasonabls prices, good terms. W. C. Hanna, Dufur, Ore. 18tf. FOR SALE Rose comb brown leg horn and .rose comb White Wyan dotte eggs for setting. $1.25 per setting. Telephone red 4401. A3 FOR SALE: Horses. I have a number of goon horses for sale cheap. Read's Feed store, ea3t end of Sec ond street, telephone black 5211. 2Ctf FOR SALE Owing to the. high fertility- and increasing demand for Rhode Island Red hatching eggs I will hold my special pen together , during April. All orders cared for at $L00 per 15 or $6 per hundred. Fred Cyphers, R. F. D. No. 3, tele- i phone red 6362. M2 FOR 8ALE Modern 6-room bunga low on paved street In one of the best residential districts. 2700. One and one - quarter acres' and new 5-room house in Thompson's addition for quick sale reduced from 11800 to $1700,. Four-room cottage on paved street, with all assessments paid, $1300. Dalles Realty company, black 5691. 7 FOR SALE The Dufur Orchard com pany proposes to sell approximately 2000 acres of Its apple plantings at Dufur, Oregon. The acreage offered is fully planted te seven and eight year old trees in prime condition, but the selling price will be based on agricultural value only. This sale is for financing purposes and the actual value as orchard property is ignored. The property" will be sold at wheat land value. Will cut In tracts of 80 acres and up. W. C. Hanna, Dufur, Ore., authorized agent. 26tf WANTED WANTED Chambermaid at Glen- wood hotel. 9 WANTED Experienced snoe r.ak er. Cut Rate shoe shop, 414 East Second. 12 WANTED Clean cotton rags at The Chronicle office, five cents per pound. x tf WANTED - Yard cleaning, garden work, prunnlng. L. A. Mathews, '502 West Eighth street, telephone red 8651. . Stf WANTED TO RENT Five or 7 room modern house. Telephone red 6822, or John H. Race, Llbby cannery. 8 LOST OR FOUND FOUND K. of P. charm. Owner call at Welcome restaurant 7 "LOST -Man's sjarnet ring between Alvord street and high school. Find, er return to Chronicle office. Re ward. Borget-Mogan Co. Funeral Directors THE HOME OF SUPERIOR SERVICE Phones Mala SIM. Night Black 401, Mala (Ml LOST Small traveling bag on Dufui. road. Notify Fred Buskuhl, Friend Oregon. 1 FOR TRADE FOR TRADE City residence prop erty in Hlllsboro, 200x146 feet, sev-en-room house, finished last fall, 14 fruit trees, for good improved, city property In The'DalleB. Call Sunset Garage. 16 MISCELLANEOUS HEMSTITCHING Picot edging. Mrs. L. M. Boothby, 308 Washington street Telephone main 6581. tf TRANSFER AND .EXPRESS Furni ture and piano moving. Freight hauled and general express busi ness. Telephones: Stand, red 101; residence black 1352. J. & Henzle. lit! PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS PIANOS TO Ni2D And repaired, ac tion regulating and refinishtng. Player actions a specialty. Work guaranteed. S. A. Dockstader Cor son Music store. 320 Fast Second street. Telephone main 1061. tf POPULAR MUSIC Taught by. Lessons by Appointment Empress Theatre Pianist tf VERNA SAWYER Dressmaking, alterations, repairing. 218J East Third street. . M6 VENZ BAUER General real estate, insurance, and loans. 1001 East Second street. Tele phone main 1571. ,38tf Hour 9:(X to 5:00 Sundays I7-1 Vogt Blk Over Croeby'a SsBsBj Peoples Transfer Co. QUICK DELIVERY SERVICE EXPRESS AND DRAY AGE Furniture and Piano Moving Stand at Glenn's Paint Store Main 3721 Residence Phone Red 1811 HARRY L. CLUFF M. M. PHIPPS INSURANCE FIRE AUTOMOBILE GRAIN HAIL-PLATE GLASSLIABILITY AND ACCIDENT Office Corner Third and Federal Telephone Black 531 MANY MEN WILL LOOK BACK In the years to come, men who are now starting forward in their business success with the help of the CITI ZENS NATIONAL BANK will look back to the year 1921 as a time when they made their most important business move. i Our purpose is to serve you also, so that in the future you may look back to thjs year as the turning point in your financial success. 47c Paid on Savings Accounts Citizens National . Bank Taleahena Mala 3191 Officer P. J, 8tA4Astta.rr!4Mt Dr. J. A. Vlra-Frea. M. K- Oreeae. Ceaaler J. r. TWeek, Wt OaabJar. CUT FLOWERS Orders taken for cut -flowers and potted plants for the Jewell Green houses. MRS. HALLIE WEAVER Black 3171 302 Union street. AS HOWARD S. SOULE Expert Piano Tuner 22 West Slxtl street Residence Phone main 4201. Jtf FORD Specialists Whitney Repair Shop 70 East Second St White Truck Line Freight and express between The Dalles and Wasco, Moro and all wav points. Leave The Dalles, 9 a. m. daily except Sunday. xLeave Moro, 1:30 p;m. Leave Wasco, 2:30 p. m. D. M. Pierce, proprietor. Telephone black 1642 or main 471. tf School of Dancing Lateet ballroom and Children's dances. MISS YVONNE JARRETT 218 East Third Main 3051. A14 Catarrhal Deafness Cannot Be Cured by li.oul applications, tig tltcy cannot reuclt tlc diseased portion or the rnr. There It onl) one way to euro catarrhal deafness, nnd that Is by a constitutional remedy. Catarrhal Deafness is canaed by an In. flamol .condition of thu mucous llnlnc of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube Is Inflamed you hnvo n rumUllns sound or Im perfect hearing, nnd when It Is entirely closed, Dcafncsn la lh result. Unless the Inllanmiutlon can bo mluo'il and this tubo restored to Its normal condition, heiirlnr will bo destroyd rorever. Many cases of deafness oru c.ilsmI by cii'tarrh. which Is an Inflamed condition of the mucous sur faces. Mall's Catarrh .Medicine acts thru the blood on tho mucoua surfaces of the system. Wo will s'.ve One Hundred Dollars Mr Any cnr.e of Cularrhnl Deafness that cannot be cured by HkU'b catnrrh Medicine. Cir culars free. All DrugRlutft. Ttl. F. J. CJIENliV t CO.. Toltdo. O. Dr. T. DeLARHUE Eyesight Specialist and Evenings by Appointment Drug Store Phone Black 1111 Directors P. J, BtaieUuaa. Arthur Seufert Dr. J. A. Renter nr. B. C. Oliage' II. L. Kuek J O. nlrlrtj J, J. Vu Dellea Light As the Snow Fall Light and flaky, crisp and tasty, fresh-from-the-oven Snow Flakes, of course I An incomparable product of the West you'll like them. Buy them from your grocer in red pack ages or family tins. Don't ask lor crackers say SNOW FLAKES. PROPUCT Jp NOW P. C. B. GINGER SNAPS Another P C B product Particularly crisp and fine-flavored Your grocer cat? supply you Pacific Coast Biscuit Go. Rheumatic Pain Rub H right Rheumatism is "pain only." Not one case In fifty requires In ternal treatment. Stop drugging) Rub the misery right away! Rub soothing, penetrating "fit. Jacobs Oil" directly into tbe sore, stiff joints and muscles and relief comes instantly. "St Jacobs Oil" conquers pain. It Is a harmless rheumatism curd which never disappoints and docs not blis ter. Notice To The Public We are now operating a Columbia river motor ferry regularly hetween Grants, on the Columbia river highway, 20 miles east of The Dalles, and Maryhlll, Washington. Running regularly between 7 a. m. and dark. Special trips may be arranged for at all hours. This Is the best route to Ooldendale from points in Oregon. The roads between The Dalles and Grants are in good condition, and the road between Maryhlll and Goldendale Is paved. 4 Maryhill Ferry Co. Telephone Goldendale, 312X Fresh Country Cream For the convenience of customers we shall con tinue to handle B rune's Country Cream at Taylor's City Market and People's (CRANDALL UNDERTAKING CO Wasco The Dalles v Dufur LULU O. CRANDALL, Manager Bert Thomas, Ateietant Manager Licensed Kmaalmere, Established 1M7 Weman Attendant Telephenee' . Mrs. M. J. Wlllerten Day Red 111 Telephone Red 171 Nlfht Red M3 J. H. Harper, Black 2162 Motor Equipment kJBB BBBBBBBBBBBBsr Qttt-Try this! Limber up! Quit complaining 1 Oet a small trial bottle of old-time "St. Jacobs Oil" at any drug store and in Just a moment you'll be free from rheumatic pain, soreness and stiffness. Don't Buffer! Relief and a cure awaits you Get It! "St. Jacobs Oil" Is just as good for sciatica, neuralgia, lumbago, backacke, , sprains and swellings.' Market Cut Flowers