The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 07, 1921, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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(Continued From Page 1.)
parts "of the country, working through
New Baby Arrives Born, last night ' local cooperative grain elevators.
at The Dalles hospital, an infant son
to Mr. and .Mrs. J. L. Roberts.
The 'big question in this conference
Wednesday was whether the proposed
corporation should provide for a na-
was granted yesieiuuy iu niiuuio m. . .
6 , Itlon of grain market prices.
upon grounds of desertion.
Divorce Granted A divorce decree
Nurses Take Examinations Ex
aminations for graduate riurscs are
being held In the council chambers
at the city hall today, under the direo
tion of Mrs. E. O. Osborne, secretary
of the state nurses' examining board.
Eight student nurses from The Dalies
hospital are taking the examinations.
Psychologist Speaks At Luncheon
The Y. W. C. A. community luncheon
was addressed this noon .by C. A.
. .- - rery grain man oi c:
jene, psychologist of New York 'ry farmer who has
r. C. A. Greene and B; R. Greene, I graln to ft c00jeratlv'e
I In the submitted report, pooling M-ns
made optional. It provided that the.
farmer could Bell his grain for cash to
the local cooperative elevator, on con
signment, "or by any other method
mutually agreed upon, which is in har
mony with provisions of this con
tract." George C. Jewell, general manager
l'of the Northwest Wheat Growers' at-
sociation, took the floor.1:
"This organization will stand or fall
on its attitude on pooling," he said.
Kvery grain man of experience, and
ever sold his
of the nation's metropolis pjan to f0 ool, u , h . M
open a lecture course in constructive ; trol of prlces or lnfluence on prlce3
psychology in this city. 'They are ' aeDend unon noolinr.
"This organization must provide for
the pooling of at least one third of
all grain we buy or handle.
"Thus we can, say, .hold in reserve
200,000,000 bushels" of' wheat that we
can put on the market at favorable
f times. It will enable us:to merchandise
our products, insuring a stable price,
and not to dump it and take what is
given to us. My organization -has con
tracts for 23,000,000 bushels of grain
and every pound of It Is pooled."
This argument found strong support
with a large number of the' farm lead,
'ers present. C. O. Moser, secretary of
the Texas Farm Bureau federatlon,of
fered an amendment providing for the
pooling of one third of all grain pur
chased by the proposed corporation.
It will be acted on Thursday.
As the United States Grain Growers,
line, as proposed by the committee,
it will make contracts ranging to five
years, with local cooperative grain
elevators. The elevators, In turn, will
have contracts for grain deliveries
with farmers, who will be members
of the national organization.
The grain will be forwarded to ter
minal elevators and put into the
hands of a national sales agency,
manned by experts on the grain mar
ket. They will sell it on the market
as they fee fit. The corporation Is a
non-stock, non-profit organization,
and profits will be pro-rated.
The plan also contemplates the for
mation of an export company, the es
tablishment of a news service, so
farmers may get "unprejudiced infor
mation on the market situation and
subsidiary sales companies In all
guests at Hotel Dalles.
Black and White Prepares for Rush
Preparatory to caring for the annunl
influx of tourists, the Black and
White restaurant has been complete
ly renovated and repainted, both inside-
and out. A big new electric sign,
painted in black and white colors and
reading "Black and White Restau
rant," was put up today.
Y. W. C. A. To Stage Demonstration
t The Dallqs will be invaded by an ir
.resistable army next Saturday night;
an army against which it will be use
less to attempt defense. For next Sat
urday night, the Girl Reserve corps
of the local Y. W. C. A. is going to
show the city' what their organization
is, and what it can do. All of the girls
will be out in the uniform of the
corps. They will parade the streets,
sing songs and "pep things up' 'in
general, according to the present plan.
Irish Friend is Killed Dr. Fred
Thompson Is today mourning the
death of Pat, a very intimate Irish
friend of his. Pat was run over this
morning at the intersection of Fifth
street and Union avenue, by an auto
mobile the driver of which is un
identified. Instant death resulted. PatL1
was Dr. Thompson's hobby , the little
Irish setter having been purchased
when a puppy and raised In The
Dalles. According to Dr. Thompson,
he is "through with the Irish," and
'is now going to 'purchase an Eng
lish bulidog.
Attendance Record Broken The at
tendance record of the local Y. W.
C. A. was broken during the month of
March, it was brought out at a meet- VL l"D "". mam omces,
ing of the board of directors held ln! according to the report, are to be in
I Wilmine'tnTi T"ol with nthm. npi!Ann
the Y. W. C. A. club rooms last night, j , . ' " "
Since March first, a total of 2,112 per
sons have used the club rooms, for one
purpose or another. The directors laid
plans for the approaching budget cam
paign, which will be' put on to secure
mnds with which to keep the local 5f.
W. C. A. operating for another year.
This campaign will start (Saturday,
April 16.
Cleaning Bee Held A general
, cleaning bee was the program for
the ladies of the Calvary Baptist
church at the all-day meeting held
yesterday. A heavy barrage of vac
uum sweepors was followed by an
irreslstable advance movement of
dust cloths, dustless mops and cedar
oil. When the noise of battle died
in Chicago,
Secretary of Agriculture Henry C.
WJallace "endorsed the proposition, of
cooperative marketing in an address
before the conference.
The Best Big SItfer
Private Dinner Parties
or banquets. We are alwnyB at your
service with a varied menu of the
best foods prepared by a skilled chef
under the most sanitary conditions.
Our .watchwords, "Quality and Clean
liness." Hotel Dalles. 9
The Best Big Sitter
Br United Prex
PORTLAND, April 7 The 3500-ton
away, evidence of victory was seen ( 8chooneri undented", last of the
in every corner. Nearly thirty of the dipping board's Ferris-type wooden
ladies enjoyea mnner logemer m uuU8 ta De launched ln tho Unlted
the church. The afternoon session
was devoted to quilting. Dr. F. R.
Brazeau, of this city, gave a very
interesting address from 3 to 4
o'clock on "The development of the
child." Mrs. A. F. Evlck and Mrs.
Edward Miller were hostesses.
The Best Big Sister
Free Clinic No Charge For Examina
tion Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Dr. Baum, chiropractic physician,
Third and Washington, main 501. tf
The Best Big Sister
Our stock is complete ln men's,
boys' and youths' white HoJdfaBt Ked
shoes for gymnasium wear. Edward
C. Pease company. 7
The Best Big Sister
If your clothes are not becoming
to you, you'd better be coming to us.
Modern Cleaners. W. R. ,Vebber,
proprietor, One block east of postof
floe. tt
Card et Thanks
We wish to sincerely thank our rela
tives and frienda for their sympathy
and assistance tendered in the bereave
ment of our husband and father. We
desire to especially express our grati
tude to The Dalles lodge of Elks for
their help during our sad hours.
States; will take the water here at
3' o'clock this afternoon.
, She will have a carrying capacity
of 2.000,000 feet of lumber.
The Best Big Sister -
Brown's Dufur Stage Time Table.
Two round trips dally. Leavo Bank
hotel, 9. a. m. and 4 p. m. Leave
Dufur 7:30 a. m. and 1 p. ra. tt
Dr. J. L. Elwood of Maupin is a
business visitor in The Dalles today.
Mr. 'and Mrs. L. C. Henncgnn of
Maupin are here today on business.
Mrs. W. B. Keene. of Waplnitla
went to Portland" yesterday.
Miss Anne Lang went to Portland
yesterday on a business trip.
Mrs. Emil Jacket of Boyd was
shopping in the city yesterday.
E. B. Hollmnn of Roosevelt, Wash.,
was in The Dalles yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Frazler of Du
fur are in the city today.
Mr. and Mrs. N. W. Evans of Dufur
aie visiting with friends in The Dalles.
P: McFuller of Prineville is a busi
ness visitor in The Dalles.
G. E. McCulloch of Bend Is register
ed' the Bank hotel.
F. Magner of Shaniko is a business
visitor in The Dalles.
Ben Taylor of Antelope Is register
ed at the Bank hotel.
6. N. Hill of Wapinitia was in The
Dalles yesterday.
A. S. Haines of Friend was a busi
ness visitor In this city yesterday.
C. G. Nichol of Mosler Is staying at
the Bank hotel.
Mrs. L. E. Crowe of Portland, is
visiting at the home of her brother,
Benton Mays, in The Dalles.
Lena Strassmaler of Dufur was in
The Dalles yesterday attending to bus
iness matters.
Mrs.. L. A. Heath of Grass Valley
Is visiting her mother, Mrs. C. P. Bay-
'ley, and other relatives in The Dalles.
L. L. Peetz,' prominent Moro wheat
rancher, is a guest at Hotel Dalles.
He plans to motor to Portland today.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sherman of
Pendleton are in the city for a fe
days. j
'Mrs. M. C. Smith, enroute to For
est Grove, stopped off between trains
yesterday to visit friends.
J. M. Conklin, president of the
Maupin bank, is in The Dalles today
attending to business matters.
"George, M. Blaklay, Gateway sheep
man, is In The Dalles today attend
ing to business matters.
Mrs. Callie Bigbee, principal of
the Wapinitia school, is convalesc
ing after a serious illness, in the
local, hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. tM. Manning, Mary
and Jospeh IManning, and W. F. Har
land were here yesterday attending
funeral services of M. J. Manning.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Woodcock-of
andJoseph Manning, and W. F. Har
ness yestcrdny. Mr. Woodcock has
charge of the Maupin flouring mills.
The following party of Pendleton
women motored, to The Dalles yester
day. They are registered at Hotol
Dalles. Mrs. George Strand, Mrs. Rob
ert Townsend,- Mrs. E. J. Burke, Mrs.
H W. Collins, Mrs. Fred Earle, Mrs.
B. U Burroughs, Mrs. A. Flusher.
M. M. Israel, representing the Rem
ington typewriter company, is a busi
ness visitor ln The Dalles. His com
pany has just placed a new machine ,
on the market, which is smaller than
any other typewriter with a standard
keyboard manufactured. The typewrit-
er folds into a small traveling case, '
makinc it easv to carrv. 1
, The Best Big Sster
Day Nursery
Children cared for while parent?
are busy. Mrs. J. M. Smith, city
park. 12
The Best Big Sister
$5.00 Slabs $5.00
Green slabs, ?5.00 per cord, f. o.
b. cars. Van Dellen Lumber company.
. 4tf
The Best Big Sister
Brown's Dufur Stage Time Table
Two round trips dally. Leave Bank
hotel, 9. a. m. and 4 p. m. Leave
Dufur 7:30 a. m. and 1 p. m. tf
The Best Big Sister
Taxi Service
Day or night. Stand at Club Cigar
store. Telephone red 1711. R. Winter
muth. 30
The Best Big 8lstsr
Typing and Stenography
done at reasonable rates. Rosina A.
Fleck. Office Hotel Dalles. Resi
dence phone red 2332. tf
The Best Big Sister
"The Style is Stitched to Stay"
Regular mepting of Fort Dalles Fire
company, this evening at 8 o'clock. C.
F. Woodard, secretary. 7
The Needlecrah club will meet at
residence of Mrs. A. S. Esson, 409
West Third. 7
Rebekahs' annual roll call Friday,
April 8. All visiting Rebekahs lavit
ed. a
Annual Stockholders Meeting
Notice Is hereby given that the reg
ular annual meeting of the stockhold
ers of The Dalles Hotel company will
be held at 'the office of French &'com
pany, in Dalles City, Oregon, Monday,
April 11, '1921, at 7:30 o'clock p. m.
Said Meeting is called as provided by
the by-laws of said company, and nt
said meeting will be elected a board
of directors to serve for the ensuing
year, and such other business will be
transacted as shall regularly come be
fore said meeting. By order of the
board of directors.
V. M. FRENCH, Secretary.
Dated at The Dalles, Oregon, this first
day of April, 1921. 11.
' .1
They're Great
for Wear
Their individual style is tailored into ' them to
stay. Boys may be real boys when they wear
XTRAGOOD with an occasional pressing they al
ways look smart.
They're greater values than ever
at the new "low level" prices
$8.50 to $20.00
'VvftenUoii ThinK Dru Goods-Think,
Concentrated Heat Penetrates Right
Down to Pain Spot Brings
Ease at Once.
Rheumatism, lumbago, neuritis,
backache, stiff neck, sore muscles,
strains, aching joints. When you are'
suffering so you can hardly get
around just try "Red Pepper Rub,"
and you will have the quickest relief
Nothing has such concentrated,
penetrating heat bh red peppers. In-1
staat relief. Just as soon as you ap
ply Red Pepper Rub you feel the
tingling heat. In three minutes it
warms the sore spot through and
through. Frees the blood circulation,
breaks up the congestion and pain
is gone. I
Rowles Red Pepper Rub, made
from red peppers, cortv little at any
drug store. Get a jar at once. Al
most Instant relief awaits you. Use.
for colds in chest. No matter what
ou have used for pain or congestion,
don't fall to try Red Pepper Rub.Adv. 1
Real Bargain Days For The
Man Who Builds
Rents are high as ever, yet lumber and building materials, have come down with a crash.
In many cases our prices are 40 lower than those of a year ago.
For the man who plans to build, repair, or remodel, this is certainly a favorable time.
The country as a whole is four years behind in its building program. Our own city
needs 100 homes to bring conditions back to normal,
People must build, soon, and increased building is sure to bring higher prices. The pres
ent situation is the result of forced selling by manufacturers who are over-stocked.
These manufacturers were caught by the lull in buying and they must convert their
stocks into ready money. In many cases' they are selling at cost When building begins again
they will be quick to ask their legitimate profits once more.
We have a big stock of building materials, INCLUDING ALL KINDS OF LUMBER,
VULCANITE ROOFING, AND BEAVER BOARD, which we secured at favorable prices and
which we will sell at a bargain.
Our Service Will Satisfy
Tum-a-Lum Lumber Co.
806 East Second
Telephone Main 2911