THE DALLES DAILY CHRONICLE, THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 1921. PAGE FOUR REFUND LL LAND GRANT SALES $1.25 PER ACRE TO BE RETURNED RAILROAD LAND PUR. CHASERS. (Chronicle's WnHhington Dureau.) WASHINGTON, April 7. Represen tative Slnnott has been notified by the commissioner of the general land office that refund of fl.25 per acre will be made to purchasers who paid 12.50 per acre for land In even num bered sections, Involved In the pri mary limits of the general route of the Northern Pacific railroad from 'Wallula Junction, Washington to Port land, Oregon, forfeited by act of con gross in 1890. Two dollars and fifty cents per acre was charged, instead of the regular price of $1.25 on the the ory that the building of the railroad would enhance the value of the land. The road was not built and the su preme court of the United States, In 1919, decided that a refund Bhould TJeTnade to purchasers of land In odd sections. The commissioner ruled that this decision of the supreme court did not cover the even sections, but the secretary of the interior has recently held that the refund should likewise apply to the even sections as well as to the odd. The lands Involved are embraced in a strip forty miles wide on each side of the proposed lino of the 'Northern Pacific along the Columbia river from Wsillula .1 unction, Washington, to Portland, Oregon, which was forfeited on account of the failure of the ruil road company to construct the road. Applicants will have until Decem ber 11, 1921 to file applications for ropayment and may obtain applica tion blanks by writing to Ilepresenta. tlvo Slnnott. The Batt Big Sifter We're bore to give you toe Kind of servico, help add advice that makes friends. Tho Dalles Battery company, Wlllard Service. 18tf The Beit Big Sister Dr. S. Durke Massoy, dentist, First National bank, rooms 307-308. Tele' phono main 3911, res. .main 1691. 8tf The Beit Big Sliter There's A Difference If you'vo been a "ready made" man In tho past, bo a "matte to order man" In tho future. First class hand tailor ed suits to measure, $35.00 and up. W 'it. Wohfoor, one block east of pojl office. " titf The Beit Big Sitter Charles Gront, Mr. and Mrs. L. Clarire, Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Gilbert, Mr. and Mrs. S. -Bolton, Miss Maud Gilbert, liCila and Vesta Dolton, Mrs. Haley, Mr. John Cates, Fred, Arthur and Charley Clark. The Beit Big Sliter Notice I will riot be responsible for any bills contracted on my account with out a written order. Dated March 30, 1921. 11. K. Doyle. 9 The Beit Big Sliter COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS Court met In regular ftession this Wednesday the 2nd day of March, 1921,' being tho time set by law for.thu hold- , Ititf of a regular term of this Court, when were present: Hon. J. l. AclKlsson, county Judge; J. W. Hix, Commissioner; U B. Keny Commissioner; W. ti. Crlehton, Clerk. When tho following proceedings were had to-wlt: In the matter of the petition of W Bolton, et. nl. for a. County Road. Con tinued for tho term. In the matter of the petition of M. S. Evans et. ah for a County Itoad. Con tinued for tho term. In the mutter of the petition of V II. .Cook, et. al. for a County Itoad. Con tinued for tho term. In tho matter of tho application Eight Milo Urango No. 6S7 for a d.uie hail license. Ordered allowed and IshupH In the mutter of the sale of real property acquired by Wasco County on foreclosure of delinquency tax certifi cates. Ordered that said property be sold by sheriff according to law. In the matter of supplemental agree ment between State of Oregon, Wasco County, O.-W. It. & N. Co., Western Union Tel. Co. and James F. Clarkson & Co., covering encroachments on Co lumbia Illver highway, between Seuferts and Deschutes river. Agreement read, signed and ordered recorded In com missioners Journal. In the mutter of opening ballot boxes used at general election held Novem ber 2nd, 1020. Ordered that clerk break seals and open ballot boxes. In tho matter of claims against Was co County for tho month of February, 1921. Now at this time the following claims against Wasco county were presented and allowed and tho County Court in structed tho County Clerk to draw war rants on the County Treasurer in pay ment of said clulms: it. T. Yates, Clr. Ct ..$ 30.00 G. K. Corson, do , Glass & Prudhomme, supplies...... 237.79 ushong' & Co., do 34J.H W. H. Williams, sher. office 24.45 u. n. u. uouds. Health Officer...... Dr. E. T. Griffith, do Hoy It. Wheeler, do Dr. O. D. Doano, do V. D. Antrim, sealer W. & M Dufur Dispatch, advertising ...... A. R. ltnrnntt. Iimtlro ennrt A. uoraers, ao .... It. Fllnn, do P. Durnlclle, do . .. C. Iionn, do . . .. C. Uanta. do J. Iiadcock, do . . i. IS. uronuy. farm and brldccs ana nignways 7.2.1 A. S. Bradley, do 3. 00 F. C. Clausen, bridges & hlways.. 10.80 W. A. Hunter, do 10.80 P. W. Marx, do 1.20 N. Fax, do 15.00 Tho Good ltoads Much. Co., do 1,360.01 Tho Dalles Hospital, G. A. It. 147.60, poor 1165.00 302.50 Pacific Power & Light Co., farm luid court house ex 97.70 Juda & Carlisle, school supt - 2.10 Levi Chrlsman, sher. off. & Jail.. 4B3.0S Iloyal Cafe. clr. ct lB.'lO F. Ii. Petersen, trcas. ...... ... 1.63 Ilosullo Scherrer, clr. ct. .... 30.'i'i F. V. Galloway, do . .... . 6.73 . wngner, rurm 21 C. W. It. O. a. a. A. 1.2; .25 70 , 3fi r. 3.40 2.30 1.00 1.00 i.00 1.0) l.Cf' LOOKING BACKWARD I (From Tho Chronicle, April 7, 1896.) Itov. A. iHrotiHgoust went to the 'Locks today and' will hold services thoro tomorrow. Soiwlcos at ICIngsloy aro postponed for two woolts, Holders of season tickets for the whiter lecture course are ioiiiio3tel to hold Iholr tickets, which will bo good for an additional lecture on the dates marked on the admission card. Judge McArthur's ledum was post poned at his request on account of ill. iii'ss, until after March 10, Tho exact date will bo published in time for gon oral information. A very pleasant housewiiniilng was given by Mr. Fred Fisher at his prel ty cottage on Ululf street lust even ing. Music, games, eongs, declama tions and u flno lunch wore enjoyed und served to whllo away tho hours In n thoroughly agreeable manner for those present. They were: Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. SAGE TEA DARKENS HAIR TO ANY SHADE Don't Stay Qrayl Here's An Old- Time Recipe that Anybody can Apply. Tho use of Sago aiW Sulphur for restoring faded, gray hair to Its na tural color dates back to grand mother's tlmo. Sho used II to keep her hair beautifully dark, glossy and attractive. Whenever her hair took on that dull, faded or streaked ap pearance, this simple mixture was applied with wonderful effect. Hut browing at homo is mussy and out-of-date, Nowadays, by asking at any drug store for a bottlo of "Wy eth's Sago and Sulphur Compound," you will get this famous old prepar ation, Improved by tho addition of other Ingredients, whTMi can bo de pended upon to restore natural color and beauty to the hair. A welloawm downtown druggist auys it darkens the Imlr so natm-ilv and evenly that nobody can tell It has been applied. You simply dump rn a sponge or soft brlush with It and draw this through your hair, taking one strand at u time, lly morning the gray hulr disappears, and after nother pplicatlon or two, it becomes, beautifully dark and glos y. Adv. 30.21 20.0il 1 103.1G 176.00 6.00 S0.01I 3.ti'J 23.65 ?:i.40 17.23 K.Sl : nn Dushong & Co.. supplies 1. W. Marx, bridges & hlways A. I. Grouewuld, school supt. - Antl-Suloon League, clr. ct. .. Hunter & Thompson; poor and Insane . .. Wulther-Wlllliinis Co., farm J. II. Hkelley. Truit Insnec. and truant officer H7.00 suuieimunn-lionn llilw. Co., Ct. house ox. and bridge and high. W. L. Crlehton, Incidentals .. Kelly Ave. Grocery, farm J. V. Hlx. bridges and hlch. iin.l Chas. Frank, clr. ct . . 2.0 county ct L. H. Kelly, county ct ...... J. T. Adklsson, bridges & hlwuyo Heutrlce Coffey, iifls'ra. nffleu Emmu OC Clausen, do 101. CO Ami J SlnvHilill, 1I0 120 II Floronro TlToinpsou, sher. off i-O.ofl Miss M. H. Grey, do .. T.'.Ui' Norma Medler, do . tiU.O .leu net tu Crosfiuld. do . i'G.OO Josephine Herrymaii, do ..., 44 0 Vivian Merrlfleld, do lo Alice Webb, do M Co Mrs. Lewis Gunning, do M. or 11. C. Scherrer, ct. house ex........ S.M) Peoples Market, farm 11, 0e Geo. Ilostetliir, Clr. Ct. . I 2.00 C. H. Knight, do 2.00 A. N. WelTs, do . 23.00 J. C. Ullyou. tlo 2.00 Friendship Lodge, No. 6, I. O. O. F G, A, It. 9.00 Mrs. J. A. Craft, allowiuunc .. 10.50 Agt. O. W. 11. & N bridges and highways ,. 44.34 Mrs, Ufflo Cruft-Suyyeau, all'nce 10.50 Thurber Prentice, farm .................. 6,00 11. A. Ili-own. do .. ..........a 6,00 Willis Durnlelle. Clr. Ct 2,0(1 A. S. Wells, do 21.00 lion liurney. ao . , 23.00 iliiMMssssMMissWsleasMsWMWeasMMM I. P. J oles. do Fred Tnidull. do .......... J. M. Putlson, do . . , A. llottlugen. do ........-... C, II. Tom, do .. a. tviiumtmn. uo .............,..... Wm, Vogt, do . .. a.. i;u. uriinn, do .. i . w, circle, do .. Frank Giibol. do It. I). Itutler. do .... llert Hmerson, do 15.00 15.00 15.00 12.0 If 16.00 16.00 16,00 15.00 15.00 16.00 J. W. Hoebner, do , 15.0 1 J. A. notion, uo . .. 9.0 Albert Wclgolt. do W. L Merrell. do ..... 9,0 It. 1'. Dtirnlolle. do K. Anderson, do 9.00 Henry Holton. do .. 18.75 ' T. G. Harden, do 18.75 llonton Mays, do 6.00 1 T. U. Phillips, do 6.00 Goo, Obnrr. do ........ t 6.00 T. L. Crum. do 3.00 l U Pepper, do . 15.00 F. L. Haul, farm .. 8.23 Kfflo Craft-Sayyvau, all'nco 10,50 G. Van Wye, farm 48.00 1. U Smith, do 4G.00 . It, A, Guffey, do 44.00 1 F. J. Johnson, do 44.00 E. K. Parish, do 48.00 J. F. Hortxlcr, do 45.00 H. K. Williams, P. M.. Ct. House oxponae , , 36,47 Kfflo Cruft-Sayyeau. all'nce 10.50 Whe reujHin Court adjourned subject to call of Judge, ATTE8TV , J. T. ' Adktuon, County Judge J, W. Hlx, Commissioner, L. It, Kelly, Commissioner, W. I. Crlehton, Clerk. lXK) LATE TO CLASSIFY WANTK1 -Man or woman to solicit house to house for three days. Can multe good money. McKay, Washing ton Hotel, room 7. 8 LOST Kvershaip pencil Wednesday noon on Whtttier school grounds or Union street hill. Finder please return to Isabel Iiadcock. Phone1 black 383. 8 CONING For isit ..flijV A sLMisMsaisMx, Miss Lillian Gish as "Anna Moore" Starting Tomorrow Evening APRIL 8th at 8:15 p. m. Twice Daily There after. AT 2:15 AND B:15 P. M. Why does every girl have to battler against love? And has not the same battle gone oh, day by day, from the sensuous hours of Babylonia, Egypt, Greece, Rome, ere the Master came, down unto the present day, though now the conflict is changed and modified yet is not every woman still sought? Why? What is the mystery of love? The story of Anna in "Way Down East" is the story of Mother Eve and of all the women who have live and suffered. With passionate and tender surgery Mr. Griffith has laid bare the soul of woman. D. W. GRIFFITH'S illimH IIIIUHh m bih l flisi The ciriema spectacle, "Way Down East," is accompanied by a superb orchestra of players selected from New York and San Francisco Symphony in a unique thematic score. Curtain rises promptly at 8:15 p. m., as 2,2 hours are required for the presentation. All Seats Reserved for Evening presen tations. Reservations and Mail Orders Now. PRICES FOR THIS ENGAGEMENT Matinees, 50c, $1.00 Evenings , $L00 to $1.50 (PLUS TAX) Seats Now on Sale for all Performances . at Box Office of Theatre. Open 10 a. m. until 10 p. m. Phone Red 3921 NOTE Owing to cost and ironbound contracts, "Way Down East" positively never will be shown anywhere at less than first class theatre prices. It will not be shown in any other city in Western Oregon outside of The Dalles untU after the Portland engagement, which is in Jly.