THE DALLES DAILY CHRONICLE. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 6, 1921. PAGE SEVEN CONGRESS HEARS DRAMATIC PLEA FROM FILIPINO Washington. "Must the heart of America beat only for the free dom of Ireland, of Poland and of the Czecho - Slovaks, and not for the Independence of the Philippine Is lands?" This was the question Resident Commissi oner Isauro Gnbaldon of the Philippines adressed directly to the member ship of the House of Representalvea Philippine Resident Commlisloner liauro Qabaldon !n a speech which was given very close attention and was frequently ap plauded. "At one time," snld Commissioner Gabaldon, "Congress had before it no less than thirty resolutions expressing sympathy with the aspirations of the Irish people, If not actualy urging Eng land to grant independence to Ireland, At that time, also the Filipinos were knocking nt your door. Out of the womb of war, mnny European repub lics were born, and America has re joiced to uphold the same. And yet the claim of the Filipinos Is 'still un heeded. Must there be exceptions, then, In international Justice? "My plea, gentlemen of the Ameri can Congress, is that you Ignore no longer the repeated requests of a de serving people for an independence that rightfully belongs to them. The granting of independence now affords the United States a golden opportunity to give to the world unanswerable proof of its sincerity, Its consistency and its altruism. It will be the great est example of square dealing In the history of the ages. "Do not think we are not appre clatlve of all you have done for us. 'We are. America has truly treated the Filipino people as no other nation tins nvor front-pri nn nllon rnra In nil history. The high points of the Amer ican policy in the Philippines have been consistently Inspired by altruism. We know that you were actuated in your labors by the desire to contrib ute to our own welfare. "And. we love you perhaps most of all for your solemn promise to grant as that which we hold dearer than life Itself our freedom. Independence Is our national Ideal. It is our all ab sorbing aim. It grows stronger every hour. For the spirit of nationalism never dies. Much less can It be sub dued. We believe that we can never hope to be a sturdy nation If we are to rely forever on the magnanimity of the United States. "America's task in the Philippine Islands Is finished. What you have as sumed as your sacred obligation In that part of the world has been ful filled. A people with a medieval sys tem of Institutions has been trans formed Into a conscious nation, Im bued with all that is modern in the activities of nations. And If you give us Independence our gratitude to you will Increase a thousand fold; It will last forever if you keep faith with us. "There Is but one issue In the Phil ippine question, and that Is: Is there today a stable government on the Is lands? In the Jones law you promised Independence upon the establishment of such a stable government. Your own Governor-General has officially reported that there Is a stable gov ernment In existence today, and we also have submitted plenty of evidence to substantiate its existence. There fore, we hope and expect America will now carry out Its pledge." FINE HAT MAKING . A PHILIPPINE ART Thla Flllplna Is making a Philippine hat, whit is becoming suite popular with bath 'men and women In tha United States, and Is usually a ssurss f great pride U the wearer. FILIPINO INDEPENDENCE, BUT NO BUARANTY (Chicago Trtfcaae.) We d sat blame th Filipino peepta frr wantlax their complete freedsea. It ! the astural aapiraUati wt waukiaaV KP ssj HUfiGINS' WRECKING GREW THE CUSS kTN-K' tSvVBBBBBBBBBBl paaaaaaw jHBKS&&ffljjBgSjHH Is "The Little Corporal" going to dominate again this time In base ball instead of world affairs? Miller ilugglns, the diminutive leader of the ew York Yanks, has. an army of ball players which threatens to make Trls Speaker's Cleveland champs go the limit to win. 'RAIN IS BLAMED FOR MATRIMONIAL VENTURES By United Press CHICAGO. April 6. "Night's the time for wooing, oh!" said a w'ell known Scotch authority. But lb C. Lcgner, in charge of the Cook county marriage license bureau, has another version. "When it's rainy and the fog set tles down over the old town, why peo ple just naturally get lonely," said Legner, "and they dream of cozy flats and fire places, slippers and home made biscuits they want to love and hold hands. 1 "So one rainy days we issue many more marriage licenses than when the Bun Is brightly shining." i Dan Cupid is still as active as ever this year but marriage licenses are 1 falling off, according to Legner. High ' rental the employment situation, or I "something else" is the cause. Leg ner doesn't quite know. Last year 42,503 couples were mar ried in Cook county. The A. B. F. got married in 1920. But now most of the war romances have gone on the rocks or the participants are married. But 1921 is going to be a bad year for wed dings. ''This marriage license window Is an excellent barometer for the coun try's economic condition," added Leg--Her, . I Cupid's agent, however, denied that romance is waning and that people aren't lovin' any more. . "One can 'be in love and not get married," he explained. I Dispatches here from other cities of the United States reflect a similar condition. People are putting off their weddings until the jobs look safer. The Beet Big SUter $5.00 Slabs $5.00 Greeu slabs, $5.00 per cord, f. o. b. cars. Van Dellen Lumber company. 4tf The Beit Bls'Slttor- Brown's Dufur stage Time Table Two round trips dally. Leave Bank hotel, 9. a. m. and 4 p. m. Leave Dufur 7:30 a. m. and 1 p. m. tf The Beet Bio SUter Typing and Stenography douo at reasonable rates. Koslna A. Fleck. Office Hotel Dalles. Resi dence phone red 2332. tf DRESS WARM AND KEEP FEET DRY Telia Rheumatism Sufferers to Take Salts and Get Rid of Uric Acid. Rheumatism Is no respecter of age sex, color or rank. If not' the most dangerous of human afflictions it is one of the most painful. Those sub ject to rheumatism should eat less meat, dress as warmly as possible, avoid any undue exposure and, above all, drink lota of pure water. Rheumatism is caused by uric acid which Is generated in the bowels and absorbed into the blood. It is the function of the kidneys to filter this acid, from the blood and cast it out in the urine; the pores of the Bkin are also a means of freeing the blood of this impurity. In damp and chilly, cold weather the skin pores are closed thus forcing the kidneys to do double work, they become weak and sluggish and fall to eliminate this uric acid which keeps accumu lating through the system, eventually settling in the Joint and muscles causing stiffness, soreness and pain called rheumatism. At the first twinge of rheumatism get from any pharmacy about four ounces of Jad Salts; put a table spoonful In a glass of water and drink before breakfast each morning for a week. This is said to eliminate uric acid by stimulating the kidneys to Borstal actios, thus riddlag the Mood of these laapuritles. Jad Salts' is Inexpensive, harm less aad is made from the acid of craps aad leatea juice, combined with lithla aai is used with exceilcat resalts by thowsaads of folks who are subject to rbeumatlss. 'e , . . " CHR01CLE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEIEMTS .mmh mtmu mmmm warn mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmfmmmwmmmMmmwmmmw-mmmmmmmwmmmmimmmmmmmmmmmwmmwmk FOR RENT FOR RENT Sleeping room. Call a evenings, black 5592. 12 FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping rooms. 421 East First street. Black 5781. S FOR SALE 2J-ton truck for ?100tT Only used four months. Harry Oor dlon. Phone red 1331. 9 FOR SALE Five-room plastered house, in good condition. One lot and fruit trees. Call black G252 or call at 312 West Thirteenth. FOR SALE Dry oak wood; old cbk. $11.50. Second growth, $12.50. Deliv ered. Call 30F22, after 6 p. m. tf FOR SALE 12x14 tent, 2000 old, brick. Telephone red 5741. 7 FOR SALE Cheap, two milk goats. Inquire 308 West Eighth street. 6 YVTANTED Two-quart milk goat. W. F. King, Prlnevllle, Ore. 13 FOR RENT Furnished room for one or two gentlemen. Apply C53, Chron icle. t FOR RENT Three-room furnished apartment. 400 West Third. Tele phone main 3471. 8 FOR RENT Unfurnished, complete apartment. Reasonable rent. Apply 313 East Fifth street. 6 FOR RENT One furnished sleeping room, hot and cold water in room, 205 East Tenth. Phone black 411. 9 FOR RENT Furnished housekeep ing suites. Telephone black 2301. 520 East Third street. 8 FOR RENT Clean, roomy apart ments, furnished. Reasonable to right parties.- 700 Case street. 11 FOR RENT iNlcely furnished house keeping rooms with sleeping porch, no children. 323 West Ninth, Tele phone black 1811. 7 FOR RENT Room with board In a modern home. Gentleman preferred. 1000 Fulton street. Telephone red 3491. . 6 FOR RENT Eight room furnlsKed house, sleeping porch, piano, elec tric range. Telephone main 1631 or red 1972. 7 FOR RENT Ford light delivery with driver. Light hauling and baggage transfer. Telephone black 4661 or black 411. Frank Cullins. A21 FOR RENT Eight room house down town. To one buying plain furniture of same, cheap. Three rooms up stairs now rented will pay entire rent. No small children. Inquire at 209 West Fourth street. 7 FOfl BALE FOR SALE 'Full blood White Leg horn hens. Telephone red 4241. 12 FOR SALE 5-room modern house, 2 blocks from postofflce. Terms if de sired. W. R. Webber, 120 East Sec ond. .& FOR SALE American Wonder seed potatoes and big market potatoes. Cheap. W. Gasser, Mill creek, near school house. 8 FOR SALE Two show cases. Inquire 306 Union street. 1- FOR SALE Two delivery wagons and three single harness sets. Ap ply Model Laundry. 12 FOR SALE Three lots on West Tenth, street, good terms. Black & Crum. 7 FOR SALE One minute washing ma chine, ball-bearing wringer practi cally new. Telephone black 4762, 7 FOR SALE One Ford light delivery. Good mechanical condition. 5081. 6 FOfl SALE Wireless apparatus of all kinds. Bogue & Miller, Trescp agents. Telephone red 3542. S FOR SALE Residence property and vacant lots. Inquire 618 Clay strejj. FOR SALE Soven-room house on West Ninth, with one lot. Pavement in and paid. Good terms. Black k Crura. 7 FOR SALE Chevrolet. 1918 modol, six tires, three of them new; en gine overhauled. $200. Call black 1991 after 6 p. m. 8 FOR SALE Ueed furniture, Hoos'.cr cablact, heating stove, rocking chairs sad few other articles. Call red 3811 or 200 West Fourth, 11 FOR SALE Grnpo plants. Call 30F13. FOR SALE Hatching eggs from heavy laying White Leghorns; $1.50 per setting; $G per 100. Wntterson Pullet Farm, telephone red 6361. 7 ! FOR SALE Trap nest White Leg horn eggs, $1.50 per setting. Ira C. Smith, route 1, box 110, Thonip- i son's addition. 9 l , FOR SALE Fresh cow and calf. W. T. Jowett; 405 West Seventeenth street. x 6 FOR SALE Cut Rate shoe shop. Part down, balnnce easy terms. Money making guaranteed. 414 East Sec ond. 9 FOR SALE Large apd small farm and orchard tracts. Reasonable ' prices, good terms. V. C. Hanna, Dufur, Ore. 18 tf. FOR SALE Rose comb brown leg horn and rose comb White" Wyan dotte eggn for setting. $1.25 per setting. Telephone red 4401. A3 FOR SALE Horses. I have a number of good horses for sale cheap. Read's Feed store, east end of Sec ond street, telephone black 5211. 26tf OR SALE Two lots, near flour mills, fifteen bearing fruit trees. Price $1,000. $200 down, balance long time. DARNIELLE BROS. 405 Washington Main 6831. 6 FOR SALE Owing to the high fertil ity and increasing demand for Rhode Island Red hatching eggs I will hold my special pen together during April. All orders cared for at $1.00 per 16 or $6 per hundred. Fred Cyphers, R. Fi D. No. 3, tele phone red 6362. M2 FOR SALE 'Modern 6-room bunga low on paved street in one of the best residential districts. $2700. Onb and one quarter acres and new 5-room house In Thompson's addition for quick sale reduced from $1800 to $1700. Four-room cottage on paved street, with all assessments paid, $1300. Dalles Realty company, black 5691. 7 FOR SALE The. Dufur Orchard com pany proposes to sell approximately 2000 acres of its apple plantings at Dufur, Oregon. The acreage offered is fully planted te seven and eight year old trees in prime condition, but the selling price will be based on agricultural value only. This sale is for financing purposes and the actual value as orchard property Is ignored. The property will be sold at wheat land value. Will cut in tracts of 80 acres and up. W. C. Hanna, Dufur, Ore., authorized agent. 36tf WANTED WANTED Chambermaid at Glen wood hotel. 9 WANTED To sell, rent and repair sewing machines and typewriters. Hemstitching done. W. A. Coryea. 5 WANTED Clean cotton rags at The Chronicle office, five cents per pound. tf WANTED Woman to do general housework In small family. Must be good cook. Good wages. Address S2 Chronicle. C WANTED Yard cleaning, garden work, prunnlng. L. A. Mathews, 502 West Eighth street, telephone rod 8651. , 2tf WANTED TO RENT Five or 7 room modern house. Telephone red 6822, or John H. Race, Libby cannery. 8 LOST OR FOUND FOUND K. of P. charm. Owner call at Welcome restaurant. 7 LOST Small traveling bag on Dufu; roajl. Notify Fred Buskuhl, Friend Oregon. 1 LOST Woman's black leathor hand purse, containing considerable mon ey. Finder call black 2341. Reward. C TAKEN UP Jersey bull about year old. No brand. Owner call W. T, Joweft, 405 West Seventeenth streol. 6 STRAYED OR STOLEN From I, V, Hill ranch near Eight Mile, large bay work marc with white mark on fao. Weight about 1250. When last ceen had collar gall on left shoulder. Phone Chester Hill. 16F4. 6wH FOR TRADE FOR TRADE City residence prop erty in Hillsboro, 200x146 feet, sov. en-room house, finishod last fall, 14 fruit troes, for good improved city property In The Dalles. Call Sunset Garage. 16 MISCELLANEOUS HEMSTITCHING Plcot edging. Mrs. L. M. Boothby, 308 Washington street. Telephone main 6581. tf TRANSFER AND EXPRESS Furni ture and piano moving. Freight hauled and general express busi ness. Telephones: Stand, red 101; residence black 1352. J. E. Henzle. ntf PROFESSIONAL AND BU8INESS PIANOS TKNiOD i ml repaired, ac tion regulating and refinishlng. . Player actions a specialty. Work guaranteed. 8. A. DockBtader, Cor son Music store. 320 Fast Second street. Telephone main 1061. tf POPULAR MUSIC Taught by BOB WERSCHKUL Lessons by Appointment Empress Theatre Pianist tf VERNA SAWYER Dressmaking, alterations, repairing. 218J East Third street. M6 VENZ BAUER General. real estate, insurance, and loans. 100 East Second street. Tele phone main 1571. 28tf WOOD ARD & TA US CHER Contracting Bricklayers and Plasterers All kinds of Tile and Cement Work. Fireplace Work a Specialty. Estimates furnished free of chargs. All Work Guaranteed. Telephone Main 8401 or Call at Gates Block Peoples Transfer Co. QUICK DELIVERY SERVICE EXPRESS AND DRAY AGE Furniture and Piano Moving Stand at Glenn's Paint Store Main 3721 Residence Phone Red 1811 HARRY L. CLUFF CRANDALL UNDERTAKING CO Wasco The Dalles LULU O. CRANDALL, Manager Bert Thomas, Assistant Manager Licensed Embalmsrs, Established 1887 Woman Attendant Mrs. M J. Wlllarton Telephone Red 1781 Motor Equipment Hours 9:00 to 8:00 Sundays 17-18 Vogt Blk Over Crosby's StlfaBBBBBBW THE WEAK SPOT! After a hard wind you'll notice, now and w then, that a large'tree ped at some point The wind simply hits its WEAK SPOT. Many a man has lost his chance in life by having a weak spot and many of these weak spots are "lack of funds." --OPEN AN ACCOUNT with us we'll help von nave. . Then you won't have that usual "weak-spot" that many others have. 4 Paid on Savings Accounts Citizens National Bank Telepbons Officers J. StadelinaB.Presldeat. Dr. J, A. Reuter, Vive-Pres. H. R. Oreeae, Cashier J. r, Tareck, Ass't Cashier. CUT FLOWERS Orders taken for cut flowers and potted plants for the Jewell Green- bouses. , MRS. HALLIE WEAVER Black 3171 302 Union street. $ HOWARD S. SOULE Expert Piano Tuner 322 West Slxtl stieet. Residence Phone rnnin 4201. if FORD Specialists Whitney Repair Shop 709 East Second St ' White Track Unm Freight and express between The DalleB and Wasco, Moro and all way points. Leave The Dalles, 9 a. in. dally except Sunday. Leave Moro, 1:30 p. ra. Leave Wasco, 2:30 p. m. D. M. Pierce, proprietor. Telephone black 1642 or main 471. tf School of Dancing Latest ballroom and Children's dances. MISS YVONNE JARRETT 218 East Third Main 3051. A14 ' DRESSMAKING Specialty of Infants' wear. Child ren's clothing. Women's house dresBeft and underwear. MRS. HALLIE WEAVER .302 Union street. Black 3171. A Dufur Telephones Day Red 381 Night Rid 382 J. H. Harper, Black 2152 Cut Flowers Dr. T. DeLARHUE Eyesight Specialist and Evenings by Appointment Drug Store Phone Black 1111 has blown down, or snap Main 3101 Directors P, J. StadeUaaa. Artnur Seufert Dr. J. A. Reutsr Dr. 1). C. Ollagtf II. L, Kuck J O. tlelaulca J. .r. Van Dellsa