The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 06, 1921, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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Ben K. Utfln
Alvin Ii. Uucltlln
Kntcred In Tho Dallca
second clans limttiir.
THE DAILY CHRONICLE 13 temPte(1 to Ao 1,1110 ''' busi
, ness trickery. Then he i!.'nk3 of his
pSwibredeLvery Evening" Sunday Partner or his associates Tl.ey think
by tli Chronicle Publishing company Inc no8 on the square. They would stako
.General MnnnRer everything that they had that he wan
; John is hard put to it. John needy the
money, and the thing would ba so
,, , .. , tt u .rVTTT; irrrr" easy. Besides no one would ever Know.
United Press and United News Service
Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations Again comes the thought o John
they helleve in mo." Subtl, he is
dntnrrml from ilolnir n. sthnriv thine- lm. I
causo of the confidence of others in
Especially Is this phrase a stror.5
spur to progress In a married man.
Ills wife bellovcs in him. What ever
he undortnkes, he knows that his wire
is with him in his efforts. She is on
the side lines, cheering him and some-
One year, .In advance..-........- .J5.00
Six month. In advance ..3.00
One month ,60
One year. In advanve....... ...$5.0n
Six monthu, In advance ..$2.f0
Onn month ....... .50
One ycur. In advance $2.00
In orderinc chunga of address, sub
scriber Khould ill way ;i tilvo old as well
ns now address.
Tolephono Main 111
Subscribers to the Chronicle are guar
anteed service. Prompt and regular de-
1 1 rr r-t nf " irn till a it ft liAf'o rn tnH In I lut
aim of the circulation department.' Tho times she come3 Into the game to help
Chronlelo carriers aro required to put . . .. ,. . ,
tho papers on the porch or wherever tin ' ollt- 1 ho value pf encouragement
subscriber wishes Mm ' paner delivered, . lr , , , 1 ' ,
, of a wife who believes in you is past
' all estimating.
I In the hour of temtation and temp
Explaining thai he had seen Ninth tatlon which comes to all of us, when
stroct macadamized three times and vou waver a bit perhaps, good men
that the macadam surface had not waver at times, the phrase dins In
stood up undeMho traffic any one of yur consciousness, "she believes in
these times, Mayor P. J. Stadolman nc. She knows I'm a square shooter."'
came out at a recent council meeting can't slip down very far becai'.so
In opposition to tho plnn to lay more the phrase "she believes in mo" is
of this type of street surfacing In The an all powerful protective agency o
Dalles. Ho added that he stood at all
time3 ready to carry out plans for the
permanent Improvement of the city
I Persons owning property upon cer-
"She believes in me." You contem
plate some business doal. It looks a
oit big. There's considerable risk at
tendant. It calls for almost super-
tain streets had petitioned (ho city human effort. Alono you'd pass the
council to lay a macadam covoring on ' whole mater up. You wouldn't try to
theso streets, thus opening tho matter succeed. But, "she believes in me"
of kind of paving, for council discus- sounds strongly in your mind. You
Blon. j can't disappoint her. You wouldn't
Lot us Inqulro Into thecaso of ma- hurl her for a billion dollars. There
endam. Macadam Is, according to defi- is just one course open then, to try.
nltion given at tho council meeting, And you try and win and are count-
a dressing comprised of three sites of ed a success. It all came about, be-
crushed rock wot down and rolled. causo "she bolleves in you."
First, coarse crushed rock Is laid .Many men In The Dalles are todav
as a baso. Then medium sized rock is honest and upright citizens-, success
placed on tho baso to bo topped by ' es In their chosen lines because,
fine rock, termed a binder. The mass "somebody bolieved in them." Thev
is then wot down and rolled together, were injected with fighting spirit oy
Jn tho horse and buggy period this this knowlego. They were made lm-
typo of road servod very woll. But mime to temptation.
this is tho automobile age, the truck "Somebody believes In you." Of all
ago. Consequently tho macadam pav? Phrases Impelling mankind to decency
mont has passed with the horse and of action and efficiency of action and
iniL'sv. it nn lnnunr nnrvaa success ana Kindliness, tins one
AutomoblloH running over macadam s,andB out supreme at the top of tho
roads suck up tho lino rock and hurl 1,8t
It to tho sides. Thus tho binder is 1 r-o
removed and tho whole road dlslnto- BRAVERY HATH .PERILS
grates. . ' '
City Eng'lnoor P. V. Marks declaros Tho marine corps .has proved Its
that macadam Is all right if It Is re- bravery In intonsive danger again
paired evtiry year, that is to say, If tt and again.
now top is laid. This procedure would , Vory mention of Uncle1 Gain's sol-
blesome mates, are becoming unfash
ionable,, in San Francisco, according
to Superior Judge E. P. Shortall.
Annulments are proving less cum
bersome and quicker in fact quicker
than Keno. As a result the grand Jury
is going to look into things a bit.
Persons who desire to travel their
paths singly after failing to pull prop
erly in double harness, have discov
ered, iShortall says, that they can
, bring a suit for annulment, alleging
tho other member of the partnership
had a previous mate from whom there
was no legal divorce. The case is tried
and often, by agreement or on ac
jcount of beign unable to produce
evidence, it goes uncontested. The
marriage Is anntiled.
Tho minute the annulment is enter
eu both parties are free to marry
again, without the formality of wait
ing a year..
But what interests the court is why
there have been no prosecutions for
bigamy growing out of the many an
tiulments granted on the grounds ot
bigamous marriage. Annulments have
averaged as high as seven a day for
a week during the last six months,
court records show.
-The Best Bio Sister-
be expensive.
dlors of the sea conjures 'up deeds of
It is ovidont thut the llfo of a ma- valor. Most of us Immediately vision a
cadam road is about one yoar. whoat field over in the Argonno sec-
, While wo as a city aro making lm- tor of the recent world war. We see
movements do wo want to look a yoar the Amorlcnn leathornecks crawling
ahead or 20 yenra ahoad? Are we at- into that field preparatory to rushing
tor permanency of Improvement or the Gorman machinegunners and Ger-
a sort of transient betterment? Theso man ranks or attackers. Wo hoar tho
uro tho questions at Issue. cracklo of machlneguns nnd the re-
. Moreover It Isn't exactly fair to tho vorborntlng oxploslon of big hlgh-pow-
cltUenB who paid their good money to ered sholls. Wo soo n rain of bullets
lay hard surface pavement In from of pelting upon that wheat Hold Ger-
their residences to ask them to ho'p man bullets. We seo men lilt our
lo pay as a city b pou-out m Uiu men and dying in that field of hnr.
coal of macadamizing hii eelswhich
to thorn appears a very decided waste.
'Macadam is not a permanent pm.
meiit. Slueo It s not, It bordors on ac
tual wustu of money to put it down.
Tho mayor is lo bo commended for
Ills stand In the mutter.
l,oi us as u city lay no more macad.
ror. Then after the havoc has gong
on tor Homo time, a lank gunnery ser
geant rises and looks u round for some
superior ortlcer. There is none ulivo.
tie hu waves his arms und cries in a
guttural voice, "Como on you birds,
tlo you want lo live forover?" The
remnant ot that marine corps doinil
got up and dashed at tho Germans
and the allied advance which ended in
tho Huns crying, kamenid, was bi-
Phrases aro peculiarly bound up 1Jllt now 01?8 news that tho ma
with humau activities, ludood action rmo cori3 bccnso of Its bravery test
reslB very largely upon phrases of 0,1 "muy " t,mo ls subject to gravo
deep moaning. langer. Cannibals In Hull and Santo
There aro phrases which make for 0om,ngo nr tatlnR marines becauso
progress, for decency, for uplift, for th fl8hter8 ftro bravo un, dmith- Tho
success, for everlasting keeping at tho . 0Un,bnI" bollovo ,,u,t lr the' lU
business In hand. There are nhrases . v,tlU orK,,n8 of n brav white man
which make for stagnation, for llcou- "m W,U mhorlt ,,,s of cqur-
UousiiosB, lor .degradation, for fulluiv,
ror giving up when tho fight is Just
Among tho phra80HN which make for
progresii, decency, uplift and deter
mliiod working, wo believe (hut "he
tollaves In mo," U well up toward the
head of thn Ihtt I Uy Unlt4 Preee
Tf, ' 7 ,,8t; . I SAN FRANCISCO. April .-Dlvor.
uHe bellavei m me" Po.lmpi John Ce hi u means of getting rid of.trou-
Evidently It Is best to be mee and
timid when among the cannibals of
tho West Indies.
The Beit Big SleUr
(From Vho Chronicle, April 6, 1896.)
Tho county democratic convention
occurs tomorrow at the courthouse.
Mr. F. H. Wakefield has announced
that he will run independent for
Hon. J. B. Huntington of Baker
City, who was in the city Saturday,
has received the endorsement of
Paker and Crook county republicans
for congress.
The burning of the flue in Mr.
T. T. Nicholas' residence early yes
terday morning resulted in a fire
alarm being turned in. There was no
occasion for the' department to re
Mr. Peter Godfrey of Five Mile
nearly lost his barn by fire yesterday.
His chicken house caught, and the
flames were blown directly toward
the barn, which is only a few feet
away. It was happily discovered la
time, and the barn saved by great
effort. The chicken house lost its
roof. ,
The attention of the road menders
is urgently asked to 'the west side
walk on Union street, between Third
and Fourth. In all probability some
one will have to pay for a broken
log before many dark nights have
-passed. Soon after the repairs made
on that piece of walk were made u
few months since, one of the pieces
of decayed, board, with which tho
width was pieced out, gave way en
tirely.' Piece No. 2 has been good
to walk on until now. It has followed
the example of No. 1, and both are
gone. It would be an act of wisdom,
on the part of who-ever will have
to pay for damages, if this discredit
able work would receive immediate
Tho following named gentlemen
took tho train today for Portland,
nnd will attend the republican stale
convention: T. J. Driver, M. T. Nolan,
J. D. Wilcox, A. E. Lake, J. G. Farley,
E, O. McCoy, M. A. Moody, J. B.
Huntington, Georgo Johnston and W.
Moore. Tomorrow J. O. Mack and J.
M. l'utterson will leave for Portland.
Tho directors of The Dalles, Port
land and Astoria Navigation company
met Saturday night and elected tho
following officers to serve for one
President Hugh Glenn .
Vice-president Jos. T. Peters
Secrotary O. Klnorsly
Treasurer J, S. Schenck.
A review of the business of the
past yoar shows It to have been very
satisfactory. After building 'a wharf
ut Rockland and a largo warehouse
in The Dalles, a dividend of 10 per
cent was declarod to tho stockholders.
The next Improvement In contem
plation is tho wharf built upon piles
at Hood River.
Burget-Mogan Co.
Funeral Directors
Phonea Mat 191. Nkht Black
55& 23jg
W.'jL 1"TBS
Big Sale On
t .
20 Discount for Cash with Order
It costs 20 to sell monuments by agents. You can save that one-fifth of
the price by buying at. the shop. Make your selection early and give us time
to set work before May 30th, Decoration Day. ;
Read the Advertisements tmd
Go to thelStores With Your
Mind Made Up
Sit in your easy-chair and
read the advertisements
leisurely. Find out what the
merchants have to offer. '
Make up a list of the things
you want to look at or buy.
This will save hours of
standing around the stores,
asking questions of the clerks.
maybe getting what
want and maybe not
Chronicle advertisements
are a panorama of dealers'
shelve passed before your
eye, with the name of the ar
ticle and its price plainly
If you're in a hurry, make
up your order from the adver
tisements and have it deliver
ed, or at least wrapped so you
can get it without waste of
That is easier than running
your legs off trying to get this
or that article of merchan
dise. Even though you "love to
shop," the advertisements will
save you a great amount of
time and money.
" B
. v. 1
1 1 1 J -y