THE DALLES DAILY CHRONICLE. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 6, 1921. PAGE FIVE rwtWiiimmmm I i ' i PROSPERITY SWEEPING OVER THE NATION dbfiirMlrfrfiLU.I,..IILlJ.l.l..,.Mj.iWB Bl Nil mi The J. C. Penney Company's Uepartmeni " add the strength of their vast stocks of Dependable Merchandise at Lowest Prices .; 'tHE J. G. PENNEY COMPANY'S 312 DEPARTMENT STORES EASILY ACCOMPLISH PROSPERITY ' : ; : l the respective communities through savings which grow out of elimination of waste of every sort : stores I " Our Nation-wide Institution, serving millions of people, saves !for them through its economic conservative methods. The loss of bad accounts collection expenses middlemen's profits (because of buying, largely direct, from manufacturers). Buying for cash selling for cash and last but not least, the J. C. Penney Company stores are content with very small profits. 4 Such service brings the savings that are really the foundation of prosperity. Coupled with fair dealing and the inherent de sire to serve, such savings have built this nation-wide institu tion; arid every community served by one of our 312 Department Stores is materially benefitted because these savings are passed on to patrons in Standard Quality Merchandise at the Lowest. Price. Participate Jn this National Movement--Help Keep the Wheels of Industry Turning A Wonder fvl Purchase of Ladies9 Spring Coats $9.90 each ,k Here 'is indeed a rare opportunity for you to buy a new Spring Coat of latest style at a most economical price;. These coats were just received today. The materials are ofPolo Cloth in all the good Spring shades. DON'T PUT IF OFF BUT SEE THEM TODAY ' Tomorrow they may be gone. A wide assortment! now tp choose from. M ARE YOU TAKING ADVANTAGE OF OUR BETTER CLOTHING VALUES? Hundreds of men are finding more and more every day that it pays them to buy all their clothing needs here. It s a matter of a good substantial saving on every suit of clothes. Come in and let us show you and explain why we can give you better values for less money. See some of the new Spring Suits just in this week. Young Men's Suits at $18.50, $22.50, $24 75 to $44.75 ' Men's Staple Suits $19.75 $44.75 Student's Suits - to $27.50 IC1 si ''A MEN AND YOUNG MEN'S ODD TROUSERS Here are some ex cellent values in odd trousers. Sta ple and young men's models. Blue Serges and fancy stripes. Priced at $4.50, $4:98 to $6.50 pair. MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS Now is the time to look to your shirt needs as you will soon want to go without a coat and new shirts will be in order. You'll get better values here. 98c to $4.50 Silk ones $4.50 to $7.50 LADIES' DRESS KID GLOVES 98c pair Here is another de monstration of our savings we offer through our com bined purchases of 312 stores. These excellent g 1 o v e s' come in Black and Brown, all sizes. Two button length. Get your size today BUY YOUR NEW CURTAINS HERE and SAVE Beautiful filmy new Curtain Nets that have the air of Spring. Neat dainty patterns in serviceable Filet Nets that will add much to the attrac tiveness of every home. Priced, per yard 35c, 39c, 53c and 59c 32 Inch ZEPHYR GINGHAMS 25c yard Beautiful plaids, checks and stripes in all the good Spring colors to be found here in these 32 inch Zephyr Ginghams. Excel lent for summer tub dresses. New Silk Gloves 79c to $1.69 Plain and fancy strap. LADIES' SPORT HATS $4.50 Each A new shipment of these beautiful new hats just in by today's express. Ai tins new spring high c-t.ors for w ) meri nnd girh lit thU !o.. price .fl.50 Each Sailors and trim med hats at $2.98 to 87 50 Hind's Honey and Almond Cream 39c Bottle Mentholatum 19c jar Pebeco Tooth Paste 39c MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S FANCY SOX 23c, 35c and 49c Pair Half and' three quarter length .. Sox for Children Girls' in White and fancy colors Sizes 5 to 9 CHILDREN'S GINGHAM DRESSES 98c to $1.98 Whv worry with sewing when you can purchase these excellent dresses of goodi standard Ging hams at these prices. Ages 2 to 14 years. lit .itttfl lliiM I Itf" iHH i m iMMilf LADIES' NEW VOILE WAISTS 98c Every woman should have one or two of these good ; serviceable waists af this ex t r e m e 1 y low pnce. n White or Tan, ace and em broidery t r i na med. Sizes 36 to 44. BOYS' KHAKI PANTS $2.79 ouir Just tho thing for school wear. Well made o f good heavy khaki with cuff. All sizes. ' Gillette Razor Blades 39c set of six Woodbury's Fac ial Soap 19c cake William's Shav ing Soap 7c cake Colgate's Tooth Paste Large size 19c hi hi mmrmmmmmmmLjmmsmm A HI 1BI m I Ml ill If ' S I rt-V tlU I lncorbomi$d 312 DEPARTMENT STORES a