The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 06, 1921, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Big Boy Arrives Born to Mr. and
Mrs. O. L. Powers of Boyd, at The
Dalles hospltnl, last night, an eight
and one-half pound boy.
Holt Granted Divorce Circuit
Judge Fred W. Wilson this morning
granted a divorce to Arthur L. 'Holt,
from Jean L. Holt. Holt sued for
divorce upon grounds of desertion am
cruel and inhumun treatment.
Arrested For Non-Support pyron
Taylor, deputy sheriff of Benton coun
ty, arrived In The Dalles today for the
purpose of taking a prisoner, William
Coe, back to Corcallis. Coe was arrest
ed in The Dalles Saturday by Sheriff
Chrisman, upon advice from Corval
lis that he was wanted in that city up
on a charge of non-support. .
Hedges Sells Index Sale of the
Kvenlng Index of San Bernardino by
Clarence Hedges to the San Bernar
dino Sun company, publishers of a
contemporary nowspaper of that city
has been consummated, according to
word reaching this city. Mr. Hedges
has operated the paper since the flr3t
of the year. Prior to that time, he
was for some time publisher of The
iDalles Chronicle.
Two Face Liquor Charges Pend
ing trial of their case in the justice
court next Monday, Edward Covey
and T. W. Comstock were released
from the county Jail yesterday upon
payment of $50 hall each. They were
arrested Saturday night at n dance In
the Chenowlth grange hall, after they
had created a disturbance. A small
quantity of moonshine whiskey was
found upon thorn when they wore ar
rested, this forming tho basis for a
charge of having Intoxicating liquor
In their possession.
Community Luncheon Tomorrow
Mrs. Joseph .Stadelman will preside
as chairman of the community lunch
eon meeting at tho Y, W. C. A. rooms
Thursday noon. The program will
start and close promptly at 12:15
o'clock and 1:16 o'clock respectively.
It is desired that all who may at
tend will be ready and seated at the
full of tho gavel at 12:15. Mutters of
current local Interest will come up for
discussion and a good, neighborly
time is assured for all. These meet
ings aro for both men anil women,
tihow your Interest in loc'al commun
ity affairs by being present.
Seven Mile Hill Road Good The
upper or iSevon Milo hilt rouio be
tween The Dalles and Mosler Is now
in much butter condition than the now
Columbia Itlvur highway, which Is tin
dor construction, according to II. It.
(Fanchor, manager of Tho Dallos ga
rago, who yostqrday journoyod to
Hood Jtlvor over tlio highway and
back over the hill routo. A crow of
men is busy scraping the hill road
which Is rounding into excellent shape,
according to Fanchor. It Is expected
that work on tho road will be complet
ed by Saturday. Fanchor drove from
Hood Ilivor to Tho Dalles in an hour
and )0 minutes, over tho hill road.
Volley Ball Is Popular Tho fact
that volley ball has come into wide
popularity was further manifested last
.evening when a' group of business and
professional men huadod by Carlton
Popper, H. C. Bradshaw, Captain T.
1. Cobkv and II. YV. Arbury establish
ed a court just to tho rear of (ho
homo of Mr, Bradshaw. .Not posts
wore placed and tho ground leveled
off. Four snappy gamos were played,
fciovonil local wives wore somowhut
upset by having to servo cold, late
.dinners but the men who participated
in tho gunics did full justice to the
cvenliiK moat regardless of the torn- j
. peraturo of tlio food, Volley bull bids
fair to rival In popularity tho Indoor
baseball activities recently started In
The Dallos. Tho establishment of
other courts In contemplated and no
doubt a city league will bo formed.
Volley ball Is an excellent game for
women and doubtless tho men will en
counter keen competition from thotr
fair HlsteiH.
Tho Best Bio Slater
BAVAURUSU cloans old paint
brushes and f!oor,
The Btst Big Sister
Taxi Maylc!d'tTnxl
Telephone iimin 5021. 27tf
The Beet Dig SUter
Savo your foot It pays In tho lous
run. Wear Arch Preservers, the ef
ficiency shoo for women. Kdw. C.
Pvuhu company, ti
The Best Big SUter
Auction Sale
1 will auction on my ranch, t miles
Kouth of Tho Dallos, Saturday, April
9, at 1:30 p. in,, three colts weighing
00, SCO und yOO pounds, to pny pas
ture bill and Hun churou totaling
I1K6.00. Ray W. Augell, Boyd, Oiv.
Too fast for him
Dr. G. T. Harding, father of Presi-
dent Harding, has returned to his
home in Marion, O., after having seen
his son Inaugurated. 'He points out
that this is an unique instance of
where tho son- can legally dictate to
father. He don't mind that, he 'says,
but he finds the quiet of Marlon more
to his liking!
Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Kich of Heppner
are In the city visiting relatives.
iMr. and Mrs. Will Evans of Dufur
ara business visitors In The Dalles.
.1. E. Hlnton of Shanlko is in The
Dalles today upon business.
C. L. Forbes of LaGrando is regis
tered at Hotel Dalles.
F. N. Wallace of Friend Is in The
Dalles attending to business matters.
Mrs. W. J. Cotterell of Portland Is
at Hotel Dallos.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Loo Carlton of En
terprise are guests at Hotel Dalles.
Al Brlttaln of Maupln
Dalles today.
is in The
Lester Kelly of Maupln is a busl
noss visitor In tho city today.
it. G. Valentino, I'oruanu, is in tho today on business.
Mrs. J. A. Slovens of Dufur was in
tho, city yesterday. ' - j
Mrs. Mary Glavey
here yesterday.
'of Dufnr was
Mrs. Kittle Allen Is visiting her son,
David Allen, in Portland this week.
lrB. W. O. Hadley returned Tues
day evening from a woek spent visit
ing friends in Portland and at Seaside.
.... . ! ii ...o I
lieoigO iummun ui rununus" "
a business visitor in tho city yester
day. P. L. Huffman of Portland is a
business visitor in The Dallos over
yesterday and today.
Mrs. O. K. Porter and Mrs. Ralph
Crogo wont to Portland yesterday for
a short visit.
Mrs. Georgo Johnston and Miss Lu
cllo Johnston woro Dalles visitors yes.
Mrs. John Bolan.of Maryhlll, Wn ,
Is visiting her daughter, Mis. Lulu.
uich. j j .
Wamlc visitors in the city .today
aro Willis Driver, Tom. Drlvor, Percy
"Driver and Ed Drlvor.
' T, 'Xdrvul of Wiunlc'ls visiting
his daughter, Mrs. Jack Fraley. ln this
city. - t , i
Frank Melborno of Blckleton, Wn,
was hero attending to business yosior-
Mrs. U D. Lavi-son of Portland Is In
Tho Dalles today visiting with her
daughter, who Is attending St. Mury's
A. Buckley, superintendent of tho
O.-W", R. & N, company's linos, was m
The Dalles yesterday upon a tour Jf
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. HelBlor passed
through tho city yesterday, returning
from Portland to their homo at Durur.
Thoy have been visiting Mr. Helsler's
father, Monroe llelsler, who Is 111,
Mr. and Mrs. M. Van Lennan of
Forest Urovo passed through Tlio
Dalles yesterday onrouto to Maupln
to visit rilends and relatives. Mr3. Me.
Ueniian was Miss 1-oU Batty and wtVJ
formerly In tho employ of A. M. Wil
Hums & company.
"Van," or more properly, E. F. Van
Bcholck, local chamber of commerce
secretary, is somewhat "tickled" to
day. For last night, Mrs, Van Scholck,
Peggy and Boryl, I heir two chltdron,
arrived from Lometn, Texas, where
they had been visiting with friend.
I 1
Mr. and Mrs. Van Scholck will take
up residence In the Court apartments.
The Best Bio Sister
KILSTAIN kills all stains in plaster.
4See window display at J. V. Collins,
418 East Second street. i
The Best Bin Sister
Taxi Service
Day or night. Stand at Club Cigar
store. Telephone red 1711. B. Winter,
muth. 30
The Best Big Sister
D. O. K. K.s. .trate the rest room which the asso- In repairing it.
meeting tomorrow evening at K. of P. Nation maintains 'at its headquarters Much complaint is being made bi
le rooms, 7:30. 'over the lack and "White. pa'trons of. the postoffice because of
j C. H. BAGGOTT, Chairman. Tne employment bureau will be finding their mall boxes tampered
1 The Degree of Honor will meet on
Thursday, 8 p. m. at the home, of Mrs.
Lulu D. Crandall. All members are
requested to be present. 6
Royal Arch Masons
Stated convocation
Wednesday evening. Work
in M. M. degree. Visiting
companions welcome.
Annual Stockholders Meeting
Notice is hereby given that the reg.
ular annual meeting of the stockhold
ers of The Dalles "Hotel company will
be held at the office of French & com-
jmu,, m i.,CD l.w,
April 11. 1921, at 7:30 o'clock p m.!
Said Meeting is called as-provided by j
the by-laws of said company, and at
said meeting will be elected a board
of directors to serve for the ensuing
year, and such other business will be
transacted as shall regularly come Be
fore said meeting. By order of the
board of directors.
V. M. FRENCH, Secretary.
Dated at The Dalles, Oregon, this first'
day of April, 1921. H
The Best B'g Slstei
By United Press
SAN FRANCISOO, April 6 San (
Francisco, Los Angeles and Sacra
mentothat's the winning trio of the
... , i
rust uay or me ravine v,uai ic-
fuU lnoUBand points ahead of all the
others, but of course, that won't
necessarily have much to do with
where they'll stand along in the fall.
But the fans of the three Call-
fornia cities had a fine feeling of
satisfaction over winning the open-
Tho Seals had a hard row to hoe
In proving to Portland that tho game1
WH8 theirs. It was not
Until the
San Fran
seventh Inning that the
cisco gang crawled into tho lead
and won by a margin ot M .'Ingle
run, 7 to 6. ,
Sacramento didn't have any easier
time beating the champion Tigers.,
9 to 8. They did it, however, despite
the fact that Vernon tallied 12 hits
against only 7 for the Solons. Five
Vernon errors helped.
Down south the Angels forgot the
hospitality Los Angeles is supposed j
to show visitors and were selfish
enough to holp themselves' to eight!
good runs and allowed their Seattle
guests only one. "
Salt Lake and Oakland did not
play. They went snowballing instead.
A total of approximately 30,000
people saw tho throe games. Twelve
thousand turned out in San Fran
cisco. Nearly 11,000 paid admission
at Los Angeles, and 7,000 saw the
Sacramento game.
Mentho-Sulphur, a pleasant cream,!
will soothe and heal skin that is ir
ritated or broken out with eciema;!
that is covered with ugly rash or
pimples, or is rough or dry. Noth-I
lug subdues fiery skin eruptions so!
quickly, says a noted skin specialist.!
The moment this sulphur prepar
ation Is applied the itching stops and I
after two or three applications, thq
oczema Is gone and the skin i&vde
Itglitfully clear and smooth. Sulphur
is so preolous as n skin remedy bo-:
cuuso It destroys the parasites that!
cause tho burning, itching -r dis
figurement. Mentho-Sulphur always
heals eczema right up.
A small Jar or Mentho-Sulphur
may be had at any good drug store.
WANTKD F.xperlenced snoo mar-
or. Cut Kate shoo shop, 414 East ,
Second. ' 12 ,
Kelt HfcJNT Furnlshod housekeep-'
ing suites. Telephone black 2301.'
520 East Third street. S
FOH SALE 1917 Chevrolet, starter,)
speedometer, electric lights, five
tires and ckalns. Talr condition.
1180,00. Se J. W. Pero'i Umatilla f
House. 11
In order that the many and varied
activities of the Y. W. C. A. may bo
better known, a series of living post
ers will be shown in Second street
windows Saturday, evening between
7:30 and 9 o'clock. Miss Driscoll will
be In charge of the story hour window
at The Dalles Garage at 7:30 when
she will tell stdrles to a group of
small children.
'Miss Maude Harriman will have
charge of the rest room In Hackett &
(Inti'a wlnilnw Thfa nnatni- will llluc
shown in Maler-Bettingen company's
wImiow Hpr th tlirprtinn nf
jnchell, while Mrs. Pearson will su-
perintend a display of Oriental cos-
tumes in the J. C. Penney company's
These costumes and curios
have been sent to this country bv for -
elgn representatives of the Y. W, C.
In A. M. Williams & company's win-
dow, Mrs. Seitz will present the voca-
tional work of dressmaking,' while
Miss Lottie Phillips will demonstrate
salesmanship in the Edward C. Pease
company's windows.
Jlice & McCoy's window will contain
a miniature cafeteria under the care
of Miss Prudence, Patterson, and Miss
Letitla Pierce and a group of high
school girls will have a girl's Bum-
camp m the s.
GIr, wni ' entertaln the
.wUh Y game3
under the leadershlp o Mlga He,cn
The Best Big Sister
Tripp's Cleaning r.nd Dye
310 Union street.
-The Best Big Sitter-
Eyes tested, g-.asses fitted. Dr. Gen;
K. Newhouse. u
The Best Big Sister
MOS1ER, April 6. Phil Goss of
Portland was in town this week re-
uuniub , itk.iuauaauv;c niiu uiu
R ' gun.
?a that n,s Mother, Guy, was oper-
afed on Saturday at St. Vincent's
Hospital, Portland. Mr. Duvall's broth-
er,s getting along as well as could
be expected,
- The A. D. Kern company Is busily
engaged in erecting its- camp in tho
outskirts of town. Active work will ,
'M.l '
Spring Coats are more popular than usual this .
year. 'it being a year of sKort clothes, and so many
dresses and separate skirts being worn, make it al
most a necessity for one to have a new Spring
wrap of some kind. The coats come in such a.lagp!
variety of models this season, the Jersey and Cloth
Sport Coat, the medium length Polo Coat to the
longer Wrappy Garments. The Wrappy Coats gome
in the darker shades such as Navy, Brown, New
Blue and Tans, the Polo and Jersey Coats in a large
range of both light and dark shades. All the want ed
styles at prices to suit any pocket book.
Priced at $9.00, $12.50, $15.00, $22.50 to $75.00
We wish to draw attention to th attractive model of the new Wrapp il
lustrated above, No. 2129 comes in a nsw Tan shade, made with large sleeves
and prettily trimmed with embroidery and buttons, full silk lined. Priced
at $60.00.
begin in about 30 days. A large paving
plant, also rock crushers are belns
set up near a point where the Paci
fic Bridge company operated a few
years, agoj A fleet of trucks is busy
spreading gravel oh tho highway to
ward The Dalles.
At the present time the Columbia
River highway between Mosler and
The Dalles is closed to the public bo
cause of work of the crews of work
men. The surface is so rough beyond
Howcna it is hard on cars and tires
to travel over it. The old hill road
over the seven mile hill is now tn
good condition. Last week was spent
with. As this is a penitentiary offense,
it is Hkelv a number of neonle who
do not realize what they are doing,
may get into'trouble.
William Terrill and J. W. Blakeley
were in Portland over the week-end.
1 A large number of Mosler people at
tended the play given by MJss Ben
' nett and her high .school. students In
' ' ' ' '
Cascade Locks last 'Friday evening,
The players all acquitted themselves
creditably. 4 ,
The Best Big Sister
There's A Difference
If 'you've been a "ready made" man
in the past, be a "made to order man"
m ine Iulure-
!ed sults t0 measure, 35.00 and up. W.
w. weuuer, one uiuch. eusi ui jjuhi
office. 6tf
With our up to the minute equipment, backed
by scientific training and long experience in
the compounding of prescriptions, we are able
to fully supplement the services of your phy
sician. 9
Our stock of patent and proprietary medi
cines is complete.
i -
Service Drug Store
D. W. Yantis, Mgr.-
Two Doors West of Parlor Grocery
Tel. Main 2451
Spring Wear
vWhen Uou Think Dni Goods -
The announcement made by the
Chevrolet Motor company, that it will
make a cash refund to all purchasers
of Model "Four iNinety" automobiles
is proving very popular with those
who are in the market for cars. The
commanding position of the company
in the automobile world naturally in
spires confidence In the plan and
more than usual interest in the buy
ing public. The logic and fairness of
the announcement makes a peculiar
appeal to the business common sense
of the discriminating buyer.
The. large production capacity and
up-to-date equipment of the Chevro
let "Four-iNlnety'' factories are well
known, and the ability of the ener
getic manufacturing organization to
utilize the best quantity production
methods is recognized as responsi
ble for the low price at which Chev
rolet "Four-fNinety" cars can be soli.
Strange & West Motors company,
local dealers will be pleased to go in
to detail on the plan with any one.
The Best Big Sister
Free Clinic No Charge For Examina
tion Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Dr. Baum, chiropractic physician,
Third and Washington, main 601. tf
The Best Big Sister
Brown's Dufur Stage Time Table
Two round trips daily. Leare Bauk
hotel, 9. a. ra. and 4 p. m. Leave
Dufur 7:30 a. m. and 1 p. m. tt