The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 06, 1921, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Lead Poison Effective.
Although less powerful than Paris
Green the American Forestry asso
ciation, in its series of lessons for
battling insects, points out arsenate
of lead is cheaper than Paris Green,
hut must be used In larger quan-
By United Press.
mon molasses, large quantity, one
quart, small quantity, one tablespoon
fulj water, just enough to thor-
ougmy moisten, i
Cutworms generally hide under
debris or rubbish or in the ground
during the day, and come out to feed
at night. A single broadcast appli-
titles. The proportions for spraying cation in the late evening of poison
with arsenate of lead follows:
Arsenate of lead (powder), one
third of a pound; or arsenate of lead
(paste), three-sixths of a. pound;
water, Bordeaux mixture or lime-sulphur,
solution, 50 gallons.
In small quantities use: Arsenate
of lead (powder), one tablespoonful;
water, one gallon.
Arsenate of lead may be obtained
in two forms, viz., a thick white
paste or a very fine powder. The
powdered form, although not differ
ing chemically from the paste, has
advantages since it is not injured by
freezing or drying. Tho paste arsen
ate of lead ts one-half water and for
this reason twice as much of the
bran mash is generally sufficient for
effective control of these trouble
some pests.
A vegetable poison known as helle
bore, which is manufactured by fine
ly grinding the roots of the white
hellebore plant, has been used quite
generally on trees and shrubs bear
ing fruits which are nearly ripened
and almost ready for picking. Helle
bore quickly loses its poisonous
properties on exposure to the air and
sun; and it will lose its strength
rapidly unless It is kept in air-tight
Crowd The Suckers.
Action all the time is needed in the
paste as of the powder must be used Datle against the sucking insects, s,ays
In the usual spraying operations,
The powdered form is coming into
general favor, and use for dry appli
cations by means of dusting appar
atus, the association says. The rapid
ity and ease of application and the
good results secured arc tending to
ward a widespread use of this form
of the poison.
Arsenate of lead has advantages
over Paris Green in adhesive quality,
non-burning of foliage, and tho -white
color by means of which thorough
spraying is more easily determined.
Arsenate 'of lead remains in suspen
sion in water longer than Paris
green, which settles to the bottom
more quickly.'
Cutworm, Real Pest.
The cutworm is the champion pest
of destruction of the big army, says
the American Forestry association,
on how to battle the plant enemies.
Ho is the "Seventy Five" animal ar
tillery for action. This destroyer is
called the "army worm" and poison
bran mash is the thing for him the
the American Forestry association,
In a lesson on how to get this brand
of destroyer. You have got to crowd
'em and get every one; the association
points out. Since these Insects suck
their food by getting into the leaf or
fruit, stomach poisons cannqt reach
them unless you feed each one by
hand. This being impossible, they
must be controlled by the use of the
so-called contact sprays. Certain ma
terials which are corrosive or oily In
nature kill the insects by contact with
the body. In spraying for this group of
insects it is necessary that the spray
material hit every insect to be killed,
and for this reason more thorough ap
plication of the spray material must
be made.
1A boiled, chemical mixture of lime
and sulphur, containing many pecu
iar compounds of these two materials
and known as lime-sulphur solution,
has been for several years a standard
spray for the control of certain spe
cies of scale insects and plant lice,
particularly in the dormant season. In
addition to its value as an insecticide,
By United Press
KANSAS CITY, April 6 Carl Wld
mer, 336 East Tenth street, nervous
ly awaited an important event in his
home here Monday.
A nurse emerged from his wife's
room and told Widmer he was the
father of triplets, two girls and a
Widmer arose from his chair and
started to see his new family.
Half way across the floor he stag
gerod and fell.
Dy the timn the nurse had reached
his side he had died of heart fallnre.
-The Bast Big Sltter-
Ifain 6061 Bennett Taxi Main 01 tf
Dr. James R. Angel I broke the 200
year precedent when he was elected
president of historic Yale college re
cently, the first time the. directors
have gone outside of the faculty or
alumnus to fill the office. In his first
address he went on record as favor
ing athletics the moral qualities of
the coaches to be first consideration.
We're here to give you the Kind of
service, help and advice, that makes,
friend. The Dalles Battery company,
Willard Service. I8tf
The Best Big 8lster
If your clothes are not becoming'
to you, .you'd better be coming to us:'
Modern Cleaners. W. R. Webber,
proprietor, C-ne block east of poslof
fice. 6tf
association points out.
Poison bran-mash, is a mixture of mn .1nr,.lr , nn effieiant funelcide.
Paris green, bran, syrup and water. , addmg m tfle Qf scab
Here is the fatal combination: Bran fungQu8
large quantity, 20 to 25 pounds j used m con.
small quantity, one quart Part arjenate of ,ead as ft
green, large quantity, one half pouna,
small quantity, one teaspoonful; com- combined spray.
T7EEP a supply of
sene) on hand for use in
oil cookstoves, heaters
and lamps. Pearl Oil is
clean and economical.
Your dealer can supply
you. Ask for PEARL
Was a Girl
OOP skirts wen
worn by those who
first asked the druggist
forp and insisted on
having, the genuine
Golden Medical Discovery put
up by Dr. Pierce over 50 years
ago. Dress has changed very
much since then! But Dr.
Pierce's medicines contain the
same dependable ingredients.
They are standard today just as
they were fifty years ago and
never contained alcohol.
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical
Discovery for the stomach and
blood cannot be surpassed by any
tonic and alterative today.
When you feel "all out of sorts"
your vitality at a low ebb the
blood becomes surcharged with
poisons! The best tonic is called
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis
covery. Dr. Pierce manufactured
this "Discovery" from roots and
barks without alcohol a cor
rective remedy, the ingredients of
which nature put in the fields and
forests for keeping us healthy.
It puts vim, vigor, vitality into
the blood.
.Try it. All druggists. Liquid
or tablets.
CHICAGO, April 6. Federal agents
raided the home of the "Chicago Hard
ings" late Monday for a photograph
of President Harding, said by the
family to have been received from the
President by young Everett iHarding,
self-styled "cousin" who is under ar
rest as an imposter.
The photograph of President Hard
ing bears the alleged autograph with
best -wishes to a kinsman and the
president's signature.
The family also had in its possession
letters purporting to have been writ
ten by President Harding to Everett
when Harding was a senator and a
presidential "dark horse."
That young Harding, who still Is
In jail at Woodstock, 111., will be
indicted, seems probable. A new
federal grand jury will bo sworn to
morrow and the 'Harding case will
be one of the first taken up.
Secret service men are compiling a
list of "cousin Everett's" guests to
the Inauguration, said to be 22 In
number, and including prominent
Chlcagoansi It was reported that
they are to' be dunned for the bogus
kinsman's private car. Everett gave
the Pennsylvania railroad a check for
H.990.90 for the car, but the check
was bad.
According to Capt. Thomas I. Por
ter, chief of the secret service here,
EveretU's arrest followed a 'last straw'
in the form of a bill for 1.000 to the
President from William Koehne,
local photographer.
The Bsst Big Slstei
Milk Milk Milk
- Pure fresh Clean. Are you saHf
fled with the milk you are buying! If
not, give juo a trial.
L. C, PALMER, Phone red 4972. tf
New hair
for You?
Hair kas bee grown aj-sia, after baleV
Bess, in ssany cues. This is now scien
tifically prured, Yours mar be an ibm
cblecase i but you have Bet beea using tk
proper relief. So do sot delay ia apply
ing Kotalko. The producers are so coa-fi-Jeat
they offer yew satisfactory bsir
rrotrth or your oeey-back. Get s
sell Uo cf KOTAUCO st any active
li ster. Apply KUlk sack Uy-
I will not be responsible for any
bills contracted on my account with
out a written order. Dated March 30,
1921. a. E. Doyle. 9
For those who are in need of a
remedy for kidney troubles and
backache, it is a good plan to try
Doan's Kidney Pills They are strong
ly recommended by The Dalles peo
ple. Ask your neighbor!
Mrs. F. E. Phillips, 1416 Pine St.,
The Dalles, says: "I know the value
of Doan's Kidney Pills and I am
glad to recommend them to anyone
in need of a kidney remedy. Doan's
have always been used in my family
and when my kidneys were weak, I
had severe backaches and rheumatic
pains in my arms and shoulders.
The action of my kidneys was irreg
ular. Doan's Kidney Pills from Don
nell's Drug Store Boon gave me re
lief from the rheumatic pains and
all signs of kidnoy trouble."
Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't
simply ask for a kidney remedy
get Doan's Kidney Pills the snme
that Mrs. Phillips had. Foster-Mil-burn
Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y.
Paint your house with
ST1 HE above picture shows
X that one a-allnn nf fiWP
house paint covers 360
aouara feet nf aiirfaM. fun
enata. Ordinal Mint mu fmm
200 to 250 square feet. That is the
Irst saving. SWP, though heavy
bodied, flows easily and evenly,
thus cutting down the time re
quired to apply it. That is the
, secoad saving. SWP outlasts two
or three ptrinrtngs srfth or
dioarypohit, serving the eoet
of materials for repainting
and alan aavint th tahnv
Cost Which is about 75 ner cant rl
the total expense.
Ia PBjrtaf salt Itfa tha araa a saHoa
Tit, act tits aeat perralloa, that de
SarmlnMitsaeMieraa'. We canracaas
ptote Ilae of SWF. Iyon pUa ts paaM
rear house, tot as aatp yea.
Sold by
"The Winchester Store"
Spring Is Here Once More
KODAKS froM $8.00 ip.
Brownies for Little Folks
$2.00 and up.
an Amm sf 1 '
Get Out Your Kodak
At no other time of the year does Na
ture invite us outdoors with such appeal
ing force as in Springtime; at no other
time do we want to respond to the cal'i
more readily, and at no other time are
we given such ample opportunities for
. Kodak pictures. Don't neglect these op
portunities; let your Kodak keep a faith
ful picture-record of the enjoyable inci
dents of life. The pictures you take now
will become ever more precious to you as
other Springs go by.
Prompt. Efficient Kodak Finfcriiinff
Home of Superfeatures
A story of Rubes
.and wise guys.
It's tjie biggest
picture he ever ap
peared in.
srt9JrSBa 5 sj v N I !i!!QbbW
eeV'atSMsj m wmm M Wj WBSSv
At His Best in
With the EMPRESS Orchestra
No Advance in Prices
Y. W. C. A.
Including regular program.
Earl Williams in "The Romance Promoters"
15 Acts of Vaudeville, direction of
Miss Harriet Schrum
Admission 25c, 50c
Get That Job Use Our Classified Columns
Fresh Country Cream
For the convenience of customers we shall con
tinue to handle Brune's Country Cream at
Taylor's City Market
People's Market
Many A Married
is glad to admit that he is able to save more
than he ever could manage to do when single.
That's a real tribute to thrifty wives!
Husbands and wives, and each member of the
family, find at this institution every facility
for consistent, profitable saving.
i'c Interest Paid on Savings Accounts
The Dalles, Oregon
14 yni.r mirror 1
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