PAQE TWO THE DALLES DAILY CHRONICLE, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 6, 1921. 5jcky mtrikeJ Cigarette To aaal In tha delicious Burley tobacco flavor. It's Toasted WAPINITIA NEWS WAPINITIA, April 5 Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Foreman and Mrs. E. A. Hurt' man made the round trip to Tho Dulles Friday. Mr. und Mrs. Milt .Morris of Tfte Dalles were here last week to take "Orandma" Morris homo with them. ' ST. Mathews ol Simnasho boarded the singe noro Monday morning for Maupin. He was enrouto to Portland. K. B. Miller ol' the Wuplnitla Ditch company, spent several d.ij a hero last week. He returned to Portland Thurs day. C. J. McCorklo is re-seeding about 20 acres of wheat. A farmers' union meeting was held at the Dorllilck school houso last womiostlay night for the purpose ot ordering oils and gas. About 2!) bar rels ot both were ordered through It. W. illchmond, who wont to Tho Dalles Friday and brought out 10 barrels. Jninio Abbott, Curtis Abbott and J oil n Heckler went to Tho Dalles last week. Jamie took Ills car in to luivo It overhauled. Ho returned home Satur day with B. L. Foreman. Curtis re inaiucd In the county seat. Sovoral from hero attended tho in titule and meeting at Maupin Satur day. Kelly Cyr of Maupin was hero Sat urday night and wont on over to his liomcstoad In the hills Sunday. Lambing Is In full blast at the Ab bott sheep ranch. Mrs. Alary I'echotto l'j doing tho cooking. H. V. "McCorklo was a visitor to Tho Dalles last week. .Howard Wood who spent a few dayw visiting horo at tho Sinclair homo returned to Hosoburg last woek. Hay Kaylor has traded his big tour ing car in and has (secured a now "Masters" truck. Alfred Woburg has traded his farm nt Hinock to A. It. Merry for a ranch on Sunflower lint. Tho Derry family moved to Smock last wook. Alma Powoll Is employed by Mrs. D. Woodsldo. v A cattlo meeting was held here Sat urday night. Mr. and Mrs. Lester MeCorklo spent Saturday night and Sunday at tho home of Mr. and Mrs. C. .1. McCorklo. Oscar ilnrrom was klckod by a horse Sunday afternoon, Ills arm and hand were Injured. I tow (. 10. McDonald spent Easier hero. He had charge of tho services and spoke at Pine Grovo In the after noon. Tho school horo is preparing for tho field meet at Tygh Valley, April 1C. Mr. and Irs. Joo Graham spent a fow days In Portland last week. Mr. Moore, a trapper, came out from the mountains lust woek, He reports trapping us very unroimmoratlvo. Ho will work for lion Richardson. Tho Wuplnitla Plains Commercial wn DONT DO , THIS! 4HP LEONARD EAR OIL bxejcvb dkapnem STOn UKAD NOIStt. JHaply K II Bask mt tte lmu lassrttaNsstaUs, HMfafsiic. For sale In Tho Dalles Ore., by A. E. CR08IY A. O. LEONARD, Inc., 70 Sth AVS, N. Y. City club met at the school house Satur day night, April 2, for Us regular monthly meeting, with J. S: Brown, president and'N. G. Hedin secretary, in charge. Many things of Interest to this section -were taken up and dis cussed. But tho road Issue was tho main question before the people. Lou Kelly, county commissioner, from Maupin, and It. E. WllBon, one of Man pin's merchants, were present and toH the club of the present road program of the highway commission. The club voted that a petition be drjiwn and circulated, asking the county court to open up a new road up McCubbln'n gulch, a distance of about' four and one-half miles, to the edge of the for ost reserve. From there the forest servlco will build a road to the new Bear creek springs road which was built by Mr. Graham last season. N. O. Hedln and Lou Kelly spoke, urg ing the bonding of Wasco county to meet the highway commission on a 60-50 basis for the construction of The Dalles-California highway through Wasco county. N. G. 'Hedln gave the club a splendid outline of the work being done by The Dalles-Wasco coun ty Chamber of Commerce, and point ed out necessity of cooperation by the people of Wasco county. (By unani mous vote the club indorsed The Dalles - Wasco County Chamber of Commerce and a call was. made for members. About 12 signed up for membership, and Joe Graham, E. A. (Hartman and It. W. Richmond were i appointed a membership committee. N. G. Hedin was then elected as the director from this section to the chamber. A committee of three, con sisting of Joo Graham, N. G. Hedln, and J. I. W;est was appointed to go before the county court and ask for an appropriation to build the McCub bins gulch road. The appropriation "asked for Is 95,400 which will be matched by the forest service. The to tal sum will be sufficient to connect this section with the now road near Bear creek, which road will connect with the Mt. Hood Loop road. N. G. Hedln urged the growing of farm pro-, ducts for the Tygh Valley Fair dis play. The next meeting of the club will be held in the Hill hall the first iSaturday evening In May. Election of officers will be held. All who are at all interested in the building up of this section are invited to be 'present. The Flying Squadron of The Dalles Vasco County Chamber of Commerce, consisting of Hallie S. Rice, L. Bar num, N. A. Bonn, John O. Odell, J. B. Kflmoro, Charles Darnielle and E. F. Van Schoick, called here last Thursday afternoon and met with some of the people of this place. Ow ing to the short notice of their com- FORDS RUN 34 MILES ON GALLON GASOLINE Start Easy in Coldest Weather Oth er Cars Show Proportionate Saving. A new carl'Urotor which cuts down gasoline consumption of any motor. and reduces gasoline bills from one. third to one half is the proud achievement of the Air-Friction Car buretor Co., 936 Madison St., Day-j Ion, Ohio. This romarkabib Inven tion not only Increases th? powor or all motors from 30 to 50 per cent,' but enables every one to run slow ( on high gear. It also makes it easy to start a Ford or any other car in tho coldest weather. You can uso the very cheapest grade of gasoline and half korcseno and still get moro power and more mileage than you got from tho highest test gasoline. Many Ford ownors say thoy now get as high as 15 to 50 miles to a. gallon j of gasoline. So stiro are tho manu facturers of 'tho immense saving tholr now carburotor will mnke that thoy offer to send It on 30 days' trial to eyery car owner. As It can bo put on or taken off In a few minutes by anyone, r,l! readers of this paper who want to try it should send tholr name, address and make of car to tho manufacturers at once. Thoy also want local agents, to whom thoyj offer exceptionally largo profits. Wrlto them today. Adv. j CASINO THEATRE Here for 4 Days Starting FRIDAY EVENING 8:15 p. m. Twice Daily Thereafter 2:158:15 "Nothing like it ever seen on land or sea." D. W. GRIFFITH'S f the 20th Ctwy"-an HtaU A NKW ART FORM COMBINING MAMA, PAMnM, PQCTHT AM MUM BIG SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA "Music alone worth the price of admission." PRICES: Matinee 50c and $1.00 Evening $1.00 & $1.50 (Plus Tax) NOTE As a heavy demand Is already boing made for tickets for this attraction, tho public is requested to mako reserva tions as soon as possible. Seats for evening perform ance reserved. On sale at Box Office now. Phono Red 3921. Box Office Open from 10 a. m. to 10 p. m. CASINO Today and Thursday PRESENTS Eva N IN ova k "The Ton-tit" Just recently shown at the Liberty Theatre, Portland Come and see this attraction and get your re serve tickets for the world's greatest picture, "Way Down East" ing only a small crowd was present. They went from here to Maupin. The Best Big Slitar Dr. S. Burke Massey, dentist, First National bank, rooms 307-308. Tele phone main 3911, res. main 1691. 8tf B RUISES-SPRAINS Alternate applications hot and cold cloths then apply VICKS Vao Rub Cher 1 7 Million Jan UteJ Yearly I ik PHIPPS INfURANCE FIRE AUTOMOBILE-GRAIN HAIL-PLATE GLASS LIABILITY AND ACCIDENT Office Corner Third and Federal Telephone Black 531 For This Week OnlySpecial Buys In SYRUPS At the PARLOR GROCERY Liberty Bell Cane and Maple Syrup 10 lb. cans $1.50 5 lb. cans 80 2X2 lb. cans : 50 Tea Garden Syrup 10 lb. cans $1.40 - 5 lb. cans : .75 2X2 lb. cans .45 Marshmallow Syrup 10 lb. cans $1.15 5 lb. cans - .60 These are all greatly reduced prices. For some of the larger sizes the re duction from regular prices is 90c. PARLORGROCERY WHERE GROCERY PRICES ARE LOWEST Does Your House, Floor or Fence Need Paint? Does your woodwork need going over with the best there is in varnish or stains? If so use the best and get it done by the house of superior qualify. BASS-HUETER Pure Mixed Paints Thoroughly mixed and ready for use BASS-HUETER PAINTS, Enam els, Colors in Oil, Colors in Japan, Stains, Varnishes, and so on, have Body and, Wearing Quality Unexcelled. WE DO CONTRACT WORK J. W. COLLINS 418 East Second Telephone Main 031 WE ALSO HAVE THE LATEST IN UP TO DATE ' WALL PAPER.