PAGE THREE THE DALLES DAILY CHRONICLE, TUESDAY, APRIL 5, 1921. COMMUNITY RECREATION What 1b the meaning of Commun ity Recreation? Of what use Is It to the public?, Webster statea, the definition of the word community Is, common pos session or enjoyment; partlcpatlon; a body if people having common Inter ests or privileges; Koclety at large; the public. The word recreation Is defined as the act of recreating or state of being recreated; that which refreshes tho energies or spirit; amusement; sport; diversion. Tho connecting link between com munity recreation and people, and Its propor function? Eugene T. Lies of the Chicago Community Service very aptly covers It In his statement that Community Service Is trying to take tho "wreck" out of recreation and put the unity In community. We might add to this statement that one of our spoclflc functions Is "to' let" the "let' in athletics in every com munity, and aim to secure good ten ants. Community Service tries to re create, giving fresh life to; reanimate as it were; relnvlgorato, giving relief to labor, and especially to the labor ers. There Is scarcely a word In the vocabulary of Community Service that Is not two-fold In Its purpose. Wamely, emphasize the "uso In amuse; romovo tho "dust" from in dustrial and so on. How many of the average business men and women, during theso stienu oub days, tho aftermath of the world's greatest war, take time for a llttlo rocreatlon? Very few, and they havp almost forgotten how to play. In these busy days of tho mad rush and unceasing efforts to accumulate enough of tho coin of the realm to moot tho II. C. of L., everything else is forgotten. Tho old phrase "Neces sity knows no law," Is truly exempli fied at the present time and Neces sity knows only one law, and that is work, for wo must live. Occasionally you moot tho Individ ual, who, leullzlug the valuo of whole somo rocreatlon, starts Ills dny with an hour of golf before going to the office. Tho result, an oxcollont Illus tration of Oliver V,endoll 'Holmes' fa mous quotation, "Knr better to be 70 years young than 40 yonrs old." Tho man with the 38-lnch chest and 32 inch waist, having boon accustomed to an out-or-tloor Ufo or engaged In 'an occupation requiring consldorablo enorgy and development of tho physi cal side, changes to tho swivel chair ponltlon or a sedentary lifo. 'What Is tho result? Ah ho slips Into the habit of regular, or rather Irregular, offlco hours, ho also finds the chest slip ping, and ore long tho waist and chest have changed positions, "Oh You American" our allies' Im pression of tho Amurlcan soldier. The Kngllsh oxclulmed, "Those crazy Americans," whllo tho French remark ed, "Tho wonderful Yankee" A celebrated French officer at Camp Lewis early In 1917, witnessing for tho first time a footbnll game be tween rival regimental teams, ronuuk od to tho writer, "Do till the Ameri can soldiers play football like this?" When answerud In the affirmative, he raised his ucnia, and pointing in the direction of Germany, exclaimed, "When those boys got ovor there, God help the kaiser," Little did we realize the significance of his remark at this time. Tho keynote of tho system of phy sical training and rocreatlon adopted by the United States army can he summed up In three short paragraphs, namely: (a) Strengthening of tho entire body; general health and organ'e vigor. (b) The development of endurance and fortltmlp. Ability to withstand Hardships and privations. (c) Stimulation of the mental in.. v. era; rapid assimilation of genera, in struction, The American public have but re cently awakened to this wldospraul unfitness and thu draft statistics which uhowed one third of our young men called unfit for active service Hence tho nationwide movement to ward tho betterment of these cotutl lions, 'Many of the ttulcs 111) at this time) luring compulsory physical tralnlug .UV8, take care of the boys and girls, while tho young men and women of the colleges and universities are well equipped In this respect. Hut what of tho vast army of the employed, who have neither tho time nor tho lucllua. lion to take up this work, What are we going to do for them? Taking care of the leisure time, when the people not eating or '' aleepTng U the problem, and ulthousti America at this time Is pns.Mng through un era of being "highly ;r ganlzed," recreation, Individual, com munity and nation ns a whole has nev er been so needed by the people, lor the people as at the present time. TREVAMON G. COOK, Recreational Specialist, Pa cific Northwest. The Best Big Sister Brown's Dufur Stage Time Table Two round trips daily. Leave Bank hotel, 9. a. ra. and 4 p. m. Leave Dufur 7:30 a. m. and 1 p. m. tf The Best Big Sister MOVIE MOVES "The Torrent" Tho plot of "Tho Torrent," the Uni versal feature starring Eva Novak, which Is announced for next Wednes day and Thursday at the Casino thea ter, revolves around a young woman who is cast away upon a desert island in the Pacific with the lover Bho Jilted a year before. "It was through wondering what would likely happen should a reject ed suitor meet his former sweetheart, now another man's wife, amid such unconventional suroundlngs that 1 came to write 'The Torrent,'" said the author recently. "Would not the man, finding the girl he once loved and had been for saken for an unworthy millionaire, take advantage of th(; situation to gain revenge? Would he not play with her as a cat with a mouse? Would he not make her practically his Blave on thnt lonely shore? 'As I got deeper and deeper Into tho tale, however, the man began to tnke things into his own hands. Llko most writers, I had long since dlscov. ered that a story in tho actual writing seldom develops according to precon ceived plans. Paul Mack, the man In The Torrent,' though setting out to wreak vengeance upon Velraa Patton, became less and less a cad as the story unfolded through my typewriter. It was Impossible to make him act the brute. "As I wrote," continued Mr. Rlx, "I found that Mack's old love for the girl was returning and was forbidding him to take advantage over his help- SrnorMls of tlie Annual Statement of the VUI,VAN KIltK IN8UI1ANOB COMPANY of Oakland tu thu state of California on the thirty-first day or December, lUL'O, made to the Insurance (.'omml.iloncr ut the State of Oregon, pursuant to law: OaI'ITAIj Amount of capital 'stuck paid up. 8 000,000.00 IN COM K Net premiums rewired during tlie yiur 907,778.28 Interwt, dlvldendi olid rents re ceived during the year I 09,3S8.r5 Income, from other sourcest" re-- cclrcd during the year ITiUSS.SU Total Income $1,084,800.03 WHIHIltSKMKNTS Net Iikvkm paid ilurinir the year including adjustment expense.,! 0'Jtl,'J44.32 Divlilciuh paid on capital stock during tho year 20,0117.81 Oummlwlont and salaries paid dar ing th.) Mr S0U,40Q,O'J Tav., licenses and feei paid dur ing the year 41,883.00 Amount of all other expenditures. 60,229.43 ToUl exindlturcA 8 0110,770.78 ASSKTS Value of real estate owned (marked value! t 44,787.87 Value of Htocka and bond) owned (market value) 878,070.00 l.oalia on nmrWagoa and col- lateral, etc. S72.a8S.33 Cash in banks and on hand.... 180,029.40 Premiums In course of collec tion written nine Heptemlwr 30, 1020 154,282.33 Interna and n-nta duo anil te rmed 11,400.20 ToUl admitted aiset-i 11,0411,127.17 I.IAlllt.mKS Grow cl.ilmi for law utilil . . 28M14.28 Amount of premiums on all mitatanilliij: Hits 841,348.88 Ihle (or commission and broker age 24,146,84 All other llablllti 36,060.78 Total ll.iliilltlw, eiclulvn of eap'tal stock of I 801,070.78 1U SINKSH I.N OIIKHON FOU TUK YKAIt Net premium! rrcclud daring the year t 44,787.42 laxutM paid during the year .... 0,431.10 Ioiso Incurred during the year. 11,373,83 VULCAN I'llti: IN.SUlt.VNOK CO. Or' OAKUV.Nl. CAl.ll. J. V. CAHl.STON. Sec. AltNOLD IIOIMiKlNSO.N, Hoc. Statutory resident attorney for servkw. A. I). Trunaey, Portland. Stnopils of the Annual Statrment of the MKItt'UANT.H HIIK ASSI'IIAM'K COItrOltA. Tllt.N OK NUW VOUK of .New Yori, in the state of New Yotk, on the .list dsy of leceiubvr, 1 1120. made in the Insur ance rommluionrr of the state of Oregon, pur suant to law : CAPITA'., Amount of capital stock paid up. . S 400,000.00 IN COM 1) Net premiums recoiled during the year $3,323,710.70 It.trrrsl. dividends and rents rt- celcd during the rai. . .... 104,030.03 Iiicmne from other sources re plied during the year,. 123,202.00 Total Income .$3,043,803.60 W.SIH'HSKMKNTS Net loves iald duilug the year. In cluding adiiittmeiit expense,. . $1,003,137.31 utd on capital stock d.irluj the )rar ,. 83,000 00 ('iH and salaries paid dur- UU the year 101,310.20 Taxes, llcntva and fees lld dur ing the yesr 40,101.20 Am'Aiul of all other expenditure, 033,733.00 Total expenditure .$2,291,421.72 ASSKTS Value of stock and bond owned I mi rift value) ,. $3,107,036.00 laut on moitgsira and colls l- fttl, tto 184,000.00 Cash lit banks and on Utnd. ... 233,740.14 Premium) Ik course of collection wtttteu slue rWpt, 30, 1020. . 383.482.10 Intemt ami rents due and ac crued , 31,330.00 ToUl admitted assets ,$4,003,734.30 I.IAIIII.ITIKS tiro, tltlmt for losses unpaid ... $ 438,832.00 Aui.Hini o( un.-anied I'tvmluun on all outstanding risks 2.ST3. 80.03 All other UsMlltle 73.202.WO Total liabilities, eiclosite at ct Ital atwk of $400.00. ,.. ..$. 806.004.83 Itl'SlNKSS IN OltkUiON y-OH TUK YUAH Net premiums reeeived durto tax . . year 1 10.567.18 t.outti tiM durlivg Use year. , . , . 8,808.8$ Uwaea Incur red during the year. . 3,101.66) UiatOJUNT ntUt AiWlItUNCK OOKl-OKAi TUI.N J AIJUCN C. NOBIJC, ItssUol 43 John St. New York City, N. T. MKOUOK U MelNTIKK. sWcrstary 324 CsllforoU St., &ea rreoclf, OtX Stafalorj readent attorney for sef k; J. C. IIANKN. IVrtlin.1. Orel n, t ROnVMAKT-IMt)M ., Actnll tie CjJta.ntMr V SenvsMCkt )!. V.i'. Or, less former sweetheart, as I had plan nedMy characters, I found, had tak en things into their own hands and were working out their destiny in their own way. I was content that it should be so, and wholly satisfied with the ending of the story." The Beit Bio Sister Taxi Mayfleld's Taxi Telephone main 5021. 27tf The Beit Bio Sliter TARIFF AND TAXATION TO HAVE RIGHTO-WAY By John Qleissner (United News Staff Correspondent) WASHINGTON, April 5 Tariff and taxation are to have right of way .'n the special session of congress which convenes April 11. Leaders expect to enact the Ford ney emergency tariff bill, vetoed by President Wilson at the last session, without delay. The anti-dumping and American valuation measures may be made a part of it so there will be one bill in stead of three. This, It is argued, would make for speed. Then attention will be given to tax revision and enactment of a perma nent tariff. Measures will be ready for consideration of congress by Au gust, according to Senator Penrose. The permanent tariff will greatly in crease duticu. On the question of taxa tion, there Is agreement that the ex cess r.nfi.3 tux shall be eliminated and sur-taxes lo'.vered to the "collec tion point." What new taxes will be devised re mains uncertain, and the, question promises to be ono on which there will be much debate. Secretary of The Treasury Mellon is compiling sugges tions on tax measures for the informs tion of leaders. Other important domestic legisla tion Includes passage of the army and navy appropriation bills, which fail ed during the last session. A fight is In prospect on both. The army bill will Involve debate on the size of the army. The navy bill providing for 'continuation of the 1916 construction program, will meet hostility from ad vocates of armament limitation, and from those who believe ff is, a, waste of money to construct capital ships because of the development of aerial and submarine warfare. Immigration restriction is again to be considered as well as the, soldier bonus bill, and federal regulation of the coal mining and meat packing in dustries. Synopols of the Annual Statement of the NKW YOUK LIFE I.NSIJItANOE COMPANY Of New York city, in the state of New York, on the 31st day of December, 1020, made to the Insurance commissioner of the state of Ore gon, pursnrant to law: INCOME Total premium Income for the year $142, 072. 244. 33 Interest and rents received dur ing the year 44, 335,004, OS Income fnen ther sources dur ing the year 6,782,884.77 Total Income $103,700,133.13 DISnUlt.SEMENTS Paid for losses, endowments, annuities and surrender values 82.808,041.87 Dividends paid to policyholders during tlie year 31,081,535.43 Commissions and salaries and branch offlco expenses paid during the year 23.524,624.08 Taxes, llcenrcs and fees paid during the year , 4,183,073.93 'Adjustment arising from the , for cnitvcrfciun of furclun currencies 37,302,603.44 Amount of Ml ether expendi ture 10,001.680.24 ToUl expenditure $100,071i577.08 t ASSETS ., . Value of real estate owned...! 8,407.481,00 Value of stocks and bonds onned (market or amor tized value) Loans on mortgages and col lateral, etc 171,361.725.60 Premiums reported to War ltlsk Unreal! under Soldiers' and Sailors' Civil Itellef art... 1,186.73 notes a n d policy loans 147.400.247.07 Cash In office, branch officea In bank and Iran-It 10,574,203.04 Net uncollected and deferred premiums 13,711.710.24 Interest and rents due and ac crued 13,087,398.28 Market value of securities over book value, via., on bonds and stocks not subject to amortisation 1,085,244.73 Due from other cenuianltM for looses and claims on policlee reinsured 30,000,00 ToUl admitted aarets ....$006,604,307.19 LIAUII.ITIK8 Net reserves $750,000,860.00 ToUl policy claims unpaid.... 10,110,487.14 All other UabillUea 300.354,050.05 ToUl lUbUIUea $080,064,307.19 PAID FOH I1USINE8S IN OltEtiO.N FOB TUK YKAIt 1020 Qroaa premiums received dur ing the year .$ 8f62,510.80 Premiums and dividends re turned during the year. . . . 144.143.80 Losses and endowment paid during the year 200,056.71 NKW YOltK LU'K IN8UIIANOK COMPANY. DA11WIN P. KINOSLEY. Proldent. HKYMOUU M. BALLAKD, SecrcUrr. SUtutory resident attorney tor service HEN It Y II. HICtTS. Board of Trade nidg., Portland, Or. This item is not a disbursement but la necee sary because In 1920 the company adopted a lower sundard for conversion of cerUin fortigm currencies, resulting In a decrease in dollars ta iu foreign a.seU and correspondingly In U foreign UabillUea. Srr.orn'ji of the Annuil SUtement of the SECIiniTY 1NSUKANCE COSIPANY of New Haven, In the state of Connecticut, on the 31st day of December, 1020, made to the insurant: commissioner of the state of Oregon, pursuant to law: CAPITAL Amount of eaplul atock paid up. . $1,000,000.00 INCOME Net premiums received during the year - $8,582,518.68 Interest, dividends and rente re- c-lvrd during the year 805,378.31 Income from other" aourees received during the year 267.854.70 ToUl income $0,313,448.67 DISBURSEMENTS Net losse paid during the year in- eluding adjustment expenaea. . .82.888,904.65 Dividends paid on capital stock during the J ear 100,000.00 Commissions and salaries paid dur- Ing the year 1,714,688.46 Taxes, licenses and fee paid dur- ins the year 880,959.09 Amount of aU other expenditure. 668.608.60 ToUl expenditure!! 85,424.058.49 ASSETS Value rf real esUt owned mnr- ket value) - 382,000.00 Valne of tioc',- and bonds o-ned ,, (mxrket valve) , 6.280.470.00 Lcniu on '; f B82.680.00 Ca..h In bank's' ami on band'. 2011,400.31 Premiums in oourao of collection written rinc-.) Sept 30. 1920. . 677.620.21 Intermit und renU due and ac- ooorQ.. crur(1 8,norJ.4o AU other admitted twto. 141.313,04, ToUl admitted assets ......... .87.060,544.01 LIAniLtTIES Cross claims for los-ee unpaid.. . .$ 620,. 07.40 Amount of tineamed premiums on ,..,,, all oui-it-v.idlns rWu. .... 't,4;SnnAS Due for comml alon and brokerage . lO.OgS Sg All o.her U.b..IU fcgfo;; Total llabilitlc, exetudve of ccplUl stock of 1.003.00p $7,660,544 01 IllISINESS IN OUW.ON FOB TilE YEAB Net premlunw received during the 400.6.1 Ix'iia'ld'diir'ing tlie Voir. .1,?'i?SiZ Loss... incurred durmg the year.. . -1.578.06 SECUUITY INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW HAVEN . JOHN W. ALLINO, President WILIJS PAItKER. SecrcUry. Statutory rldet.attcrney foservico: CLEMENS, WHITE & COLEMAN. Inc. AgeoU 202 Stevena Bid. Main 004 Portland, Or. BP Hynopsia of Uie Annual HUttineat of the NATIONAL LIBERTY1 INSURANCE CO. of America. In the sUte of New York, on the 31st day of December, 1920, made to th in surance commissioner of tu aUU of Oregon, pursuant to law: CAPITAL Mf Amount of raplul paid up $ 1,000,000.00 INCOME Net premiums received during the year $ 6.801,223.37 Interest, dividend and rents re ceived during the year 463,041.36 Income from other source re ceived during th year , Jt 200.297.94 Total Income $ 7.620,163.07 I1ISHU1WKME.NT3 Net losse paid during th year. Including adjuntiuent expetu9.$ 3,931,663.03 Dividend luld 011 capita! stock,- " during th year .......... 223,000.00 Commission aud salaries paid during Uie year 2,121,010.38 Taxes, lleensm aud foe paid dur ing the year 323,609.36 Amount of all other expenditure. 884,79.31 Total expenditures $ 6,508,010.18 ASSETS Value of atocka and bondi owned (market value) ,,..,.$ 7,109,380.00 Loans 011 mortgagee and collat eral, etc. ................ 1.383,600.00 Oaah In bank and on band. . . . 918,438.43 Premium in course of collecUoet wntteu sine Sept 30. 1920. 1,647.719.99 Interest and renu due and ac crued , 1,014.701.03 ToUl admitted awti , 813,071,039.44 LIAllll.lTlKa Oruas eUlma for !. uniid. . . 8 884,384.63 Axaouut of unearasd ureBduat a 00 all ouUUttdiug risks 8.638.S8S.44 Due for eioswniisistow aad 6rok and lass , . , , , . . 338,000.00 ToUl Uablhtlea, Melualvw of i capital stock 7.888.813.83 BVHINESS IN OKHOON XH THK YMsUt Net prtustuau rwetvwl durtac UMysstr...... ,.8 88.638.04 loses natd aurlag jh year. . . , l,3.a Issea Incurred dtuus the year. 88.848.86 KATtOrYAL UBKHTY IN81TK.UC8 CO, OF AMKK1CA GKO IV KDWAKM. rviailn t u, N. KatHH Mi lom rrwatTTAo. Burget-Mogan Co. Funeral Directors THE HOME OF SUPERIOR SERVICE Phones Main 2891. .Night Black 401, Main 6291 THE WEAK SPOT! After a hard wind vnnM1 nntinn. now and then, that a'large tree has blown down, or snap ped at some point The wind simply hits its WEAK SPOT. Many a man has lost his chance in life bv having a weak spot and many of these weak spots are "lack of funds." OPEN AN ACCOUNT with us we'll help you save. Then you won't have that usual ."weak-spot" that many others have. 4 Paid on Savings Accounts Citizens National Bank p. j. Telephone Main 3101 officstra Stadelman.Presldent. Dr. J. A. Renter, Vive-Pree. H. E. Greene, Cashier J. F. Tureck, Asa't Cashier. Directors P. J. Stadelmsn. Arthur Seufert . Dr. J. A. Renter Dr. B. C. Olitvger H. la, Kuck J; O. Helmrich J; J. Van Dellen CRANDALL UNDERTAKING CO Wasco The Dalles LULU D. CRANDALL, Manager Bert Thomas, Assistant Manager Licensed Embalmers, Established 1t87 Dufur Woman Attendant Mrs. M. J. Wlllerton Telephone Red 1781 Motor Equipment Telephones Day Red 351 NightRed 352 J. H. Harper, Black 2152 , Cut Flowers Peoples Transfer Co. QUICK DELIVERY SERVICE EXPRESS AND DRAY AGE Furniture and Piano Moving Stand at Glenn's, Paint Store Main 3721 Residence Phone Red 1811 HARRY L. CLUFF Dr. T. DeLARHUE QPPT Eyesight Specialist Hours 9:00 to 5:00 Sundays and Evenings by Appointment 17.1S Vogt Blk Over Crosby's Drug Store Phone Black 1111 resMeuL stUOTsex rev asmrs : A. II. H1HKKIJ. lo!Aal. Queue MSfTiABiB) ftsMMTSl LCNICK8. WHITS CfLSHAH. wasHirtBrcN vrierMiYRvrr-PSt wl,U 4. s...Clil e. . Read the Advertisements and Go to the Stores With Your Mind Made Up Sit in your easy-chah; and read the advertisements leisurely. Find out what the merchants have to offer. Make up a list of the things you want to look at or buy. Thit will save hours of standing around Ue stores, asking questions of the clerks. maybe getting whai want and maybe not you Chronicle advertisements are a panorama of dealers shelves pasted before your eye, with the name of the ar ticle and its price plainly stated. If you're in a hurry, make up your order from the adver tisements and have it deliver ed, or at least wrapped so you can get it without waste of time. That is easier than running your legs off trying to get this or that article of merchan dise. Even though you love to shop," the advertisements will save you a great amount of time and money. RED CHRONICLE ADVERTISEMENTS REGULARLY,!