PAGE TWO THE DALLES DAILY CHRONICLE, TUESDAY, APRIL 5, 1921. IF EUROPE'S .IS WILL BE MENACED PEACE 0" S, CONCERNED KNOX PEACE RESOLUTION WILL CONTAIN THIS PROTECTION PROVI80. By John M. Gleltsner (United News Staff Correspondent.? WASHINGTON, April 5. The Knox peace resolution, to be reintroduced by its author as soon as congress meets, will contain a declaration that If the peace and freedom of Europe is again menaced and civilization is again threatened the United States will feel itself concerned. The clause will state that If such 4 contingency arises the United States will consult with the powers affected, and will, if there is neces sity, "carry out the same complete accord and cooperation with our chief co-belligerents for the defense or civilization." Aside from this, according to pres ent plans, the resolution n introduc ed, will not differ from its original form. It will give no assurances to France or other ullled powers that America is standing with them in .their efforts to compel Germany to pay reparations. Senator Knox dooH not wish to bur don his resolution with other mat ters than the simple ending of the state of war with Germany. He does not object to a declaration from con gress on the subject of reparations, calculated to j;lvo morul Hupport to Franco, but he does not feel thnt such a declaration should be Incorporated in his peace resolution. Knox and other Influential republicans consider the communication of the American government to Germany on repara tions, and the recent pronouncement from tho stnto department, as suffi cient evidence that no comfort will bo extended to Germany in ntlemptoi evasions of responsibility for tho war. "The stntoment of policy, which s to be Included in the peaco resolu tion, originally was offered by Knox, in Juno, 1019, when he endeavored to huvo tho peaco treaty proper di vorced from tho covonant of tho leu guo of nations. Objection developed in the committee on foreign relations at that tlmo and it was eliminated. Tho clauso reads : "That finally, it shnll bo tho declar ed policy of our government, in ordor to meet rully and fnlrly our obliga tions to ourselves and tho world, that tho freedom and peaco of lOuropo be ing again threatened by any powor, or combination of powers, the United States will regard such a situation with gravo concern ns a menace to Its own peaco nnd froodom, will consult with other powers affected with a view to duvlslng means for tho remov al of such menace, and will, tho neces alty arising In I ho future, carry out tho Humo complete nccord and cooper ation with our chlof co-belligerents for tho defense of civilization." Tho clause, as drawn originally, was calculated to dispel the fears or tho allies (hat America was withdrawing her support from thorn and seeking to evade world responsibility. It is argu ed that it will serve the same purpose again. Meantime, senators are without as surances from the White House as to what President Harding proposes to do about concluding peace with Ger many, as nearly as can be ascertained. The president, apparently, is delay ing an announcement until the last moment, In the belief that changed conditions might force an alteration of his plans. This is the construction placed upon the White HouBe silence by leading republicans, who say nev ertheless that they -have no cause to believe President Harding has chang ed his view that peace immediately bo made by declaration. How soon tho resolution will he passed is problematical. The consider ation of the Colombian treaty will de lay It for eight days. Perhaps by that time a tariff bill will have been pass ed by the house and will be urged for Immediate consideration in the up per chamber. Senators haven't receiv ed indications that President Harding desires to delay the resolution but it will be referred to the committee on foreign relations which can readily postpone its action. iLeading republicans have explain ed to M. Vivlanl, special envoy of France, that any attempt to block the Knox resolution is hopeless. Vivian! has been told it is simply an attempt to "make the record conform to tho fact, and enable America to resume relations with Germany as England nnd France have done. He has been assured that pussage of the peace res olution does not Imply lack of moral support to France nnd that it does not mean support to Germany. It was indirectly suggested from a French source that a declaration on reparations might be included. The re ply to this wus that such a declara tion does not rightfully belong in the peace resolution. ( In his discussions, Vivlanl is said to have given the impression he has abandoned any hope that America might enter the league of nations. Tho Best Big Sitter Byes tested, glasses fitted. Dr. Geo. '. Newhouse. ti Tht Beit Big Sitter Milk Milk Milk Fure fresh Clean. Are you satlp (led with the milk you are buying? If not, give, me n trial, L. C. FALMER. Phone red WEDDING BELLS Miss Ruby WJse of Deschutes and avid Clark of The Dalles were quiet ly married In Bend Saturday, April 2, according to word received in this city today. Tlic newlyweds will take up residence in The Dalles. The Bett Big Sitter $5.00 Slabs $5.00 Green slabs, $5.00 per cord, f. o. b. cars. Van Dellen Lumber company. 4tf The Bett Big Sitter We're here to give you tne Kind of service, help and advice, thai make friends. The Dalles Battery company, Wlllard Service. lHtf The Bett Big Sitter Taxi 8ervice Day or night. Stand at Club Cigar store. Telephone red 1711. R. Winter muth. 30 The Bett Big Sitter MEXICAN8 BEAT P08TMASTER AND 8ECURE $50,000, CASH By United Newa BISBEE, Ariz., April 5. Sheriff Harry Wheeler of Cochise county to day led a posse into the desert south of here on the trail of two Mexicans who last night held up and robbed Postmaster L. B. Bailey here. The bandits ' obtained more than TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR SALE Three lots on West Tenth street, good terms. Black & Crum. 7 FOR SAliE Seven-room house on West Ninth, with one lot. Pavement, in and paid. Good terms. Black & Crum. 7 ' The Bett Big Sitter Notice I will not bo responsible for any bills contracted on my account with out a written order. Dated March 30, 1921. R. E. Doyle. 9 The Bett Blg'8ttter Typing and Stonoflrapny d')iie nt reasonable rates. Rosina A. Fleck. Office Hotel Dalles. Rest denco phone rod 2332. tf EXPOSURE ACHES -RHEUMATIC PAINS Sloan's Liniment, kept handy, takes the fight out of them SLOSHING around In the wet and then the dreaded rheumatic twinge! But not for long when Sloan's Liniment is put on the jobl Pains, strains, sprains how soon this old family friend penetrates without rubbing and helps drive 'em away! And how cleanly, too no muss, no bother, no stained skin or clogged pores. Muscles limber up, lumbago, sciatica, neuralgia, backache are promptly re lieved. Keep a bottle liandy. Get one today if you've run out of Sloan's Lini ment, it's so warming. , All -druggists 35c, 70c, $1.40. The largest bottle holds six times aa much as the smallest. Sloa Liniment IKS Pairfrt Venemv M. M. PHIPPS INSURANCE FIRE AUTOMOBILE GRAIN HAIL-PLATE GLASS LIABILITY AND ACCIDENT Office Corner Third and Federal Telephone Black 531 "The Torrent" Playing at the Casino Wednesday and Thursday this week with Eva Novak is an unusual picture. It tells a story of two lovers alone on a Pacific island under extraordinary conditions and of the uncertainty that awaits them on their return to civiliza tion. It was written by George Rix, whose adventure stories are based on experience, and was directed by Stuart Paton. Did you see "Male and Female," "Down to Earth," "Swiss Family Robinson?" Yes! Then see "The Torrent" 150,000 in cash, according to a check made of the money in the postofflce today. As Blsbee is within 15 miles of the Mexican border it Is believed that the Mexicans have made for the interna tional line. According to Bailey's story the Mex icans entered the postofflce last night while he was working. They covered him with their guns and forced him to open the safe, threatening him with death if he refused. After he opened the .safe they bound and gagged him and hit him over the head with an iron bar. He was found in his office tha morning in a serious condition. at is thought that he has a fair chance of recovery. The loot obtained consisted of more than ?40,000 in bills, Intended for the payroll of the Bisbee mines, and ap proximately $10,000 in gold and sil ver coin. Sheriff Wneeier is a former officer of the Arizona state constabulary and flo3 lived in Cochise county for many years. He left here with the statement that he would get the bandits dead or alive. The, Beet M Sitter Tripp's j Cleaning" end Dye works. 310 Union street. , A20 The Bett Big Sitter "My Husband's Dearest Friend" is the prettiest song In that charming musical comedy, "Honey Dew," that has been entertaining New York. Brunswick record 5044. Corson, the Music Man. 5 Ex-Service Men Attention! WE WANT EVERY ONE OF YOU WHO EVER WORE THE UNIFORM TO ATTEND "THE MEETING TONIGHT AT THE J COURT HOUSE 1 AT 8 P. M. IF YOU WANT TO HELP PUT OVER THE STATE BONUS BILL FOR EX-SOLDIERS AND SAILORS, WHICH IS TO BE VOTED UPON JUNE 7, COME TO THIS MEETING. SHOHAOlEUSINE WE NEED EVERY MAN TONIGHT AT THE COURT HOUSE THE DALLES POST NO. 19 AMERICAN LEGION H. W. SCHERRER, Adj; v.. It's Time to Cover Your Bare Floor Why Not Congoleum? A fine selection of rolls of Congoleum just re ceived. There are 'patterns appropriate for .your kitchen, bathroom, halls, vestibule or whatever else you wish an all-over floor-covering that is positive ly sanitary and long-wearing. Gold-Seal Congoleum is absolutely waterproof. It lies flat without fastening. The famous Gold-Seal Guarantee of Satisfaction-or-your-money back goes with every yard. We lay it at a little extra cost WE HAVE A LARGE VARIETY OF PATTERNS Remember that we have our own upholstering de partment, where we will do new upholstering to order or are in a position to recover old furniture. Dockerty & Barnett AcroM from First National Bank r4