t HA EIGHT THE DALLES DAILY CHRONICLE. MONDAY, APRIL 4, 1921. 'ft MOTHER GOOSE PLAY IS WELL RENDERED 8T0RY-LAND FOLK CHARM BIG CROWD8 TWO NIGHTS. The Mother Goose operetta, given at the high school auditorium Fri day and Saturday nights was remark ably well rendered and reflects great credit upon those who had the train ing and management of the kiddies. The auditorium was filled to capac ity und bo many people turned away on Friday night that the perform ance was repeated on Saturday night, when the house was again filled. The stage was decorated In a far don effect, with flowering vines, small trees and lattice work In the rear. Just before the opening time the quaintly costumed little people amused the audience by peeking from behind the curtains. Who hasn't loved Mother Goose? the ones by Doris Hansen, the High land Fling bv Hazel Cochrane nnd Dorothy Loom Is and the solo dance by Hazel Cochrane. A Dutch cos tume dance was very striking and ?much enjoyed by the audience. Miss Leonn Hostetler took the part of Mother Goose and Arthur Hostetler, the part of King Cole; both impersonated their parts well. Miss Sophia Messenger and Miss Nellie Haggerty directed the music, Miss Ora Jamison directed the danc ing; Miss Turner, Miss Emerick, Miss Schmitt and Miss Koch had charge of the costuming; Miss Belle and Miss Gllman were the business managers. The songs and movements were almost professionally well executed. The high school orchestra played, adding much to the program. Tripp's Cleaning f.nd Dye works. 310 Union street. A20 We're here to give you the kind of service, help and advice that makes frlowls. Tho Dalles Battery company, Wlllard Service. 18tf LOOKING BACKWARD Taxi Service Day or night. Stand at Club Cigar When tho curtains parted a crowd BtonJ Teiephone red 1711. It. Winter- of her children was reveaieu; ruiry-, n.llfi. ?,n like girlies, some In pink, some In blue, and nil with oig perky bows; and dignified little boys, who stood very straight and proud; then iol lowed till those dear story-lnnd 'folks. Fist came Mother Goose with her Goose girls, then slow "One Shoo (From The Chronicle, April 4, 1890.) John," "Jack Horner," "Tommy ! Our citizens will bo reduced to tho Tiioknr ''Tho Mnn whn .Tiimnn.l In. ! primitive lantern tonight, for the to a Bramble BubIi," n doar little j council would not accept the new elf who sang "Patty Cake;" "Jack proposition or uie meciric jjigni com nnd Jill," the "Crooked Man," "Mls-jpany. tress Mary Quito Contrary," then ro-j tund little "Humpty Dumpty," whoj Tho stockholders of tho D. P. & A. lookod round enought to roll off any I N. company at their annual meeting wall. "Miss Muffet" was there, thj todny, elected the followlngJnamed "Fnt Man of Bombay," tho "Quoon gentlemen directors: S. L. Brooks, of Hearts," the "Knnvo of Hearts,' I Robert Mays, Sr., II. Glenn, O. Kin "Peter Pumpkin Eater" came bring- nersly, M. T. Nolan, J. P. Mclnerny ing his wlfo In a Pumpkin shell; ' nnd J. T. Peters. These will meet to poor little "Bo Peop" who lost horiIllBht nml elect a ,)re8ident, secretary Hiieep ana or course "Hoy umo np-' poured soon after; "Jack SpraK,", who looked so very lean beside his fat wife; and thon enmo "King Cole" In his regnl npparel. Tho Sun Bon net Bablos woro adorable In tholr llttlo pink and blue aprons, with sun and treasurer for one year. ! At the city council meeting last I night there were present; Mayor Men efeo and Councllmen Crowe, Nolan, Lauer, iSaltmarshc, Thompson, Johns, bonnets to match, as woro tho llttlo Roati uml Woo(1 Overall boys with Mioir big sun hats.! Several pretty dancing numbers' Vlot- Gliv,n- speaking this morning woro given nnd especially fine woro to a reporter of The Chronicle, con- T ONIGHT ONLY A picture of Manfr bravery andMxnans devotion as inspiring ar ibs glorioufvisfar of the Bia Outdoor IPCCNT m m imisp m mmm JIb prank ' iBi' M slders it no misfortune thai I tie lo cust trees died, and docs not believe that thoy should bo re'plnnt'vd. They lire thorny and sprlga breaking oil bearing thorns which strew the ground, and cause the barefoot boy, wiih cheeks of tan, considerable phy sical and mental distress. Othoi dis agreeable features of the tree are the shedding of its seed, und its habit of sprouting up from the root inanv feet away from the tree. Word was received today by Mr. Dennis Bunnell that his father, Mr. Augustus Bunnell, died at Lewiston, iklnho, at 1 o'clock this morning. 'IPs nody will be sent to The Dalles for burial, the funeral occurring ut 2 o'clock Monday from the M. E. church. ,,,, iHon. Peter Paquet died Thursday night about 10 o'clock in Oregon City The funeral will bo held at 10 o'clock Sunday morning from the residence under the auspices of the Free Ma sons, of which order the deceased 'was a prominent member. Mr. Paquet was a brother of Mrs. W. E. Garretson of this city, and In consequence the Jewelry store Is clos ed today. Clifton McArthur, a son of Judge U L. McArthur1, is in the city visit ing Mr. and Mrs. .T. S. Schenck. Mrs. W. S. Myers and Mrs. S. P. M. Briggs went to Wasco last night to' or ganize a lodge of Women's Relief corps at that place. rne memnersnip committee, unaer the chairmanship of Miss Maud Har rlman, havo an Interesting program planned for the evening. It will be gin promptly at 8 o'clock and a social time will follow. Y. W. C. A. MEMBERSHIP MEETING TONIGHT The membership meeting of the Y. W. C. A. which will be held in the association rooms tonight is open to the public nnd it is hoped that all who are interested in tho work of this organization, both men and women, will attend. The. purpose of the meeting is to present the budget for the coming year so that each Item of It may be thoroughly understood before the fi nance campaign, which is to be launched next week. The budget will be presented by Mrs. E. iM. Williams, chairman of the finance committee. Free Chiropractic Clinic No Charge For Examination Tuesday and Thursdays During April. For the purpose of collecting cer tain diagnostic data. Thorough phy sical examination; accurate blood pressure tests with latest Instru ments; urinalysis by exact methods; practical spinal diagnosis; etc. Dr. Baum, chiropractic physician. Eighth year in practice. Licensed to practice chiropractic by the state med ical board In Colorado. Three years residence studies in the Denver tnd Pacific Chiropractic colleges, and special work in diseases of women, chemistry and dissection on the ca daver. Previous training, Illinois State Normal University. Condon building, Third and Washington. Main 501. 4 Main 6061 Bennett Taxi Main 01 tf REV. WALKER (Continued From Page 1.) all of these plain commands. Conse quently the Knights of Pythias and like orders have been organized to try to carry out to the letter, the ad monitions of the Bible. The Rev. Walker took occasion trt hurl a verbal bomb at those in this community who spend their time gos siping and blackening the reputations of others. He declared that those busy tearing others to pieces were usually rotten at the core. In conclusion, Rev. M. Walker re cited Joaquin Miller's beautiful poem:; "In men whom men condemn as ill, , I find so much of goodness still; In men whom men pronounce divine, I find so much of sin and blot, I hesitate to draw the line Where God hath not." s Music by the choir and quartet fea tured the service. Dr. S. Burke Massey, dentist, First National bank, rooms 307-308. Tele phone main 3911, res. main 1691. 8tf A Great Outdoor Picture of the Canadian Woods. CASINO The Little House with the BIG Pictures TONIGHT LAST TIME TONIGHT KM 1 FOR EVERY WOMAN The Dehor EVERY woman should rejoice in the advent of THE DELTOR, the new Butterick invention which goes with Butterick patterns. No matter how little your experience in dress makingno matter, even, if you have had no ex perience at 2W-THE DELTOR sold by us makes your own dressmaking and sewing for the children one of the simplest of things, with sure results. THE DELTOR is a recognition of the necessity of modern family dressmaking the need of many garments for varying occasions the need of saving money in the making, if a satisfying number of dresses and other garments is to be had. THE DELTOR means at least two dresses for the previous cost of one. What is THE DELTOR? THE DELTOR is a picture story of every step in making a garment. It is so plain that one understands it at once. ' Every size in Butterick patterns has its special DELTOR , every size, which, of course, means your size. Every size, in every pattern, showing every way the garment can be made, and, notice this particularly every width of material. No one need make any mistake in the amount of material she buys I in the way she cuts in the way she puts together ' in the way she finishes the garment Try a Butterick pattern with THE DELTOR on your very next garment. ; Bear in mind that Butterick is the style leader of tha world. Spring Dress Woolens The smartest, newest fabrics of tho season In all tho lat est shades. BEAUTIFUL SERGES, T? ICOTINES, OTTOMANS, POP LINS, and NOVELTY WEAVES, ETC. 98c, $1.25, $1.59, $2.00- $2.50 to $500 yd, Dress Ginghams The best assortment of pretty Check Plaids, stripes and solid shades are now in stock. ; - Now Fancy Dress Ginghams at 19c, 25c per, yard ItMuch Fancy Dress Ginghams at , . ,,. 29c to 45c per yard . 4 White Goods THE BEST ASSORTMENT AND VALUES White Voiles, 25c, 35c, 39c, 50c to 89c. Shercttes, 45c, 49c, 59c, 69c. Batistes, 45c, 49c, 59c, 79c. Nainsooks, 20c, 25c, 29c, 39c Longcloths, 20cfi 25c, 35c, 45c Elegant values In INDIA LINENS, LAWNS. BEACH f CLOTHS, LINENS, NOVELTY WEAVES, CREPES. ETC. FOR MEN'S SHIRTS OR ? BOYS' WAISTS Fine Madras Shirtings Only jg Yard ,i ' .Fine 33-Jnch' Madras, Shirtings in beautiful . striped, colorings for spring, it's a stniplo matter to make up men's and boys' shirts with Butterick Patterns to fielp you. Then too, you don't have to worry about collar bands for you can buy them already madeat ,V"P- ; ' - .' -. . 10 Each Lovliest New Wash Goods Exquisite Colorings and Design PRINTED VOILES, 38 inches wide Yard 39c PRINTED VOILES. 40 Inches wide . 50c, 59c, 69c, 79c, $1.25 yard ORGANDIES, finest Imported quality, all colon Yard 79c PLAIN, 40-INCH COLORED VOtt.ES. Many fine leading shades Yard 49c FANCY PRINTED STRIPED ORGANDIE8, 40 laches wide Yard 65c EDW. C. PEASE CO. fir