The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 02, 1921, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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tho privacy of the home or among
old friends at a home party," he said.
''Our recreation commissioners are
going to appear before municipal or-,
sanitations to tell ot the benefit of
public reading classes and other edu
cational pursuits. Most people don't
know what recreation is. They think
tney are enjoying recreation when as
a matter of fact, they are dissipating;"
By Alexander F, Jones
(United Nnwa Staff Cnrroapondent.)
CHICAGO. April 2. The TWest,
plodding along in its stupid, provin
cial way raising corn, and babies, has
not been paying a darn bit of atten
tion to Its morals.
The W,est does not even know
that there is a moral crisis in these
United States.
Why, people in Kansas City, it is
aid, go to the movieB and laugh right
but loud at the most vulgar antics
of certain unmentionable persons.
Young girls in Sioux City have, been
seen dancing, it is reported, in public
dance hallB, with young men they
they did not even know. 10 years ago.
And as for Milwaukee although
this is unconfirmed gossip it is
stated on highest authority that per
Bona there who claim to be respect
able citizens intend to take undue ad
vantage of the expected ruling on
"medicinal beer", by feigning physical
"Within a fortnight, however, these
conditions, which are causing civil
ization to totter on its throne, are
to fee changed.
A flying squadron of famous east
ern reformers headed by Dr. Wilbur
F. Crafts, Washington, D. C, executive
leader, of the international reform
bureau, arrived in Chicago Thursday,
conferred, and scattered to the North,
)ast, South and West, to educate the
folks in the hinterland.
JSy the time congress' convenes,
Dr. Crafts ' declared, "the west will
be aroused to the moral issues at
stake." Senators and congressmen
will be flooded with telegrams from
the west asking, passage of reform
"First we want to arouse the people
to the vicious possibilities Of this
'medicinal beer' ruling' said Dr.
Crafts. "We will have a bill ready
for the opening of congress, asking
for 'the amendment of the Volstead
act to make medical dispensation of
beer impossible. I have been' advised
that this beer ruling will be ready by
April 11 and we want the 'people to
know what this portends!"
Then the reformers will instruct
the middle west and far west-about
the vicious tendencies in the movies.
"We have our bill all ready for
the opening of congress' that -will
provide for federal regulation of the
movies," said the doctor. "It pro
vides that all producers of motion
pictures shall be licensed and that
they will not get a license until they
agree to our 14 points governing sub
ject matter'. There were 13 points
we insisted on, but we have heard
that Clara Smith Hamon is Intending
to get into the movies and, so
added a provision stopping her and
everyone like her. Our bill prohibits
all pictures being put' in interstate
commerce showing sex appeal, white'
slavery, illicit love affairs making vir'
tue odious and vice attractive, bed
room scenes, prolonged expressions
of passionate love, underworld pic
tures of crime and vice, derision of
religion and law, or the featuring of
notorious persons."
To be sure that the west knows
what is a good picture and what is a
bad one, the reformers will send "re
creation, commissioners" into the
cities who will, make secret reports
on all picture houses shdwing risque
ilms. Then a report will be made
and the city informed of its infamous
conditions. Dr. Crafts said that the
secret investigations put each town
cn its guard.
"Then we want your people,1 to
know our . plans to get a constitution
al amendment on divorc
this congrens," he caid. "Ti -ment
will make the dlvor 1 .
the country uniform. No i .
be able to get married vh''t a
cated. A week's notice v .i
essary before marriage."
Besides this the West .' .
ucated on the proposed .',-
hlbltlng race track result.
lng carried Interstate and
slcn from, the Interstate ci
gambling machines and V
farther restrictions on t
"We' must aroHce the c -r
the importance of these
said the reformer. "W- t, i
tart agitations 'for the iiWl&at -;c
of public dance halls."
"Will yea attewpt to elixdJa- U' ,
perly governed daaee iaW i. -aaked.
. ,-. .-;".
"N; dancing U uaner .
ateM ot be Indulged li. e.vF :r
Brown's Dufur stage Time Table
Two round trips, daily. Leave Bank
hotel, 9. a. m. and 4 p. m. Leave
Dufur 7:30 a. m. and 1 p. m.' tf
clflo University, Forest Grove, will
address the club. 2
Elm and G streets, Sunday school,
10. Morning service, 11. Subject, "The
Greatest Bible Preacher." Reception
of members. Junior Endeavor, .3 p. m.
Intermediate Christian Endeavor, 8:20
p. m. Witnessing service, 7 p. m. Even
ing worship, 7:30. Subject, "The Good
Samaritan." Conference Superintend
ent, The Rev. G. E. McDonald, speaks
morning and evening: This will be the
climax of the revival services. Rev.
G. K. 'Hartman, pastor.
lawful to have more than 60 fish or 40
pounds in possession at any time.
Catfish, crapples, perch and sun
fish open season all year. Bag limit,
30 fioh or 20 pounds in one day.
Bass June 15 to April 16 of follow
ing year. Bag limit, 30 fish or 20
pounds in one day, and 60 fish or 40
pounds in seven consecutive days.
Yanks January 1 to October 15
Can be taken in Wallowa 'Lake and
tributary streams only.
j tlon of the Einstein theory of relativ
ity with a scientific scenario prepar
ed by a group of Internationally fa
mous scientists.
Quite lucidly this graphic reel ex-
, plains the complex reasoning of Pro
fessor Einstein for the enlightenment
of the average lay mind. There are
many animated drawings alternating
with natural photographs, Illustrating
the complicated movements of the
planets, lights and atmosphere. All
the slock tricks of the studio are re
quisitioned to explain a theory which
Seventh and Case streets. Services
11 a. m. Sunday and 8 p. m. Wednes
day. Reading room maintained by the
society in room 507 First National
bank building is open to the ptib'lie
dally, except Sunday, from 8 a. m.
to S p. m.
ST. PETER'S CilUKOH Third and
Lincoln streets. Morning services, 8
and lft: 30. Evening services, 7:3. Al
tar society first Sunday of month. So
cial circle, first Thursday of month,
foung Peoples' club second and third
Mondays. Knights of Celumbus, first
and third Mondays. Rev. P. J.
OHourke, pastor.
Union and (Seventh. Regular preach
ing services, 11 a. m and 7:30 p. m.
Short interesting gospel sermons.
Bible school meets at 10 a. m. B. Y.
P. U., 6:30 p. m. Rev, John L. Bogus,
Dr. Baum, Cniropracttc Physician
Third and Washington. Main 801. tf
Fifth and Washington streets. Sunday
school, 10. Morning service, 11. Rev.
James Kay of Fossil will preach, and
also sing. Bp worth League service,
6;30 p. m. Evening service, 7:30. Un
der the direction of the Y. tW. C. A.
Four reels of pictures on Chinese
life will be exhibited. Rev. W. H. H.
Forsyth, pastor.
Seventh. Sunday school, 10. Morning
service, 11. Prelude, "Pinsute;" solo,
evening and morning, (Sparks), Mr.
Froembllng. Offertory (Newell) ; post
lude, (Ashford). No evening sot-vice.
'Rev. W. I. Eck, pastor.
Easter I. Holy communion .at 8:00
a. m. Church school, 9:45. Morning
prayer at 11. Friday evening servicu
with open forum, April 8. Rev. jG. G
Holsholt, rector.
Court streets.. Bible, school, 10. Morn
tag service, 11; subject, "The Sign of
tho Cross." Anthem, "Awake, Awake, '
by choir. Christian Endeavor, 6:30.
Evening service, 7:30, at high school
auditorium: subject, "Others." An
them, "Lo Jesus Comes," by choir.
Mixed quartet, "One Fleeting Hour,"
(requested), Messrs. Rossell, Walker,
Miss Gassman, Mrs. Walker. Anthem,
"Wake, The Song," by choir. Prayer
meeting Thursday evening. Rev. Can
C. Walker, pastor.
'Morning service, 11. Prof. James T.
Matthews will occupy the pulpit. Sub
ject, "A "Study In Conscience." Even
ing service, 7:30. Men's club night.
Prof. Matthews will give an address
on the topic, "A Sensible Dream!"
Bible school at 10 a. m. Christian En
deavor society at 6:30. Rev. E.
Ooudge, pastor.
regular monthly meeting of the
Men's club of the First Congregational
church will be, held on Wednesday,
April 6. President, R. F. Clark, of Pa-
$100 ttewarc, Slot
The readers of this paper will be
pleased to learn, thAt thnre U at Uast
one dreaded that science has
been able to curs In all Its stages and
that Is citarm. Catarrh twin greatly
Influenced by constitutional conditions
requires constitutional treatment.. Hall's
L'atarrh Medicine is tnken Internally and
lets thru tho liioud on the Mucous Sur
Nes of I ho System thereby destroying
foundation of tno disease, giving the
ent stronctlt by building up tho con
Jtlon rind nssfcMritf naturo In dolnilti
k. The proprietors have so much
h In the curative powers of Hall's
arrh Medicine that they offer One
ndrtd Dollora for any case that It falls
cure. Send for Hut ot testimonials,
ddress F. J. CHENEY CO., Toledo
o. Sold by all Crugsltt. 75c.
By R. H. Sheffield
United Press Staff 'Correspondent)
j BRUSSELS, (By mall.) In a forr
mal note addressed to the Belgian
government, the Belgian Federation
of Contractors charges Germany with
perfecting a gigantic system of dump
ing. This is declared to be so formid
able that no industry outside of Ger
many can fight against it unless de
termined and rapid action is taken at
It is further charged that the whole
financial power of the German state
has been placed at the disposal of
Germn Industries, enabling German
firms to grant the most liberal kind
of terms In the way of long time cred
its. This is protection the Belgian
contractors declare.
This incident arose between the
Belgian government and the Belgian
Federation of Contractors, when the
government recently accepted a Ger
man proposal to supply rolling stock
for the Belgian State Railways.
Incorporated in the protest is a de
nunciation of governmental policy in
ordering German goods at an appar
ent savings of 18,000,000 francs when,
it is declared, Belgium will In the
long run stand to lose 21,000,000
francs by reason of unemployment
and so on.
The protest declares it is a false
policy to consider solely and wholly
the mere question of lowness of price
and quickness of delivery and makes
a' plea for governmental assistance
for strictly national industries, now
suffering from scarcity of (foreign
orders, thereby making local business
all the more valuable.
By awarding governmental orders
to a foreign country, the protest points
out, Belgium is deprived of a valuable
source of revenue at a time when it
is badly needed.
The commercial students of the lo
cal high school are putting on a re
markable display in' the windows of
the Wasco County bank and Don
nell's drug store, showing the worK
they are doing in bookkeeping, sten
ography, and business law. ,
The work that the student Is now
doing Is placed beside that done at
the' beginning of the year, bringing
out by forceful contrast the Improve
ment made. The bookkeeping and
stenography exhibits are the. finest of
their kind and have excited consider
able, comment among local business
The display Is representative of the
general work being done in the busi
ness department, according to B. E.
Tatro and Edith M. Bugger, teachers.
Mr. Tatro has been teaching commer
cial work in the high schools of the
state for eight years and is recognized
as a leader in his profession. He aims
to teach mores than the mechanics of
the machine and pen. Loyalty, hon
esty, and force of character are first
essentials to business success, he be
lieves, and at regular times the click
of the typewriters is silenced and
pens are laid aside, while attention
is called to the importance of char
acter and loyalty in business.
Milk Milk Milk
Pure lresh Clean. Are you satis
fied with the milk you are buying? if
not, give mo a trial.
L. C. FALMER, Phone red 4972. tf
For the benefit of many persons
who are not familiar with the new
fish and game law, as passed by the
last session of the state legislature,
The Chronicle prints a brief resume
of. the law as it affects the district,
east of the Cascade mountains:
Trout over six inches April 16 to
NoVember 30. -Bag limit, 30 fish or 20
pounds in ono day, and 60 fish or 40
pounds in seven consecutive days. Un-
the, public has so far been unable lo
grasp from lectures or' the printed
The only element which may be
construed as exploitation of the sex
appeal Is that pertaining to tb attrac
tion of bodies, but as they It astral
bodies, Professor Nlcolal confidently
hopes the censors will let this part of
the production stand.
Dr. S. Burke Massey, dentist, First
National bank, rooms 307-308. Tele
phone main 3911, res. main 1691. 8tf
By United Nows
BERLIN, April 2. Germany is pro
ducing at leaBt one film which the
American reformers probably will be
glad to admit to American movie
theatres without censorship. It is
Professor Nicolal's cinema deraonstra-
rrr- r 1 -
and other external"
pains quickly soothed
T'HAT draofaf. wring bsctachs. that
a so Bat,; women suffer from. Is quickly
aaaad by an application of Sloan's Liniaasnt.
No mUlng, mossiness, or skin (tains. It's
mood for all tha family and all kinds of
xtsrnal"aebea and pains. SCc.70e.lMO.
Notice To The Public
We are now operating; a Columbia river motor ferry regularly
between Grants, on the Columbia river highway, 20 miles east of
The Dalles, and Maryhill, Washington.
Running regularly between 7 a. m. and .dark. Special trips may
be arranged for at all hours.
This la the best route to Goldendale from points in Oregon.
The roada between The Dalles and Grants are in good condition, and
the road between Maryhill and Goldendale Is paved.
Maryhill Ferry Co.
Telephone Goldendale, 312X
: . i it N06
with luncheon, afternoon tea or dinner we ex
pect you to be a constant visitor to this res
taurant. We have found that fine food, good
service, pleasant appointments and moderate
prices appeal irresistibly to ladies who are in
duced to come here for the first time. They
never have to be urged again. They come be
cause they want ttv
Try Our 5ie, Merchant's Lunch
fi ra a n
The Little tiouse with the BIG Pictures
"If only jimm
"Midnight Gambols"
Open Another Bottle
i i i n --' m ila. ! i m
Bungalow Orchestra
The Little House with the BIG Pictures
Sunday and Monday
Apktuttt ot5 Man
teewtry mdMnaH
dcvdtLon as iofpiring
of itf qloriouf vijtax
of tii Bij Outdoor
Direfcd bu