The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 01, 1921, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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Ily United Press
military forces of Great Britain,
These acts of the Imperial British
forces are contrary to the laws of
peace or war among modern civil
ized nations,
"C. This 'terror has failed to re
G&tabllsh Imperlul British civil gov
ernment In Ireland. Throughout the
gtoater part of Ireland British courts
have ceased to function; local, coun
ty and city governments refuse to
recognize British authority; and Brit
ish civil officials fulfill no function
or service to the Irish people.
"7. In spite of the British 'terror'
the majority of the Irish people sane-
stated, besides being "an unreliable! greatest assemblage of church digni-'l was out on deck for a. last braith
method of removing specific crlm
Inals." The policy is "earnestly de
Much of the report is given to ac
-K 8ERVICE DRUG STORE i taries and representatives of kings
ft TO OPEN SATURDAY j and presidents ever assembled in
' America to do honor to an unofficial
Under the management of Don celebrity. The representative of Great
Britain was there; France, Belgium
i -K operated by A. E. Crosby and Mr. and Poland and the South American
:il testimony before the commls-1 Yantis, the Service drug store,
Dr. Baum, Cniropractic pnyalclan
Third and Washington. Main 501. tf
Yantis, will open Mr business at
106 East Second street Saturday
morning. A general drug line
nations were officially representerl
In the congregation. Postmaster Gen
eral Will Hays represented President
Welre here to give you tne Kind of ( will be carried, also a complete , Hardlns, Governor Ritchie represent-
WASHINGTON, April 1. The J ton by ballot the Irish republic:
pcoplo of Ireland arc "at the mercy give their allegiance to it; pay taxes
of imperial British forces which are to it; and respect the decisions of
uctlng contrary to all law and all its court and of its civil officials."
Btandards of human conduct,' tho Tho commission, criticizing the as
American commission on conditions sasslnatlon of British soldiers and
in Ireland declared in Its report, officers said the procedure was to
made public today. ibo deplored. "If the purpose of as-
Tho report, Including much of the sasslnatlon was to safeguard the peo
testimony elicited at hearings here'pio," It said, "It has failed; the
last winter, criticized tho British British terror was not arrested by
policy of force. The Irish wore crltl- it but has continued In spite of it
elznd for what tho committee called ' and has progressively Intensified."
'assassinations,'" but which the "if we accept the claim of Great
tfriali witnesses termed "executions." Britain' that It Is In control of af-
The difficulties In Ireland, it was fairs in Ireland, we cannot escape
declared, are summed up In tho fact the conclusion that the British gov
itiat tho British have sent troops to ernment must accept responsibility
for the deplorable conditions that
have followed upon Its attempts to
maintain its authority," the report
The commission declared that it
would appear the natural psychologi
cal condition of soldiers engaged in
service, neip ana aavice uh muw stocl: of KodaKs and film sup
rrionds. The foalles Battery company, ; plies, phonographs and records
Wlliaid Service.
(Continued From rage I.)
18tf in short such a stock as mnkes -K
up trie goods of any first class
-fc pharmacy. Yantis, who has been
fc identified with the drug store
business in this city for the last
tions and will order the trial to pro-! .nIne years, promises to make
ceed Tuesday. " service the keynote of his estab- H
Williams Is not nnlv nnniiafd nf th Hshment.
murder of the three negroes whose
bodies were found In Newton county,
but eight others.
In a confession made by Clyde Man
ning, negro boss of Williams alleged
"death farm," the negro admitted kill
ing nine negro workmen on Williams'
Taxi Mayfleld's Taxi
Telephone main 5021.
ed the state of Maryland and Govern
or Cox, Ohio. So great was the out
pouring of plain - people that they
more than filled the church. They
poured down over the steps and stood
in their thousands three hours In a
Grizzling rain, praying.
iSome parts of, the mass were sung
by a chorus of seminarians. Archbish
op Glennon of St. Louis delivered the
eulogy, declaring that Cardinal Gib
bons, the late Pope Leo XIII and the
late Cardinal Manning of
of air before turning in. -The light of
Point Wilson off the starboard bow
was plainly discernible.
"The1 crash came unexpectedly. I
had not noticed the approach of the
West Hartland and the Jar almost
shook me from my feet. Instantly the
news flashed over the vessel and pas
sengers scantily clad poured up the
hatchways and deck doors. The offi
cers acted coolly and quickly and un
doubtedly prevented a panic."
PORT ANGELES, April , 1. The
Governor was struck on herstarboard
side, amidships. A gash was' torn
The boilers exploded as she went
down. The wreck lies in 40 .fathoms of
SEATTLE, April 1. The steamer
West Hartland, with the survivors of,
England the Governor disaster, docked here
Brown's Dufur Stag Time Taole
Two round trips daily. Leave Bank
27tf had formed a great ecclesiastical, tri-
, umvirate for the good of the world.
Closing the mass, final absolutions
were chanted by five bishops and the
place, at Williams' orders, another hote1' 9- a m' and 4 p- m' ltive throng, all except the church notable,
occupy tho island. The Irish, resent
ing occupation, were said to have in
stituted ambushes to obluln arms
and to have "executed" British offi
cers, which in turn provokotl repris
als. Tho commission, an offshoot of
the "Committee of 100," cullod Into
being by the publication "Tho Na
tion," consisted of L. Hollngsworth
dangerous work was heightened by
the government's propaganda. The
commission accepted the charges of
Wood, a Now York 'lawyer; Frederic Irish witnesses that the crown forces
C. Howe, former commissioner of lm- often were drunk and states that
migration In New York; Jano Ad- "the temptation to quoll fear In
drink would appear to be officially
placed before the British troops by
the barracks canteens." Attention
was called to evidence also that
many of the soldiers and police
wore Irresponsible youths and that
convicts were on the rolls.
"it would appear that In such a
force discipline Is necessarily lnx,"
the report said.
"The evidence would seem to
show," It said In another paragraph,
"that the term 'reprisal' muy bo
utted to cover any case in which
.negro, who himself was afterwards
put to death, killed another on Wil
'hams' orders, and that Williams him
self killed one negro.
Manning also declared that tho big
Williams' plantation was worked, by
negroes kept in a state of servitude. ,
At a special session of the Jasper
Dufur 7:30 a. n. and 1 p.m,
' filed but while tho actiiaf interment
of the cardinal took place.
Already there is discussion as to
the successor to Cardinal Gibbons.
Farsiighted prelates are stipulating-
dams, social worker and head or
Hull House In Chicago; James H.
Maurer, president of the Pennsylvan
ia state federation of labor; Major
Oliver P. Newman, former president
of tho board of commissioners of
Washington, D. C; (Senator Goort?
W. Norrls of Nebraska; Rev. Nor
man Thomas, Presbyterian minister
and editor of "The World Tomor
row," and Sonntor David I. Walsh,
x It heard many witnesses. It ndmlts
that most of these woro pro-Irish,
but states It endeavored to obtain wholesale damage Is Inflicted upon
tho British view from rospoiiBiblo proporty or life in Ireland."
officials. It dPfllrrd to visit Ireland "Tho official use of the term 'ro
tor a first hand viow of affairs, but , prlsal," is said, "would seem to us
did not press tho project when tho the stereotyped ruse do giiorre, in
British embassy here refusod to vlso tended to lead tho British and other
passports. people Into condoning an nggrava-
The commission's conclusions woro don of tho imperial British terror
presented ns follows: ism In Ireland.'
"Wo find that tho Irish pooplo nroj sinn Fein extremists." tho corn
deprived of tho protection of Brit- mission said of another phase of the
iHh law, to which they would bo on-1 struggle, "would seom to bo a term
titled as subjects of tho British used exclusively by tho British. The
King. They are likewise doprlved of term Is Bomotlmes used by them to
tho moral protection grunted by In-1 COndono murdorors and incendiaries
tornatlonal law, to which thoy would engaged In tho destruction of tho
bo entitled as belligerents. They nro Hves and property of Irish ropubll.. WIFE CARVE8 HUSBAND
Ptf TTnlfnrt nxira
TJATrntrnnw tlx ami. 1 inmaa that the archdiocese of Baltimore
Cardinal Gibbons rests in the crypt- 8uld hav?'a man capable of; trials
under the high altar of the cathedral taiding the high standard set br the
county grand jury, which has been wnere he made the center of Cathol- I ,at cardinal and therefore It is not be
called for April 11, It is expected that Ic,Qm ln ,Araerica. He was laid there "eved that there will be any haste.
Williams, his three sons, and Man- wlth Blmnle. aulet ceremonv be-! in making the selection.
nlng will be indicted for all eleven tween fQur and five 0,clock Thura.
murders. day afternoon by a few of his devoted
ELKS OF PORTLAND OUT friends, the higher dignitaries of the
AFTER 1924 CONVENTION church in America. This was the anti
climax of the solemnly beautiful cer-
(Continued Froni Page J.)
emonles which had progressed through ( from the Govcjnor and West Hartlanr
the day during the singing of the J immediately, and the transfer of pas-
Pontifical high mass of requiem.
.Earlier in the day, In the presence
sengers from the doomed ship waa be
gun, the government cutters and
By United Press
PORTLAND, April 1. Ben L. Nor
den, exalted ruler of Portland lodge
'erf Elks, today announced tho launch-.
ing of an energetic campaign to bring of two cardinals, Begin,, of Quebec, launches aiding materially.
the grand lodge session of 1924 to 1 and O'Connell of Boston, 10 archbish- I One of the few passengers on the
i .. . . . .. '
l'oriianu. ii is nopea to win tne con
vention and bring 100,000 members
fof tho order to this city.
ops, 50 bishops and hundreds of deck at the time of the collision was
priests and members of religious or- Miss Jessie Fox of Seattle.
ders, Archbishop Bonzano, the papal In describing the ramming of the
delegate, sang the Pontifical mas?. Governor, she said:
The cathedral was jammed with the" J "it was a little after midnight and
at 10 o'clock this morning. A caret
ful check shows the following per'
sons as missing: Mrs. W. N. Wash
burn, her daughters, Sadie and Olene;
H. Webster, a -waiter; Grant Chns
tensen, assistant engineer, C. Mi Am
britton, a seaman; 0. Clancy, seaman;
A. Sheek, of San Francisco; V. Bros
ona and Alfred Kaseau of Los. An?',
geles. This list is official, according (
to the Pacific Steamship company.
' PORTLAND, April 1 That Captain
Bartlett lost the ship on his first trip,
is the statement of shipping board,
men and port officials here. Bartlett
was formerly port captain at Portland
and is well known here. He is said to
have substituted for Captain H. C.
Thoma3 on the last Ill-fated trip of
the Governor.
Captain Thomas had commanded
the ship for many years, representa
tives of the Pacific Steamship com
pany said.
The freighter West Hartland is reg
istered from, this port. She was due to
leave Vancouver, B. C, for Bombay
last night. The West Hartland is a
steamer of 8,800 tons, and was built
by the Columbia River Ship Building
company of Portland.
By United Press
PORTLAND, April l.-Multnomnh
Amuteur Athletic club athletes carried
off a majority of the honors in the
boxine and wrestling chamnlonshins
ot the Pacific Northwest Amateur as- I
soclation held here last night.
The Multnomah wrestlers made a
clean sweep of every event In wrestl.
' lng, and won five out of eight in box
ing. The meet was hold under the aus
pices of the Armory Athletic club cf
'this city, and wns participated in by
more thau'80. amnteur athletes.
at tho mercy ot tho Imperial British cans. We would depreciate tho uso
forces which, acting contrary both of tho term by responsible minis
to nil law and H standards or hu- torH of tho Imperial British govern
r.uui conduct, have Instituted In iro- ment."
land n 'terror' tho nvidonco regard-; "it would," It was stncod,
lng which Hooma to prove that. "that tho Imperial British forces, In
"1. Tho Imperial British govern- organized bodies, on certain occaa
ment lum created and Introduced Into slons, tostlfled to beforo us, have on-
Ireland a forco of at
By United News
SEATTLE, April 1. Bertha Sprn
gue followed hor husband's advice
when ho hnnded her a big butchor
knife during a quarrel and sarcasti
cally io Ki ner to use u insieau oi
least 78,000 gaged in Indiscriminate Hhootlng of! harsh words," on him. As a result ho
In 1 is In a precarious condition today,
with sovoro slashos in his back.
Brown's Dufur stage Tima Table
Two round trips dally. Leave Bank ;
hotel, 9. a. in. and 4 p. m. Leave I
Dufur 7:30 a. m. and 1 p. in, tf i
men, many of them youthful and the non-combatant Irish people
huixporiencod, and hoiiiu of thorn their homes at night."
'convicts; and has Incited that force The commission derived the al
to unbridled vlolonco. ( legation that British reprlsa'llriU
"2. Tho Imperial British forcos In ( could not bo punished, "becaiiso'tlio'y
'Ireland havo Indiscriminately killed could not be identified."
Innocent men, woihen and children; Tho question of provocation can
havo di'scrlinlnutt'ly assassinated not enter Into the destruction of
'persons Htispictod of belim; ropubll- property as it might In killings, the
cans; havo tortured and shot prls-' commission stated. THAT SUDDEN
oners wnuo m cusinuy, adopting iuo -ii is imucuit to characterize tho Qt
'fiubtorfugoH of 'refusal to lnlt and doctrlilo of 'reprisal' In any other f ?fP
'attempting lo escape'; and havo at- manner save as a relic of bar bur- fll LL. P al I n
'trlbuted. to alleged 'Sinn Fein ox- lain." the report said In n soctlon which
iiuiuiHiii uiu irwu ni'iHiuiiiiiiin, iiuviMeu io eviuencu regaruing mo y&Lr ft' VOU 6X
i. uomui-unNiMiiK aim wumuu nunuiigs oi towns, a pracuco con- ill "HCVnorienOO Ot
destruction of villages ami cities bylenmed whether Ireland Is consider- JX times can bo
imperial iiriuitn niiuei iiuvn hm-ii en in war or not. fcSV I removed. No
countenanced, and ordere.l by offl j "It Is worthy of note." It contln- woman has tho
clals of tho British government; an ued. ''that while tho primary mo- right to suffer
tiiiiiiiii.ue (iMiviBiuu iij mu mi- uiu (lesirucwou oi lives ami bh M when BhO can
t,):iyj.nd bombs 1ms been mndo i:i towns seems to be to strike terror j obtain relief
u irjmbor of Instances for systematic Into tho hearts or tho civilian popu- lrjl safely, certainly
Incendiarism as part of a plan of Inthm. this motive Is mixed with J u l mirl promptlv.
terrorism. I another - io destroy tho prlnlclpal jr J Supposo you do
i. a campaign lor i no uesiruo- lnuusiries, presumably to reduce to Jf nave bead
lion of tho means of existence of tho destruction and starvation the work YM nches. back
Irish people has been conducted by ins classes that aro mainly repub- )! aches, extreme
tho burning "f factories, creamer- Mean In ympnthto," tm nerV0USHCS8,l0W-
lus, crops and farm Implements and "It would seem," concluded a sec- 2fl spirits and general
tho shooting of farm animals, This tlon or testimony regarding the pre bh I ftd - f or - noth-
campatgn Is carried on regardlcnu moo of soldiers at wakes and fun- D AJB feelings at
or political views ot tholr owners, orals, "that tho Imperial British B!&eM nics?' Your case
nnd results in widespread and ncuto forces have organized a terror to liar- SBL9i a no hopeless.
Buffering aiming women and chll- rasa tho clthenry oven unto death iOB I Doctor Pieice'a
!ren. t and beyond." If 1 tff 8M?hv
"6. Acting under a series of proo-, A section of tho report was de- l& H drumriaU in liquid
lnmatloiiH Issued by tho competent voted to "tho policy of assasslna- K"S or tablets, or send
military authorities nf tho ltnporlnl tlon." It stated that tho assasslna- I 10c. to Dr. Pierce's
British roicos, hostages nio carried tUm of member of tho British . .Vj Invalids' Hotel in
by forces exposed to tho flro of tho forces began In 1019, has continued ' UE&m Buffalo, N. Y for
Itopubllcuii army; fines aiv levied nnd still contlmu'8, evidently being H mJadhitfit.
upon towns and villages as punish- tho work of "n nation wide organtxn. y,om!S Bays
uiimt for alleged offenses ot lndl- tj,n with n very perfoct. necret Ber , Bishop Oal "AbouTflw nan
vldmtls: private property U destroy yCo and with disciplined men to see I sutfered severely. I conMHtdT
cd in reprisals for nets with which execute Its orders Under these loeal doctor sad to sld I would hare j
the owners have mi connection; and circumstances It would appear that t?.MK.B gPI?8',"1
the clTlllta population Is subjected n imperial authorities are not free' m'k n an'lli alto nns bTusolthli
to a roastant Inquisition upon the from responsibility for the failure to ' Golden Medical Diaeovffy.' aa4 Mad
theory that Indlvldunls are In poss- mke proper-Brtcautloa.', ' Jh 'Lotion Tablets, aad I kava aM
l l,m.ll .ahl. Kn. n-l .. ...u. . "Wi"'
Could you do this?
NO, not easily ALONE
YES, easilyTwith the DELTOR
Looks easy is easy and saves from fifty cents to she
or more dollars.
The Dehor layouts are professional layouts that only an
expert could get from such a small amount of material by
placing the pieces so skilfully that it is almost legerdemain.
They are specially worked out for all sizes .and for J Also don?t fail to see
ui suinoic widens or material.
Even at pre war prices
you never bought bet
ter value in fine
than we are how sell
ing at
Full 45 inches wide per
manent finish trans
parent qualities. Gome
in all leading sprfng
shades such as Hennat
Brown, Apricot, Am
ber, Maize, Seal, Pink, -Flesh,
Copen, White,
FOR party f r o c k's
graduation or summer
dresses, children's
dresses, Blouses or 'for
Sashes and trimmings '
of. other wash dresses
Organdies will be in
great demand. 4
They save from a quarter of i yard to t yard and
three-eighths over what you could plan for yourself.
In using aa inexpensive material, the Deltor saves the
price of the pattern. In an expensive material, a coating
for instance, the Deltor will stive five dollars or more.
With the Deltor, the Dutterick Pattern costs lest
than nothing.
Tho policy la regrettable. It was ALMiuuur, ii. F, 1. No. 1.
Dress Skirt Plaids
Smart looking designs in 66. inch Mill Plaids in won
derful colorings. Extra fine quality. Yard $4.75
Other attractive Plaids at $1.39, $3.9 and $4.00 yard.
Beautiful Spring Coatings at $3.98 to $.00 yard.
the many new Dress
Voiles at 39c, '50c, 65e,
69c, and $1.25 yard. "
Dress Ginghams at 19c,
25c, 29c, 45c yard.
Kimona Crepes in all
colorings, 29c yard.
Beach Cloths of extra
quality. All colors, 48c
Extra soft, fine, non
crushable Dress Lin
ens for skirts and
suits, 36 in. wide.
$1.59 yard