THE DALLES DAILY CHRONICLE, FRIDAY, APRIL 1, 1921. CASINO GET YOUR SEATS CASINO FOR PAGE SIX "WAY DOWN EAST" Our Seating Capacity Is Limited "Muff Sed" A ;z Max Gumbert's United Cigar Store ENTERTAINMENT REFINEMENT QUALITY and SERVICE op BOX OFFICE OPENS AT 10 A. M. SATURDAY PRICES MATINEE: CHILDREN ........55c (Not Reserved) ' ADULTS $1.10 (Not Reserved) : EVENING PRESENTATION $1.10 and $1.65 Prices include. War Tax COMING SUNDAY FRANK MAYO IN "The Magnificent Brute" A Story of the Canadian Wilds All Outdoors Invites Your Kodak Just received a fresh shipment of KODAK SUPPLIES We have at all times a complete stock of KODAKS, BROWNIES and PREMOS CROSBY Everything in Drugs and Kodaks Columbia Grafonolas New Store at 106 Second Street Opens Tomorrow NORMAN MAID BUTTER Made At Home 9 Is your grocer's name in this list? These are the Grocers who are handling Norman Maid Butter and are giving their support to this home industry. Norman Maid Butter is always fresh and sweet. Insist upon it. I McLain's Cash Grocery Harrison & Scherrer Maier & Schanno Edw. C. Pease Co. J. S. Miller Grocery Co. Columbia Highway Market City Market L. Rorden & Co. i is Dalles Dressed Meat H. Gibson & Son. Kelly Avenue Grocery East Hill Grocery Thdmpson Addn. Store Mission Park Confectionery Clark's Bakery Hill's Grocery Your Own Product i NORMAN CREAM COMPANY