The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 01, 1921, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    fAK FOUR
THE DAILY CHRONICLE marry ai,y wh,te man of jefinetuent
who was willing to advance $1003 so
BataMlshed 1890 The Dalles, Ore. ... . .,, ,v,, ,,,i .
Published Every Evening Except Sunday tnt ner mother might undergo the
by tho Chronicle Publishing company Inc operation.
General Manager It is refreshing to note that thn
Editor gjrj w(ia willing to sacrifice herself
Ben R. Lltfln
Alvln U Bucklln
J. M. Wiley of Portland, Is in Tho
Dalles today on business.
J. D. Pike of Orass Valley is a gue?t
Entered in Tho Dalles postofflce as ner happiness, everything, that her
wvunu v,moo ilia tioit t TT . ta-.1- i .1
mother might live. In this age of at Holel Da,les toda-
Member of Audit Durcau of circulations Jazz when girls in a few Instances
F. L. Brown of Yakima is register-
are not considerate of their mothers, ed at Hotel Dalles.
$5.00 Jt lB pieastng to find Dorothy Mil-
One year. In advance....
Six months, In advance
Om month -p-- .60 jers who proves that life after all vlsltor )n The Dae8 today
Ono year, In advanve $5.00 is good and that love of daughter
Six mouths, In advance $2.50
One month .60 for mother is so tremendous and
Ono year. In advance 2.00 compelling as to blot out all other
Robert Simpson of Pendleton is a
H. F. iSteubring of Hood River is a
guest at Hotel Dalles.
T ; ! T Z Ti r" ' considerations E. P. Brasterbaus of Bend is in The
,. In ordering change of address, sub- -'cal'u"0.
h5r'new addreksa,Ways B'Ve 'd a" W""' "answer to the girl's proposition Dalles todaJ-
Telephone .". Main 111 1 a wealthy man in St. Paul. Minn.. T WT I 1 li'Vn left ne mr1a T tn A 1.
i Subscribers to inu 'Chronlclo are guar-, notified the girl he was sending her bany, where he will make his home
VntmiJ'tur T - J. Woodcock of Wamic was in The,
fchronlcle carriers are required to put er BVted that Dorothy would nor. Daeg todny attending t0 business
the papers on the porch or wherever th 1 i,nv, mnrrv him in vit tho MippIt .
subscriber wishes 'ho pnper dellvored. i "ave 10 marry nim 10 et lne cne(K matters.
cashed. 1 ', 1
Again, the inherent goodness in
men is exemplified. Although this
, America cannot live to heiv,elf rlch man could have tnken advantage
'alone. This nutlon might will to do n(- ihD n,.'riirimPnf tn mum-
o. in is nation might reason that it
jyas absolutely sell-supporting .and
J. D. Pine of Grass Valley was in
The Dalles attending to business mat
ters yesterday.
her, he refused to use such cave
man tactics. AH he knew or wanted
dependent only upon the several to know wus lnat tt glrJ wno Iovd
'states. I ner mother dearly was indlre need.
But about the time that America He supplied that need.
The 'whole case cries aloud that
1 had analyzed the situation of being
Rev. Father Luke3heehan, Catho
lic priest at fiend, is visiting in The
Dalles today. ,
air. and Mrs. Rufur Abbott bf Hood'
River were in The Dalles yesterday:
visiting friends.
W. J. Collins of Freewater was a
cured for a two week's period to de
velop local leaders for the work.
Indoor baseball is one of the initial
steps of the recreation work. Any
other activity wanted will be initiat
ed as called for. The interest shown
argues well for the futir?5" develop
ment of this' line of work.
Bungalow Orchestra
Elks' hall, Monday, April 4. 4
Dr. S. Burke Massey, dentist, First
National bank, rooms 307-308. Tele
phone main 3911, res, main 1691. 8tf
I will not be, responsible for any
bills contracted on my account with
out a written order. Dated March' 30,
1921. R. E. Doyle. 9
Regurar meeting Columbia Hose
and Chemical Engine company, No.
2, Friday, April 1, at 8 p. m.
E. J. HANLON, secretary.
not be made public by the court at
this time, as they are not connected
with Mrs. Stillman's motion for ad
ditional alimony and counsel fees.
iMorschauser emphasized that his rul
ing today was confined solely to the
alimony motion. This feft the implica
tion that the letter may be published
later, When the divorce suit proper is
(Continued From Page 1.)
Neighbors of Woodcraft
Tonight at 8 o'clock. Refreshments
and a good time. All Neighbors come. 1
a hermit and proved to the entire goodness Is prevalent and that ' we business visitor in The Dalles yester-
satisfaction of the peoples that tho
plan was not only feasible but' wise
well something would happen
away over on the other side of tli3
globe in which we as a nation have
absolutely no interest to convince us
as a nation that the good of tke
world Ib our good and misfortune of
other nations directly react upon us
as a nation and as individuals.
Tho world nations are inter-depend-
think the,. wdrid is 'going . to pot,
largely because thaf'sort of excep
tional thing is featured' In thd news.
By United Press
WASHINGTON, April 1 More
money was spent for luxuries iff the
Andrew Sandwig and Verne Walk
er of Wasco were local business vis-,
itors yesterday.
T. C, Queen, editor bf the Dufur
Dispatch, was in the city yesterday
on business.
iHarry Mayer, University of Oregon
student, is visiting with his parents m
United States in 1920 than was ex
pended on education in the entire Tli Dalles for several days. He ex
hinfnrv of tho country accordlnc to pects to return to Eugene next week,
xuuy are .,ecum,nK more o. flgureB l()(ny ln tho oflke of ,Dl, P.
Transportation, ship, rail and air, is P unitnA States commission-
cutting down dlstanco as If by mir
acle and as a result nations arc
nearer eacli other than ever before.
P. Claxton, United States commission
er of education.
Tho total spent on luxuries in
1920 was f22,700,000,000. In 1918, the
Naturally you wouldn't think that ! country spent $919,729,258 for ele-
tlie southern states of the United
States would bo vitally affected by
IH. S. Grannatt of San Francisco
was In The Dalles yesterday on busi
ness connected with the 'Home Fire
and Marine Insurance company.
'V. iH. Dressel, .master mechanic of
I mentary and higher education. From the O.-W. R. & N. company, was a
the beginning of American history business visitor in The Dalles yes
nnd until 1920. a grand total of terdav.
tho monsoons over In India. It does-1 $16 ,645,000,000 was devoted to edu-.
n't Bcem reasonable. Nor would you cation. ' GeorSe McCIure, formerly an auto-
believe that tho demoralization of Included ln the figures are items mobile dealer in The Dalles and now
;.tho rupee. India's standard coin. 'for public education, elementary and in business at Walla Walla, is a busi-
1 ... .. .. .. . unp.iinhirv normal schools lor tile uvaa vmuur iu xua uunes luuuy,
would very greatly affect the United seconaary, nonmu buiuuib i
training of teacners, couoges, univer
sities and professional and technical
schools, whether supported by public
States. That Is an internal affair af
fecting India solely, you say.
IV Hut the monaoon, .that ia.thp rainy
L. J. Sparks, branch manager of the
Firestone Tire and Rubber company,
n. 'D; "Jr Solar- headquarters in Portland, was a
, , r , Mwv.w - - " 1 , j , v.. , mt . , ..
which strikes India was in- lea for teachers, cost 'of buildings, , i
different this year. Crops did not uieep and equipment also are in-
nrnunnr 11ml nuil-irn ,.u tUnv c),r..M eluded ill tllO total.
r.nnnnnn 4 i.J..J Completed figures for 1918 show
Unit inHtmctors In all of our schools
make monoy. Lnnolvnil salaries totnllng $492,745,-
Theso people of India are tho 240.
' heaviest purchasers of cotton goods J Hero is how tho luxury budget of
' in all tho world, according to tho Unc, SiUn looka:
'For face powder, cosmo
Itilltllll.lfln ll.itlflil.i f ,1... XT..4I..I
, tics, perfume, etc $ 750,000,000
Bank of CommuVco in Now York Plnj 300,000,000
Robert Simpson and L E. Kern,
Pendleton automobile dealers, stop
ped in The Dalles this morning en
route from Portland to Pendleton.
They drove new cars up over the Co-
tumbla River highway
Seventh Day Adventlst
Services at the Seventh Day Adven
tlst church, 600 East Fourteenth
street are held regularly as follows:
iSabbath, school at 9:45, preaching
at 11 a. m. and Young Peoplo's meet
ing at 3 p. m. Saturday. Preaching
tiunday night at 7:30. Prayer and ;
missionary meeting Wednesday even
ing at 7:'30rThe public is invited to
attend these meetings. Elder P. W.
Province, pastor. Personal address,'
420 East Fourteenth street.
to Dr. Fred Thompson, city health
officer, for analysis. He reported that
as far as his limited apparatus for
anaylsls would show.'it contained con
siderably mora than one-half ot one
percent of alcohol allowed by law.
Several other amateur chemists ex
pressed a desire to conduct an analy
sis, but. the police were content with
Dr. Thompson's decision.
Taken before Police Judge 13. L.
Cates last 'yesterday afternoon, Jones
wasfincd $65 and his trunk, a "com
mon carrier," confiscated, together
with the whiskey, valued at $580 at
the current local market quotation.
Jones had been coming to The
Dalles weekly and supplying a se
lect clientele with the Canadian
whiskey, the police believe.
Dance, Chenowith, Saturday-, April1
2, new music; saxaphone," traps and
piano. ' - 2.
(Continued From Page 1.)
jmjuuui. - 1 - --
dared Horthy still was In control at
that time. "
BUDAPEST, April 1 Facing a
choice between monarchy and de
mocracy, the Hungarian parliament,
met today. Monarchists prepared to
press the claims of former Emperor
Karl. ,
A monarchist alternative was the
declaration of a regency for Karl's
eldest son, Prince Otto.
-PARIS, Agril 1 The allies today
warned Hungary that "disastrous
consequences" will result if former
Emperor Karl is restored to the
: The warning was dispatched by
the council of killed ambassadors.
The note 'declared the allies will not
tolerate a .Hapsburg restoration, nor
recognize any such government.
PARIS, April 1 Former "Emperor
Karl has agreed to leave Hungary,
according to the newspaper Bon Solr.
Karl's departure is only a matter
of hours, the paper said today. It
declared Karl and representatives of
the government reached an agree
ment at Steinamanger.
Eyes tested, gtAsses fitted. Dr. Geo.
F. Newhbuse. tl
(Continued Prom Page 1.)
creased from $5,000 to $10,000 and
for $75,000 counsel fees.
The court ruled that Mrs Stillman's
"hysterical" letter to her husband,
said to form the chief basis for the
latter's charge that two-year-old Guy
Stillman is the son of Fred Beauvais,
French-Canadian guide, Is "inadmiss-,
iole." It was also decided that the j
five letters Beauvais is alleged to j
have written to Mrs. Stillman alter 1
Guy's birth in which he is said to have 1
referred to "our child" were prlyileg-,
ed." J
As a consequence these letters can-1
Best Italian Prunes
Fresh From Dryer
4 lbs., 25 cents
Parlor Grocery
All tiuAt'ts have been sold 'for the
Mother Goose operatta. 'No tickets
U'ill hn nil anln nt rVinnoll'u ilruir
... nrnnnnnnn " "v w""" " "t
... . UmK8 r""itoro tonight.
uriusn Toilet soaps iuu.vuu.uuu
Under normal conditions
mills take about ono fourth of the ' Cigarettes . .". 800.000,000
American cotton crop. Tho inability j Gr8 ; ;;" lll'Zl'Zl
t .'Tobacco and snuff 800,000,000
Ui .uum i. uu, uuuu uecauso 01 ; 500,000.000 ' muU,
crop laimruH anti mo uemorauzei chewing! gum 50.000,000
rupee prevented England selling cot-'ico cream 250,000,000
ton goods to India. England unablo Luxurious service 3,000,000,000
to sell cotton goods, refused to buy Jo' lldos' Pleasure ro-
a , ,.,, ! sorts and racos 3,000,000.000;
Of course general trade condltlonH1
Taxi Service
Day or night. Stand at Club Cigar
store. Telephone red 1711. R. Winter-
Auction Sale
at tho D. P. Ketchum & Son feed ban
in tho east end, opposite the O.-W
R. & X. stock yards, on Saturday.
j Clayton pointed out that tho peo- April 2. Rlpley'e herd of milk goat.
ik of tho United States blew away For further nartlculnrs see hnnd bills.
--throughout tho world have playod 'im BIUOko of cigars and cigarettes Snie to commencoat 1:30 p. m. W. F.
part In tho inability of tho southern IIIOO.OOO.OOO more than was Bpeht on Ripley, owner. J.'c. Thrall, auction-
plantoi-H to sell tho cotton crop, ln all forms of education in 1918, wh!loeor lwl3
f, din's plight is mudj worse bv her H u,tlU C08t of in nU foms of t0
- Inability to dispose of products of bacco 1,1 1920 Wtts f,vo Umea tht
uiiai ui leiicnurs suiiiria in uia, 11
tho people who smoke and chew
i.tliat land.
y . But tho fact stands out that bocnuso
Mho mouHuon was 11 partial failure J place of throe, und two chows In the
f'ovor in India, Ainorican cotton Is a l,lnc nf tliree chews, and dqvute tho
monuy Urns saved to support the
schools, the salaries of all teachers
could bo increased by more than 120
per cent, he said,
Why Worry?
what to cook or place on your table?
l'ou will be mom than well repaid
filing on tho market und Kngland's tox
irlilu mills are Idle.
Wo are jprono to boast of Indo
Hpimdcnco. It Is noblo prluclplo. But
, would only take two smokes in the , by stepping into the Hotel Dalles to
dine because of the clean, good food
and excellent service. Noon lunch
cons, CO cents; table d'hote dinners,
$1 00, every evening between 5:30 und
u o'clock. Hotel Dalles. 1
-.... 1 ..... . - -J n . u .
e are not liidon..n.l,.in In th l..--" WUI
.... 1 are tast learning, there is no placo
. vM sciiHO of tho word. Wo aro de- . , , , t
whero thoy can be assured of such
tendont upon tho other nations of n lurK0 varIety of g00(1( cloani weM.
tho world and they upon us. cooked food as in our light and com-
Tho lack of rain over In India fortablo dining room. Hotel Dalles. 1
Plunges tuo cotton market of thn
United States into- such gloom that
' mmimltlL' wnniln u-lllllll h.l In Irn.inln
, , , " , commodate u swimming class which
with tho mental outlook of tho south-! Hv Uidt.J Now. L,, h' -..,-, Mnni,nv
.CHICAGO April l.-Kvery minister I eB0Ugk h
Captain T. G. Cook und W. H. Ar
bury, active in Community Service
work, last night organized a 14 team
baseball leucue of busihe'ss men at
the hlsh school K.vinnaslum.'
CORN BELT MINISTERS I . hihn nwlmmlni ulr hnln.- nloiin.
TO APPEAL FOR STARVING ad preparyid for tW filling to tic
' rn states Just now
x 0
in tho corn belt was asked to devote
his next Sunday's sermon to an ap
peal iu behalf of tho starving child
ren of Europe and the near east, in a
Her mother was grievously ill. Sha 0immm,callon 8ont out Thursday
must submit to an operation If her ,,lcht by J. R. Howard, president of
llfo was to bo saved. To pay for tho American Farm bureau federu-
surgical h U 1 11 would rcouire. liiu. I tion. Tho federation Is back of n
The family bank account was wore- movement to send "gift corn" abroad.
, fully depleted.
TvdIrq and StenearaMv
Then Miss Dorothy Miller. 16 year , do,,,. t rasonahle rates. Roslna A
girl of Trenton, N. J., sent forth Fleck. Office Hotel Dulles. Resl
,aa announcement that she would dence phone red 3333,
structfTi will be secured for a "learn
to swim" week.
Tke irla' reserve corps are active
in recreative games..
A. hike, for adults, Is being plan
ned for Sunday afternoon. The party'
will leave the Black and White cafe
U 3:30 o'clock. Everybody Is Invited
to go. f
t Captain Cook's short stay In The
Dalles, In ttoe Interest of Community
Service Is preparatory to the put
tlni: on of aa institute school here
at' a lateV' date, 5vWen he can be se-i
We want that one word to picture
for you the ideal of this new drug
store the ideal to which we shall hold
under all circumstances in every
transaction, large or small.
We intend that this shall be a store
for all the people a store to which
man, woman or child may come in the
assurance of sincere, interested.- ser
vice service with prdmpiness, with
courtesy, with fidelity tip our beston
ception of the wishes of hose vwho
honor us wtth tKeJr confidence ?( and
their patronage. J
Certain it is. that;, the measure of our
success cafy be no' greater than i the
measure of our service. "
So, then, we invite our friends; our
enemies, if any there be (for we would
make friends of them); the residents
of our city-tand its environs; the citi
zens of our county, and all who pass
our doors-r-to pause 'and enter, that
they may test whether or not we know
the meaning of the word .we have de
liberately chosen as 'ourMdeal SER
VICE! It is not necessary you do not ex
pectthat we shall here tell you what
this new drug store has to offer you.
We have everything that such a store
4 should have nothing, we hope, that it
should not have. v
Let us, however, mention
these few things; from
these, you may know that
we have all else:
Columbia Grafonolas and
Faultless Guaranteed Rub
ber Goods;
Dainty Toilet Ware;
Fine Creams and Lotions;;
Druggists' Sundries;
Standard Patent Medicines.
The proper filling of your
physician's prescriptions
means renewed good nealth
often the saving of life.
True service can reach no
higher mark than that
which we here pledge for
the) (prompt, accurate, con
scientious filling, of all pre
scriptions entrusted to us.
Every approved safeguard
will be used to insure"" that
your prescriptions reach
you exactly as your phy
sician desire. We are sen
sible of Our Responsibility
to You and to Your Phy
sician. Tomorrow, we want you
to come iri and see us. We
shall have something for
the 3men to enjoy some
thing for the - women
something for the boys and
girls. May tomorrow's sun
shine gladly upon you and
106 East Second Street Telephone Main 2451
. 4