The Dalles Daily Chronicle. TUK8DAY - - DEC. 31. 1901 MUST GET TOO ETHER. around their business operations, but the government replies that this was necessary because each American company practically told the govern menl that all the other American companies needed watching. Two farmers at Dyea, Ahuka, According to the Portland Oregon Ian there are five eminent members of the republican party who aspire ; raised 25,000 bushels of potatoes this for nomination of governor at the ! year, and will receive for them $2 a hands of their party. These gentle men are Stephen A. Lowell, of Uma tilla county ; William J. Furnisb, of Umati!la county; Jonas M. Church, of Union county ; Henry E. Ankeny, of Jackson county, and T. T. Geer, of Marion county, the latter wishing to succeed himself for another term. Here we have three candidates from Eistern Oregon. This number is far too many, for the simple reason that all three cannot be nominated and for the further reason that each one of the three stands in the way of the other being nominated. As the East Oregonian was the first to propose that an Eastern Oregon man endeavor to secure the nomina tion and to arouse republicans to their opportunity in this connection, it considers it has the right to make a suggestion, and it is this: Let the forces of the three Eastern Oregon candidates get together and ascertain as they can the relative strength of each man, and thereby ascertain the strongest candidate of the three. Then allow the other two to withdraw from the race and throw their forces to the nomination of the one so determined. If this is done an Eastern Oregon man will be given tbe nomination bushel. They are described as large. solid, mealy add palatable, and con tain more sugar than potatoes grown in lower latitudes. Dl ISaIbJF&SW AST A C 4 k A A A "-VLO Pictures enlarged at the Wilson photo graph gallery, dec-llm ark & Falk are never closed Sunday, Don't (oraet thif. Clarke & Palk have on sale a fall line of paint and artist's urnshee, Clarke A Fulk'a flavoring extracts are tbe beat. Ask your g? 'csr for them. Go to the Wilson gallery for excellent photos at reasonable prices. dec4-lm Try Van Norden'e for a perfect fit in glasses, old or young, near sighted or far sighted. d-.c 2 The prices on ladies' and children's knit goods are surprisinglv low at the New York Cash Store. " dl3tf For Rent A furnished cottage of four rooms on West Sixth and Lincoln streets. Apply on the promises. dl2-lw For rent Furnished rooms with steam heat and electric lights. Apply to Mrs. P. Chapman, Chapman block. dlO-tf Children's knit leggins, mittens and toques a full lin at lowest prices at the New York Cash Store. dl3tf Have you seen those keif, goods at the New York Cash Store? Fascinators, ice-wooln, circular ehawla, mittens and skirts. dl3tf Clark and Falk have iust received a full line of fresh W tox papers and de- and become the next governor of , in hi8 recent demon rationJt our stor Christmas sale of millinery at tbe Campbell & Wilson millinery palore. One-third off regular price of entire stock. Sale will continue until first of January. 25n-tf Why pay $1.75 per gallon for inferior paints wben you can buy James E. Patton's sun proof paints tor $1.50 per gallon, guaranteed for 5 years. Clark & Falk, agents. ml Dyspepsia can be cured by using Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets. One little Tablet will give immediate relief or money refunded. Sold in handsome tin boxes at 25 eta. Blakeley the druggist. If you wish to retain a natural color to your bair, stop its falling out, eradi cate dandruff and make it soft, fine and wavey, then use Aristo Hair Food. For sale by Clarke & Falk, postoffiee phar macy. dlOtf Experience is the best Teacher. Use Acker's English Remedy in any case of coughs, colds or croup. Should it fail to give immediate relief money refunded 25 cts. and 50 cts. filakeley, the drug gists. Are you ready for cold weather? If not you should provide yourself with some of those knit goods from the New York Cash Store. A large assortment of these goods for women and children may be seen at the New York Cash Store. dl3tf Sick Headache absolutely and perma nently cured by using Moki Tea. A pleasant herb drink. Cures constipation and indigestion, makes you eat, sleep and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or money back. 25 cts. and 50 cts. Blakeley, tbe druggist. Groceries Groceries ME. T. NOLAN. t Union and Second Streets. Local Phone 92. How's TbUl We offer one hundred dollars reward for any case of Catarrh that can .not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Chunky & Co. Props., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be lieve birr perfectly honorable in all busi ness transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their urm. West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists, To ledo, O., Walding, Rinnan Z Marvin, V noiesaie druggists, loletlo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter-j nally, acting directly upon the blood aud ! mucous surfaces of the evstein. F. J. Cheney 4 Co., Props., Toledo O. Sold by drruggists, price 75c. Hull's Family Pills are the beat. 12 REGULATOR LINE. Dalles, dim k Astoria NAVIGATION CO. tub coimnDia PacKiiig Co., PACKERS OP PORKand BEEF MANOFACTUKKBS OP Fine Lard and Sausages (hirers of BRAND HAMS & BACON jJRIF.D BEEF. ETC. Oregon. If it is not done, "any old thing" may happen and Eastern Oregon be still engaged in hunting political snipe while playing in the hands of the wily politicians west of the mountains. There are times when it is best to look a gift horse in the mouth and to be frauk with ourselves. There is nothing to be gained in Gghting and pulling among ourselves, while the other fellow gets away with the per simmon. The Eastern Oregon men should get together and settle the difference between them. It is not an impossi ble thing to do. And it is the most sensible thing that could be done. There is milk in it ! East Oregonian. The appointment of Gov. Leslie 91. Shaw, of Iowa, to be secretary of the treasury, to succeed Lyman J. Gage, is an excellent selection. Governor Shaw was one of the earliest and moat ardent of the country's gold standard advocates. He stood in the advance line of the forward move ment of the republican party on the monetary issue. Tbe whole field of finance and taxation is farriliar to him, as shown by his addresses in political canvasses and on other oc casions, and by bis messages to the legislature of bis state. His zeal, courage and ability have made him one of the marked men of tbe West. Governor hbaw's entrance into tbe cabinet will be a valuable addition to the strength and popularity of Presi dent Roosevelt's administration. The sub-committee of the com mittee of senators and representa tives from the Pacific slope charged with diafting a bill for the irrigation of arid lands in the west has com pleted a draft of a bill for that pur pose and it is to be presented at a meeting to be held after the holi days. Tbe bill provides that all tbe money received from tbe sale of writ) lands in the west shall be devoted to lb-3 irrigation of such lands. As fast as the land is sold tbe money can be used over and over again, and in tbe course of time it is expected the en tire area of arid lands in tbe west can be irrigated. Tbe irrigation is to be supervised by tbe secretary of tbe interior. The Amerloen life insuranoe com panies have claisjMd that tbe German government bee leeeted them unfairly in piecing unipiejery restrictions Ad Krang-elMt'g Story, "I suffered for vears with bronchial or ung trouble and tried various remedies but did not obtain permanent relief until I commenced using One Minute Cough Cure," writes Rev. James Kirk man, evangelist of Belle River, III. "I have no hesitation iu recommending it to all sufferers from maladies of this kind." One Minute Cough Cure affords immediate relief (or coughs, colds and all kind of throat and long troubles. for croup it is unequalled. Absolutely safe. Very pleasant to take, never fails and is' really a favorite with tbe children . They like it. Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. for Bale Cbaap. Three second-hand incubators and brooders, in first-class shape. One of 400-et;g capaci ty ; two of 200-egg capacity. Apply at this office. 28-lwk Lost Last night, either in the Bald win opera house or on the streets, a white spangled fan, with pink ribbons attached. Finder please leave at this office. d28-2t After tomorrow (Sunday) tbe steamer Tahoma, of the White Collar line, will leave Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satur day. This will make the boat run on alternate days with the Regulator of the D. P. & A. N. line. d28-2t If you want to retain your bsir you have to keep your scalp clean. Soap will make your bair harsh, dry and crispy. Now we have two of tbe very beet preparations for cleansing toe soa p Egg and Pine Tar Shampoo. Jt will leave vonr hair soft and Priee, 25 and 60 cents a bottle, at Fraser's barber shop, The Dalles. tf BANNER MLV Health noil beauty. Apoor complexion is usually the re- j suit of a torpid liver or irregular action of the bowels. Unlets nature's refuse is ! carried off it will surely cause impure blood. Pimples, boils and other eruptions follow. This is nature's method of I throwing ofl'j he poisons which the bowels failed to remove. DeWitt'a Little Early Risers are world famous for remedying this condition. They stimulate the liver and promote regular and healthy action of the bowels but never cause griping, cramps or distress. Safe pills. Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. Attractive AY omen. All women sensibly desire to be at tractive. Beauty is the stamp of health because it is the outward manifestation' of inner purity. A healthy woman is always attractive, blight and happy. When every drop of blood in the veins is pure a beauteous flush is on the cheek. But when tbe blood is impure, morose ness, bad temper aud a sallow complex ion tells the tale of sickness all to plain ly. And women today know there is no beauty without health. Wine of Cardui crowns women with beauty and attrac tiveness by making strong' and healthy thoss organs which make her a woman. Try Wine of Cardui, and in a month your friends will hardly know you. $26 REWARD. We will pay $25 reward for the arrest and conviction of any person trespassing upon tbe football park, molesting or de stroying the fence. Small boys who have been digging holes under the fence are liable to arrest and are included in the above. Beldkn H. Gbant, L. A Porter, E. '.urtz, u-i-im UT1B PATTSBSOJt. Commencing Jan. 1, 1902, and continuing until March 1, 1902, this company will have but one steamer running between The Dalles and Port land; leaving The Dalles Mon day, Wednesday and Friday, and Portland Tuesday, Thurs- j day and Saturday. STEAMERS REGULATOR, DALLES CITY. RELIANCE. Just What You cuant. W. C. ALLAWAY, General Agent, Tbe Dalles, Oregon. Mew ideas in Wall Paper here. Such wide variety as we are showing never be fore graced a single stock. Real imita tion creton effects at ordinary prices. Good papers at cheap paper prices. Elegant designs, tasteful colorings, yours for a small price, at onr store on Third street. Also a full line of house paints. D. W. VATJSE, Third St. Wasco Wmi ijlot Dl, To Whom It May Concern. At a meeting of The Dalles City conncil held on Monday night Dec. 0, 1901, it was moved and carried unani mously : "That the city marshal be or dered to collect a monthly rental on and after January 1, 1902, from all parties in Dalles City who shall then own houses or other obstructions that have not been removed from the public streets of the city dl0-td Saved Hi. Lire. "I wish to say that I owe my life to Kodol Dyspepsia Cure," writes H. C. Cbreatenson ofiiayfield, Minn. "For three years I was troubled with dyspepsia so that I could bold nothing on my Biumacu. many nines x would be un able to retain a morsel of food. Finally I was confined to my bed. Doctors said I could not live. I read one of vour advertisements on Kodol Dyspepsia Cure and thought it fit my case and com menced its use. I began to improve from the first bottle. Now I am cured rami recommend it to all." Digests vonr food. Cures all stomach troubles. Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. Change or Headquarters. The headquarters of The Dalles and Shaniko stage line is now at the Colom bia Hotel. Stage leave there for Shan iko every morning, except Sunday, at 6 o'clock. Passenger rate to Shaniko $2. 20:i-tf J. M. Toomkv, Agent. Maw Shoe Rliop. Harold Hansan announces that he has started a shoe shop In tbe East End, next to the Skibbe Hotel. All kinds of repair work done In first class shape at reasonable price. d!21mo Unas. Replogie, Atwater, O., was in very bad Shane. He says: "I suffered a great deal with my kidneys and was requested to try Foley's Kidney Core. I did so and in four days I was able to go to work again, bow I am entirely well." OlaskoAEal. SaHaBee People, are tbe best advertiser for Foley's Honey and Tar ead all who ose it atm that It Is a splendid remedy ft soughs, or sore lungs. Clarke 4 Falk. Headquarters for Seed Grain of all kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain oi n km Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, SVSZtSo Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle ton FlOUT TUi Flour 18 manufactured expressly for family r 4. : every sack is guaranteed to give satisfaction. Wa sell our goods lower than any honse in the trade, and if yon don't think so call and get our puces and be convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats. THE " OWL White Collar Una. Tbe toMrtiaim Knott Str. "TAHOMA," - BETWEEN Portland, The Dalles and NWay Points. TIME CARD Leaves Portland at 7 a. m. on Tues day, Thursday and Saturday. Arrivss The Dalles, same day, 6 p. m. Leaves Tbe Dalles at 7 a. m. on Sun day, Wednesday and Friday. Arrives Portland, same day, 4 p. m. Meals the Very Best. This Route has the Grand. Scenic Attractions on Earth. Portland-Astoria Route Str. BAILEY-GATZERT, Dally Round Trips oxcept Sunday. TIME CARD Leave Portland 7 a. m. Leave Astoria 7 p. m. Landing and office Foot of Alder Street; both phones, Main 361, Port land, Oregon. E. W. Crichton, Agent Portland, Pratber and Barnes, Agts., Hood River, Wolford & Wyers, Agts.. White Salmon, J. C. Wyatt, Agent, Vancouver, A. J. Taylor, Agent Astoria. R. B. Gilbretb, Agt., Lyle, Wash. J. M. FILLOON, Agent, The Dalles. Complete Ope of Drugs at M. Z. DON NELL, THE DRUGGIST. S, BCHRNOK, President. Max A. Vogt, auditor T . 3D. 3Pj Purest Liquors for Family Use Delivered to any part of the City. 1 Phones: 51 Local, J 868 Long Distance. 173 SeCOnd Street. DEALER8 IN All kinds of Funeral Supplied CrandaM Borget UNDERTAKERS 1? EMBALMERS The Dalit, Or. Robes, Burial Shrouds Etc. ...Blactoanith, Bmedwer and Wagon-maker.. OSAAJIB IN Iron, Sfeee). WhlBjkttia and Blaotauntth Supplies AaU tor ll spill, ip.i Umifm. Threshes, ufl Saw MlUa, tSgSStaZ'um. Or, tent I tom 8H, US WW 08 First national Bank. THE DALLB8 ... OREGON A General Banking Business transacted Deposits received, subject to Sight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on dav of collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on New York, San Francisco and vort laud. niMovqwi. D. P. TnoMPfoK, Jgo. 8. Bohmov. En. M. Williams, Qbo. A. Linn. H. M. Bsuil. Tne BBLDWIK HESTBFfiflfT W W. WILSON, Manager. FirvtQas$ ip Euery respet. ffl?a!8 at gii $cur8. PRIVATE PARTI Eft SERVED. The table always snnnlied with the best in tbe market. 74 Front St., near -Oonrt, Tbe Dalles. QKO. B. CAMPBBU tton, Bride, ellHioil sag Water Supply Uad Surveying, Map- Malntenane of IrriawUon.Bru Tnseiipsi. OnniMiirllun and jft aaanBfi a u mmwWmt wmm JwisisflBL, ifsv Foley's tkmm - V