The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 31, 1901, Image 1

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    lK Oldies
NO. 260
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I J . . .. - i - . . . . - ' " " MnMHHWHHHMaMM
The Northern Pacific Is Again Re
strained Prom Retiring Its Pre
ferred Stock Harriman Believed
to Be Behind the Action This
Minneapolis, Minn., Dec. 30. Judge
Elliott, of the district nonrt of Henepin
county, today granted a temporary oruVr
restraining tbe officers of the Northern
Pacific Railway company from retiring
tbe preferred stock of that company.
Tbe order waa issued on tbe application
of Peter Power, of New York, who holds
100 shares of tbe common stock. It was
supposed that the failnre of the action
brought in the New York conrte by
holders of preferred stock cleared aw y
the last obstacle to tbe retirement of the
preferred on January 1. Leaving the
Hill interest free to act. It is inferred,
although it does not bo appear, that the
present action is brought in behalf of
the Harriman interest, to prevent con
trol passing out of its hands for another
year or until the legal standing of the
Northern Securities company is settled.
Tbe claim is set up by Mr. Power in
his suit that the retirement of the pre.
ferred stock is in violation of the agree
ment that such retirement would lay no
additional burdens upon the common
atock, and he holds that the certificates
of debenture bonds to be issued to effect
the retirement of tbe preferred stock
would become lien upon the common
stock, and thus work an injury to hia
property. It is understood that tbe
block of 100 shares held by Power is the
only block of common not hitherto con
trolled and definitely located upon one
aide or the other, tbe Harriman people
or the Hill-Morgan interest.
The restraining order will not only be
served on the officials in Minnesota, but
will be telegraphed to New York and
served on the officials there.
Just after the noon hour today, Presi
dent Gharlea 8. Mellen, of the Northern
Pacific Railroad company, was served
with papera which enjoin the company
from retiring the preferred stock.
Bad Fire at Victoria.
Poet Townsend, Wash., Dec. 80.
Mail advices from Victoria atate that a
moat disastrous fire occurred in that city
last night, entailing a loss of $760,000.
The building occupied by Spencer's Ar
cade, British Columbia's largest depart
ment store, waa completely gutted by
fire, whioh started at 10 o'clock at night.
Before tbe department reached tbe scene
flames were leaning from every window
in the building, and it was with dif
ficulty that the adjoining buildings
were saved. The origin of the fire is
thought to have been Irom electric
wires. Tbe tin roof covering tbe build
ing was heavily charged with electricity.
The stock waa partially covered with
insurance, the amount being $125,000.
There will be very little salvage.
ItW Two fioH Oaath.
"Oar little daughter bad an almost fa
tal attack of whooping cough and bron
chitis," writes Mrs. W. K. Haviland, of
Armonk, N. Y., "but, when all other
remedies failed, we saved her life with
Dr. King's New Discovery. Our niece,
who bad Consumption in an advanced
stage, also used this wonderful medicine
and to-day she hi perfectly well." Des
perate throat and lung diseases yield to
Dr. King's New Discovery as to no other
medicine on earth. Infallible fot Coughs
and Colds. 60c and $1.00 bottles guar
anteed by G. 0. Blakeley, tbe druggist.
Trial bottles free. 6
Boys Orowaad Near Lakavlaw.
Laebyibw, Dae. W. Walter Brown
and Fvad Snelling, aged 17 and 16, re
aosctively. were drowned at noon today
while ekatlna on Goose Lake, ten miles
irom here. The bodies were recovered
and brooabt bare this evening. Brown
waa tbe son of a prominent sheepman
of this place and Snelling waa an orphan
and lived with a maiden aunt. They
were both employed in the Examiner
Danger From Floods in Pennsylvania
Has Passed Loss Will Not Be
Great Much Damage in the South
and the Bod Is Not Yet.
Philadelphia, Dec. 30. From all
paits of Eastern Pennsylvania today re
ports show that the rivers and creeks
which became greatly swollen as a re
suit of Saturday night's and Sunday's
continuous rain, are steadily falling.
There is one exception, however, the
lower part of the Susquehanna river be
ing reported to be still rising and close
to the danger mark. Although con
siderable damage was done, the lostes
will not be great, moBt of the flooded
areas being lowlands along the Upper
Schuylkill, Lehigh and Susquehanna
rivers. In the anthracite coal districts
a few of the mines were flooded, causing
a suspension of work for the day. Along
the lower Susquehanna there is appre
hension that damage will result fiom
ice gorgeB. The water is said to be ris
ing six inches an hour in that vicinity.
The Schuylkill river in this city rose
18 feet above normal, which rise has
been passed only once in 32 ytars.
Manayunk one of the mill districts, suf
fered most from the flood. Every mill
along tbe riyer walrforced to suspend
orperationa throwing out ol work for
the day about 3000 persons. Tbe river
drives through Fairmount park and sev
eral sections of the railroad tracks on
both sides of tbe river between tbe park
and tbe mouth of.the Schuylkill were
under water for a abort time during tbe
Ma Have War With German jr.
London, Dec. 80. Commenting on
the London Times' statement from
Washington that persons of .consider
able importance in official eircles there
profess to b.'lieve that war between tbe
United States and Germany is inevit
able, the St. James' Gazette, though it
does not believe that such a disaster will
be allowed to occur over a dispute In re
gard to the debts of Venezuela to Ger
many, says that If it does, there can be
no doubt that English sympathies will
be with America. At tbe same time
the St. James' Gasette expreases tbe
hope that the United States (will not al
low such states as Venezuela to gain tbe
Impression that they can reckon on the
protection of the Monroe Doctrine if
they choose to repudiate their obliga
tions to Europe.
A diapatcb to the Central News from
from Berlin says:
'It Is believed to be certain that an
ultilmatum will be issued within three
days and that an attack on Venrauela
ill follow directly after. In addition
to the Vineta, tbe Falke, two training
ships and tbe cruiser Geler have been
ordered to to La Goayra. In the mean
while, I am officially assured that the
German Charge d'Affalrs has not left
Caracas and that diplomatic relations
have not yet been broken off. Tbe pour
parleurs continue.
"An agreement baa been reached be
tween Germany and the United States
In regard to tbe German oourae of
action in Veuesuela.
Beblin, Dec. 30. The German foreign
office authorizes tbe press to announce
that there is no truth whatever in tbe
disDatchee from Caracas saying that tbe
German minister baa left tbe Venesuelan
oapital after a beated exchange of words
with President Cattro.
"Butonara" Suit Qo.
Taooma, Dec. 30. All news agent
the trains o tbe Northern Pacific are to
be discontinued altar the first of Janu
ary. Dally papera win oe kept on toe
dining-cars and supplied by one of tbe
waiters. Tbls means that the tram
peddler is to go.
bua't Baa At la,
J net wet the effected part freely with
Mysterious Pain Cure, e Scotch reesedy.
and tbe pain ia gone. Sold by Clarke st
Tm will net have boils M yea take
Clarke talk's ease awe a eetle.
Gifflord'a Fotae NwTtr FfafU
Boys' Suits j& j&
Could any offer come at a time
saute opportune than this?
The winter is before you quite
possible your boys' clothing ia get
ting worn and shabby should we
have a storm with a flurry of snow
he might passably suffer for the want
of a warm overcoat .
In the face of all these possibilities
we say any suit or overcoat for
large or small boy at at re
duces! price.
Bring this list with you and select
$2 or 2.50 garment
for $1.80
$3 or 3.50 garment
for 2.65
$4 or 4.50 garment
for 3.35
$5 or 5.50 garment
for 4.15
$6 or 0.50 garment
for 5.15
$7, 7.50 or 8.00 gar
ment for 6.90
$8.50, 9.00 or 10.00
garment for 7.35
$12, 12.50 or 13.50
garment for 9.85
Suits, Overcoats,
Ulsters, Coats
and Vests
tor one) mors day only.
at these special reductions. With the
clone of the year ends the greatest cloth
ing sale wo nave ever held in December
turning out more goods giving better
values and satisfying more people than
ever before.
If you need a suit an overcoat an
ulster or a heavy coat and vest to
morrow is your chance and
to secure absolute choice of any suit or
overcoat, worth $10 or more, in stock
at these reductions:
$10 to 12.50 garments
choice $8.45
$13.50 to 15.00 gar
ments, choice 10.65
$15.50 to 18.75 gar
ments, choice 13.86
$19 to 24.00 garments,
choice 16.85
$25 to 30.00 garments,
choice 21.85
In the Ladies' SUIT Department j&
We continue to sell all Ladies', Misses and Children's Coats
-AT THE FOLLOWING lUaPVCTIOlfcf n J 'n ' mn ii i m u
Children's coats
$3.00 garments reduced to $2.25
5.00 " " " ..: 3.75
6.00 " " " 4.50
10.00 u 7.50
15.00 " " " 11.25
Ladies coats
$12.00 garments reduced to $9.76
16.00 " " " 12.76
Little Beauty
is what we call it. A child's
choe, fully as good as mama's,
and cheapest in the end.
Made from selected
skin, and made right.
8J to 11 $1.75
il to 2 2.00
Our School Shoes
are as cheap as anybody
and need less mending.
Made of ebony calf, and
made to wear.
8 to 11 $1.50
2 the
X eat
Of tbe product of this well-known brewery tbe United States Health
Reports for June . 1900, says: "A more superior brew never entered
tbe iebratory of tbe United States Health reports. It is absolutely devoid
- . .. . . 1 it tL.. lt,A. kaJ la v
ol the slightest trees 01 sauiiereuoo, uotuo vu uww
. , . . . . l a . I T . - ,n.:n maallMM Jhff ftlitfh.
me oeei 01 man ana cuoivaav ui ui. iw wuiv u...w -
- . m m . . , i I a J utlafa atiM ka aJ
end It ceo be used wun toe greeieai ueoeui aou hhiiwwu i
young. Its use can conscientiously oe preacnuea py um fmjwmmmmwmm
tbeosrselnty that a better, purer or more wholesome beverage eould not
possibly be found."
Bast Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON.
There is not a ease of nervous weeknses la tbe world
today (no matter what tbe aaees or of bow long standing)
tnatbToeeof LINCOLN SEXUAL PILLS aceordieg to
directions, waieb nre eiaspte aed very eesy to follow, will
fail to permanently eare. Why do yea reaaete weak wbee
UMOOLN SEXUAL PILLS will aaake yea eteoegf
Prtaa. el 00 oar box bar of -ear druflgjat at seat by
esatl en receipt of prios, to pisl
Sexton & Walther
Hardware, Iron
and Steel
A 1.11 Una ni RRIIH3K A KAUH
ka BUrKKlOK araeL assuas, mm
awa a a i . . ii
r uooa one neeima outvea.
FARMING IMPLEMENTS. Ageata lev Honeier Drills, J. 1. Osse Steel Wmm
Harrows ead Plows. Sprlag Tooth Harrows, Bissell Obilled Plows, Mllsbeil Waf
oas and Hacks, Heaoey Buggies.
.Star Windmills
With Ball ead AeUar baarlaga, ead felly w err sated.
Write es far priese ead i
All ardors aatraatad te aa wili aare grempt tteatlea.