The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 30, 1901, Image 1

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NO. 268
f 1 : .
Brrnr Corrected. J aaa MiJWlBI Bi
Uncle Sam May Not Get tbe Islands
After AH Agitation Against tbe
Sale Foreign Minister at Copen
hagen Will Request Secretary Hay
to Allow Aarrangements for a
Copenhagen, Dec. 23. The agitation
against the sale of the Danish West
Indies has placed the government in an
embarrassing position. There is much
difference of opinion as to how far pub
lic sentiment against the eale is genuire
and how far it is the work of speculators
and promoters. At any rate, it has im
pressed the foreign minister to the ex
tent of his being determined to request
Secretary Hay to allow of an arrange
ment for a plebiscite. The matter will
be settled through Copenhagen, and not
through the Danish minister at Wash
ington It is generally declared in well-informed
circles here that the islanders
favor tbe sale. But the chief argument
advanced by tbe large majority is that
there Bhould be a plebiscite like that of
The fact that the Danish government
is reopening the negotiations indicates
that there is much doubt in the mmdtof
tbe authorities as to bow accurately tbey
have ganged the national sentiment.
In the meanwhile those who'are op
posed to tbe sale are formulating nn
merous plans for realizing on tbe trop
ical asset so long neglected. A com
pany has jnst been formed for improv
ing tbe economic status of tbe islands,
in tbe event that tbey are not sold. Tbe
directors include many influential per
sons. -
Turns np In Bam Franolaoo
New Yobe, Dec. 28. Frank Hoi burn,
40 years old, of Brooklyn, who disap
peared from bis borne in November of
last year, and whose body was supposed
to bave been found in tbe Hackeneack
river, is alive and well in San Francisco.
A body taken from tbe water was iden
tified as tbat of Frank Holburn, and
was buried by bis father last March.
William Holburn, brother of tbe miss
ing man, has just received a letter dated
Ban Francisco, and signed by Frank
Holburn. Tbe writer did not explain
wby be left, but said be was about to go
to Ban Jose, Cel., and would write again
when be was settled. He said be would
secure a home for bis .wife and two
Holburn, who was employed by a
well-known jeweler, was insured in tbe
Brooklyn Council, Legion of Honor, but
the insurance waa not paid. He wrote
tbat ha bad nearly ctreled tbe globe, and
it is supposed tbat be boarded some ship
at tbe time of bis disappearance.
Msrkham.a Maw Foiltlou.
Houston, Tex., Dec. 28. At a meet
ing of tbe directors of tbe Houston &
Texas Central Railroad company, C. H.
Markbam was elected vice-president
and executive bead of tbe lines of tbe
system. Mr. Markbam. is now assistant
freight traffic manager of tbe Pscific
division of the Southern Pacific, with
headquarters at Ban Francisco.
Well -Known Commercial Man.
Pacific Gbovk, Cel., Dec. 28. Adrian
C. Rosendale.a commercial traveler.well
known on tbe Pacific coast, died very
suddenly at his home ia tbia city this
morning. Death was caused by a clot
in the left auricle of the heart.
Ihh Two rom Ooath.
"Oar Utile daughter had an almost fa
tal attack of whooping cough and bron-
ebitls," writea Mrs. W. K. Haviland. of
Armonk. N. .. "but, when all other
remedies failed, we saved her life with
Dr. King 'a New Discovery. Our niece,
who had Consumption in an advanced
stage, also need this wonderful medicine
and to-day ahe la perfectly well." Des
perate throat and long diseases yield to
Dr. King's New Discovery as to no other
medicine on earth. Infallible fa Coughs
An impression seems to prevail that
"A Romance of Coon Hollow" is a show
given by colored people. This is a great
error and probably has arisen from the
fact that it is a Southern drama. Tbe
cast is made op entirely of well known
actors and actresses, at the head of
whom is tbe favorite little soubrette
star, Iola Pomeroy. The play is a very
pretty southern heart story, and while
it has intense and exciting incidents it
is not the usual melodrama, but natural
and pastoral in. its treatment. Tbe New
York Herald, when it was originally
produced in tbat city, styled it as a
Tennessee 'Old Homestead' " and
Allan Dale, in the New York World,
wrote of it: "The strength of "Cor n
Hollow" lies in its humanity. It is the
characters tbat make the play ; they are
fleet) and bllood real pulsative beings."
The comedy is given the same beau
tiful production that marked its launch
ing in New York, as all of the splend d
scenery is carried. "A Romance cf
Coon Hollow" will appear at the Vogt
tonight December 30th.
Brain Food Nonaenae.
Another ridiculous food fad lias been
Draodcd by tbe most competent author
ities. Tbey have dispelled the silly no
tion that one kind of food is needed for
brain, another for muscles, and still an
other for bones. A correct diet will not
only nourish a particular part of the
body, hut it will sustain every other
part. Yet, however good your food may
be, its nutriment is deft roved by indi
gestion or dyepeysia. You must pre
pare for their appearance or prevent
their coming by taking regular doses of
Green's August Flower, the favorite
medicine of tbe healthy millions. A few
doses aids digestion, stimulates tbe liver
to healthy action, purifies tbe blood, and
makes you feel buoyant and vigorous.
You can get Dr. G. C. Gieen's reliable
remedies at Blakeley'a drug store. Get
Green's Special Almanac. 1
riB7d oat.
Dull Headache, Pains in various parts
of tbe body, Sinking at tbe pit of tbe
stomach, Loss of appetite, Feverishness,
Pimples or Sores are all positive eviden
ces of impure blood. No matter bow it
became so it must be purified in order
to obtain good health. Acker's Blood
Elexir has never failed tocure Scrofulous
or Syphilitic poisons or any otber blood
diseases. It is certainly a wonderful
remedy and we sell every bottle on a
positive guarantee, tflakeley, tbe drug
When your hair appears dry and to
have lost its vitality it wants something
to give it life and vigor. We bave wbat
tbe hair needs when it gets in tbat con
dition. We bave a the Crown of
Science Hair fit Grower and
Gocoanut Cream1 Mr Tonic. They
ill cure dand eaaeaw ruff and all
scalp diseasee. For sale at Fraser's bar
ber sbop. Price Due and 7oc a bottle.
Or Benefit to Von.
D. S. Mitchell, Fulford, Md. : "During
a long illness I was troubled with bed
sores, was advised to try De Witt's Witch
Hasel Balve and did so with wonderful
results. I was perfectly cored. It is
tba best salve on tbe market." Bore
cure for piles, sores, burns. Beware of
counterfeits. Clarke A Falk'a P. O.
Job Couldn't Jtta.a Stood It.
If he'd bad Itching Piles. They're
terribly annoying; hut Buck len's Arnica
Balve will cure the worst case of piles on
earth. It baa cured thousands. For In
juries, Pains or Bodily Eruptions it's
the beat salve in tbe world. Price 25c
a box. Cure guaranteed. Bold by G, C.
Blakeley, tbe druggist. 6
What's Your Face Worth?
Sometimes a fortune, but sever, if you
hsve a sallow complexion, a jaundiced
look, moth patches and blotches on the
skin.-all signs of Livt-r Trouble. But
Dr. King's New Ufa Pills give Clear
Skin, Rosy Cheeks, Rich Complexion.
Only 25 cents at G. C. Blakeley'a Drug
Store. 6
During the next two months Iuis
Comini will sell every monument in his
yard at a discount of J20 per cent below
regular prices. The monuments must
be sold aa he needa the money to pay
his debts, d21-ti
fo atop CM.
After exposure or whan you fee) a cold
coming on, take a does of Foley's Money
and Tar. It never fails to atop a cold If
taken time. Clarke A Falk.
Floral lotion will cure wind ahenptng
and sunburn. Manufactured by tnarae
Boys' Suits j& j&
OouW any offer come at a tinu
more opportune than this?
The winter is before you quite
possible your boys' clothing is get
ting worn ami shabby nIiouM we
have a storm with a flurry of snow
he might possibly suffer for the want
of a warm overcoat.
In the face of all these possibilities
we say any suit or overcoat for
laiyo or small boy att at re
duced price.
Bring this list with you ami select
$2 or 2.50 garment
for $1.80
$3 or 3.50 garment
for 2.65
$4 or 4.50 garment
for 3.35
So or o. 50 garment
for 4.15
$6 or 6.50 garment
for 5.15
$7, 7.50 or 8.00 gar
ment for 5.90
$8.50, 9.00 or 10.00
garment for 7.35
$12, 12.50 or 13.50
garment for 9.85
Suits, Overcoats,
Ulsters, Coats
and Vests V
for one more day only,
at these special reductions. With the
close of the vear ends the greatest cloth
ing side we have ever held in December
turning out more goods giving better
value ami satisfying more people than
ever before.
If you need a suit an overcoat an
ulster or a heavy coat and vest to
morrow is your chance ami
to secure absolute choice of any suit or
overcoat, worth tio or more, in stuck
at theee reductions :
$10 to 12.50 garments
choice $8.45
$13.50 to 15.00 gar
ments, ehgico 10 65
$15.50 to 18.75 gar
ments, choice 13.85
$19 to 24.00 garments,
choice 16.85
$25 to 30.00 garments,
choice 21.85
In the Ladies' SUIT Department j&
We continue to sell all Ladies', Misses' and Children's Coats
Children's coats
$3.00 garments reduced to $2.25
5.00 " " 3.75
Ladies' coats
$12.00 garments reduced to $9.75
16.00 " " 12.76
18.00 " " " 15.00
20.00 ' " " 16.50
30.00 " " " 22.50
a In
"Little Beauty"
is what we call it. A child's
shoe, fully as good as mama's,
and cheapest in the end.
M?de from selected kid
skin, and made right.
8i to 11 $1.75
1J to 2 2.00
Our School Shoes
are as cheap as anybod y'n
and need less mending.
Majle of ebony calf, and
made to wear.
8& to 1 1 $1.50
11) to 2 1.V5
if o take
Of the product of tbia well-knoan brewery the United States Health
Reports for Jane . MOO, soys: "A more supeilor brow never entered
the labratory of tba United States Health reports. It is absolutely devoid
of the slig btaet trees of adulteration, but on the otber hand is composed of
tbe beat of malt and choicest of bops. Its tonic qualities are of the high
est and it can be need with tbe greatest benefit and satisfaction by old and
young. Its use can conscientiously be prescribed by tbe physicians with
the eersainty tbat a better, purer or more wholesome beverage could not
a a J a IS
poesiDiy no louua.
East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON.
ttiittmoM aw4
f - JbbVbbbbbbbbV Wataaaa
imF HHH Wmm 1
There is not a case of nervous weak ores ia tbe world
today (no matter what the sense or of bow long standing)
lb tto neorf LINCOLN HEX UAL FILLS aceordlog to
directions, wolea are simple and very easy to follow, will
fall to aarmaasatlr eere. Why do yon remain weak whew
LINCOLN SEXUAL PILLS will make yon strong f
Pries, $100 par box-bey of vear draggtat or seat by
Mil an receipt of pries, ia ptaia wrapper.
USO0LI FB0rUBTA.1T CO It. Tape, U.
fTltal.igant, The Deltas.
Sexton & Walther
Hardware, Iron
and Steel
A fall Hoe of BRIDGE A REACH
Cook and Heating Stoves.
FARMING IMFLEM EN rs. Agents for Hoosier Drills, J. I. Gees Steel Pins
Harroos and Plows. Spring Tootb Harrows, Bissell Chiliad Plows. Mttebell Wag.
o as and Hacks, Heaoey Boggles.
...Star Windmills,..
With Ball and Roller bearings, and fully warranted.
Write as tar prions and aatatagnes.
All orders sntraatad tana will hats prompt attoettae.
Prions alwaye right.
Tba only abatarire Hardwire stheetty.
Toe will not
Clarke Path's
cere tar batam.