The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 28, 1901, Image 1

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NO. 267
Went on a Reef sod Sank to the Bot
tom Anchors Forced Through
Vessel's Boll Captain Blames the
Tug Walittla far Disaster.
The Dalles Celilo Project in Better Fa
vor Than Ever Portage Road
Plan is Unsafe If Urged Too Per
sistaotly, Congress May Recognize
Only the Latter Scheme.
Abtobu, Dec 27. The French bark
Henrinttn, laden with redwood lumber
for England, towpeled aver in the npper
harbor last night, and this afternoon is
nearly submerged, only the tope of her
masts being above water edge at high
tide. There is a hole in the vessel's
bottom, hat the extent of the damage
haa not vet been definitely ascertained.
The Renriette arrived down tho river
several days ago and was taken to an
chorage font east of the O. R. AN.,
docks. During the storm ol Christmas
night abe dragged her anchor, drifting
to a point near ebore. As the bark
drew very litiie water, there was no
concern for her, and abe was immedi
ately towad back into de?p water.
Last night the tide was very low, and
about 10 o'clock the Henriette grounded.
Fearing she would capsize when the
tide fell still further, the cuptain sent
for a tug, and Captain Keating went to
his assistance with the Eagle, taking
the crew ashore. The captain remained
aboard, a skiff having been provided for
As the tide fell, the bark settled .either
on her own anchor or on a rook. A
bole wag stove in her bottom and she
began to fill at once. . By midnight
there were three feat of water in the
bold. As the water came np in the
vessel's bold she slipped out into greater
depth, and before daylight was bnll
down in water. Vbe rests on am eveni
keel upright. The owners have been
communicated wilb, bnt pending the
receipt nf advice from them, nothing!
will be done.
Railway Will Kcduoe Their Bates.
6t. PaiTl, Dec. 27. The Northern
Pacific will soon announce a revision of
its present freight tariffs covering the
territory between St. Paul and the
Pacific coast, and establishing throngh
rates. Similar tariffs covering the ter
ritory between St. Paul and the Pacific
coast and establishing lower through
rates will be announced at the aame
time bv the Great Northern.
Northern Pacific freight clerks have
been at work on the revision for more
than two months. It is stated semi
officially that the important feature of
the new tariffs will be tbe removal
of discriminations that have gradually
grown for several years, and radical
changes, especially in local rates, that
will adjust many subjects of complaints
from shipper. The new Great North
ern tariffs will be constructed on similar
lines. Both roads it is asserted, will
make voluntary reductions in rates,
based upon tbe increased earning ca
pacity of their lines and tbe growth of
Deelerea That God Bartered Bit Sight
Nuw Yobk, Dec. 27. Religious circles
in tbe city are interested in tbe an
nouncement by Rev. Dr. Charles M.
Herald, nastor of the Betbesda Con
gregational church, Brooklyn, who waa
Dr. Herald appeared at tbe council of
Conereaational ministers at tbe fcm
manual Congregational church, called
tn luMion the reaia-netion of the Rev.
Dr. E. P. Ittgereoll, who had accepted
the pustyioe of secretary of tbe Amen
An Rl hie Roc let v.
In peaking of bis recovery, Dr. Her
ald declared that God bad restored his
aieht Haeaid:
When the spcgoon performed the
Alteration ha amid there waa no hope of
m.eH. e.i.eeaihe: the slant. I then
lone-ht tbe baffle, the most stubborn
and moat trvinc battle 1 have ever
known In say 18 years' experience as a
Drencher of the gospel. The enemy or
m. eiteUhee annoorori And ietfcd t Ue
eevlnw : 'Now do urn .believe Mat spe
Washington', Dec. 27. The necessity
for permanently overcoming the obstruc
tions in the Columbia river between The
Dalies and Celilo is'eenerallv recognised
and acknowledged, both by engineer of
ficers and bv members of the rivers and
harbors and commerce committees, and
the canal project of Captain Harts ia re
garded as by far the most sensible
scheme yet proposed. It Is now ont of
the question to get further consideration
for the old boat railway project, tbe
choice therefore resting between tbe
canal and a portage road.
After a careful canvass of tbe situation
among the engineers and members of
the committee handling the rivers and
harbors bill, it is concluded that to carry
out the suggestion of tbe Portland
Chamber of Commerce, asking for a
portage road while a canal is being built,
would be an unwise, if not a very un
safe step. If these committees see that
the delegation -will favor a portage road
under any considerations, they are like
ly in a diplomatic way to place them in
the position of accepting tbe portage
road or nothing- and it is feared that if
the portage road is asked for in addition
to the canal, tbe portage road, and not
the canal, will be recognized. It is
pointed ont that probably both com
mittees would consent to tbe insertion
in the hill of provisions tor tho canal and
portage road, but whan the bill goes to
conference, tbe provision for canal and
locks would be stricken out and tbe por
tage road alone would survive. . If this
is done there is little probability that an
appropriation for tbe canal could be
bad for many years to come, as the
opinion yet prevails in some sections
that tbe commerce of tbe upper river
does not Warrant tbe expenditure of
$4,000,000 on a canal.
Yet .engineers and manymembers of
the committees have come to realize
that a canal only can fully develop the
commerce of tbe Upper Columbia and
8nake rivers. They admit that a por
tage road wonld not develop this com
merce to such proportions as a canal,
and that tbe only way to develop that
commerce is to construct tbe canai.
There la also a'most general realization
of tbe necessity for a water outlet from
the great Inland Empire, as pointed out
in the memorial of tbe Portland chamber
of commerce.
Generally speaking, The rDallee-Celilo
nroiect now stands in better favor than
ever before, but there is unquestionably
danger in urging a portage road project
simultaneously with tbe canal.
Dane 1 Married.
Nica, Dec. 27. The civil ceremony of
the marriaoe of Senator Uuauncy an
nauew and Miss May Palmer took place
at S o'clock this afternoon in tbe United
state, consulate. Tbe bride s witnesses
were Baron von Andre and Baron de
Centaleose. Tbe bridegroom's witneeees
were James Gordon Bennett and lxuni
Among others present were Mrs. Pal
mer, Uo unless ae oer euu ...v
von Andre.
Senator Depew was in excellent
health. . Tbe bride was charmingly
Tbe bride, being a Catholic, there win
be two religious ceremonies, me urst
iu take nlana at Notre Dame and the
second at the Episcopal church, at 11
o'clock In the morning and at noon io-
..,n. reanaetlvelv. when bluejackets
ftam the United Jnlatee urateer Albany
will form t guard of honor.
That Clothing Sale we've been telling you about since early this month, is com
ing to a close soon. DeCe 5 1st is the last day. If for any reason you have
neglected to provide yourself with suitable clothing Men's or Boys' delay no
longer You will positively regret it if you do for neither this store, nor any
other, will hereafter offer the same inducements we are now making.
For a few days longer these prices will prevail until Dec 3 1 tn
Tei 1'enmill
VSeeag asSennl tLamfl
4h jLJwamw IgeTSnrnB
Could any offer come at a timo
more opportune than this?
The winter is before you quite
possible your boys' clothing is get
ting worn and "shabby should we
have a storm with a flurry of snow
he might iHmsibly suffer for the want
of a warm overcoat.
In the faee of all these itossihilities
we say any suit or overcoat for
large or small lwy sit at
txmacem price.
Bring tins list with you ami select
any. .. . .
$2 of 2.50 garment
for $1.80
$3 or 3.50 garment
for 2.65
$4 or 4.50 garment 1
for 3.86
$5 or 5.50 garment
for 4.16
$6 or 6.50 garment
for 6.15
$7, 7.50 or 8.00 gar
ment for o 5.90
$8.50, 9.00 or 10.00
garment for 7.85
$12, 12.50 or 13.50
garment for 9.85
Suits and Overcoats
for a few days longer at thesi- sccial
reuueuons. ,
In the next four days of this sale we
expect to put the finishing touches on
the most successful PeccnilM-r OtOthlng
business this store has ever enjoyed.
We have given values such as no one
cxjectel even here. Hkeotical jhoIc
have wiiiie ami gone away satinfletl.
.Satisfied with wjiat they bought with
'what they saw and satisfied that we do
just us we advert Us to do always.
$10 to 12.50 garments
choice $8.45
$13.50 to 15.00 gar
ments, choice 10 65
$15.50 to 18.75 gar-
mentB, choice.. 18.66
$19 to 24.00 garments,
choice 16.85
$25 to 30.00 garment,
cjioieo 21.85
rW a.
rar XI M InW
11 ami 0!Hp7ni I
fl Ml I m j
Mr I a ff
Brela Food .Nomtuw.
Another ridiculous food fad has been
oranded by tbe most competent author
ities. They have dispelled the silly no
tion that one kind of food is needed for
brain, another for muscles, and still an
other for bones. A correct diet will not
only nourish a particular part of the
body, but it will sustain every other
Krt. Yet, however good your food may
, its nutriment Is destroyed by indi
gestion or dyspeysia. You most pre
pare for their appearance or prevent
their coming by taking regular doses of
Green's August Flower, tbo favorite
medicine of the healthy millions. A few
j miMm ilmnUlai the liver
UUIC1 PIU. UlVD.tUU , . "
to healthy action, purifies the blood, and
makes you feel buoyant and vigorons.
You can get Dr. G. C. Gieen's reliable
remedies at Blakeley 's drug store. . Get
Green's Special Almanac. . 1
Your race
Shows the state of your feelings and the
state of your health as well. Impure
blood makes itself apparent iu a pale
and sallow complexion, Pimples and
Skin Eruptions If y6u are feeling
weak and worn ont end do not have a
haalthr appearance you should try
Acker's Blood Elixir. It cures all blood
diaeaees where cheap Sarsepanllas ana
so called purifiers fall ; knowing this we
aeil every bottle on a positive guarantee.
Blakeley ; to urnggiet.
appears dry end to
It e-anta sornethint
view. We have what
the heir needs when ft ajsie In that eon
havs lost its vitality it
to give it liw ana
.7 oaten eed Jewels.
Jee, csndy, flowers, man that it
tbe order of a woman's preferences
Jewels form a magnet of mighty powei
to the average woman. Even tbat
greatest of ail jewels, health, Is often
mined in tbe strenuous efforts to make
or aave the money to purchase tbsm. If
a woman will risk her bealtb to get a
coveted gem, then let her fortify beraelf
against tbe insiduous consequences of
coughs, colds and bronchial affections by
tbe regular use of Dr. Boacheo's German
Syrup. It will promptly arrest con
sumption in its early tages and heal tbe
affected Inngs and bronchial tunas ana
drive tbe dieed disease from tbe system.
aa a . I . I a f
It Is not a cure an, not it is a wrw
cure for coughs, colds and all bronchial
troubles. You can get Dr. u.u.ureens
reliable remedies at Elakeley'a drug
store. Get Green a special Almanac, i
lereraaetlee Waat.d
The msnufacturera of Burner we've
having alwaya believed tbat no doctor or
medicine een cure in every ease, but
sever having eard where Bannei Halve
failed to' core a leers, sores, tetter,
tcsems, or piles, as a matter of curiosity
would like to know II there are such
cases. If so they will gladly refund tbe
tbe money. Clarke A Falk.
A Katies, atoertag Meed.
Washed down a telegraph lias which
Ones. C. E.lis, of Lisbon, Is., had to re-
air. "Standing waief aeepin icy war.
rites, "save me a inrnnie com eon
g'AKJdlAu UrUfaabA is -Harrows
and Plows. Spring- To h
onsand Hacks, nennev nut-fir.
...Star Windmills...
With Ball and Killer hearings, ami fully warranted.
Write us for prices and falaluguvs.
All orders entrusted to as will have prompt attention.
Prices always right.
The only Exclusive Hardware Store in the etty.
Sexton & WaHtrar
Hardware, Iron
and Steel
A full Una of BRIDGE A BEACH
Cook snd Hsatlag Stoves.
I Healer Drills. J. I. GsSS Steal fate
h:.sT Chined Plows. Wltebeil We.
n - X J Dee. 17. United
States Senator William J, Bewail wind at
ut. kJ. hare at 9 -JO a. m. today. He
enflered from diabetes, complicated with
r m'm. . U-
atoeaaeb ana ww"""
Jlelee. IsVen heiVn. Am the, CrOVD Ol
Seteon Bil'SJajr 4fa
T a. liimnen". Fafaiw Md. : "During
. u iileees I was troubled with bed
I area narleet It cored. U is
tbVbeet salve on the market."
OOhsTd'B fWCeJ MlvnTlUl.
a n', V-e.-n n-"-e' eeeveyeAa
worse daily. Finally
wwr' w n w v v r It . s '
tbe ijest doctors lo.Uakiana. nan., oious
CViUa-hs. Colds and all
aad eould not live. Than I began nalng
Dr. King's Bear. W
wholly cured a;
Throat aad I.loe troubles Of G. 0.
Blskelev, tbe druggist, race eve. o
Darin the nest two aaonshe luis
Cosaini will sail every monument In his
vard at a diacouut of : tr sent setow
neeulew swiewB. The aonumenU meet
heeoU aa he needs tl money to
hie debta. ttlHl
Of the prodostof thlswellnoua
. - m ; ea lean mi i 11 1
the lebretory of tbe United States H
of tbe slightest trees of adulteratloe
the best of melt end shrissat af heg
set and it see be used with tas erne
Ike Ualted tteess HsaJth W
leeltfa reports. I M aheslateJr tNM M
, bet on the other beau te sum.BusasTil
, Im iouls oaaltttee araot. tnonssay m