r i Christmas has come and gone but yet there are a few who have to make New Year gifts. While we are straight ening up, the remnants of our Christmas goods will be offered at 12 rice .... Special Offering of Silk Waists The lot includes our whole stock plain, black and fancies, ranging in price from $0 to $18 will be offered at I -5 off. PEASE 5t MMYS. The Dalles Dally Chronicle. FRIDAY DEC. 27, 1901 Oysters Served In any Style... At Andrew Keller's. TREASURER'S NOTICE. All ITiho County warrant registered prior to January 4, 1899, will be paid a presentation at my office. Interest ease after November 19, 1901. JOHN F. HAIUFBHIRB, County Treasurer. VAYSIDE GLEANINGS. IHik for the big ad. of The Fair. iet shaved early tomorrow night. One dollar spent in The Fair store i 1 title you to twenty cents worth free. Mrs. Mary Beers is quite ill at the homf of her daughter, Mrs. Isaac Joles. Wanted Girl to wait on table. Ap ly at Mrs. Nelson's boarding house. d87-3t The New Year Chbomcle. Price 10 cents. On Male after January lBt at tills office. Have you Been the proposition made by The Fair store? It will pay you to look it up. Wanted A steady reliable woman for upstairs work at the hotel. Apply at the Umatilla House. dec27-lwk l.t-ave your order for extra copies of the New Year edition of The Chronicle t t Ids office. Price 10 cent. II undreds of dollars are spent in news l'.ler advertisement. Just at present we are spending it with our customers. The Fair. C. Bridgefarmer, of Hartland, who "ld 1 1 is ranch some time ago to some eastern parties, has moved to The Dulles to send the winter. i n account of the banquet tomorrow night Prof. Sandvig announces that his QmirI soiree will be postponed until Tuesday evening next. 2-2t Re member, the barber shops will close at 0 o'clock sharp tomorrow night, iid that will make it a close "shave" for the barbers to attend 'the banq Dtirinir the absence of Lawrence AhiKworth, who is on a visit to friends in California, Bart Baldwin has assumed lus duties as nurser on the steamei Regulator. Why wait end than look for cheap clothing, whan by buying now and taking advantage of A. M. Williams & C"'s wale, you pat goad clothing at cheap 'hulling prioes. The Columbia Southern hotel changed hands last Suaday aaoraiag, Fen Baity the laudktd, who was torsierly clerk at the I'aaaaULe Hoeae, .reAiriaf and f, M. Keny taking efcatge. Mr. and Mrs. Batty came down from Shaniko yester- possible date, and our citizen?, who day noon and left last night for Spokane, have been in darkness so long, can af where Fen expects to go into the hotel ford to possess themselves in patience business again. - for the great light which is to be there's Bernard P. Markhatn, of Dafar, sndV the near future, hie witnesses T. M. Thompson and Ed- ) In mentioning the Christmas exercises win Bnrlingame were in town today, to lesterday we inadvertently omitted the give testimony In Mr. Markham's final services held at the Episcopal church proa' on homestead. """i fchrist mas morning, which were said,by The stated annual communication of those who attended, to be most impres- Wasco Lodge No. 16, A. F. & A. M., will sai A pleasing feature of the service lie held this (Friday) evening at 7 :S0 1m the offertory song by Mr. Gilbert o'clock. Installation of officers. A full Pulmer. Tomorrow afternoon at 2 attendance ie requested. By order of o'clock Christmas exerciass will be given the W. M. O. D. Doane, Sec. at tlie church by the pupils of the Bun- dav school, and at its close the memliers Tbe teachers and pupils of onr poblic o( thJ BBjlooI-wiB raarch to SchannoV schools are short on their vacation this h(k whvn a tree and wil, year, school commencing again Monday, bfm furthe chndren and giving them only Wednesday for a holiday. Tbe vacation on account of e "f ' brightest little youths in diphtheria ie responsible for the short- T,e Dll " B ken W laBt evening ae about 0 o'clock, when Willie Byers, son , , .. . ,,,, of Mrs. Ben Wilson, died of tvphoid The Bakeoven section seems to have ' t, .71 , , , ... .4. j,.j.,.,A. pneumonia. He was not a strong cJnld been thoroughlv "in it" yesterday morn- r ., ,i . i. ..' P.ri ; ), and two weeks ago he was taken with ing that is, in the storm. Early in the ' 6 , ui i i typhoid fever which developed into imeu- morning a regular blizzard took place, hr ,. ' . . ... . . . . . . monia. dlie was born ni the Dalles snow falling thick and fast, but failing .Tj i u-u v .i j in u : ten vears ago and being the only child to reach the ground ontil the wind had . -A ,. , j i i u.n u, .:j has been the light of the home, idolized used it for a football. Heavy wind . ' l i a n .i .... by both his mother andstei-fatlier. The storms seem to have prevailed all along ' ...., . ., , ., ! . funeral will take place from the familv the coast. . . o i . . . residence on Second street tomorrow The case of B. H. Shaw, who was ar- (Saturday) afternoon at2o'clock. Friends rested at Cascade Locks a few months the family are invited. since on the charge of obtaining money j i i I. 7 Z Our business men are showing their under false pretense, came up before , " . t j j i .t : a... appreciation of a great enterprise, which Judge Bradehaw this morning, when i i 1 n m . , . .v. thev realize will up build The Dalles as Shaw pleaded guilty to the charge and r . ' e mn.ili aiu a ir itmi'iitnanr tliat iteiu itvar . 11 If I I iiittvii ear- biii uivH Uioim '""v asawa v w,w wan Beiitenoed to a year and a half in ,n , .... I rvt'Ti wtflrtn rMkrtv 111 n munriHr wliiili im the penitentiary. He will be taken to r ' r nntir-K - tittiiur nv -i rrs 1 1 irinw fur !l saltsm tomorrow. . "T7T . , . "T . IUBIlijUt'l VI111U11 Will UO gJYl'M Ml IUV Umatilla House tomorrow night in honor message irom Heppner inis Mnu. U tht Waao Yirdmai Milllna Com- to the effect that the football team will ny aud t,(t uew ijl(iUKtry they gre now arrive nere on tne noon irtin wiuuriuw, (.1mniti. Beside,. il,e menu tn.utinB provided the strength of the team in the t.xtrenuf gpieudid music will be doesn't intefere with the progress of No. gimi Dy th(J or(.heBtrll and Hpeeches bv L The wind played havoc with the myerti f our citize ns. The .rogram fence about the football grounds Wed- win , publiaiied tomorrow, newday night ; but the boys are repair- Mv nd rvthimr will he in According to a Pendleton paper Henry -lun.fnilM un. bv 2 o'clock Sun- Fowler came near having a serious fire day at his residence between 6 and 7 o'clock t-L ...u r.f TKo rmiioa. who unon Christmas evening. By quick work, .v .... i.v a., thor- however, he succeeded in averting the .....i.i tJ i, anlndid music in caUstrophe. Mr. and Mrs. Fowler had wur.wj . r- . . ..... v- i . the various churches of the city, win re- I-" . gretto learn tlt the First Coagrega- house made of pasteboard, . overed and fional church ha. deemeditexpedie.it li.ied with cotton Utting, with burning to dispense with tl paid choir, of which candle, inside. In some manner this ! . ' l,iiB eauirht fire and a general alarm Mrs. Bauer was soprano, nowever, n i - . . - , , ..... Ireaaonable to that so Uvge , 'ITIZ jpular a church wiU arrange for a L which, if not compos! of such arrived, and its service, were not re- .in . 1. l.irniah OUirea wnen it cnuie. in usuc w... 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 L lUKVir, vw Mi a supiJ1" - good music. during January. The nights which Mr. Ivin desired were already engaged and Mr. Clarke lias offered the house for another date, which Mr. Levin has nU as yet accepted. Miss Mrrtte Buffs, who , ..... ; oengnim tne aiuttcmv in the pro ! duction of "The Henrietta" here a year ago, is leading lady, and upon their ap j pearance in Salem Christmas night the I Statesman gave the company a most I flattering send off. Should they viit TheDal's no doubt that will U en thusiaVticaliy received. Last week a rumor was prevalent, especially to the south of us, that Pease & Mays intend to go out of business at this place the first of the year. A re porter of the Leader interviewed the firm in question and they informed us that such sn idea had never entered their heads, as their trade is all they could wish for and is rapidly increasing. They said to show the people that their prcmanency in business here was be yond question, in the spring they con templated enlarging their present quarters to accommodate their rapidly growing business, as already they were hampered for room. The firm has five persons constantly employed hen', and no idle hours do any of the employes find. They want their patrons, as well as all others to understand that they are as permanently located in Shaniko as Mt. Hood is in the Cascade range. Shaniko Leader. A pastoral, natural drama, flavored with the breezy local color of Tennessee life, and permeated with the soft South ern atmosphere of its valleys, describes "A Romance of Coon Hollow," which has been one of the substantial triumphs of the last seven seasons. This success is in part due to the magnificent scenic effects, among which are a realistic steamboat race between R. E. Lee and the Natchez, also a cotton compress in actual operation. But the play meets favor witl. thoughtful people on worthier grounds. It is splendidly constructed, the characters are flesh and blood beings, the plot is very dramatic and interest ing, and the humor genuinely funny without beiug - farcical. A number of intrinsic features lend interest to the production; the electrical effects, showing a night in a Southern country place, are novel and pretty. A "red hot" troupe of male and female plantation darkey dancers, and an excellent vocal quartette add volumes to the entertainment. The capable cast is strengthened this season by the popular soohrette star, I "la Pomeroy, who has )een specially engaged. "Coon Hollow" will be seen at the Yogt Monday night. Advertised Letters. Following is the list of letters remain ing in the poetoffice at Tbe Dalles un called for December 27, 1901. Persons calling for the same will give date on which they were advertised : Alexander, W M Bonn, .lames M Brune, Mr I. Brown, Carrie Clark, Thomas Conley, (ieorge Cooper, Miss L K Davis, George Enact, Charles French, Mrs E I Pagan, Joe tiregg, 11 W Helms. Aria Johnson, A S Kirk, J E Murphy, A W McDonnell, Kdwin Ncotnis, James O'Brien, James Brown, i S (2) B.e hi el, Arthur Craven, Geo W Coruett, Q M Carlson, Fred Duncan, E W Kisenhut, Churles Faust, Kdward V Green, Sam Granberg, A Johnson, Mrs Kimball, Sam Kellendonk, Lizzie Miler, May McCoy, Edwin Onediikirk, Wm O'Connell, James I Plummer, Clarence Reyburn, Jot Hose, K Stevens, Marion Sugerman, K Smith, J A Vanzante, Mr Williams, Katie Sharder.Miss M Shurn, Willard O Starr, C W Turner, Miss M Van Clark, Mr Ward H L Johnson' A 8 J. M. Pattkkson, P. M. Tbe leading questions at present are "When will we have our street lightaf" "When will the electrical power he brought into the city?" The reporter has endeavored to aaeertaia an ana war to these inquiries, but ia vein- No oae is at present able to give the oxact daia. Probably by tbe first of the pear j pa atblr not so soon. Tbeeasapaay is its utmost to have it in at the probably amount to $100 in re-papering the room and touching op some of the furniture that was damaged by the A abort time since Manager Clarke received a letter from Percy Levin, who ie well known to Dalies people, havieg given several plays hem. ieformieg him teas he is now oa tbe road with a reper toire company snasamaai'Srtng to tbe Vogtfora Unas eights Hose at Mine. It is the desire of the barbers of the city to close their places of business to morrow night at 9 o'clock sharp. Their patrons will, therefore, confer a great favor on them by being on hand at the earliest possible hour. The year round they are compelled to work late and thus aciommodate their patrons; this ome they ask that the tables be turned. Many of tbeir number are members of the orchestra ; others are desirous of taking part in the banquet at the I 'ma tilla Kousf. H you want to get shaved be on hand early. Bafles. Attention! a large attendance is requested at the meeting of Dalles Aerie No. 106 next Sunday evening, as nomination of officers will be the order of the evening. CASTOR I A For Intent end Cbiifiree. Hi KM Yn Han Always tigM the of Foaad lost Saturday, a child's ring with diamond setting. Apply at Mrs. Jones' safe sad pay smtortMeg ebsvrges. eat Blakeley s Drug Store, S Our new nT Cbrlstme tlnte ll . ... sre finer than ever. Medallions Um lhrM ,imM M mBmf are all 1901 subjects ' r The prices are 25 to 30 per rent No oarry-orers. ,ower lh,n Portland. MAII. ORUKHK iwvlte our QfTil DIMSCC I KTrrj I'ecsss 1rltrv! Vrse. IfTi.tml sttrnlltm DU I H rllUHw lron.tlT. In the rln JONES' CAFE. First-Class. Regular Meals. ...SPECIAL SUNDAY DINNER... Royal Toke Point and Olympia Oysters served at all hours and in all styles. Agency ALDON BRAND delicious Chocolates and Confections Always fresh. GET THE MONET in the glass jar in our Window. We wiU give it to the one guessing near est tc the amount the jar contains. Contest closes Maroh 1st, 1002. ...MAYS CROWE... Trilby and Cole's Original Air-Tight Heaters For Wood end Lighter Fuel. Tbs introduction of Cols's Original Air-Tiihi Hester has revolution ized tbe besting stove trade in all sections of tbe United States. Its won derful economy in the use of fuel, and many other escslltnt tjaalitiM, str mgly recommend it to all in neei of a heating store. What Cole'e Heater Will Do. This stove will beat a room from aero to 80 degress Id firs minutes. It will hsat yonr bouse evenly day and night. It holds firs 30 boors without attsnttoe. You build only one tire each winter. It bnrns chips, bsrk, lssves, paper snd coin cobs, and aires eiesllsnt resolts wltb this fosl, which is ordinarily wasted. The stove is light snd easily moved and et op. The combustion Is perfect and ashes are removed only once in lour weeks. None of tbe heat Is wasted and tbe store will save ons-bslf of yonr fuel bill. It Is clssn, economical, convenient, tsfe snd durable. Kvsry one of Cole's Original Air-Tight Hesters Is guaranteed to stav air-tight as long as ussd. Where wood Is ossd for fuel svery family should hsve one or more of tbese stores. Sold by MAIER Ac BENTON, The Dalles. You'll have to hurry! Kvery day shows a decline in our stock of Overcoats. Wo are more determined than ever not to carry over a single Overcoat or Ulster, and we have made enormous re ductions, regardless of cost, in order to make a general clean-up of all Winter Clothing. We intend that this sale shall be a lied Letter Bale in every sense of the word never before equalled in the history of The Dalles. Call and be convinced. The Nub Clothing Co., MAYS CBOWK ttUIMMNOJ W. MAKKtLUB, Meaegcf.