The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 27, 1901, Image 1

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    xZmt jtnS LnEV
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NO. 266
Gallows Will Be Erected in Northwest
Comer of Portland Court Yard on
Which Wade and Oalton Will Suf
fer the Death Penalty.
Portland, Dm. 26. While the exe
cution of Wade and Dalton ia more than
a month off, preparations are already
being made for the execution. Sheriff
Frazier intend to do hie doty in this re
gard, "although it ie not a pleasant one,
and unless hit plans are changed, will be
tbe one to put the noose around their
necks and pnll the cord which will open
the trapdoor.
It ie proposed to erect the callows in
tbe northwest corner of the courthouse
yard, at the corner of Salmon and Fifth
streets, north of the carpenter's shop.
The gallows will be at the eust end ot
this space of ground, and will have two
traps, so that both men can be hanged
at the same time. Tbe fl or of tbe gal
lows will be about eight feet from the
ground, and tbe gaiiows will be alto
gether about 15 feet high. This it ia
estimated, will leave about loOOtqnare
feet ol available space, which will be
ample, as the sheriff intends restricting
the invitations.
As a 11 attrr of conrteey, invitations
will be Bent to all the sheriffs in the
state of Oregon and to some in the state
of Waehineton. In Portland, come
doctors, officials from the polios office
nod representatives of the press will be
accorded privileges ; but, outside these,
the sheriff proposes to be chary of grant
ing invitations.
Wade and Del ton are tbe same as ever,
tbe former especially eeemiogly having
no fear of bis impending doom. They
ate a good turkey dinner yesterday, and
this morning were writing letters, prob
ably more to pass the time away than
for any other reason. Botb men are of
the Catholic faitb, and this morning re
quested that tbe sisters be sent to them.
This request was ot course granted by
Jailer Mitchell.
The hour for the execution has not yet
been set, this being a matter discretion
ary with the sheriff, but it will probably
be between 6 and 10 o'clock in Ike morning.
Exccutiveof Washington r.Away
Be Had Been III Six Days With
Lobar Pneumonia His Snccessor,
Lieutenant-Governor McBride. is a
Storm Flayiuc Havoc.
Salt Lake, Dec. 26. Sleet and enow
storms, accompanied by wind at tome
points almost reaching tbe velocity ot a
hurricane, have played havoc with train
and tbe telegraph service in tbe North
west. In tbe mountains west of M it
eon la tbe enow and sleet was Minding.
The storm it ttill raging in tbe moun
tains, all trains are more or less delayed,
while telegraph service it completely
Spokane, Wash., aa far at telegraph
service ia concerned, is completely cut
off from tbe world. At Bntte, Mont.,
the storm came from tbe west out of a
clear sky, tbe snow driven by a fierce
wind, being to thick that it was im
possible to tee across tbe atreet.
Tbe storm apparently extended clear
t trough to tbe coast, aa laat nlgbt Seat
tle, Tacoma, Spokane and other points
reported terrific wind, and marine die
asters were feared. Wiret failed before
any dotnils could be obtained. The
etorm appears to be gradually working
south. High winda are reported from
Utah pointa today and every indication
points to a severe oiiziara w iue mir
nioautsin region.
Ta Have qaxjajt You Hul laaared
aw Yo'. Dec. 36. Acting under
Instruction! of tbe annual convention,
tbe bnttneas literature committee of the
National Aaeoaletion of Credit Men baa
recently been collecting from loading
credit men tbroogbouttbe coontry viowe
bow in the neoseaity of merobxnta,
mmd nil iotstsstad mi
tnorcautils pursuits eaxiftag to in
euranct ax an assist It I to credit.
Quito a large amount of onto on this
subject bos boon received whtob w4H
arty to the new year be
loams oTav
Oi.ympia, Dec. 68. Governor John R.
Rogert died tbit evening at 8 o'clock,
after an illness of aix daya. This morn
ing be began to sink and passed into a
comatose state. He grew eteadily weak
er tbrongbout the day. The collapse
waa a eurprise to bis physicians and
family, as be rested better last night
than he had during his illness. He took
some nourishment this morning, but be
came unconscious about 9 o'clock.
The first symptoms of Governor Rog
ers' illness developed Fridav. Fridav
afternoon at hie office he contracted a
chill. A fever resulted, and bv 10
clock Saturdav morning tbe governor
began to complain of pains in his chest.
The fever increased slightly and the
paine became quite severe. Sunday the
first reports of hie condition were given
ont. It was announced that he was suf
fering from lobir pneumonia, the middle
lobe ot fbe right lung being effected.
He was attended hy Dr. Ingham, of
Olympia. Wtiile he was acknowledged
to be Eeriously ill hie condition was not
considered dangerous. Tbe governor
was known to be a man of regular habits
and btrong constitution and, although
in one of bis advanced years, pneumonia
is never to be considered lightly, it was
thought he would pull through.
The patleut suffered a great deal of
pain Bunder, but by o clock in the
evening be was resting much more
easily and paased a good night. Mon
day nigbt hiseyconditicn remained un
changed. Monday night was again
passed comfortably, and Tuesday morn
ing the governor rested easily and wat
in a cheerful frame Of mind. On tbe
same day tue watcnert dv nie oeasiae
announced bis condition to be satis
factory and tbe belief was expressed
that be would recover. On Christmas
be. was reported to be still improving.
State Labor (.Commissfoner William D.
Blackman, his son-in-law, who was con
stantly at bis bedside, made tbe an
nouncement that if the disease did not
spread, and the time bad then ariiyed
when it should spread if at all, Dr. Ing
ham felt entirely comfortable concerning
bis patient. It was today that tbe first
turn for tbe worst came and be died at
8 o'clock.
Governor Rogers will be succeeded by
Lientetiant Governor McBride, who was
elected on tbe republican ticket. Gov
ernor Rogers was a democrat.
Be Is Mot A Quitter.
Kxw York, Dec. 26. Edgar Stanton
Maclay, who refused to resign as special
laborer in the office of general store
keeper of the navy-yard, was summarily
discharged today. Maclay went to the
navy-yard as nsual, prepared to resume
bis duties. Psy Director Putnsm wont
to Maclay 'a desk, read bim the telegram
from Washington yesterday, and told
bim that be was dismissed. Maclay
left the yard immediately. Hs said he
would return at tbe usual time tomorrow
prepared to go to work.
Washington, Dec 23. The civil ser
vice commission today notified Edgar
S.' Maclay, tbe historian recently em
ployed in tbe Brookly navy-yard, that
bis removsl from bis position at thst
point was not in violation of tbe civil
service act. This notification it con
udncd in a letter written to Mr. Maclay
by President Proctor ,of the commission,
and is s reply to an inquiry from bim.
stock Xeedtox Mx".
Bi-KN-s. Dee. 24 Stockmen bsve
gathered tbetr stock from too ranges and
driven theot
Most vocohert hate
for too winter 'xotpttof wooto txoto m
Mock of mi ktooo m
. - a . -en -tl
tattoo oooowoo and nag is aontwni nu
Un to too pa ii it i
xw to snook of
ao4 H wvi&p!y
fobaoribe tor Tnx
That Clothing Sale we've been tellintr vou about since parlv this month U mm.
f3 J w ' m tjtjameta-y ujsnmtn um snatMl -v- W w w OVafcXs
ing to a close soon. DCo 3 1st is the last day. If for any reason you have
neglected to provide yourself with suitable clothing Men's or Boys' delay no
longer. You will positively regret it if you do for neither this store, nor any
other, will hereafter offer the same inducements we are now making.
For a few days longer these prices will prevail until Dec. 3 1 sto
Could any flVr come at a time
more opportune than (bit?
The winter is before you quite
posntnle your boys' Hothiiur is get
tin? worn and shabby should we
have a Stoma with a flurry of snow
he mifcM possibly suffer for the want
of a warm overcoat.
Ill ''ie face of all these toHsihilities
we nay any suit or overeoat for
hirpe or small boy at at t0)
duced price.
Brin; this list with you ami select
$2 or 2.50 garment
$3 or 3.50 garment
$4 or 4.50 garment
$5 or 5.50 garment
$6 or 6.50 garment
$7, .7.50 or 8.00 gar
ment for
$8.50, 9.00 or 10.00
garment for
$12, 12.50 or 13.50
garment for
Suits and Overcoats
for a lew days longer at these siMH'ial
in the next four days of this sale we
expect to put the finishing touches on
the most Successful December clothing
business this store has ever enjoyou.
We have given values such as no one
expected1'1 even here. Skeptical people
have Dome ami gens away satisfied.
Satisfied with what they hoiiiiht u it h
what they saw ami satisfied that we do
jut as we advertise to do always.
$10 to 12.50 garments
choice $8 45
$13.50 to 15.00 gar
ments, choice 10 65
$15.50 to 18.75 gar
ments, choice 13.65
$19 to 24.00 garments,
choice 16.85
$25 to 30.00 garments,
choice 21.85
roar Killed ta Train Wreck.
Bault Sti. Makik, Ont Dec, 26.
The local express and a work train on
the Canadian Pacific Railway collided
last night between this place snd Welsh
wood while rnnning st foil speed snd
four or more men were killed snd sever
al wounded.
Tour Sac
Shows tbe state of your feelings snd tbs
state of your health at well. Impure
blood makes itself apparent iu s pule
and sallow complexion, Pimples and
Skin Eruptions. If you are feeling
weak and worn out and do not have a
healthy appearance you should try
Acker's Blood Elixir. It cures sll blood
diesases where cheap Sarssparillas and
6 called purifiers fail ; knowing this we
sell every bottle on a positive guarantee.
Blakelej the druggist.
When your hair appears dry and to
have lost its vitality it wants something
to give it life and vigor. We have what
tbe hair needs when it gets !n that con
dition. We bavs m tbe Crown of
Science Hair ffl fix Grower and
Cocoanut Cream W Tonic. They
will core dand utosW ruff snd sll
scalp diseases. For sale at Fraser's bar
ber shop. Pries 60c and 76c a bottle.
Of StMtl to Vou
D. S. Mitchell, Fulford, Md. : "During
a long l Hoots I wax troubled with bod
sores, wss sdvlssd to try DsWitt's Witch
Hesel Salve snd did so with wonderful
results. I was perfectly cored. It is
too boot sslve on tbe market." Burs
euro for piles, tores, euros. Bswsrs of
counterfeits. Olarks A Folk's P. O.
Pharmacy. .
laforaeeUen Wanted
Tbs manufacturers of Banner Salve
having always believed that no doctor or
aa ones In every ease, vox
kou hernial when Banner oolva
sxHof to core
ttetnonor. Chugs
ffttsto oW tttea
WgJWIy rotund the
WooxOOUatt jgxrtlO'4o
Apply to Mrs. M. Horrid.
11 rein Pood Monnen.e.
Another ridiculous food fad hat been
oraoded by the moat competent author
ities. Iney have dispelled the tilly no
tion that one kind of food it needed for
brain, another for mnscles, snd still an
other for hones. A correct diet will not
only nourish s particular part of tbs
body, hot it will snstsin every other
part. Yet, however good your food may
be, its nutriment it destroyed by indi
gestion or dytpeytis. You most pro
pare for their appearance or prevent
their coming by taking regular doses of
Green 'a Augott Flower, the fsvorite
medicine of the besltby millions. A fsw
dosss aids digestion, stimulates tbs liver
to bssltby action, burifiea the blood, sod
mskes you feel buoyant and vigorous.
You can get Dr. G. C. Gieen's reliable
remedies at Blakeley's drag store. Get
Green's Special Almanac. 1
If you want to retain yout hair you
have to keep your scalp clean. Soap
will make your bair harsh, dry snd
erispy. Now ws bavs two of tbs yery
beat preparations for oleantlog the
scalp Egg and Pine Tar Shampoo. It
will leave your bair soft snd glossv.
Price, 26 snd 60 cents a bottle, st Frsxsr't
barber shop, Tbs Dalles. tf
A Poor Mllllonelre
Lately starved in London because be
could not digest his food. Esrly oss of
Dr. King's New Life PHW would hsve
saved bim. They strengthen tbe stomach,
aid digestion, promote assimilation, im
prove appetite. Sold by G. 0. Blakeley,
the druggist.
I can secure the aar vices f an expert
music teacher at regular rates if ssveral
more pupils can be assured. Address
Charles Setas'.er.The Dalho.Or. dJ0-lw
Floral lotion wUi sore
snd sunburn.
BT"" oWsxtV
Hi H oo U tiiiv
ntl anVakontnl kxV'
Sexton & Wafther
Hardware, Iron
and Steel
A fall lies of BRIDGE A BEACH
ottMntilitU ul'L-L'i HtUilVd
' Cook snd Heating Stoves.
Bttk gtlwl iBinWnnWtBBP M IBHB
Gilford's rotOfjM
....,.... ...... i. v. . t. Btnoatav Drtlla. J. I. Case I
Harrows Mini Plows. Sprino To b Harrows, Blsssll Chlllsa riows, MIIOOOli wog-
ona SD'I Hacks, IIciiiih riugtev.
...Star Windmills...
Will. Bell and ft llrr braiiogs, au.i fully wsrrsnttd.
Writw ua lr prices ami catalogues.
AH orders entrnslsd to os will have prompt attention.
Prices slwsys right.
The only Kaciotlve Hard wars Store In the city.
tbs Isbratory
.e i Xoiastl btaua Has lib rotuvtsV It W obaolotohr
of the slightest trass of aMitorouon, ooioo
IU beatof snd rtMlasst of boss. IU tools qnafl
. ...I I. ko mmaA leleit th eianlSSl SnSUOlt IM SSI
JO W-1 W -V -r-w - - - J rvva a. ' TP-- TO