The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 26, 1901, Image 4

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Dr. Watt enme
last night.
up from Hood River
GhatrtO Lord sjviit yesterday
relatives in The Dalles.
Pant. J. B. Landers returned
-.....' 4rul.iv tin. ntuin train.
rilUM nl.-J
, .
IV Tacle Hea eft on the afternoon
fcStorVtew days' stay in Portland.
, . . .... I
Ikaila? today. !
Mis Maude Burke. I tea. her in the
lodeindence schools, is a gVMt of her
awn?. Vrs. J. W. French. !
Caroline Ketcliun. returned to
avrtliml todav afte: a visit
at her
isfhorV home on Five-Mile
Chris Schwabe spent yesterday with
his mother and sister, returning to Port
lanln the noon trail, today.
lr :ind Mrs .1 In tes are In the city
from Arlington visiting Mrs Gates'
parents. Mr and Mt Fd Beck.
Me-s Martha Wheardon, who is a
student at the Monmouth Normal school,
t spending the holidays at In -me.
Miss Anna Moore came Bp ir-m Port
land Tuesdav evening an-1 ill remain
until Sunday with hev mother at the
i:ne farm on Three Mile.
Mm Lam Scott arrived in the city
llonday night t..m Oorvallia to spend ;
sraek with her daughter. Miss trace.
ihe is guest at the home of Mrs Ann
Alfred Huott, who is now in the t m
siov of Buffum A Pendleton in Portland,
:mved yest.-rday and attende.1 the
tamilv reUnioii at the home place on
rigtst tfiiT
Ivan ?mith, who was fo-meriy in the
'sapl'v of Pease ft Mays, but is now a
resident of Fresno. Calif., is pendinc a
lew weeks visiting relatives ano friends
sa The Dalles
John Flvnn, traveling salesi.ian f'-r
Mason Ehnntai, with h-adqnarter- at
Tssaiilia arrivei! here yesterday
lwrd by ms menu tiyue am.
- ,ii l t i . i ,i
Flvnn 's parents, Mr. and Mrs. P
H !
1 ivn.-i
. ,. , i
J H Beckh-y. of :n.kane. who has th-usaud siieep running m the
John Day country, came down fr am
Mor. yesterday. He will probably re-
twain in the city f several months, as ,
it is convenient to business ami he j
prefer- the climate of I. astern Omgon .o ,
that of Portland ,
Mian fiiorpia Samoson. who has been
t Almota for the past iew months, sur-!
riwl hr mother bv n.akinu he- ai-
iieaxanee in the nome c:rcn- jmimvmj
toiirning when leas: expected. She will
remain for two weeks, returning to
Almoia at the end of. that period.
Mrs. Mary Huntington, who has leei;
a patient in St. Vincent's hospital a:
Pailand for the past six weeks, was
tortuuate eii"Ugl to be abie to return
hoane Tuesdav it; rime to spend Christ
mas with her family. Although not
.bit to ieave her bed, she is improving
J H CradlelAugl. came down from
Shauiko on the u.kji: tram y-st. rdav
liavini; visited the mining 9-ti"ns ot
tHrai't COlintV. Joh: says t .e-rge Young
look him to a sheet and iillow case
'knee at Shuniko Tueaday night and
tiaen retusea to wwa ' "'"
bust to "trip tht- iigiit iantastic,
thet both were w;tli flower
A. S. aAlliter d.-tied ha-1 roads,
ram, eh ., to reach !i-me torthe h'-uaays
..!: arrived Tuesday night. He tells us
ithvre has been no great "drouth" in his j
awhburlKKHl for the past few weeks,!
7J , i i , it
hi no ne iuis ani kick at the rain it it
Etas made the nadfc anything but fit for
roe oonrae. me worr-i puniuu sub
rod he says, i- between here and Boyd.
. i . .i
At the residence "i the bride's parents
an trite city, Wednesday. Iec. 26th, at
1 Vrock p. m., W. H. GUbmthj sn of
4'. J. Gilbreth, and Miss Belle Csl
breath, Lev. D. V. Poling rliciating.
In this citv. Dec-mlier 25th, t
aud Jdrr-. Wm. l'iynn, a daughter.
tn thih city, le emb r 25th, to Mr.
atnd Mr-. Iavv Morris, a 9-i.und
kai filter " .
fair artertnatk
stii receipts from al! the di jiart-'-sents
on tin north sih- of the hall at
hf Catholic iair ar(- not all in yet, at
litis writing w- are unable to tell for a ,
days more aimt the total receipts
)h be but hope to do so before January .
bet. The ladies In charge of the various
lenartmeii:.- are well satisfied with'
rhtsir sueces- and the liberality of The
(tallet people. I ollowiug are the win
ning numbers an) the articles won by
ratte (in Saturday night Friendship
jhMow.Mi- E Fiahur; 182,gent's suit (h -
tia&ed by Mr. liberie, won by S. Loss;
UC, lady's u'old watch, Mrs. John Leary ;
W, the beautiful doll, 1-ucile Ferry ; 18,
ieather pillow, Mrs. Nellie Hendricks;
n, looker, W Duffy ; 21, rag carpet,
tiHaabeth ftoudeuu ; 57, dinner set, .Mrs.
I U Smith ; Mrs. Hillgen, wool mattress;
Miss trainer, chafing dish ; wool shawl,
Mrs Ed Sharp; Mrs. Carey, red and
brie patch qnilt- We also wish to
thank all wuo assisted at the evening
aisatstsiniiionti and Hugh iourlay, M.
T. Nolan, James Flynn and NichoUv
asanott for ratting the vaiious articles.
Kapacially d we thank Messrs Menefee
A Parkins for the tun of their piano.
Com. Booth No. 2.
I hereby express my sincere thanks
to the gentlemen wh so kindly and;
willingly assisted me frfth the admission '
tickets at the t'atholic fair last week, '
T,IP-V fo,,OW(" Mssrs M. Mcln-,
nis, Will Voirt. t.eo Schann", Joe Yogt, )
.. Tl II...'. t !
narrv nornion. ,'oou i.ueni-, i.
. . . Al
N'n. rrnnk Hillgen; also to Messrs.
Henrv HiHgen, Joseph llemux, Harry
Frazer and Raymond
Halfpap tor their assi-tanev m construct-
"g the booths and helping willingly
where help was needed. I also thank
The Oraomou and Times-Mountaineer
tor the space given us niiwrwn
Mr.-. Geo. 11. J"Hnso.
The Cincinnati Fnquirei said of "A
Romance of Coon Hollow." which an- j
pears next Monday nitht at the Vogt ;
;"Ii'a thing of beauty is a joy forever,:
't oon Hollow' must be just lovely, as it
i is nightly delighting splendid houses. I
The scene showing the band of colored i
boyf and girl- in sonc- and dances fairly i
: brings down the hoOfi. it differs from
the pickaninny band in In Old Ken-1
tuekv.'and the Rising Sun 1 : oarers of j
, 'Bine Jeans' and is fully the equal of :
either. Better than this, the play has
an interesting and consistent plot, with I
refined, and tin strongly drawn
characters have a splendid company to
interpret them The so nic effects are .
simply mngniheent." ' A Komance of
Goon Hollow," which has had over;
.-even years 01 unvaried success, coin
to the Vort oera house with the same
splendid production seen originally at
the Fourth street theater, New York,
and In additi"n, the company this sea
son w ill be headed by the uWorfte little
star actress, Iola Pmeroy.
An Erangellf Sturr.
"1 snff-red for vears with brocchial or
a trou0;e Bnd tried various remedies
but did not obtain permanent renei
until I commenced nsine One Minute i
Cough Cure." writes Kev. James Kirk-
,. , f K nimr. tti ..
no he9itation ,D reComroendmg it
tQ R,. snfferer9 rom maladies of this ;
kind .. Une Minu,e Congh Cure affl,rae ;
,mmediate relief for coughs, coide and !
.j, - kindp of throat and icng troubles.!
fm cronp h nnJani;ied. Absolutely j
gal-e -erv pleasant to take, never fails
ano is really a favorite with the children
They like if.
Ciarke )c Falk'e P. O.
Tour face
Shows the state of yoar feelings and the
state of your health as well. Impure
blood makes iteeif apparent in a pale
and saliow complexion, Pimpiee anc
Skin Eruptions. If you are feeling ,
weak and arorn out and do not have a j
healthy appearance you should try !
Acker's Blood Elixir. It cures all blood
diseases where ctieap Sarsaparitlas and
i an r.-i inr ikr j foi bnAtTinff f hia ira
i ggjj -very bottle on a positive guarantee.
gjgeitj t druggist.
I Information Wanted
The manufacturers of Banner Si've
jiavjDK a!wave believed that no doctor or
medicine can cure in everv case, but
medicine can cure in every case,
never bsving heard where Bannei salve
failed to care uloets, sores, tetter, i
; eczema, or niles, as a matter of curiosity ;
would like to know n there are ucn
cases. If so they wi!! giadiy refund the ;
the money. C!ake i Falk.
Stepped Into Coals.
"When a child I burned my foot fright-
; n v.' wr tes W. H. bads, ot Jonesvilie. .
-. - i
Vs., "which caused horribie leg sores for I
30 years, bat Bncklen e Arnica Salve
wholly cored me after everything else
failad." Infallible for Burns, Scalds,
Cnta, Sores, Bruises end rues. Soid by
' G. C. Biakelev, the druggist. 25c.
To 8top a t nid.
After exposure or when you fee! a cold
coming on, take a duse of Foley's Honey
and Tar. It never fails to stop a cold if
taken in lime. Clarke & Falk.
You will not have boiis if von take
Ciarke 4 Falk'e sore core 'oi boils.
'.intel A i:ir. to d" housework. I '
Apply to Mrs. K. Harris. d23-3t.
Gifford'e Fotos Never Fade :
F. J. CLAKKE, Manager.
MONDAY. December 30.
, A ( oiiij.lete :mi Ekafaul PmdtMttton of!
the Sterlinj; ( niely-I)raiiiu.
A Romance of
Coon Hollow.
Kihth ReaiHin. Strong Duuipany.
SjH'ial weliery. EiectrleaJ effeetr.
The thrilling burglary.
The torpeil.. Herniation.
The Carolina (iiartet.
First 5 rows, 75c; balance of
the house, 50c.
I mi i
fined hit
felt wo
I .
now renders uioweesaerv. Women need no longer suffer for avksy-s
sake Wine of Cardui brings relief to modest women in the privacy of their
homes. Many of the best homes in this dty arc never without this great
medicine It cures whites and ialhng of the womb and completely eradi
cates these dragging periodical pains. Mrs. Davis' cure shows you conclu-
TTL.TTL 1. r if CZ. lllw her tiamnle and take Wine of
IW VUH IStaiy Wpm s tvsi
Thedford s BUck-Draught
stomach and boweU. When van ask
. om D wu Wine of
that saved Mrs. Davis' lift. Never
For advice ami luemiun?. addreas. jnrins symptoms. 'rj?JAV
Game Caviled Promptly at 2 p. m.
ADMISSION, Gtentlemen, 50 Cents.
Ladies and Children. 25 Cents.
F- S. GUfWlfiG,
...Blacksmith, Horseshoer and Wagon-maker..
Iron, Steel. Wheels, Axles, Springs and Blacksmith Supplies
Aeent for Rassel! & Vo. t Engines. Threshers and haw Mills.
Telephone 157.
Lone Distance 1073.
Cor. tad
; C. J. STUBbIf4G,
Wines, Liquors Cigars
f Family Orders wil. receive prompt attention.
Next dour to First
.union Phone :a.
Loo IU. i. 1UV1.
i f M I
Ul kinds of
The Dalles, Or.
Funeral Supplies
lyon's French Periodical Drops
Strictly vegetable, perfectly
ucnkcu KcauLiB. ureateat known female remedy.
Bawareof eoaptarfslis and imitation. Tttt nuine Is pat up onlf la
band lur Clrcoiar to WILUaJSS UWU. i;o . Sols
wn wi id iu' . m la iiiuatura 1 1 1 1 t
For sale bv Geo. C.
wiiiMri. 111.. A nan at 1. ISM.
had health this prta aad jsoold not
iv-i. ivi ava wjgw
Weak and hail anch terrible pains in mr
. , w . 1 biJ...- ir..nhle anil fftVli-
child died. WM
an to ait np I
MOKftDfl alps. 1 iiomj atuuv'
ins of the womb. I also had hysterical apella. 1
wv in a bad condition when I received your
Ladiaa' Birthday Almanac" and read the ad
Tertiaement of Wine of Cardni and ThedfordJ
Black Draught. Since April 10th. 1 have taken
tour botUes of Wine of CWrdni and three .pack
ages of Thadford'a Black-Draught. I feel like a
new person now. I can do all my work and can
walk out to see any of my neighbors. I believe
I would have been in the grave had it not been
for Wine of rdui. IT
It U well that women art more patient than
men. Few men could bear the bitter pangs,
the atony and distress that women endure.
Thousands of women have come to look upon
sufferm as a duty of their sex. But there are
marry instances of this heroic fortitude which
ivtrvw in
aids Wine of Cardui by regulating the
your druggist lot ' MMSSBSSsat
Cardui and Thedford s Black Uraugnt
take a substitute.
at the
v r
AKJJ lit T A L
National Bank.
M M T I I " ii" ifufit M ' I
& Barget
Burial Shrouds
harmleas, anre to accomplish
pasi-board Car
Aaaats. Ciaelaud. Obto.
u. ,,, .nj, nimi. inn,
Blakeley. Tbe Dalles, Or.
There is not a case of nervous weakness in tbe world
today (no matter what tbe eanse or of how long standing j
that the use of LINCOLN bEXIML PILLS according to
directions, which are simple aad eery easy to follow, will
fail to permeoeotlr aaea. Wbv do yon remain weak when
LINCOLN bKXUAL PILLS will snaka yon strong?
Prlos, $1 00 per box bay of yoar droajist or sent by
mail an receipt of pries, ia aavta wrapper.
LTJ00LI PBOIIlaV AIT 00.. ft. Way... lad.
To Pleaws Tour lVlttl
Pleases Tosa -at
aa our full line of new toys, games and
dolls are finer and at a less price than
ever. Our store ia headquarters for
Santa Glaus, and we take pleasure In
Bhowing everything in detail.
The lanrest and
complete line of .
ever shown in the city
are now on display at
H. Glenn & Co's
Paint and Oil Store.
To any part of the city. Will
make all trains. Light
baggage free of charge
to al! passengers.
Day and Night Service.
Day l'hone Grant's, Local HI, Long
Distance 1311 ; Night Phones Nel
too'e, Local 334, Long Diet. 1151.
Porter & Anderson - Proprietors.
Transact a General Banking Business.
Letters of Credit issued available in
the Eastern States.
Sight Exchange and Telegraphic
Transfers sold on New York, Chicago,
St. Louie, Kan Francisco, Portland Ore
gon, Seattle Wash., and various points
in Oregon and Washington.
Collections made at ail points on fav
orable terms.
am. sss.jssssists.! t;jsL.asf ssysyaws
L. Lane,
A N D aa a
Wagon and Carriage Work.
Fish Brother' Wagon.
Tbiri an. JeflcroL PHone 159
isnitirfirfi j I r r I r I n n
John Pashek, The Tailor,
Has just received 1000 samples
of tbe latest patterns in Gent's
Clothing Goods. He guaran
tees prices and a good fit or no
pay. :
John Pashek, The Tailor.
Undertaker Embalmer
Cor. Third and Waahlnjjton gta.
All orders attended to promptly. Long
distance phone 483. Local. 102.
Ottos, Mrs. Morgan's Art Madlo.'.Ogtoe bours,
1 to .i p. m 4s-lat
During tbe next two months Loots
Cosaiui will sail srtrarjr monnaeut la his
yard at a dieaouut of W par coot aetow
ragular pricea. The asoaniaaoto moat
Union Pacific
I I'nrlland
' Hpecinl.
! 12:25 p. m.
I via Hunt
j iugton.
Salt IJikc, Denver. Ft.
Worth. Omaha. Kai'
aa Ctty, St. Lonls, Chi
cago and the East.
i io. p. n.
fl:tf a. m.
vlk Hunt
ington. 8t Paul
Salt Lake, Denver, Ft.
Worth, Omaiia. Kan
aa City, St. Louis, (;hi
cagti and the East
Walla Walla, Lrwiston.
Hpokane, Wallace. l'u 1 1 .
man, HUineapn)i!, st.
Paul. Doluth, Ifilwao
kee, Chicago and Eat.
!:' a. :
: Fast Hail.
: 9:35 p. m.
via apo
From l'strtland.
(Ah sailing dates sub
ject to change )
For Ban Francisco,
Sail every & days.
8:00 p. m.
4:00 p. m
: Dally
: except
! Sunday,
s uu p. IU.
: Hattirday,
j 10:00 p. ru.
' Wcdnesd y
1 Ktiday,
6 : IS . m.
Columbia River.
To Anuria and War
Landings. 1:00 p. m.
Willamette Klver.
OrcgonCi ty .Kewberg.Sa
lena. independence, Cor
vallis ,v way-Landings.
5:00 p. u.
6:U0a. m.
' t:p. m.
3:30 p.m.
Cor vallis and Wny
Thursday .
Willamette and
Yamhill Klvera.
Oregon City, Dayton and Wednesday
m- Way-Landings. Friday.
7 ova.
ex. Bimdar
4:05 a. m.
Snake Biver.
Riparia to hewiston.
cx Mundar
T:00p. Bl.
JObb" Parties aealring to po to Heppner or
points on Columbia Southern via Hizes. should
take No. 2, leaving The bailee at Bas p. a.
making direct connections at Heppner junction
and Biggs. Returning making direct ennnjtction
at Heppneriu notion and Biggs with Ko. 1, sr.
riving at The Dalles at 1:05 p. m.
For further particulars, call on or address
JAS. IRELAND, agent,
The halles, Oregon.
Notice of the Construction uf a Proposed
Notice Ik hereof given tbat tin- i uuncll of
liallcs City did ou tbe 18th day of liecember.
l'.Wl, bv resolution duly adopted. determlM to
construct and relay a sewer for that part of
Halles Cits lying below tbe bluff and bordering
ou aud adjacent to Liberty street and Second
street, and wbicb can be benefited by said pro
I oaed sewer
Tbat said sewer shall be of terra eottanhw,
and tbe extent and location of wbicb shall Mas
follows i
Bald sewer shall begin at the bluff 50 feet ia
mediately south of bixth street and runniar
northcrlv In Liberty street in the line ot the
iiresviit "old M-wer now therein tn the middle
line of second street, ruuuiug thence easterly
along the center Hue of ttecond street to the wait
line of Union street, running thence on a cum
to the left and connecting with the t'uion rtwr.
sewer at tbe north line of Second street in tar
center of L'uiou street.
And it Is determined by tbe said Council that
the cost of said sewer ahall lie assessed sgsjnst
tbe proiierty benefited thereby
The notioe of thi.- determination is hereby
given by fourteen dars' notice thereof, pnbUSB
ed in The Dalies Daily Chronicle, a newspaper
published in said Dalles City. Oreeou.wbfeb
notice is given by order of the Council of OsUJs
City, which order was made on the )8th flayo!
December, 1901.
Dated at Dalles City, Oiegon, this tht 19th day
ol December. 11.
declU-Ut Recorder of lslles City.
Jewels, candy, flowers, man tbat if
tbe order of a woman's preferment.
Jewels form a magnet of migbty power
to the average woman. Evsn tbat
greatest of all jewels, bealtb, is often
reined in tbe strenuous efforts to mass
or save tbe money to purchase them. If
a woman alii risk her bealtb to gst s
coveted gem, then let her fortify tasaw
against tbe insiduooe consequences oi
coughs, colds and bronchial affections dt
tbe regular nee of Dr. Boscbee'i Genets
Syrup. It will promptly arrest eav
snmption in its early stages and heal tw
affected longs and bronchial tobaieaa
drive the diead disease from the svsMb.
It is not s cure-all, bnt it is
core for coughs, colds and all broom
troubles. Yon can get Dr. G.G. Gieai1
reliable remedies at Elakeley erst
store. Get Green's 6eecial Almanac, i
neve T stars in Bed
Will wonders ever cease?" ioasir
the friends of Mrs. L. Pease, of UwieaaJ.
Kan. Tbey knew she bad been ooaea
to leave her bed in seven rears on"
count of kidney and liver
nervous prostration and general dewm
bnt, "Tbiea bottles of Electric BWJJ
enabled toe to walk," she writes, J
in three months 1 leu nseso w.
aone, Nervooeneat, lerolsMnsss. Msa
cboly. Falotb.aad .vvt
irom neaac"'.rr
nnu it a prsoeinw -ufci.
SatifiacUaoisfwaraatesd. O t B-w-ley.
tbedroggist. Only 60c- 0
. mmmnmm s-
- lioe aaaw
Cbaa. C. JEUis, of Lisbon, U . badj
be wrttas, eae ase a iaa-r.
. : . " . mia mf
Foley's Honey
mm Tmr
Keats oa sale at Clarke Falk 'a, Post
Office Pharmacy.
be sold aa he assds toe
bis aebta,
at. a. swaaeii
SaaV mm Hk aa a aa av. aa
fjkjag gad efreables f