)xonkk. 11 THE DALLES, OREGON, THURSDAY. PECKMBER 2(i, 1901. NO 265 i If ! " " " " V The Kind Ton Hare Always Bought, and which has been in use tot over 30 wan. tuim. .. - ana has been made under his per sonal supervision since its infancy Allow no AM to dAMlvA mn In tJilo. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Jnst-as-good" are hot Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of ftrihnta and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend, GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind Yon Hare Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years." LESLIE SHAW HAS ACCEPTED Iowao Will Succeed Gage as Secretary of Treasury Wilson Will Stay in Cabinet. Washington, Dec. 25. It was au oonnced authoratiyely this evening that Governor Leslie M. Shaw, of Iowa, will be appointed secretary of the treasury to succeed Secretary Lyman J. Gage. There will be no change in the office of secre tary of agriculture. Secretary Wilson, also of Iowa continuing to retain that portfolio. The date of transfer of the treasury department will depend on the mutual convenience of the outgoing and incom ing secretaries, Mr. Gage having signi fied an entire willingneee to remain at the head of bis department until such time as it may be agreeable to bis suc cessor to take bold. It is supposed, however, that Governor Shaw will be inducted into bis new office some time in January. It has been known for two or three days that Governor Shaw was elated for appointment to succeed Governor Gaga, but it was not until to day that the Iowa xecutive accepted the tender made to him. The definite announcement of Gover nor Bbnw's selection gave the greatest gratification to the Iowans resident here. They regard him as a man well quipped for the plans sod feel confident the appointment will give general satis faction. Secretary Wilson voiced this sentiment when asked about Governor Shaw tonight, nod be added tost tbe governor la batter known to the people east of the Mississippi river than any man in private life west of the Missis sippi on questions of finanoe. tafWUH mt rif relator. Pbsdistom, Dec. 26.-J. D. Betts, of this city, is one of the happiest men in town. He bas jnst received word from bis attorneys at Washington. D. 0.. that be will receive bis letters patent as ap plied for covering bis invention of n sew railroad snik. Mr. Setts is s painter to the emptor of I. J. Murphy, and has resident of Fwnslotos for the peat He hat already pwt the prtos of patent bas been secured. The patent at first will onlv be for Ganada and the United Stater, but latter will be taken out for all countries where railroads are operated. Mr. Betts rays he has in vented a spike that a ill ho'd railroad iron to the ties, and which cannot poe eibiy be polled out without tearing up the tie. As soon as be bas received his patent he will make known tbe nature of tbe rpike. At present be refuses to give out any of tbe drawings of his in ventions. Fir on a lUuur, Mi m en is, Tenn., Dec. 25. The stern wheel steamer Sun, ply togs between tbis port and Fulton, Tenn., burned to the water's edge at 6 o'clock today at her moorings at tbe wharf on the city front. The boat arrived from Fulton about midnight, with 15 passengers, all of whom were asleep on board when tbe fire broke out. Of these three are known to be lost, 0. Ranor and wife, of Oid Biver, T-mo., sod Mrs. G. M. Tims, of Richardson Lsnding, Ark. Their charred remains have been recovered from the wreck, The 3-inontbs-old child of Mrs. Tims is missing. It is be lieved that all the other persons on board escaped. Tbe fire originated in a pile of seed cotton ou tbe boiler deck, and probably was started by a spark from tbe furnace. The boat was valued at $10,000 and was about half insured. Tbe cargo wss totally destroyed. r Mf4 Herself. Salbu. Dec. 25. Mrs. Mary Faltinate committed suicide st tbe asylum this evening by banginc herself. She had just been placed in her room, when she made a rope from a bedebeet and banged herself to tbe window guard. Tbis is an unfortunate event, which could not be averted unless an attendant were em ployed for each patient who bad suicidal propensities. Mrs. Faltinate was 31 years old, and ner borne is in Kersey, Colombia county. That Clothing Sale we've been tellinir vou about since earlv this month, is mm ing to a close soon. DcCe 3 1st is the last day. If for any reason you have neglected to provide yourself with suitable clothing Mens or Boys delay no longer. You will positively regret it if you do for neither this store, nor any other, will hereafter ofTer the same inducements we are now making. For a few days longer these prices will prevail until DcCe 3 1 Ate Boys' Suits j& j& -i ' re also REEFERS and OVERCOATS QoeJd any offer comfe at tinn1 mote opportune than tlna'.' The wiiit'-r is before you ijiiitt' possible your boys' clothing is jtet tin worn ami snobby should We have a storm with a Hiirry of snow lie illicit Hissilly suffer for the want of a warm overcoat. In the fare of all these possibilities We say any suit or overeoat for lare or small boy avt at re duced price! Brinr this list with you ami select anv $2 or 2.50 garment for $1.80 $3 or 3.50 garment, for 2.65 $4 or 4.50 garment for 3.35 $5 or 5.50 garment for 4.15 $6 or 6.50 garment for 515 $7, 7.50 or 8.00 gar ment for 5.90 $8.50, 9.00 or 10.00 garment for 7.35 $12; .12.50 or 13.50 garment for 9.85 MEN'S Storm Ulsters j& ir-'K'ie- SKI ALSO Suits and Overcoats for a lew days longer at these special reductions. In the next fiur days of this sale we exH-rt to put the finishing touches on the most successful December clothing business this store has ever enjoyed. Wehavejriven values Sttofa as m one expected even here. Skeptical people have come ami gone away Satisfied. Satisfied with what they boufhi with what they saw ami satisfied thai we o just as we advertise t do always $10 to 12.50 garments choice $8.45 $13.50 to 15.00 gar ments, choice 10 65 $15.50 to 18.75 gar ments, choice 13.85 $19 to 24.00 garments, choice 16.85 $25 to 30.00 garments, choice 21.85 W w i M A. M. WILLIAMS CO. SECOND PROPOSAL IS ACCEPTED Bar Omm Life bKATTLK. Dee. 86. Dolly Qoappa took does of carbolic acid and died from its fleets this afternoon. She loved Well Di.k-.oii .hum she believed to be a bo. Tbe Piekerell girl msrqeeraded In men's clothing and has won tbe beets of several soaoeptible girls. Tbe Qeappe girl bad worked hers as a wait- 8bc earns bare worn her mother Urn, 628 South Argentina Will Sign the Protocol Of fered by ' Chile Disputants Mutt Withdraw Their Troops From Borders. New Yokk. Dee. 25. The Tribune, President Roca's organ, according to a dispatch from Buenos Ayree to tbe Her aid, announces that tbe second proposal of Chile about Ultima Esperaosa is ac ceptable and both governments will sign tbe following protocol : Firet Argentina will withdraw her police etsiion from Cerro Paliqus and transfer it to Los Morros, situated many miles to tbe eastward. Second Chile will transfer its station to Puerto Consuelo. Tbe whole cone thus remains included in tbe disputed territory. bflud la WllllBf. Naw Yokk, Dec. 26. It is understood, esyatbe Loudon correspondent of tbe Tribune, that tbe government will rend a favorable reply to the request from Chile that tbe British government should speedily use its influence to bring about a solntios of tbe difficulty with tbe Argentine republic. Brain Pood Nodmum. r Another ridiculous food fad has been oranded by tbe moat competent author ities. They have dispelled the silly no tion that one kind of food is needed for brain, another for muscles, and still as other for bones. A correct diet will not nnlv nntiriah . narttanlAr tkrt nf the j body, but it will sustain every other Krt. i et, bowever good your food may , its nutriment is drrtroyed by indi gestion or dyepsysis. You must pre pare for tbelr appearance or prevent their coming by taking regular doses of Green's August Flower, the favorite medicine of the healthy millions. A fsw doses aids digestion, stimulates tbe liver to healthy action, purines tbe blood, sod makes you feel buovant and vigorous. You can get Dr. G.'C. Gi sen's reliable j remedies at Blakeley's drug store. Get Green s special Almanac 1 When your have lost it bair appears dry and to ts vitality it wants something ti mi,m it Ufa and visor. We have whet tbe hair needs when it gets In that con dktioa. We have s the Crews of belenos H a irgalg) Grower and Ceeaanat Oreem W Took. The will cere swssi sW rnff nM sfi MS, roc SBJe a r rwarr mm. Fries Km aod76e a beetle. If you wsnt to retain yooi bair you have to keep your scalp dean. Soap will make your bair harsh, -dry and crispy. Now we have two of tba yery best preparations for cleansing tbe scalp Egg and Pine Tar Shampoo. It will leave your bair soft and glossv. Prina. 2f, And 50 cents a bottle, at Frasor's I barber shop, The Dalles. tf A rmmr MllllaBalre Lately atarved in London because be could not digest his food. Early use of Dr. King's New Life Pills would have ssved bim. They strengthen tbe stomach , aid digestion, promote assimilation, im prove appetite. Bold by G. C. Blakeley, the druggist. j I can secure tlte services of an expert music teacher at regular rates if several more pupils run be secured. Address Charles Betsler.The Dalles.Or. dJ0-lw Floral lotion wilt core wind chapping and sunburn. Manufactured by Car as A Folk. ANN1W Oifford't Potot Htftr Psds. Sexton & Walther Hardware, Iron and Steel Merchants... THE DALLE8, OREGON. A full lineol BRIDGK A BEACH HUPKRIUR KTKK1. RANG KM, audi Cook and Heetlag tttovse. -awea saweys- FAR wl Mi I mVLU MfcM le -seoie for Hooeler Drills, J. I -&ff f Harro and Plow. Spring To nh Harrows, Blssell Chilled Hows, Mitchell Wag ons Slid llscss, Heuiiev Kugies. . .Star Windmills... With Bsll and Riller bearings, snd fully warranted. Write ui lor prices anl calalogust. All orders entrusted to us will hsve prompt sttsntioo. Prices always rlgbt. The onlv Esclnslfs Hardware Kiore in tbe city. T THE CELEBRATED i .. .GOIiUIKBIA BREWEfi Y .. AUGUST BUOHLER, Prop. Of tbe product of tbis well-known brewery tbe Dslted States HeaRb Reports for Jane . 1900, ssyo: "A move supeilor brew never eatwed tbsTlabratory of tbe Uaited States Health resorts. It M akately deeehj of tbe sligbtsst trass of adulteration, but on the other hand Is m pom4oI the best of malt snd choicest of boas. Its tools isw hh. est and It can be used with tbe greatest beeeitsnd gto Jfff young. lis use can ooneelenilonsly be ff '11! ilS tbe esrsalnty that s better, purer or mors wkilisiws keverageeoeM possibly be tounn." Vse4 Bwcond Btrt, TBI DALLBf, OMOOM.