The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 24, 1901, Image 4

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Mr. an! Mrs. Fairf iwl arrive! here
todiy up a visit to .Mr. and Mrs. John 8.
Dr. Rngfc bsjss v nil op the road thi
asfteriioon ? rnael his sou. Dr. Ray
Inran of Mom. wh "ill spend Chi hit ms
with his father
Ftorest Baperii Is .dent 8. B. Ormsby
awrived here hist nnzht and K'ft for Pulur i
this inorninc t- spend Christmas with
Hon W. HTB. Dufur.
On u.a noon train today there arrived
trow. Portland Mrs. Richard Barte-.Mrs. J
Harr- Bulger. Mrs A. Huot? and Mr.
Mr?. C. Ziegier who went out to
Hgbt-Mile to Spend Christines with Mr.
awd Mrs. Frank Hujtt.
Mr. ami Mr?. Hneen and two chil
dren returned yeaterdav alternuon from
fnnr montha trip to their old home in
Sehieewig-Holstein which Mr. Hansen
left 2o year ago when tie s a young
nxn of "that many years. They report
Slaving had a delightful trip.
In this city aboal nnou today. Dtsvm
ber 24. 1901, to Mr. and Mr. AngaM
Dtvk-rt a twelve pound daughter.
Government or the Kiliplnos.
Perry Rot brock, a young Klickitater
m" the Hartland nc-ii:hb-.rhiod who if
do pra t icing law to Manihi. P. 1.,
wites to the woldendale Airriculturiat
as Ei itkMH
"When I Cesar itrnrn hero I was hanlly
an expunsioni-:, ae 1 had in idva that
this people wore able to govern and
manage their own affair better than any
hpr mwmlai cm'd fur them: bull am
now as strong an oxpansiouist as far as
these island? art oucerned as anyone I
can well be With all the n;istakes,
i en. i: you please, fraud Bad corruption I
rhat mav and
i-rt-en into the administratiou o:
Americans from time to time in the i
manasrvrueiit of the isiauds, I am firmly
eoaaiaeed that it will t tenfold better
lor the szreat ivass of people tiian any;
thev e.-,nld devise for thorn-;
elves nnaided bv nft."
Tlie Agriculturiat adds that Mr. Roth
wt bases his on:i.i"ii not on any
-antaces that m;w "sult t" the t iiited
States from the control of the islands, .
iut ou tiie Cimditioi. o: the naasea oi the ;
people ".here as
the result of the old
system : an the indifference of the rulers
to the sufferings of the pour; on the be
iiei tha: the laborers are mort kindly
treated even by the Sjani9rds than the
people of their own race; on tiie weary
delay- of juati'-e which have confined
men in jail for one t three years at
hard labr while waiting trial on charges
of pettv theft. He has aril iirmed his
juthmient with the Pacific Ocean be-; him and toe island-; he has
studied the conditions amoug the Fili
pinos themselves.
A Tfmifrr Romaac
One. to be triisaponeJ among the
mt romantic Southern scenes, has only
ti see the pn-h-.ctiou of UA Romance --f
Coim Hollow," wMch will holdjthe stage
-a w ai Vv nAi.1.
" W i is U ;
Here, mirrored bv nature, in beauty j
and quaintness, are given pictureeof lite i
in ld Tennessee. It is a story of lve .
ud jealousy, UM in a graceful way, and
given realhsm by stage effects that are
Trefiecti-ns of event ay life in the South.
Auioiu: the scen are a plantation cot -
ton press in perarion and a moonlight
revelation of the famous leu, Coon
fiollow. with electric aud lime light el.
' . " , . . ,
facts m which the firebugs flit through
the trees and the night birds sing among
the branches. Another night view dV
picts the hist.. rh Misaissij,,,i river boat
r . . ' ' ...
race between the Robert E. Lee and the
Natchez, both brilliantly lighted and
inder full steam. On the levee a group
-i darkey boys and girls troop down to,
ee the great boat- pass and, w hile wait '
iug. indulge in jubilee Hinging, and buck
-and wing daucing. A well selected
o-mpany. i.eaue oy iota romeroy, wui j
appear in the production, which is now
la its eighth season oi su.-cees.
U'ben vonr hair appears dry aud to
v a ,,Mit ill r, faille if nl. Mtiurihlnf I
to five it life and vigor. We have what
t&e hair needs when it gets lu that con
dition. We have the Crown of
Science Hair Grower and
Coeoannt CrMiuv V Tonic. Tbey
ili eure dand asaaawf ruff and all
acalp diase. For sale at Fraaer's bar.
bar shop Price 50c and 75r a bottle.
Daring tlie next two tu nth
-Costiiii will sell every t.i-.iiumei.t in his
yard at a dicoui:t of 20 jr cent below
regular price The aaonuuents must
be sold as he -to- t the money to pay
hie debta, d21-tf
If the thief who stole tbe purse from
tbe market basket of Mrs. E. sf . Wil
liams in Bordsn's store Saturday after-
uoon will ret ore tlie locket be
can have ;
toe purse and the rest of its contents.
Uwa't Hub St la.
Just wet tbe affected part freely wits
"Mysterious Pais Cars, a hootch remedy,
sum) tbe pals ie gone. Sold by Clarke at
Yoo well tset
Osssse Falk's i
if you
is tot bot la.
MsJlwT FsstlS
T. J. Cl.AKKh. Manager.
MONDAY. December
A Complete and Elegant
the Sterling Comedj
Production of;
X Romance of
Coon Hollow.
Eighth HMuna.
Special svenerv.
itrong ranipaay.
Electrical effects-.
Tin t hrilliiur burglary.
The t"red" soiasntion.
The Carolina Quartet.
row;, i oc:
the house.
Seats on sa'.e at Ciar
Office Pharmacy.
Brain Fooii
Another ridiculous
vv talk's. Post
food tad i.a- been
Branded by the most competent author-
itiee. They have dispelled the silly no-
tion that one kind q! food is needed for
brain, another for muscle?, and RUl an-
nthur in ti.,ni3 X inrw! ftit not
onlv nonri9rs 8 particular part of the
borfr. but it wiil sustain evaty other
7 - - a 9 . . a
part, l et. nowever gooo your tooa may
its nutriment is destroyed by indi- ,
gestion or dyspeyaia. ion must pre-;
pare for their appearance or prevent :
tbeir coming by taking regular doses of
Green's August Flower, the favorite
medicine of the healtby millions. A few .
doses aids digestion, stimulates the liver 1
to healtby action, purifies tbe blood, and
makes you feel buoyant and vigorous.
Y'on can get Dr. G. C. Gteen reliable ,
remedies at Biakeley'e drug store. Get '
, Green's Special Almanac. 1
car iace
Shows the state of your feelings and the
state of your aealtn as well. Impure ,
blood makes itaeif apparent in a pale
and sallow complexion, Pimples ana
Skin Eruptious. If you are feeling
Break and arorn out and do not have a ,
healthy apuearance you should try
Acker's Biood Elixir. It cures aii blood ,
diseases where cheap Sarsaparillas and :
so called purifiers fail ; knowing this we
Mil every bottle on a positive guarantee,
Blakelej tbe druggist,
An aialiM's SSiag
..j enffered for vears with bronchial or
j lang troQble and tried various remedies,
! bot did DOt obuin permanent relief (
onti; j commenced using One Minute i
' Cough Cure." writes Rev. James Kirk-:
j man, evanaeiist of Belle River, 111. I j
have no hesiutioc in I III Ileal. j
to all sufferers from maladies of this
i kind." One Minnie Cough Cure affords
immediate relief for coughs, colds and
j all kinds of throat and lung troubles,
For croup it is unequalled Absolutely
;eafe. ery pleasant to take, never fails
and ie favorite wilh tbe children.
I They like it. Clarke Falk's P. O.
: Pharmacy.
If yon want to retain yoor hair yon
have to keep yonr scalp clean. Soap
i will make your hair harsh, dry and
i erianv. Sam sre have two of the varv
beat preparations for cleaasing the
preparations for cleaasing
scalp Egg and Pine Tar Shampoo. It
will leave your hair soft and glossv.
Price, 2i and 50 cents a bottle, at Fraser's
barber ebon, The Iialiea. tf
lEiforiuatiou Wanted
Tbe nianufactorers of Banner bave
having always believed that no doctor or
medicine can core in every case, hat
never having 'eard where Bannei Salve
failed to cure uieets, sores, tetter,
eczema, or piles, as a matter of coriocity
would like to know if there are such
cases. If so they will gladly refund tbe
tbe money. Ciarke dc Falk.
or Ssaslt to Von
D. S. Mitchell, Falford. Md. : "Doric
a long ilibeas I was troubled with bed
sores, as advised to try DeWitt's Witch
Usael Salve and did so with wonderfal
results. I wes perfectly cored. It is
I tbe beet salve on the market." ore
' core for piles, sores, barns. Beware of
mnnli.rlild ll,b A sTalb'a P It '
aiepueu Into Llee Cunt a.
"w ben a cbnd J burned my foot fright-
fully," writes W. H. Eads, of Jooesville, !
I Va., "which caused horrible lee sores for
SO years, sat Back leu's Arnica Salsa
whollv cared me after everything else
failed:" Infallible for Borne, Sea Ida,
i (Juts, bores, Bruises sod rues. Sold by
:U.C. Blakeley, the druggist. 25c. t
tobssriba for Tss
bbbvIse M vSiaB
Trilby and Cole's Original Air-Tighl Healers
For Wood and
The intro Itu-fion of Cole's Original Air-Tigh. Heater has revolution
ised the heating stove trade in aii aectioos of the Tinted State. Its won-
rierfr.: economy in tin ue of fue;. and many other excellent qualities,
str ugly reeouiuieiid it to all in neei of a heating stove.
Every one of Code's Original Air-Tight Heaters is guaranteed to stav
air-tight as long as used. Where wood is used for fuel every family should
have one or more of these stoves.
Sold by MATER k BENTON. The Dalles.
Of tin product of this well-known brewery the United States Health
Reports for June 2S. 19(50, says: "A more supeiior brew never entered
the labratory of the Via ted States Heaith retorts. It is absolutely devoid
of the slightest trace of adulteration, but on the other hand is cot: posed of
the best of ma't and choicest of hops. Its tonic qualities are of the high
est and it can be used with the greatest benefit and satisfaction by old and
young. Its use can conscientiously be prescribed by ibe physicians with
the cersainty that a better, purer or. more wholesome beverage could not
possibly be found."
East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON.
I hare re-opened this well-known Bakery,
and am now prepared to supply every
body with Bread. Pies and Cakes. Also
all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es.
GEORGE RUCH Pioneer Grocer.
First-Class Regular Meals.
J Royal Toke Point and Olympia Oysters served
j at all hours and in all styles.
4 Agency ALDON BRAND delicious Chocolates
4 and Confections.
fssaaaaeawat aiaaiasKBii.aaw
C. J. STUBliIflG, j
Wines, Liquors Cigars
Family Orders wilt receive prompt attention.
Next door to First
Condor. I'bune S3
Long DUL iaSt.
mm M a f fit
nnvna Vnara I
"Will wonders ever
tbe friends of Mrs. L. Pease, of La
Kan. They kaew ebe bad been
to leave ber bed in aeven vean
os se-1
count of kidney aad liver trouble, ,
nervons prostration and general debility ;
bot. "Three bottles of Electric Bitters
to walk." she writes, "aad i
io three asonths I felt like a
Women eoffering from Headache
ache. Nervooenees, flsinlsssnssa
choly. Fainting aad D.xxv Spells will
dad it s pnsslese bteeataa. Try H.
Satiefaotion is gearantaed. ti.C. Blaktv
lay. tbe druagiet. Only 50c 6
mm4 Tmr
Foley's Honey
Lifchter Fuel.
What Cole's Heater Will Do.
This stove will heat a room from xaro to
80 degrees :o five rninnte?.
It wili heat your house evenly day and
It holds fire 36 hours without attention.
You build only one tire each winter.
It burns chips, bark, leaves, paper and
corn cobs, and gives excellent results with
this fuel, which is ordinarily wasted.
The stove is light and easily moved and
set op.
The combustion is perfect and ashes are
removed only once in four weeks.
None of the beat is wasted and the stove
a ill save one-half of your fuel bill.
It is clean, economical, convenient, safe
and durable.
Always fresh.
National Bank.
j ff r r
A Kagmg. Snaring Finn.
Washed down a telegraph lioe which
Cbaa. C. E.hs. oi Lisbon. la., hd to m
pair. "Staadtsa waist deen'in iev amine "
bs writes, "gave me a terrible cold aad
coogb. It grew worse dailv. Finally
lb beet doctors in Oakland. Nab., Sioax
Uit and Omaha said I bad Consumption
snd could not lies. Then I bene oaimr
faesrsui Barinar
mmw. skids; e nww vanmrf ana was
wholly eared by six bottles." Positively
naranteed lor Casgba. Colds and all
Throat sod Laag troaslee be ti. C.
VS. ST 1 , - M. ru .
Diasaiev , toe avasmgt. Price 60c. 6
Far Beat-A fa aissil rwStaaa of fosr
roosneoa m "rnk sad I Issnohi at teats.
Apply ea tbe paasatsaa. dlX-lw
To Pleoeo Tour Littlo Omi
Pleases You -av
a oUt full line of new toys, eames and
do! hi are finer and at a less price t han
ever. Our store is headquarters f'r
Santa Onus, and we take pleaure in
showing everything in detail.
The largest and most
complete line of . . .
Piauftt nouiDirtos
ever Bhown in the cit v
are now on display at
H. Glenn & Co s
Paint and Oil Store.
To auy part of the city. Will
make all trains. Light
baggage free of charge
to al! passengers.
Day and Night Service.
Day Phone Grant'e, Local 211, Long
Distance 1311 ; Night Phones Xel
Eon's, Local 334, Long Dist. 1151.
Porter t Anderson - Proprietors.
Trssasct a General Banking Business.
Letters of Credit issued available in
the Eastern States.
Sight Exchange and Telegraphic
Transfers sold on Kew York, Chicago,
St. Louie, Kan Francisco, Portland Ore
gon, Seattle Wash., and varione points
in Oregon and Washington'
Collections made at ail points on fav
orable terms.
L. Lane.
Wstgon and Csrriage Work.
Fish Brothers' Wagon.
Tbir. ait Jeflom PMQBfil59
John Pashek, The Tailor,
lias just received 1000 samples
of the latest patterns in Gent'e
Clothing Goods. lie guaran
tees prices and a good Gt or no
pay. : : : : :
John Pashek, The Tailor.
Undertaker ut Embabner
Cor. Third and Washington
All cedars attended to promptly. Long
distance phone 443. Local. lOx.
jyt. TACia a sat..
IHace. Mr. Morgan's Art htudio ".Office hours,
llo.sp m dt-un
After axnoaate or wbea yoa foal a cold
a. take a does of FeUys Hoaog
Tar. ItssesriaitotossegaoaMlri
SHOip Like
Union Pacific
n cago
Portlantf ttpeciat
13:38 p. vn.
v in Hunt
in Clou.
TllE DA I.l.Fs
.8it IJike, fienrer. Ft
Worth. Omaha. Kan-!
utCilr,St.Uiui5,Chl : 110.ri.ui.
eago and the East. j
Kx press.
t2:zSa. io.
vik Hunt
ington. Halt IjiUc. Denver, Ft,
Worth, Omaha. Kan
sa City, St louis, CM-;
; cago and the East.
Walla Walla, Ixwtaton.,
' man, Minneapolis. 8t.
Paul. Uuluth, M.'lwau -'
' kee. Chlcagu and East. ;
4:Ua. a.
fit. Kan!
Fast Halt.
9:SSp. tn.
via apo
kane. 8:Ka a
From 1-KTtlaitd.
(Al saJliiHr dat snb
iect to change.) ;
For San Fraucisco,
Sail every 6 days.
:00 p. m.
I OC p. a
t Daily
i cxeej't
; Sunday.
r. j. m.
; Saturday.
' 10 .00 p. ra.
Columbia Hirer.
To Astoria and Way
Landtnga. ' 4:00 p.m.
, Wcdoefd
i Friday,
j - ; p. m.
Wlllinett Klrar.
OregonCl ty ,Ne wbergia -It
m. Independence, Co:
vt.... ,v Way-Landings.
6:00 p. m.
; Satur)y,
4:30 p. m.
f riaav.
Corvaliis and Way
ladicgs. t:uu a. m.
7:00 a. m.
WHUmttU nd 8:30 p.m.
Vamhlll K I vers. Monday.
(ireon City. Da r Kid and S'ednertay
Wor-l-andlnss- Friday.
i . i
Bnaka River.
KIparis to Lcwiaton.
ex Mondar
i T:00p. ni.
ex. Sunday
4:06 a. m. i
eV Parties dealring to po to Beppner or
poinw on i.oiuniDia "ouinern via Jtiggs, anouia
' take So. 2. lea vine Tbe Dalles at 12:25 p. m.
J making direct connections at Beppoer junction
ana igfc! ieurn:ug niacingoireeteouuacuoL
at Heppner juncUon and Biggs with Ko. 1, arriving-
at The Dalle at 1:05 p. m.
For further particulars, call on or address
JAa. 1KELANP. Agent.
The Dalies, Oregon
Notice of tbe (oust raction of a 1'ropoied
Kotice :.- hereby given that the Council of
Dalies city dM ou tbe 18th day of December
1901, by resolution duly adopted, determine to
construct and relay a sewer lor that part of
Dalles City lying below the bluff and bordering
on and adjacent to Liberty street and Second
street, and whicn can be benefited by said pro
( osed sewer.
That said aewer shall be of terra cotta pipe,
and the extent aud location of wbicb shall be a
follows :
Baid sevrcr shall begin at tbe binfT ' feet im
mediately Mtitb of sixth street and runuing
northerly )n IJberty street in tbe line ot tbe
present bid sewer now therein to tbe middle
line of Becond street, running thence easterly
along the ceuter line oi bacouc street to the wat
line of Union street, running thence on a curve
to the left and connecting with tbe 1'niou street
sewer at the north line of Second street in the
center of t'nion street.
And it is determined by the said Council that
the coat of said sewer shall be assessed against
the property benefited thereby.
Tbe notice of this detenninabou is hereby
given by fourteen oars' aeoss thereof, publish
ed in The Dalles Daily Chronicle, a newspaper
published in said Dalies City, Oregon, whirl,
notice is given by order of the Council of Dalles
City, which order was made on the ISth day o!
December, 19U1.
Dated at Dalles city, Oregon, this the 19th day
ot December. 1901.
dec -in lit Recorder of Dalles City .
Jewels, candy, flowers, man that is
the order of a woman's preferences.
Jewels form a magnet of mighty power
to tbe average woman. Evan that
greatest of all jewels, health, is often
ruined io tbe strenuous efforts to make
or save the mossy to purchase them. If
a woman will rirk bar health to get a
coveted gem, then let ber fortify herself
assise! tbe ineidooas eonseqeencee of
coughs, colds and bronchial affections by
tbe regular nee of Dr. Boochee'e German
Syrup. It -will promptly arrest con.
sumption in its early stages aad heal tbe
affected longs sod bronchial tabes and
drive tbe diead diaaeee toots She system.
It is not a care-all, sot it Ie a certain
core for coughs, colds and all bronchial
troubles. Yon ess gat Dr. G. G. Green's
reliable remedies at Blakeley s drag
store. Get Green's Speeta! Almanac. 1
Far ABfksts ssal CkiMrss.
li BM rw Urn mm
I can aacure the serviooe of an expert
maaic teacher at regular rates if several
more pa)Ui ess be eeeured- Addrean
Charles Bstalsr.Tlie Dslks.Or dJ0-lw
by Claras
a Folk.
o ta tiaa Clerks A Falk.