HOLIDAY GIFTS X off on Regular Price Every customer on Tuesday receives a sprig of mistletoe. & MAYS Fancy Pin t fashions. Hand Carved Lttlhtr loodfj Dollar and Caff Bote, Plagues, Vases, Pillows, Sterling Silver Novelties, Hlankets and Comfort. Fur Collarettos, Scarfs, Silk Waiftf. tc. To help those who are late in making their Christmas selections, and to help us to clean up the balance of our Holiday Goods we will offer the following goods at 1-4 off the regular price, Monday and Tuesday. THREE CHRISTMAS SPECIALS. 25 er cent off on ad SMOKING JACKETS We have the newest ideas in Smoking Jackets plain and fancy, double-faced and fancy lined, scotch plaids, cord edge and silk bound. NECKWEAR Men of taste will bo pleased with our Neckwear we have the prettiest creations that the combined ettbrts of weaver and silk worm ever produced. The styles are various and numerous. One special line of 75-eent Neckwear now 30 cents A Splendid Christmas Oif t. That is if your gift is to bo of the practical sort. Maybe above all ho would prefer an overcoat or suit. Perhaps you could not buy a gift with which he'd be more pleased. Our $25 Suits and Overcoats, $20.35. $20 Suits and Overcoats, $15.75. $15 Suit and Over coats, $10.35. $10 Suits and Overcoats, $7.05, Our Grocery Department Spectacular with Holiday Offerings. Christmas cheer. What tail without the goxl things to ent ? For palatable, whole some table cheer come to this great depart ment simply spectacular with the enor mous stocks temptingly displayed tor Ninas shoppers. The prices" not only appeal to the trade they force the business, for they are w onders. Plum Pudding'. Gordon A: Dil worth, 1 lb cans 20c 41 " 2 lb cans 40c Dates. Persian . 8s'c per lb Fruits. Inmons 20c per dot Oranges, 150s 36c " Oranges, 175s 80c " Bananas 25c and 30c " Pineapples 40c each Figs. California 1 lb bricks 3 lbs for 25c California White, bulk 3 lbs for 25c California Black 3 lbs for 25c Honey. Cherry Creek, 1 lb frames 15c Mince Meat. Libby's, Is 7lttc per package Nuts. Walnuts 12,lvc per lb Almonds 15c per lb Brazil 17c per lb Pecans 17c per lb Filbert 16c per lb Haw Peanuts &Kc per lb Roasted Peanuts 10c per lb Christmas Candles and Favors. 'A great rtock-r beautiful stock a tempting stock a delicious stork. Such in the stock show in the Confectionery Department at present. And it may be remarked that a bos ol I a inly makes a most pleasing ( liriatmaa gift. Profit by our prict Plain mixed 8Wc broken mixed . . . 10c Boston mixed Hibbon mixed' P-'Kje Fancv lie French 20c Asiorted Stick lOo Peanut Stick 15c 11 oar hound ' 12' c Jellv Beans tffyffl uncoil. Boston Baked Bean 20c I .onion Drops 15c Kaapberry Prope 20c Chocolate Brownies XV Matchless Chocolate 20o Chicken Tamales 20c Klondike Nuageta 20c Pepliermint Lozenges ,", ,18c Conversation l.oeengea 15e Gum Props ft The Dalles Daily Clmmiele. TUESDAY - DEC. ! building as soon as the contractors have i a chance to put in tbeir bids. If a sat- .zzz , isfactory contract can be had in time -4- Jaul ! i. :ii . l. j i nuift win uuiuuirucr ur jvi nc tuu uo Oysters Served in any Style... At Andrew Keller's. TREASURER'S NOTICE. All Wueo County warrants registered prlar tm January 4, 1899, will be paid on presentation at my offlce. Interest t eases after November 19, 1991. JOHN F. HAMPSHIRE, (Jaunty Treasurer. VAYSIOE GLEANINGS. we published all tliat happens we should The deceased's name was William soon be with the angels. In order toJxewton West. He was born March 30, please ieople we must print only the 1834 and died Sunday evening December Ice cream for Christmas dinners at A. Keller's confectionery store. The football game next Sunday will Ik- called at 2 o'clock p. m. harp. The pettnfhee will he open for delivery of mail from ti to 10 a. in. imd 5 to 6 p. m. on Christmas day. Mra. Vickers desires through The "mmaiaa to thank the Modern Wood- turkey. Employee of the Wasco Warehouse Milling Company were buey today bang ing op the arc light lamps tor lighting the city. A marriage license was ie.ucd this afternoon to Carl 6. LiverMine of Iowa and Miss Retta Olive Taylor, daughter of W. H. Tayl. .r of Dry H 11 . v Frank Gunning is adding a 20x30 foot two story addition to his blacksmith hep which will be uaed for the wagon department of bis large and-in Teasing I'UsiiH-as. -w' Christman Wenim at lion Lutheran church tomorrow, Wednesday, at 11 a. ui. Thi Sundav school will render a program at 4:30 p. m. A cordial welcome i extended to all. At the East End jewelry store this evening t 8 o'clock the jar containing the atones will bo opened and counted. The person guessing closest to number of stones in the jr vill be gitren the gold watch. A. M. William & Co s arc cloning out the entire line of line statuary and wedgewood novelties, ranging in price to 2, at the special price of 60c er piece. A rare chance to secure a choii-e Xgaai gift cheap. During yeaterday and until noon today fifty aenlpa ware rodetaaed nt the office of the county clerk. Of Usees ttalrty nigfat wao nwaaaind by Heavy Inatigat who killed team on the Oaurgn A. Young 4 non'a nnj south of fUraoftt. in innvnriUM rushed to completion. Mr. G. T. Parr returned this morning from 0 two weeks business trip to San Francisco. Mr. Parr has been appointed agent in-chief of the Eastern Oregon land Company, vice G. W. McNear, the change to take effect on the 1st of January. The London Times reprints from its isaue of November 23, 1801, the follow ing items: A milliner advertises that she will not be visited on foot, and as sures her customers that her father kept his own coach. This is very true No. 305, and drove it also." I tie bu?;nes men of the citr.Tfenerai- I - 1 . -i I I 1 . . L - ) iy, amy mai iney never iiau a i;eiier iioi-a iday trade than the present. Some of them, most of them in fact, say they nev-r bad as good. Everybody appears to have plenty of money wbicb is spent freely on presents that are above the average of holiday goods iu price aud vnlue. tamman The Boys Club of the Congregational church yesterday presented Rev. D. V. Poling with a handsome library chair and desk while the girl of the congre gation pM-ented Mrs. Politig w ith a nice parlor chair. The presentation was so arranged that it was a real surprise to Mr. and Mrs. Poling. A turkey famine was precipitated yes terday afternoon u lien it was supposed there wasn't a turkey to be had in town except leas than half a dozen that were so poor that no one wanted them. There were, however, a few on sale Ibis morn ing and the prospect of more this after noon, either from a surplus that wasn't reckoned on or a shipment from Port laud. Frank Gunning tins two beautiful specimen! of his own blacksmith handi craft as ever was seen. One is a stick pin forged from one piece of steel, the head consisting of three little borne sh.y. The other is a fire shovel with a a beautifully carved handle. Both were made for Christmas preeents, the shovel if we mistake not being for Mr. Gun ning's best girl. E. 0. McCoy did a heroic net at 3 o'clock this afternoon and probably tved the Ule of little Ray Jackson, son of J. H. Jackson of this city. The boy bed been riding the family pony nod the beast bad ran away with him, gal loping round rarioos streets oo the bill finally making a rush down Washington treat. At the pony turned the career nt French's bank Mr. McCoy ranked In the street and placing nt snonmer agaioet the bores stopped the animal at nice things on them and leave the rest to the gossips; yea, its a fact we don't print nil the news. If we did wouldn't it make spicy reading? But this would be for one week only. The next weak you would read our obituary, and there would be a strange face in heaven. The members of The Dalles ootbalf team are practicing daily between the hours of 4 o'clock and 6 o'clock in the afternoon, oo the beach near the D. P. & A. N. Co 'a. warehouse. The team baa been reinforced by some of our college boys who are home for the holidays, and ft presents the strongest aggregation ever seen in The Dalles. The people csn rest assured that the game on Dec. y 20th, will be the best contest ever seen on the gridiron in The Dalles, and one of the best ever witnessed in the state. No doubt they wii! appreciate the fact and greet the team and visitors with a large audience. The merry Christmas time it here again with all ita storied tradition of fas cinating mystery and joyous spirit of Christian love and charity. You breathe it iu the happy home circle where every little tot and elder thrills with a deli cious secret. It is written on innumer able beaming faces. The schools are charged with it and the churches, too. It it a time of happiness and should be a time of better understanding. Let ut be thankful thai the good iod has given ua this fettiva) of cheer and kindness to warm the heart and teach ut gentle manners and reveal the unsounded depths of human jjood aud aspiration. At a special communication of Coium- jp ... ML hceou bia Chapter No. 88, O. E. B., last night, the following officers were installed: Mra. C. W. Deitxel, W. M. ; Mr. J. P. Lucas, W. P. ; Mrs. Olivia Morgan, A. If.; Mra. Mary Myers, Sec.; Mrs. Mary Logan, Treat. ; Miss Harriet Marden, Good.; Miat Maude Clarke, A. fond.; Mrs. Sallie Clarke, Chaplain-; Miat Una Kioto, Adah ; Mrs. Elite Kelaty, Ruth ; Mrs. Esther Harris, Esther; Mrs. Jetaie Kirby, Martha; Mrs Anna Kluersly, Electa; Mra. Grace Donnell, warden; Mr. C. W. Deitel, sentinel. Mrs. Emilht adert was chosen as marshal, but oo 15, 1901. As yet the receipts for all the depart ments of the Catholic fair have not been announced but MesdamesT. J. Seufert and J. 8. Fish, who were ably atsistod in their department by Mesdames H. Herbring, J. Benton, M. Blank, C. Hdwe, A. Sandrock, J. Doberty, F. A. Seufert, M. Boynton, J. P. Flynn and daughters, and Misses An uie O'Brien. Ssdie Redmond, Anna Stobling and Maun Kuhne, have realized about $1055. This does not include any part of the door money or any department outside of tbeir individual booths and it is likely that tbe proceeds from the other departments will more than double this amount. Tbe above mentioned ladles desire to thaok the public for their liberal patronage as well as the in dividuals who did so ranch toward tbe success of tbe enterprise, also to each and every merchant in the city who was most liberal io his donalioo and to the Seufert A Condon Telephone Co , who put In a phone in the opera house for their benefit. The net proceeds will be announced lo a few days. Chrlsiasas Music at flt. Jeter's. On Christmas day High Mass will be celebrated by the jtastor, Rev. Father Brouageeat, at 10:30 a. m. Sjiwial music has been prepared for thin occasion. Farmers Mas will la ming with Birgfekl'x orchestra an ac companiment. The following aingern will take part : Soprano Mesdame N. J. Bintiott nd T. A. VanNorden. Minne Irene lynn, Marie (ioelner Kli.abeth Lauer and Ethel Brown. Tenor Meaarx. Crandall, DavenMit and Fl vun. i Altos. Mi Borden aud Misse Elia -mtB Bonn, and Melvia Dawwon and Carl lerhring, Hugh Lu cy and Erin st jiM-lner. Bassos Messrs. Dane, Simonton, linnott, Sexton and Heroux. The music s under the direction of C J. Crandall faith Mamie Helen Flynn as organist. . inn. A mno nMd at tne otfcnr day. OaMtMOT fata. WM WtaWtunAteMi ttr0 I ne UStOtjn ISUs jnnaaa. "a' m -t&7 m aWt In the feet fantn A writer who tiitns himself ' A Friend," but who forgot to furnish bio name, writes to say that the man who die! suddenly atTygh, Sunday night week, n welt-known resident of Wapinitia ; that the father died, at was Laid in the Chmomu-lc at the Usee, of Lento pneumonia; that the landlord of IbeTygh hotel, Sam Brojriea, snot tor khe ana ae eooo as it wet teen font inn it k. hail ..m aaalnat a ateaas Uhujo of Me tttoer wtn tar loot, aui suae v 3-" .l .ua aide until be had hie mtbeVe bed- away. The with Jndpt fftatnfny eneut tbe saaoi bnrml bdfore bit eon afifnai net one Umatilla county stockmen have been ooodlog up Ibeir cattle with tbe result ot of tickm will be iottolled Inter. LJbtt osarly trery owner is short tome ( u-entile. Tbe stealing it laid to the charge of ao organised band ef "rattlers" their method being for each member of tbe gang to drift small baaobet of cattle, ooe aifbt's drift, ao at to be able to re tarn to hit heme before daybreak In the morning. When fairly oet of tbe noon try abort oust! they are bunched end drifen to tbe railroad for thin moot. At tbe eattlnon tbe range nm only gathered for eoontfag aad breeding ealvte, enot t year, tbe tbttwnt are mtotkaliy teonrt The eatuo may nave ag tkafe lana as HSnay aaaf - gM to -do Blakeley's Drug Store, j r Our X16W or Christmas lines . are liner than ever. Medallions ()w ihtm ilmM M mMy are all 1901 subjects rnr- The prleee are 25 to 30 per ct ut No oarry-overs. thtu PortI(Ulu. MAIL lilllitKI o-tolve our I DftTU OUflllCC I Kvery fscksae ..'llvsrcl Vraa. personsl attooUon. DUInrllUnCO v.anp(ly. lit the city. OET THE MONEY in the glass jar in our Window. We will give it to the one guessing near est to the amount ths jar contains. Contest closes Maroh 1st, 1G02. ...MAYS fi CROWE... wishing you all A Merry Christmas The nub Clothing Co, (MAV A CHUWK ntJlLDIPlO.) Brg) nfl tlsnmtltatptlJefcfwJtjLa'JjP'JsS I If r I I of tan