She Stalled Cl)r0niclc. VOL. XIII THE DALLES, OREGON. Tl'ESDAY. DECEMBER 24 1901. NO. 2G4 aflej A saankL?ll 3H LT f a iLk MadM TAHL W aaF ISS.HjlvSobS BK VtKB LMrS $La MACLAY WONT QUIT CRANE DECLINES PRESIDENT'S OFFER Be Demands a Trial by Usual Naval Proceedings His Utter Sent to President Bj YottK, Dec. 23 Edgar 8Unton lliclar, wboee connection with the gehlfv caw led President Roosevelt to moest hie resignation M special labor - I ir in the navy, made formal demand to- dT for trial by oioa) naval proceedings. He averred tbat bie ease came nnder lbs civil service law, and tbat be could not be dismissed without formal charges, trial and conviction. The request for bis resignation was sent to him by Rear Admiral Barker, commander of tbe aavy-yard at Brooklyn, and be replied at once oy letter formal ly setting forth 1 . . . . bis position. uiECOtsing tue case, Maciay said : "Tiie president cannot have me dis missed under the law as I see it. I do not tee how he can force rue out.. I am protected by the civil service law en- ted by congress, whose enactments the president is bound to execute. I do not mow positively, bat I believe my posi tion under tbe civil service forrjidies me complete protection so loug as I violate no rales of tbe service, and tbat I have not done, and I have so stated in my letter to the commandant in answer to the request 'or my resignation. No I did not say that tbe president is as bad tt the czr of Russia. I have done aotbins more than write to tne com- odant and ask tbat charges be pre ferred against me, and will do nothing more just now. I have not been sus pended, and am working here today as I uave been doing for 15 months. I have tried to do my dntv bare, and have oken no rales and shall simply stand by my rights, more for tbe principle of tbe matter than anything else, for my position here pays me very little, and is chiefly valuable because of ihe ex perience and information it affords me u material for my books." Rear-Admiral Barker forwarded Ma- clay letter to Washington. For Business Reasons Massachusetts" Governor Cannot Accept Treasury ' Portfolio. Washington, Dec. 23 Governor Crane, of Massachusetts, has declined tbe treasury portfolio tendered bim by i resident Roosevelt last Friday, It was officially announced at the White House todav tbat he had declined for business j and domestic reasons. Xne announcement of Governor Crane's declination followed a conference between tbe president and Senator Lodge, after the latter had talked with Governor Crane over the long-distance telephone. The only name sugested at the White House today after it was known that Governor Crane would not accept, was that of Colonel Myron T. derrick, of Cleveland. Colonel Herritk is at the head of one of the largest sav ing institutions in the country, and has bad a wide experience in financial af fairs. He was a warm personal friend of the iate President McKinley, and it is understood was promised a foreign mis sion. Boer Crneltlea New York, Dec. 23. According: to the Tri bane's London correspondent, a dispatch baa been received by tbe war office from Lord Kitchener forwarding farther instances of alleged murders of natives by the Boers. Most of the cases net solely upon native testimony,' among them being a horrible story cf horning alive a Kaffir named Frame. He was the driver of a wagon forming a part of a British convoy captured be tween Pretoria and Ruslenburg a year go. Two Boars, it is alleged, wrapped bim in buck aail and piled bags of oats opon them. They then poured para fine upon the hemp mad est fire to it The total number of Kaffirs reported Irom Kimberley as having been murder ed ie 37, but detailed accounts have not yet been received. Kaffir evidence has on many occasions since tbe outbreak of tbe war been found untrustworthy, but there seems little reason to doubt tbat tbe Boers dopt the practice of shooting any natives that they may think conveyed or would be likely to convey informa tion of tbeir movements to tbe British troops. ' IMatt f laUwiri St. Pari., Doc. 23. Attorney -General uouglae today announced the appoint ment of If. D. Mobs, of St. Paul, and wo- P. Wilson, of Minimal olis, as bis "ociatee in the legal fight tbe state will make against the consolidation of the Great Northern, Northern Pacific and oorlingtoo mads. Governor Vaa Sent has received re- Pes from aha Governors of Montana d North Dakota la his sngaastfon tbat a conference of tbe ovarnors of tbe tates interaatad in fighting the North stern railway merger, to ha held at Helena, Moat., Deeambar 0tb. Gov ernor Toole ativeraore to wnite, of North Dakota, promisee to at- "M with Aitoraoy-Geeeral Pile, of Vaa iaax seat la- laf North Da- BosTO. Dec. 23. Governor Crane gave out tbe following statement here ibis afternoon : "I have felt obliged to decliue the ap pointment of secretary cf the tree ory, tendered me by the president, on ac count of illness in my family and inability to arrange my business affairs at such short notice." Tbst was all the governor would say It is understood that bis reference to illness in hie family is based on the fact that his mothor is an invalid, and on tbat account be does not care to leave his home. Nxw Yobk, Dec. 23. Tbe Evening Poet says word was j received in banking circles here that ex Governor Leslie M. Shaw, of Iowa, bad been selected to succeed Mr. Gage as secretary of tbe treasury. Aft. . , Washington, Dec. 23. President Roosevelt is considering Governor Shaw, of Iowa, in connection with the treasury portfolio to succeed Secretary Gage. Tbe report was even current bare this after noon that tbe president had actually tendered tbe position to Governor Shaw, but at tbe White Hoose no confirmation of tbe latter report could be obtained. Hoar Plaa to Invade Natal. New Yobk, Dec. 23 The Daily News special eoi respondent in South Africa states tbat the peace movement among the Boers has broken down and tbat tbe objct of recent meetings was to make fresh plans for continuing tbe campaign, according to the Tribune's London cor respondent. A descent on Natal through tbe Drakeneburg la contemplated. Dewet is to he the chief actor in this move and General Botha will co-operate with bim from tbe north. Tbe correspondent adds tbe surprising information that 8waxi duplicity re salted in arms, ammunition and cor respondence from Europe getting across the border, and tbat tbe Boers are well mounted and provisioned. Maw Zealand' Patriotism. New Yobk. Dec. 20. A dispatch to tbe London Times and New York Times from Wellington, N. Z., says over 1000 of the Eighth New Zealand contingent, for service in Sooth Africa, presented themselves in several districts by which tbe returns have not yet been forwarded. One baadrad aad thirty-three officers volunteered for the 84 places. Sixty three of them have previously served in tbe Boer war. A r r ajHIIeealre Lately starved in London because be could not digest his food. Early aea of Dr. King's New Life Pills would base saved bim. Tbey strengthen the stomach, aid diaeetion. promote asslmilatiea, im prove appeUter Sold by G. C. Blakeiey, toeoraggiet. Mokl Tea positively delightful herb driak Sick Bead. A all a. a Haas A Superb Xmas Gift one of our fine tailor-made Overcoats, Many are taking advantage of the special price concessions we are making in overcoats and suits. Every men's, youths' and boys' suit and overcoat reduced. Suits and over coats that were from 110 tu $30 inclusive are now $8.45 to $21.65 Dressed and Undressed Dolls. N' trouble to find what ron want in thin stock of (tbfla, Walle some of the styles are closed out then' are many equally a attractive yet U choose front . Mother children i where om for uaay b r i n ir the nd show then Santa 00 HISS of 1 1 is pretty ?OC doll, bisque head, Special kid laxly. closing eyes 50c Othes up to 8.00. dolls which he distrib utes among the. good little girts f tlii town Ofl Xinu eve. While Itcre take (mr tit ular notice of our 7"v dressed dolls, marked to sell at.... 50c SUGGESTIONS for XMAS Gil TS. Topa Pillow titrs China silk pink or tinsel white jap. silk embroidered blue oriental designs outlined Leather Goods Music rolls, picture chatelaines, collar and cuff Ihixcs, belts. uliitc ami ss.oo ill silk and gold Oc frames, pocket hooks, Waist Patterns Special table of waist patterns In 2. and 3-yard lengths: French flannels, servers, challit s, etc., all at holiday pjices. Spachtel anil Battenberg Pieces. tX and pedal INFANTS WEAR. A complete line of highgrude wear for baby kitnotUtS, crochet sacues, silk embroidered white flannel skirts, baby shaw ls, silk embroi dered fine Nainsook long and short dresses, beautifully finished, silk cups and bonnets, bootees, bibs", Ae. See our Special 25c and 50c Xmas Articles. tables of Fancy Comb and Brush Sets j Sterling silver sets COmb, brush and mirror wedgewooil hacks an elegant gift stccial S3 Our selection i Hair Brushes at $1 offers choice i f "Keep Clean" VV, 71c, Uc ami f a useful sift at a reasonable price. Bos tht in. Special display of Fine Art Ware. Wetlgewood Novelties and Fine Statuary, 50c to $1.50. Holi- Lrinens Linen sets--table cloth and one down napkins Irbdi damask tri.UA to 113.76 set. Fine towels, fringed ami lien stitched, 35s to $1.75. Shoe Department j& Men's PIXOREE 8 HOES' Vogue" " " ''Governor" PATENT LEATHER PUMPS VI CI KID PI MPS HOUSE slippers (too many to describe).. $5 oo 4 00 I 00 1 50 .11.25 to :t 00 Boy.' WARM FELT SLIPPERS $1 00 KID SUPPERS like Papa's" 1 85 IfOOlI St IIUOl. BHUJSB BATH SLIPPERS a mi 75 Big Girls' Fine Kid Shoes $1 75 Good School Shoes 1 60 Fur-trimnitsd Slippers 1 26 Felt Sliper 1 00 Babies' Extra Fine Soft Soles .. .50c Wool Soles lie Crocheted Bootees 25c We ring tlie bells and raiso the strain; Wi' hang up the garlands everywhere. And hid the tapers twinkle fair, And feast and frolic then we go Back to the same old lives again. But before you do 90 back to the "Same Old Story' make your friends glad. This list is a money-saving tip. A. M. WILLIAMS CO. FOOTBALL FOOTBALL Heppner vs. D.C.&A.C. Dec. 29th at tbe Football Park Came Called Promptly at S p. ADMISSION, Gentlemen, 60 Cent. Ladies and Children, 26 Cents. fare French Periodical Drops feaseta trtarrf j rh For aala br Oea. 0. Blakeiaf. The Dalles, Or. Sexton & Walther Hardware, Iron and Steel Merchants... THE DALLES, OREGON. A foil lloaof BRIDGE A BEACH SUPERIOR BTBKI. BAMUE8, Cook aad Hsatiog Motes. PA B MI NO I M PLE aJ EMTB. Ai sots tor rlooeter Drills, J. I.Oaas Btesl Parss Karroos art Plows, Spring Tooth Hsrrowa, Bissali Cbillsd Plows. Mitchell Wag oos and Hacks, tlsensy Bogglst. ...Star Windmills... With BfN aad Keller bear lags, aad falls warranted. Writs as tor prises aad All orders sairastsd to as will bars orosset statloe. Priest always right. The oaly Exsietlrs Hardware Store Is the eUjr. i 1 atdaftott. Blakelay.the Hm 1m