.1 POLITICAL POT POURRI. a 0 Stiil the rei.v.bSioan gubernatorial bouquet- urc being paused anmn'.. The Hon. H. W. Corbett, el lllwili, is the latest Oresronian to lie announced as andi 'a',- t.. -.itro.sHl dcvni'T "leer. If anv one has beer. ..;v-rio.ked in the die- MONDAY tflbtttloW of the- besjaadta they will j phase h -Id Op 'heir han.l. In a lorn: edit ti:i'. of the Engem-' Journal contrasts the condition of lv.r j year- ag- with th -i tday and say? ; "But tims wen- t:t of joint then an-! di at !-:'.ction and bull listing, pre-' vailed. A cow ma Id MM sell for mon than w-i rrth a much as now and : peoph were nnt mr than ..m-fou-th as! good natufd a:d BBSgaas. Ev-i the; present governor, wh has recu-d the at" ve loandrjT from a di-strus failure to a howling s;icv-s, thSB ke- n the columns of the lcaiing newspaper .f the tat- hot with his 'H p Picker"! article, furious!) attacking Governor Loni i-r receiving 'nm onstitutions'.l j salaries," but now hv draws tiie eaim- unconstitutional salaries' without a w-.rd "t protect. error lrrl recom menied that the See of state bad! agei.t b abolishfd because a!! the wrk required of that ..rfict- had been com pleted, but Governor (o'er iei;:ande-i that the office IhoaM !e continued with ' an increased salary and t-aveing -exj-nses adde! am! i MM reluctantly , perm -.ted by the ieeir-latur-." It is not b-iif-ved a Simon man c;in be, uomim-.ted on the i.-e:sia?h-e tick.-; in! this county, s; - ti.e ahm Sentim-l. Even the eampait!i liar is abroad iu the ! i .r.d - ear ; liis -. - brvuk in the subsidized press v as in the formal an-j H"Hno-:ient that senators I.ooney and Fnit :. were doir. &U the; c- -old to aid in the renoniination of Geer! The. mouthing-of the Bahawtfasd press are not earring a: ei-ht. hwmr. ; Neither Las tapt, Jones, of the state Win I school, bi-e:-. aie t do ov Geex anygrt.. service in Lis statesman." This may e iwlug to the F- -r i-Corbett inflaen'-e, whi-ii seerueth not inclined to pay any irreat heed y the wishe- of a minority stockh- ! i?r But be that as : it may the influence ot the m rumi: jiai-er crts but a "err sma" spr.-rv ! : wa'er. Even the great Oreg-nian is s'ler.t On the subject. It is landing neither Gee: uor Maim. It is however, raking :moi meth ds fore and ah. The stav press is practically a unit in opposition to :s not ::nes : pkb na.aa.fcp ' r I fcU INSL TIE I06T OP F. J. CLARKE. Manager. ONE NIGHT ONLY, December 30. 3 inplete nl Elegant Pnxhieti tlw Sterling '..iiusly-Irina. X Romance of Coon Hollow. Trilby and Cole s Original Air-Tight Healers For Wood and Lifchter Fuel. The introdoi tioa of Cole's Origin! Air-Tith Heater has reolothn ied the heaticx stove traie in all sections of th Cmted Ststes. Its won derfni economy" in the use of fuei, and many other excellent qnalitiee, str nglv recommend it to all in neel of a heating stove. What Cole's Heater Wi!l Do. This stove wi!! beat a room from ero to S' degrees in fire minutes. It will heat yocr boose ever. ? day and nigoL It holds fire 36 hours witboot attentior. on build on"s- one'fire each wiuler. It burns chips, bark, leaves, paper and corn colts, snd gives excellent resnits ilb this foel, shicb is ordinarily wasted. The stove is lujht and easily moved and set op. The combustion is perfect and ashes are ..n.npnl nut. i .. inn, U' . i a I T. .1.1 till fM LUiV T III IVUI m None of the heat is wasted and the store ai!l save one-half of your foel bill. L It is clean, economical, convenient, safe J and durable. W Every one of Cole's Original Air-Tight Heaters is guaranteed to stav , air-tight as Ions as used. Where wood is used for faei every fauiLy ehonid K have one or more of these stoves. Z Sold by MAIER & BENTON. The Dalles. 4 Wt CAN IT as our full line of new toys, ramos and dolls are finer and at a less price than i ever. Our sbre t headquarters for Sanu Claus, and we take pleasure in showing everything in detail. SHOf LIKE Union Pacific 11 NMK JUST ARRIVED ! The lan-t-st and complete line of . mof-t mm no EAS-r TIME SCHEOri-KS I w, -VD THE EaXaJtR. ! imr.VD h.ojro- " -:: .is-1 Sit lake. Ocrver. Ft special. Worth, Omba. Ep. Ba. aatj-.st.i(rtiii.chi- i iot.. via Hunt- cago and the l-jwt. 1 bSJSMh Atlantic . Kxvrvaa. 3 J Den ver Ft l.':;5. m. "JL' 5fh- Kan- ..,,. vikHunt- saatr.St LnaU.ihi a. tuaon. Dd tbe East. St. Pan) Walla Walla, Lctrteuat. 1 Fat Mail. bpnkane.Wailace.I'till- 9.:p. tn. raan. Hlnneapnlis. St. 3 v . m vlattpo- . Paul.Kuluth. Milui-n 3 kanr. kee, Chlcaso and East, j Kurhth SUSSBal. Sinn-ial aesnsry. Strviii: conitny. Elei-truitl effeots. THE CELEBRATED The thrilling bnnrlary. Tin- t'rHsl. seaaSakian. Tiie t Hr'liiia Quartet. First & rows, i 3c: tlie house. balance 50c Seats on sa at C.arke A Falk's. Office Pcarmscy. Rratn Food obum. Another ridiculous food fad has bees or&oded by the most competent author ities. They have dispelled the silly no- ; tioE that one kind of food is needed for , brain, another for mncies, and stil: an achat for bones. A correct diet will not Bafts nourieh a particular part of the : body, but it wi.i sustain every other . part. Yet. however good your food may be.::; nutriment is des troyed by indi- ' gesuon or dyspeysia. Von most pre pais for their appearance or prevent Ihsil coming by taking regular doses of Green's August Flower, the favorite ; medicine of the healthy millions. A few ; HnaM airia riiooatinn timnlatM the i ct- n n. an-,1 in view to healthy action, purifieetbe blood, and DBSjSM you teei booyant and vigorous. Yon can get Dr. G. C. Gieen's reliable remedies at Biakeiey e drug store. Get Green's Special Almanac. 1 r AUGUST BuCH-LER, Prop. Of tbs product of this w t-ii-knoan brewery the United Suites Health Reports for Joae 28. 1900, says: "A more eupeiior brew never entered the iabratory of the United States Health reports. It is absolutely devoid of the slight: trace of adulteration, but on the other hand is eon nosed of the best of malt and choicest of hope. Its tonic qnalities are of the high est and it can be used with the greatest benefit end satisfaction by oid and young. Its use can conscientiously he prescribed by the physicians with the cersaintv that a better, purer ot more wholesome beverage could not poesibly be found." East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON. sVbVbVbVbVbVbVsVbV 'bVbVBbVBbWbV sVsV'aSBVBBVsVBVBVBV' 5 ever shown in the :t are now on display at H. Glenn & Co s OCEAI AID RIVER SCHEDULE rrtlad. 8:00 p. IE. Paint and Oil Store. i f ! CITY HACK tfiv.r except Sunday, l?:0& p. in. i Saturdar. j 1C:0C p. m . Monday. . Wrdnesd; Friday, ; C lip. m. Al! aailinf Saten aub jee : to change ) For San Francisco, Sail every 5 Say. Colombia Hirer. To Atttoria and Way-Landings. 1 00 p. 4:00 p. a. eieept sundar. Willamette filrer. Oreronf'ity,Neoer(:..sa .ore. Indepeiideuee, t or ValllS i v U:;i!,t To any jart of the city. Will make ail trains. Light liaggage free of charge to all passengers. Tuesday. Thursilay. ssturdav. , 6.00 a. m. i Tuei"da . : Thursday, I Saturday. 7 :00 a. m. Corvallis and Way-Ijandiifs. Tuesdar, ThundiV, satnrotT, S:09 p. m. :. a Vondaf, Wednesdtv Friaay. Willamette and 3:30p.m. an. hill ItlTera. MondaT, ('.'resort City, Dayton and Wedncaoay Way landing. Friday Day and Night Service. j ex. - : : Ihv ,4:05 a.m. . Snake Rirer. Rlparia to Len-iaton. LeabtoD daiiy. ex Mondar T:00p.w. of the imon-eer combine it dithcult I- read between the ixistihty to A TO ni and d 'ira ti.e streets of tout face Salem on any fine aftt rnoon r-spc ially ' Shows the state of your feelings and the li it be : fcavirday w :..d prove - - state of your nealth as well. Impure ficient to coiivincr- every one thar an r Dloo j makes itself apparent in a pale I electidK is appruuehutg, say.- :he Salem and sallow complexion. Pimples aac Sentinel. Yss, thiags are warn.ing up. J 6kin Eruptions. If you are ieeling i ho have i;ot ojnly an-1 weak and com oat and do not have a ' PIONEER BAKERY. I h.ave re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread. Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH Pioneer Grocer. Oay I'hone Grant';, Loea; 211, Long Distance lSli ; Night Phones Xel eon'e, Local 304, Long Dist. 1151. Porter I Anderson Proprietors. FRENCH A CO., BANKERS. Trausact a General Banking Business. CSV Partiea Jeslrins to ru to Beppner w : points on Columbia Southern via Bigg, aboott 1 taae No. 2. tearing The Dalle at 12:25 p. m. i ma Ling direct connection at Hcppncr JnaSBtJ , and Bisss. Returnlns maaing direct coumcUoo , at HevpnexJuneUon and Btssa with No. 1, at- rivins at The Dalies at 1:06 p. m. For further particulars, call on ot address JA& IRELAND, Agent, l nc uaiics, urefoo. Notice of the Coaat ruetkun of a 1'ri tewtr. -Candidates wh... bars l.ot oinly an- j nounce-; tii-mse:vea ar- in the :.a:; -of th-ir friends and it is a aaie gSBM that from this tuns on it will be a merry race ior .reieTnent :!tth-- county, I district and state conventions. As yet ; the activity i- o: fiu-xl to the -e;.- b!:c. '. party. This is owing to thv d-moral :za-1 tion existing SSSnrif the r.nks f the Gf ' position through the ftsaiosi prograrn of! the past fe campaigns. Of curs the. inrther fact t:.; t a nomination is ...-. ca'. y equivuh-nt to election augments the nvmenTnm f the repnbli'-an candida-a in their rac nomination. A few surface indications not niy Bhow tiie direct ion of thr wind, but the' point t foregone t'Oiidusions. Prominent am -ng 4 stur atmuepht re healthy appearance yon should try Acker 'e Biood Elixir. It cures all biood diseases where cheap Sarsaparillas and so called purifiers fail ; knowing this we sell every bottle on a positive guarantee. Biake.t; the druggist. An CftuftlUt i Story. "I suffered for vears with bronchial or lung trouble and tried various remedies ; but did not obtain permanent relief aaaVOBat r-wii'-an not;. I commenced osing One Minute I uoogn uure. writes nev. jamee tvirt man, evanselist of Belle Biver, III. "I j have no hesitation in recommend ins it for to all seffsrers from maladies of this kind." One Minnie Cough Cure affords . immediate relief for coughs, colds and ail kinds of Ihrost and long troubles. For cronp it is nneaualled. Absolute!? ;hee is the refriger- j safe. Very pleasant to take, never fails i rawKUBS tne Oeer-' "on is reauy a favorite wuu tne ennaren. JONES' CAFE. First-Class Regular Meals. SPECIAL SUNDAY DINNER... J Royal Toke "Point and Olympia Oysters served J at all hours and in all styles. 4 Agency ALDON BRAND delicious Chocolates 4 and Confections. Always fresh. V s Letters of Credit the Eastern States. Sight Exchange and Telecrapbic Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St. Louis, San Francieco, Portland Ore- .n ....... .. V-V . A J in Oregon and Washington. Collections made at ail ointe on fav ' o.-able terms. Notice i hereb; siveu that the Council of iallC3 City did on the ith da; ui December. 1'JOl. by reso'ution duit adooted. determine to i construct and relay a sewer lor that part of . uaiies lyinp Doavw me mun aaa tfOtaennc I on and adjacent n Liberty street and teeond ia.ned available in ' srcet. and whieb can be beneBted bv said pro I UW3U BBWBST, fata t The enthusiasm XT 11 , . , , ,, r-narmacy. js cooler triai. luke-wurm. C -jnaervativr i S:m -n twin cundidacv. C.arke A Falk't P. O. judges O! existing conditions anl cioe ' If you went to retain your hair you calculators of thimr to lie give it as j have to keep your scalp clean. Soap 'heir opinion liiat neither e-r nor j will make your hair harsh, dry and Simon, nor the r wo-hex led c mbinati n ' crispy. Now we have two of the aery iii conjunction, will be abie i. ca-rv i beat preparations for cleansing the Marions, .nut v. It is even doubf-d .W7 Pins Tar Snampoo. It . will leave vour nair soft and glnssv. they can carry even sU many as one- price, 2 and' 50 cents a bottle, at Fraaer't fourth of t e j.r- .:. '. of the county. It barber chop, The Dalles. tf is not unusual to hear it aaid they will not carry one prjinct Toe latoriuatloa manafactorere Sultd of Banner ba've When your hair appears dry and to paving aiways believed that no doctor or have lost its vitality it waots something, to give it life sod vigor. We have what toe hair needs when it gets in that con dition. We have st the Crown of Science Hair Ajift (Grower and Ojcoamu Oeau.H Mr Tonic. They will cure dand aaaSsW ruff and all scalp diseases. . For sale at Frazer's bar , bar shop Price 50c and 75c a bottle. medietas can core in everv case, hut never having Seard where Banaei baive failed to cure uirets. sores, tetter, eczema, or piles, as a matter of curiosity would like to know if there are seen cases. If to Itiey will sladly refund tbe toe money. Ciaike A Fslk. During the next two months I-oui Of tteneAl to ! D. g. Mitchell, Folford. Hd. : "During a ions illiiSM I wss troubled with bed auui wUl asll avery monusssnt in his ,oiss, was advissd to try DeWitt't Witcb yard at a discount of 20 per cent below , Uaiel Salve and did so with wonderful regular nriceo. The awonuments must reauita. i wss perfectly cured, it is be sold as he m-els the money to pay his debts, d21-tf If the L. Lane, GEKEKAL BiacKsmitQ .AMD. C. J. STUBLING, IUOaULS A.M. EXT AIL Wines, Liquors Cigars Family Orders will receive prompt attention. Next dour to First National Bank. THE DALLES, OREGON. iniliil mil si i Ti ii ii n)4kkliHkimml CunMon I'hone S3. I.ooa Ulat. lwl. HorsesDoer Wtgtn anal Carriage Werk. Fish Brethars' sVagan. Tturt ani JuUeQE. PtioielSS Will thief whoeteletbe purse from Pharmacy. the market basket of Mrs. E. M. Wil iissas in Borden's store Saturday after noon will return, the locket be can base the pone and tbe rest of its contents. d-U it banriss on Mt. Heod from Lost Lake, lbsJI iache.. Wa have pianty of them aov at 1.00. the best salve on the mar set." Sore core for piles, aoree, burns. Beware of counterfeit. Clarke A Falk's P. U. Baaswa. Hoartaa riuud. wonders ever cease?" inquire Waahad down a tu.Mi. i.;..i. tbe friendsof Mrs. L. Pease, of Lawrence. I Ctoas. C. E.lia, of Liabsa, la., bad to rs Kan. They knew ane bad been enable pair. "Standing waist deep'in icy water," to ieave ber bed in seven rears ou ac- he writes, "gave me a terrible cold sad count of kidney and liver troobls, 'cough. It rev worse dailv. Finally nervous prostration and general debility : tbe best doctors ia Oakland. Neb., Sioux I a a avi - Laal.. S l . . w . ".. JV a taw. . Strppau 1.1. Ll.a .l. ""LJ". T f" A " , X"? WO f00 JOOSOBtioa ' . . ,M nabiad me to walk." she writs, "sad could not live. Then I began osing W hen s child I bnrnsd my foot fright. ia three mouths I felt likes saw person." Dr. King's New Discover sad Was felly," writes W. H. Lads, of Jenesville, ! Women suffering from Hsadaobe. Back- wholly eared by sis bottles." Positivsly Vs., 'wh.chcaoaad horrible lag sores tag i ff WyMwass. Weeplsasaaas, Melan-1 g y Coagba. Colds sad all 30 veers, but Buck Ian . Arnica SaiM i -7 ! wui t woooiss bv U. C. 11. A m .Iim .1.; aaiisw tawwuas. I ry . ""saawr, aw saasBlSl. rnot OUc. ley. the drosst Ooly 50c ' 6 wholly cored me after svervthinc else fsiled." Infallibls for Boras, Scalda. i Cote. Sores. Bruises sad Hies. Bold bs in. r nuk.u. - - - aw.. c Otfbrd'B PoftOt Hover Fast Bowscribs for Tan Ci Poty's Honey fif Tmr Aeply oa too arsssiaas. dlt-lw John Pashek, The Tailor, Hss just received 1000 samples of tbe latest patterns in Gents Clothing Goods. He guaran tees prices and s good fit or no John Pashek, The Tailor. That said sewer shall be of terra cntta pipe, and tbe extent and location .' which tball be follow: Said sewer ahall aesla at tbe bluf! Yifectim- : mediately MHith of bixth street and runuiuf j northerly in Liberty street in the line ot tbe B resent old sewer now therein to tbe middle neof second street, runniue tbenee easterly ! along tbe center line of aeeond sireet to the west I line of Union street, running tbenee on a curve I to tbe left and connecting wltL the I'nion street sewer at tbe north line of Second street in the center of Union street. ! And it is determined by tbe said ConnRi! that '. tbe cost of said sewer shall be assessed against ; the property benefited thereby. The notice of thit- determination is hereby ' given by fourteen days' notioe thereof. pabUab i ed in The Uaiies Daily Chronicle, newspaper published in said Dulle City, Oregon, which !:otiee is given by order of tbe Council of Dattw City, which order was made on the loth Say of December, 1901. Dated at Dalles City, Oregon, this the 19th day . ot December, 1'JOL J. DOREBTV, : dccl9 Mt Recorder of Dalles City. W a aw awe Jewels. Jewels, candy, flowers, man that it the order of a woman's preferences. Jewels form a magnet of migbty power to the average woman. Even that greatest of all jewels, bealtb, is often ruined in the strenuous efforts to msks or save the money to purchase them. If a woman will risk ber bealtb to gets coveted gem, then let ber fortify herself attainst tbe in Bid none consequences of coughs, colds aad bronchial affections by tbe regular ass of Dr. Boschee GerssSS Syrup. It will promptly arrest ess sumption in its early stages and heal the affected lungs and bronchial tabes asa drive tbe dread disease from the systesb It ia asta care-all, bat it is scsrtsis care for coughs, colds and all bronchia trouble. You can get Dr. G.U. Grass reliable remedies at Blakeiey's dreg store. Get Green's Special Almanac. I WM. MICHELL, Undertaker tsi Embabner Cor. Third and Washington grts. AU orders attended to promptly. Long distance phone 433 . Local. 102. jyi.. TAC1B SEAL, OSTEOPATHI8T. OSice, alia, storawu'. Art Studio.' 1 to & p. si. CASTOR I A Far Intanu aad Children- Hi KM Ym Han Always Bat! the Bowrs, ea-lss Vw After ex posers oa. take s esse of VeJet's Tar. It aessv faiis to asaa a eaU tf Clarke Pal. I can secure the service of an esp music teacher at regular rates if several snore petals can be secured. Address Charles Betxler.Tlie Dalles . dW Jatal lotioa wUnsarewiind dieafg ssffalk. . AM at tAJLXl Otflbri. PofcM Htrtr f- v