The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 23, 1901, Image 3

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t off
on Regular Price
Every customer on Tuesday receives
a sprig of mistletoe.
Fancy Pin Cushions,
Hand Curved trtwlhf I Goodt,
Collar and Cuff rtoxe.
Plaques, Vast-, Pillows.
Sterling Silver Novelties,
Blankets and Comforts,
Fur Collarettes, Scarfs,
Silk Waists, ive.
To help those who are late in making their Christmas
selections, and to help us to clean up the balance of
our Holiday Goods we will offer the following goods
at 1-4 off the regular price, Monday and Tuesday.
25 er cent off
We have the newest ideas in Smoking Jackets
plain and fancy, double-faced and fancy lined, scotch
plaids, cord edge and silk bound.
Men of taste will be pleased with our Neckwear
we have the prettiest creations that the combined efforts
of weaver and silk worm ever produced. The styles are
various and numerous. One special line of 75-eent
Neckwear now 30 cents.
A Splendid Christmas Oift.
That is if your gift is to be of the praftical Witt,
Maybe above all he would prefer an overcoat or suit.
Perhaps you could not buy a gift with which he'd be
more pleased. Our $25 Suits and Overcoats, $30.8$,
$20 Suits and Overcoats, $15.75. $15 Suits and Over
coats, $10.35. $10 Suits and Overcoats. $7.05.
Our Grocery Department Spectacular with Holiday Offerings.
Christmas cheer. What is it without the
cood things to eat? For palatable, whole
Borne table cheer come to this peat depart
mentsimply spectacular ,dth the enor
mous stocks temptingly displayed for X mas
shoppers. The prices not only appeal to
the trade they force the business, for thy
are wonders.
Plum Pudding'.
Gordon A Dilworth, 1 lb cans 20c
" " 2 lb cans 40c
I'eisian 8Jc per lb
Lemons 20c ier dos
Oranges, 150s 35c "
Oranges, 175s 30c '
Bananas 25c and 30c "
Pineapples 40c each
California 1 lb bricks S lbs for 25c
California White, bulk 3 lbs for 25c
California Black 3i lbs for 25c
Cherry Creek, 1 lb frames 15c
Mince Meat.
Libby'a, Is 7.'sc per package
Walnuts 12.S,c per lb
Almonds 16c per lb
Brazil 17c per lb
Pecans 17c per lb
Filberts 15c per lb
Raw Peanuts 8t$c per lb
Roasted Peanuts 10c per lb
Christmas Candies and Favors.
A great stock a beautiful stock a tempting atock a delicious stock. Bash M the stock
show in the Confectionery Department at present. And it may be remarked that a box of
Candy makes a most pleasing Christmas gift. Profit by our prices.
Plain mixed 8Uc Boston Baked Beans 20c
Broken mixed 10c l.emn Drops IS
Boston mixed 12l8c ltaspberry Drops 90c
lObbou mixed' u'Ho
Fancv loc
French JOc
Asiorted Stick 10c
Peanut Stick 15c
Hoarhound 12lBe
Jelly Beans 12,c
Chocolate Brownies 20e
Matchless Chocolate 20c
Chicken Tamales 20c
Klondike Nuggets 30c
Peppermint Lounges 18c
Conversation l.osenges I5c
Gum Drops
The Dalles Daily Ctamfete.
DEC. 23, 1901
would have been good reason for the iartnre from Bake Oven will remove one
divorce, but it must appear to a disin- of the familiar landmark oi that vicinity,
tereeted observer that the court grunts Mr. and Mrs. Burgess have not yet de-
ing divorce on such evidence is of a very
accommodating turn of mind.
A large assortment of sample gar
ments, consisting of ladies silk sbirt
waists, dress skirts, petticoats, etc.,
cided where they will locate, bnt it will
probably be near one or the other of
their children.
The voting at the Catholic fair for the
most popular young lady resulted in a
At Andrew Keller's.
All Wuoo County warrant! registered
prior to January 4, UN, will an paid
on presentation at nay office. Interest
WMI arter November IS, ISO I.
County Treasurer.
bought iroro a prominent manufacturer ; victory for Miss Annie O'Brien. The
at ou on tne dollar wui oa sold at un-;
beard of prices, Come early and secure
Wanted A girl to do housework.
Apply to Mrs. X. Harris. d23-3t .
A marriage license was issued Satur
day afternoon to Caleb O. Stevens and
Piioebe C. Allen, of Gilliam county.
A marriage license was issued Satur
day afternoon to W. H. Gilbreth, of
Lyle, Washington, and Miss Belle Cal-
lireth, of this county.
R. J. Gil more this morning com
menced sowing wheat on bis ranch over
in North Dalles. The ground is said to
be in tine condition for this purpose.
A tition has been filed in the "Mice
of the county clerk for the appointment
of Mrs. Ida K. Mcintosh as administra
tor of the estate of the late Robert L.
There will be no midnight mses at fit.
Peter's Catholic church Christmas eve,
bat instead there will be services at 5
o'clock Christmas morning, to be fol
lowed by services at 7 o'clock and bigb
mass at 10 :SG.
The petition of Cbas. P. Odell for pre
bate of the will ol tbs late Lala E. Odell
hat been filed in tbe offiee of the county
clerk. The estate consists of 20 seres of
o(l in tbe Hood River valley of tbe
probate value of $800.
Those Pendleton Woolen Mills fleeve
lined blankets exhibited in llerbring's
how window are perfect beauties and
are the pride of Eastern Oregon. They
cost only $12 and are indeed one of the
best X mas presents a husband can make
to his wife. It
The Blue Mountain Eaale sevs : "The
report that Gus Delore, who is wanted J
a u heeler county to answer to a ciiarge
of rape, had been captured in Harney
county and foally dealt with must be a
"'"take, since all efforts of the Eagle
nave failed to ooofrui the report."
The Multnomah county cimuit court
granted six divorces Friday, throe to
husbands mid teams to wives. One
n was grsgrted s sttrome on the
the theater
Caiue sBnaanaa nunlaul ana snand
. "J ejsm VWM saw SSBB"
r f SSnt'S'SS JtMaaam
W hem1 5T3L sts-aVwS
one of these great bargains. H. Her
briag. The Salvation Army people are hard
at work soliciting from the generous
heart 3d people of The Dalles such articles
of food and clothing as will give Christ
inas cheer to the ; o r deserving families
of the city.- Donations for this purpose
will be thankfully received at the army
"Why is it" mid a lady the other day
-'that you can buy all fur collarettes,
boas, ladies and misses jackets cheaper
at Herbring's store than you can in
Portland?" The answer was, "because
be buys all these goods from the best
manufacturers in New York and he is
satisfied with a small profit." lv I
Harry J. Dunn, of Goldemlale, this
morning concluded a liargain with C. J
voters also declared that Mr. J. A. Mc-
Arthur was the most popular elk, that
the Elks was tbe most popular fraternal
order and that J. S. Fish owned t he best
horse on the footstool, or words to that
effect. The voters declared that Sena
tor Williamson was the most popular
man in Wasco eounty, and the vote gave
him a handsome crayon, which the sen
ator generously presented to the gentle
man whose vote was next to his.
The Vogt opera house will have a
strong at tact ion in "A Romance of Coon
Hollow," which appears there next
Monday evening, Dee. 30th, and which
has as its principal card the favorite
little star. Iola Pomeroy. The play will
have an elegant scenic production, with
a select cast, and, as added features, a
quartette in songs of the South, and a
upe of plantation dancers stated to be
of unusual merit. There will be a score
to Babe and insisted on his buying them,
claiming that they would make the
finest kind of "Melican soup." Balr
didn't want any hawk soup and had the
Jap arrested. Ou the way here the
sheriff and the Jap stopped overnight at
the Shaniko hotel. About 2 o'clock in
the morning the Jap opened his lied room
window and taking the blankets with
htm jumped a distance of twenty feet to
the ground, where he landed without a
scratch. He was soon found and confined
more securely until 8 o'clock in the
morning when the sheriff started with
him to Salem. Skiguchi is a stout young
fellow of 34 years of age. He had been
eight years in the Japanese army and
for a number of years had been a sailor.
He is as crazy as a bedbug but his erssf
ness is generally more amusing than
tubling for hie retail store and fixtures,! of people in the cast. The comedy is
e conditions of the sale being that Mr J entering upon itseighth season of success.
Dunn will take wjssession sometime be-1 which is the best testimonial to its
tween the first of January and the first Imerits.
of February. After Mr. Dunn takes
possession Mr. Stabling will devote his
entire attention to the wholesale
The Antelope IJviald says: "Newt
Burgess closed a good-siaed tattle deal
with W. J. Lauder of Salt Springs, last
Saturday afternoon. He sold all of the
cows he had left, amounting to about
160 bead, at $30 per head, to be delivered
on January 1st. This about doses out
all of the cattle owned by T. Burgees &
Son, with the exception of those kept by
Newt fur use at the dairy, at Lower
Following is a list of those winning
articles raffled at the Catholic fair Sat
urday evening : Bicycle, J. M. Toomey ;
What Democracy Needs "The dim-
yeratic party," says Mr. Dooiey,
ain't on speakiij' terms with itsiif."
He advises the party to advertise for a
suitable candidate and suggests the fol
lowing qualifications for a representative
standard bearer: ''Wanted. A good,
active, inergetic dimniycrat, sthrong iv
lung an' limb ; must be in favor iv sound
money, but not too sound, an' anti
impeeryslist, but f'r holdin' onto what
we've got, an' inimy iv thrusts, but a
frind ivorganizid capital, a sympathiser
with th' crushed an' downtrodden
people, but not beanny means hostile to
vested inthrests ; must ad roasts sthrikes,
gover'mint be injunction, free silver,
sound money, greenhackks, a single tax,
a tariff f'r rivinoo, th' eonstinootion to
I, Mr .1 i ieoric : center table.
Annie O'Brien; portrait. 6. F. Fouta, of j f-amw th' asg as far us it can an' no
HlHUur- wuth. Henrv Her-! farther, trnl service rayform v th
bring ;doU, Newt Villismon;tWei, in ,h ?r"n't
Mr Hnrkman: stove. J. Bolton, of ! Kloryoua pniicipm. iv our gr-reat en j
Kingsley; sewing machine, Mrs. P. aryo pittjV t ft
Moore. Hood River ; buggie robe, Judge uUnimt parte thereof.
Blakelev; horse, Mr. Nordhoff, of Se- Sheriff Kelly got back last night from
attls ; jockey saddle, E. C Weigel. Salem where be took a Japs.
From tbe Antelope Herald we learn
that, Mr. T. Burgees, who for twenty
seven years has lived st Bake Oven, has
sold that place, consisting of the Bake
Oven ranch and adjoining lands, 3017
sere in all, to Henry Wakerlig, Br., s
piiwiimsrt stork s of that vteisity.
The eosasderstiou was 10,oUP, ami Mr.
Wskertig takes possession of the
property on the first of January
r. Bersbasee Sffd seen
with tbe
of Wssoo oouaty, sei his
ltm Mr.
R. Skiguchi, to the insane asylum. The
Jap Iiad been employed as a cook for
Babe Mays of Antelope creek. Babe fot
him in Portland and the Jap wasn't
long in his employ till Babe found him
bslhwng s firs in the oven of the kitchen
store instead of in tbs fireplace. On
being remonstrated with the Jap took to
the wont yeas' seat tomjwraml the house
with rooks When driven off the preev
iseshe wandered amend the hUls for
two or three safe and picking ep on bis
travels three dens' hawks hnjsget them
Miss Addie Jackson left Haturday
a visit to Htsppner.
Will Menefee left on the noon train
today on a business trip to Heppner.
Mrs. J. A. Gcixendorffsr has arrive. I
home after a ten days visit in Portland.
Representative M. A. Moody arrived
here this afternoon from Washington,
D. C.
Mr. Vorse has been in our city since
Thursday and will remain until after
the holidays.
Mr. and Mrs. Cbas. Distzel will leave
on tbe 26th lor a tbres months visit in
Los Angeles.
Mrs. MeNamara left yesterday noon
for her home in Portland accompanied
by her husband
George A. Young, of Hidgeway, re
turned from Portland today ami is slop
ping at the Umatilfa House.
MesdameM J. W . and Kd French , who
have spent the past few days in Port
land, returned home last Saturday.
Misses Nellie and Ixu Hosteller went
ti Heppner, this afternoon to spend
Christmas with their Aunt, Mrs. Geiger.
Will Croesen, who has l en on the
Sound for the last few months, has mine
home to sue i id the holidavs with his
Mrs. Joseph Bonn arrived home on
the early morning train yesterday from i
her home in neiivue, lowa, wnere sue
has made an extended visit.
Mr. and Mrs. Roger B. Sinnott, after
spending a couple of day with their
relatives in this citv, left this afternoon
for their home in Portland.
Mrs. Hal W. French left Sunday on
tbs afternoon train for bar horns la
Portland wbere sbe will remain a
month. Mr. French accompanied hsr.
O. B. S. Nutloa
There will be a communication of
Cotsmhia Chapter He. 33, 0 E. 8.. this
(Mesksnr) swains at 7 'JO. I -stel ratios
Mast Scott Uveas, Sesy.
good lounge, sheep
with timer
Blakeley s Drug Store,
Our HOW (,,r Christmas lines
mjf . ... sre finer tbsn ever.
Medallions Ufr lhrw UmM M may
are all 1901 subjects
Tbs prices ars 25 to 30 per cent
No carry-overs. lom lh,n PorlUnd.
MAIL OKIUKI receive our I OflTU TJUnyCC I avrry fscksatf iWllrerwl rrmm.
pvrsonal attention. 0U I II I I1UIIC0 pnaniitly, In thv city.
in the glass jar in our Window. We
will give it to the one guessing near
est to the amount the jar contains.
Contest closes March 1st, 1002.
One Minute read this ad,
One Minute to look at our window.
Two Minutes WELL SPENT.
We are Headquarters for
Santa Clau&
The Hub Ctothlna Co,
W. Mi