The Dalles Daily Chronicle. MONDAY PEC. 23. 1901 THE rUIUPPISE TARIFF BILL. The bill to provide revenue tern- collected under the act, whether here; porarily for the Philippine Islands, : or in the islands, less the cost of col-, which passed the bouse last Wtii- lection, must be paid into the trea oesdaj by a vote of ICS to 128, is sury of the Pnilippinc Islands, to be justified in part by its supporters on the ground of necessity. Tbey say onr people have made nroeress in the Philippine Islands Pine the commission went there to establish forms of civil government. Tbey have established municipal gov ernments in 765 of the towns or townships of the islands. In each of there is a president, a vice president and a certain number of councilors who are all elected by the votes of the natives. They have es tablished provisional governments in which the common interests of many municipalities are united nnJer our government. Tbey have established a governor in the person of Judge Taft. over all the islands not under military jurisdiction and bis jurisdic tion now extends over an area 74.000 square miles, including 58 per cent of the territory of the islands, and over 5,000,000 of the people, or over 70 per cent of tbe whole people of tbe islands. They bave established a supreme court, composed of a chief justice and six associate justices. Under them are district courts wbicb are provided in fourteen districts. In addition to this all tbe townships have justices of tbe peace who bave jurisdiction in minor cases- The chief justice and two of bis six asso ciates are Filipinos, as are many of the justices of the circuit court. Tbe justices of the peace are all Filipinos. ucj iuc(.u.0i,cu,.,1: in all the township which have come under tbe iunsdiction of the United States. They have established a con stabulary force of e to 150 natives in each of tbe fourteen districts, with a force of inspectors who inspect both tbe police and the constabulary. In a word they bave organized a force of 6,000 natives who perform tbe duties of police and constable and all of them, or nearly all except the chief of constabulary and his assist ants, are natives. Tbey have liO.000 children en rolled in the common schools, and have provided 1000 American teach- rs to educate them, in addition to betwe.n 3,000 to -1,000 native teach ers. Tbey have a normal school in Manila with an attendance of 5.0 pupils apd night schools with at on- rollment of abou '5,000. They bave established an agricultural rhrwii in th isiitri'l nf X.ifr anrt . . , w scnooi ror me lnausmai arts in Ala- nils. They are building roads that call for an expenditure of if 1,000,000 and have let a contract for the improve- ment of the harbor of Manila that cali6 for between 12,000,000 and $3,- 000,000. Of tbe 73,000,000 acres of land in tbe islands all but 0,000,000 acres belong to tbe government, and of these 5,000,000 acres 403,000 acres belong to the friars who bave been retting these lands to tbe na tives for so many generations that tbe natives have come to believe that their title is as good as tbat of the friars. It is something like tbe old story of Ireland over again. A good deal of tbe trouble of adminis tration arises from tbe hatred toward tbe friars from this cause. Tbe gov ernment Las been trvintr to aettle the difficult! with iustice to all con-; cerned and nronosea. as the onlv tu isfactory remedy, to buy all lands - J from tbe friars, and as fast as title can be obtained, to sell it to tbe oc cupants on such easy terms as tbey will be able to noeea. v- .11 t - ;- 1 IWow til of these ttemes to pro- , greet, or ia eoUdpetion, require . . . ey to ea-r? mm on, and loU of , it, and this bum cone irom the l i.l 1. -K, new Uu-iff bill, ap It peeeed the boose, imposed Ibc Dingley rates on sood ! entering the United Sutes from the ' Philippines, and the rates established by the Philippine commission on goods entering the Philippines from ' the Unite. i States, Bat every dollar' used and expended wholly for their government and benefit. Such toe Philippine tariff bill ud 9Uch tne founds on which it opporters justify it 1: is only na tural that democrats and constitution al free lraders should oppose and de-, nounce it, but their denunciation I would come with better g ace if they , would offer a single suggestion, which none of them bave done, of a mea sure less oppressive and equally ef- fective for raising the necessary rev enue. Mayor Harrison, of Chicago, has come out in favor of tbe municipal encouragement of athletics, and says that if we want to develop a pbysi- callv as well as mentally strong race ' f we must dc everything in our power to encourage athletic sports. He be- lieves that cities ought to provide free play ground? and athletic fields and promote physical culture. WW V Bl IM!&8 LOCALS W Piclnrtrs enlarged at the Wilson photo-. ernh uullatHI dvi 1 m Ciark a Falk are ; -ver cioeed Sunday. llDC'l Irrcct tHl. Ciarae dt Falk : jv- oo aaie a rah line of tbe bowels but never cause griping, of paint ami artist's braehee. cramps or distress. Safe pills. Clarke Clarke 4 Fair navonng extracts are j 4 Flk fi P- - Pprm"y the best. Ass your eT ':r for them. Attractive n notes. Go to the Wilson gaiiery for excellent ' All women sensibly desire to be at- puotoe at reasonaoie prices. dec4 xm ( Trr ATI .r ir i .r a rui. f.' At an f passes, oidor young, near sighted or j 'r eigntea. dec The prices on ladies' and children's kcit goods are surprisingly low at the New York Cash Store. dl3tf j i- - - ... . t or r-nt t-urn.iinei n ms- witn steam . hMt nii Wt-i- Hhtm innlr t.. l- Applv t- I- ! r. tnapr.ian. hapmai. block. j,n . Children's knit leggins, mittens and ' tc-:n a fni! line at lowest prices at tbe m lork Oasb store. d;3tf Ii'seaevto select Christmas presents ! h i-i- .k T. --S.lZZr curios, sea shells and novelties, at Wild-1 era. dL-li Margaret broedt-r wishes to announce 1 tiiat -he is prepared to do all kinds of sewing. Residence across track from the Wasco wareh 'use. dlVMw If anything aiis your hair, go and see Fraxer: he's the hte(i.'inartr for all hair remedies. Remember that be makes a spciaitv of theee goods. tf Have you seen those knit goods at the New York Cash Store? Fascinators, ice-wools, circular ehawis, micensand skirts. dl3tf Clark and Falk have just received a fail line of fresh Yeiox papers and de velopers, the same as njed bv Mr. I.ovie In me recent uemonstration at onr store. Ulgars lor Cigars for Christmas in handeom- noxes oi v., io, 20, au and everv 1C0; !' Ue popular hrnd, cheap, at Grant's the' only exclusive cigar store in lbs city. i . , .... i (. bnstmas sale of mi.imerv at the ' Campbeli 4 Wilson millinery palors. ; toct. T.e--.ijiri on price ol entire Saie will continue until first of! January. 25n-tf W'hy pay $1.75 per ga.ion for inferior j ZLZZ.SS nattita -Kn - - . . . . T TT gallon, guaranteed for 5 years. Clark A r a.t, agents. ml Acker's Ilnpiish Eemedy will stop a couith at any time, and will curs tbe worst coid in twelve boors, or money re funded. ..") cts. and 50 cte, Blskeiey, tbe druggist. If you wish to retain a natural color to your hair, stop it falling out, eradi cate dandruff and make it soft, fine and wavey, then use Aristo Hair Food. For sale by Clarke A Falk, postoffiue phar macy. dl6:f Are yon ready for coid weather? If not you snould provide yourself with some of thee knit goods from the New York Cash Store. A large assortment of these guods for womau and children may be teeu at the New York Casti d!3tf . J W:"d '"'i00 ,uu,,u vwwi iu um cny a: Wil let's 'photo studio. Souvenir ,i,. in . .v . to cvou ; meaiom, 10 cents ; lam ontM . cents. Keiuember these views are i hoiebed on aristo and bromide carbons and guaranteed for all time. d 17-1 w Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets are sold on j guarantee. Cores heart-born, of lhe food dittnm or any form of dyspepsia. One liukt tathlat ftiiaaa mm1i.i. Kf m. ITt th--r . . ; . Kmbi (lltnnuaMr ill uium - ...&... l. . W - .,.-n atth i Groceries Union and Second Streets. Local Phone 92. How' Ttt: We offer one hundred dollars reward for an v case of Catarrh that can not be cnred by Hall's Catarrh Care. F. J. Cheney A Co. Props., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. j J. Cbenev for the last 16 rears, and be- lievehiir perfectly honorable in ail bnsi- ne transactions and financially he to carry ont any ob ligations made bv their ' firm. Ef TT-.Wholie Drafi"s' T." ledo, O., aiding, Rinnan Marvin, I Wholesale DrugEists. Toiedo, Ohio. Halt's Catarrh Cure is ukeninter- di.:t. actine direct:r noon the blood and mucous surfaces of' the eysfeni. ' . r loieao Mid bv drruggistj, price inc. Hall'sFamily Pills are the boot. 12 Health and Bcinljr A,oor complexion is usually tbe re- j soli of a torpid liver or irregular action oi the boweis. Unless nature s refuse is m carried on it will surely cause impure J blood. Pimples, boils and other eruptions foliaw. This is nature's method of throwing off the poisons which the boweis iaiied to remove. DeWitt'e Little Earlv Risers are worid famous for remedving this condition. Thev stimulate the liver ! and promate regular and beaithv action tractive. Beauty is the stamp of health luii'anaA it ,3 llio nnt.tifl m.nifaslkfiin 0f inner puritv. A health? woman is inner purity. a'.wavs attrac;:ve. blight and happv. Wi.en every drop of blood in tbe veins is pare a beauteous flash is on tbe cheek. But when tbe blood is impure, in arose nese, bad temper and a sallow complex- : n .v.- . , uu " ' wcaui-M mu to W ion tells tbe tale ot sickness a. I A A . 1 1 . . . . auu wuuivu tuu.j uu Lucre le uu i beautv withoat health. Wine of Cardui crowns women with beset', and attrac- tivenees by making strong and healthy , those organs wbicb make her a woman. Try fDoi Cdui and in a month your friends will hardly knew yon. sm b ue. T wish toaav tbat I owe mv life to Kodol Dyspepsia Cure," writes H. C. : Chreatenson of HaySeid, Minn. "For three years I was troubled with dyepepaia so that I could hold nothing on my stomach. Many timee I would be un able to retain a moreel of food. Finally I was confined to my bed. Doctors said I coald not live. I read one of your advertisements on Eodol Dyspepsia Cure and thought it fit my case and com menced its nse. I began to improve from the first bottle. Now I am cured and recommend it to all." Digests yonr food. Cores al! stomach troubles. Clarke Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. S25 REWARD. We wiii pav 25 reward for tbe arrest and conviction of aov person trespassing upon the football park, molesting or de- . . : . I r .. , m 15Ja-Z ! are liable to arrest and are included in the hr Beloe.v H. Gka.vt 1 a Pnorn t,,,. d4 lm Oris Paite!os. To W hum It Umj t oocrrn. I At a meeting of The Dalies City council held on Monday nigbt Dec. 9, 1 1901, it was moved and carried unani mously : "Tbat the city marshal be or dered to collect a monthly rental on and after January 1, 1902, from all parties in Dalles City wno shall then own houses or otb-r obstructions that bava not been removed from the public streets of the city dl0-td Change of Uaadijuarter. Tha headnnartpra nf Trm D-llau an A ' Shaniko stage line is now at the Coinm- hia Hotel. Stage leave there for Shan iko every morning, except Sunday, at 6 o'clock. Passenger rate to Sbaniko 2. 20u-tf J. M. Toomey, Agent. Maw HhtMt abo. Harold Hansan annuuncas that he has End, nex, ... ttl(. skihbf Hntl a) kin.u r.f i").1 th" . HJ1 . A" Vnd of rllr snrk Ann in M rut . ... ml.m. ' reasonable pries. dl-'-lms OL was iu Chss. Beploete, Atwster, I eery bad shape. He save : "I suffered treat deal with my kidneys end was reqeseteo to try foaey s Kidney Core. I did so and in fear days J wee able to go le week Spain, new I em entirely well." Clarke 4 Falk. see the for Foley's Ter end nil who nee it ansae the it inn Clarke Groceries BE. T. REEUIITOB LINE. NAVIGATION CO. DALLES BOAT LEAVES OAK STREET DOCK, PORTLAND, at 7 A. M. ...Portland Boat... LEAVES THE DALLES at 7 :00 A. M. DAILY except scxdat. STEAMERS REGULATOR, DALLE CITY. RELIANCE. W. C. ALLAWAY, General Agent, Tbe Dalles, Oregon. CraDddU-Bflpget y DEALERS IN IObfiS, fill kinds of tjotertakers Burial Shrouds Faoeral Supplies embalmers Etc The Dalles, Or. THE "OWL Purest Liquors Delivered to any Phones: 51 Local, 658 Long Distance. Win mm , -aeaaquariers ior &eea Urain of all kinds Headquarters for Feed Grain ot eu kin HeaUQ -OTer8 IOr Kmlrttl tirfllTi ll kinils Headquarters for Bran. Shorts' ITSS Headquarters for dyers' Best" Pendle ton FlOlir ThU Floor mannfactnml aaptsMly for family W OSS : aVM-V ak ia munntJ - W sail onr goods lower than any house in the trade, and if yon don't tntnkas and gwt onr pr MHI U Mill t lllltl Highert Frio Paid for Whaat Barley and Oats. ...Blackmail Horseshoer and Wagon-maker. . Iron, StaeL WbmHa, Axlcw, Bprinfa and BlaekaasJtli SoppUaa 107a. Cv. tait NOXiAN. IN MIR KtlNti.. MAKCFACTtJUXBS OF Fine Lard and Sausages Carers of BRAID HAMS & BACON JRIF-D BEEF. ETC. Just What You u-tant. New ideas in Wall Paper here. 8 neb wide variety as we are showing never be fore graced a single stork. Real imita tion cretun effects at ordinary prices. Good papers at cheap paper prices. ; Elegant designs, tasteful colorings, yours i for a small price, at onr store on Third j street. Also a fall line of house paints. D. W. VATJSK Third St for Family Use part of the City. 173 Second Street White Collar Linn TH Htts-Pirtltn mis Str. "TAMOUA," BETWEEN Portland, The Dalles and Way Points. TIME CARD Leaves Portland at 7 a. m. on Tues day, Thursday and Saturday. Arrives Tbe Dallas, same day, 5 p. m. Leaves Tbs Dalles at 7 a. m. on Sun day, Wednesday and Friday. Arrives Portland, same day, 4 p. m. Meals the Very Beet. bis Route has tbe Grandest Scenic Attractions on Earth. Portland-Astoria Route Str. BAILEY-GrATZERT. Daily Round Trips except Sunday. TIME CARD Leave Portland 7 a. k. Leave Astoria 7 p. m. Landing and office Foot of Alder Street; both phones, Main 351, Port land, Oregon. E. W. Criebton, Aeent Portland, Pratber and Barnes, Acts., Hood River, Wolford & Wyers, Agte.. White Salmon, J. C. Wyatt, Agent, Vancouver, A. J. Taylor, Agent Astoria. R. B. Gilbreth, Agt., Lyle, Wash. J. M. FILLQOH, Aeent, The Dalles. p Complete Cipe of at M. Z. DON NELL, THE DRUGGIST. J. 8. Max A. Voor. CaaMeT First national Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREGON A General Banking Business transacted Deposits reserved, subject to Sight Draft or Ghack. Ooliaet iotas mads and paueserte promptly remitted on dav of oollection. Sight and Telewraphic Ksehnnge sold ( a New York, Baa Franejaeo an. port- D. P. Tnee-rnon. Jen. 8. Scnsac a. So. M. Wsiii.iaara, One. A. Ltass. H. M. Bball. TDfiBflUrVIICSTIIIfiKT WILIOM, aer. First-gass in Euery Fespoet. Hals at ill incurs PRIVATE PARTIES SERVED. The table always supplied with the oast in tne 74 Front St., Court. Tbs Dalles. Qso . t AMrnaXL, lentlna Mrtdwa SalliaaS aait Water Buw' litaliiaailaa rawSKawsrt lead narvaytus. n. i-Hsn-n, OSsaStucttaa anS Malrtaaanrr ol flSZ m ateat. Saw