I) Dalles VOL. XIII THE DALLES, OREGON. MONDAY. DECEMBER 23 1901. NO. 263 FRENCH WILL SELL CANAL Shareholders in Panama Waterway Anxious to Trade Would be Pleased to Barter Their Property to the United States at anv Price Paris, Dec. 21. At a meeting of tbe board of directors of tbe Panama Canal company, Thursday, President Hontin, who recently returned here from the United States, and M. Choron, director of tbe works, resigned. Tbe report pre sented at the meeting of tbe sharehold ers of tbe eanal company here this afternoon reviews the negotiations lor tbe sale of canal property to tbe United 8 tares, and says: "The decision of the isthmian com mission was evidently doe to s mis understanding, which mast be dissipat ed. We shall ask you to give us lull powers to negotiate with the govern ment of tbe United States. "Our negotiators will be instructed to notify tbe American government that we are prepared to set aside the valua tions which have been considered as the price asked, and which have been judged unacceptable, and we offer to take as a basis of tbe discussion tbe figures and declarations contained in conclusions ot tbe isthmian commission's report'" After an uproarious session the share holders almost nnanimonsly voted to adopt tlte proposition set forth in tbe report, empowering tbe board to con clude tbe aale and concession, to tbe United States, of all the Panama Can al Company's properties. "Get the United States to bay tbe canal at any pries, in order to save some of onr money," seemed to be tbe preva lent feeling and tbe gist of tbe speeches of shareholders. HormoBlsm Is a Menace. New Yoke, Dec. 21. At a meeting of tbe members of tbe West End Presby terian church, it was decided to endorse the work for tbe proposed amendment to tbe constitution so that polygamy may be made impossible in the United States. Rev. N. E. Clemeneon, of Logan, Utah, was tbe principal speaker. He told of polygamy as he had seen it on his own street, end bow tbe Mormons were still living with many wives, con trary to their pledges when Utah was admitted into statehood. Ho thought the dangers in Idaho greater than in Utah, as less attention is paid Mormons there, and they live openly with their wives under the system they call "cel estial marriage" and which they deny to be polygamy. Mrs. W. P. Whits, who for years baa been doing missionary and educational work among tbe Mormons, told bow her schooibonse had been attacked and wrecked by a mob. She declared that tbe Mormon church bad political con trol of several western states. Mrs. White also said that under their mar velous system of colonizing doubtful states, tbe Mormons before long would control 13 states, and it would then be impossible to kill polygamy without civil war. nu Panat la lrlad. Loxdox, Dec. 18. There is every in dication that tbe government is deter mined to conduct a vigorous campaign against the United Irish league, and Mr. Redmond's speech at Cork is taken to mean that tbe league is prepared to de fend itself. Tbe situation in Ireland at present is very critical, and seemingly the straggle between the law. representing the tenant, which rendered tbe early eighties historic, is about to be re-en acted. Large numbers of mounted and unmounted do Hoe have been drafted to to counties Clare, Mayo. common. Post The mi cnteass' Townee-Mo, Wash., Dec 21. determined to evade to in a members of ir. The in Is to tfeatfcat a large with capital stocks of $1,000,000 and op. wards, -rd stock to the amount ol $500 will be issued to Chinese coming to America so they can show upon being examined by tbe customs officials at a port of entry that they belong to the ex empt class, or merchants. This sction is said to be the result of tbe agitation for a more stringent txclu- eion law at the expiration of the present j law next May. The Chinese immigra tion brokers in tbe southern provinces believe that the new law will exclude all except merchants or members of mer cantile firms who have heretofore been admitted upon showing that tbev are interested in firms to tbe amount of $500, and that large numbers will soon start from the Orient armed with stock in tbe new companies. A Medical rlcover.r. Axx Arbob, Mich., Dec. 22. Keen interest has been aroused in the medi cal profession here by the reports of a discovery of unusual importance at tbe bacteriolegical labratory of tbe Univer sity of Michigan. It is stated that ex periments by Dr. Frederick G. Novy and ProfesSor Paul C. Freer, a chemist, have produceM what is believed to be an antiseptic for sucb intestinal diseases as cboleia, typhoid fever and dysentery. The preparation baa been tried with success in experiments on small animals previously inoculated with intestinal Q 1 86 e W?B and during tbe past week five medical students have been undergoing a course of experiments with tbe prepar ation. It is stated that tbey were re stricted to a diet of sterilized milk, being treated in the meantime aitbtbenew preparation, and that repeated chemical analyses daring the period showed the utter deetruction of iutestiual poisons. Dr. Kovy and bis assistant positively decline to disease tbe reported diecovery or tbeir experiments for publication. Scriptural Dos; liaaaea. The other any, when Counsellor Ed Hantet, one of the sons of Steuben county, met Jack Bwitaer, of Bath, father of the American champagne in dustry at the Fifth Avenue hotel, he told him that a friend of his had a new dog. "It's a fighting dog," added the counsellor, "and he wants anjeppropri ate name for it." Tell him to call it Moreover," said Jack. Moreover!" exclaimed tin- counsel lor, perplexed.. Yes," replied Bwitaer, "Moreover, after the first fighting dog on record.'' Never heard of him," declared the counsellor. 'Go read your bible, then," said Switzer, "and see where it rays that Moreover, the dog came and licked Lazarus.' I don't know what breed Moreover was, but he must have been a fighting dog or he wouldn't have licked Lazaruf ." New York Tribune. A MeeUaa Called. Helena. Mont., Dec. 21. Tbe pro poeed meeting of tbe governors and at torney generals of the nortnwesiern states to discuss a plan of preventing the Northern Securities Company from bringing about a practical consolidation of tbe Northern Pacific Great Northern and Burlington, will be bold m Helena, Monday, December 30tb. This was agreed upon today by Governor Van Sent, of Minnesota, and Governor Toole, after an exchange of telegrams. OeraaMj'e Throat. Berlin, Dec. 22. It is stated on good authority that tbe German government is preparing for military action against Venezuela in order to compel a settle ment of German claims against that country. It is said that Germany has Sint an ultimatum to Vent socle, threat' nine forcible measures lo compel tbe satisfaction of German creditors. A NM MUlteaalre Lately starved in London because bo coo Id not digest his food. Early ose of Dr. King's New Life Pills would have saved bim. They strengthen the stomach , aid digestion. promots , aeeuBllatioo, im prove appetite. Sold by G. C. Blakeley, tbe druggist. Moki Tea positively cares Sick Head scbe, indigestion and constipation. A delightfal herb drink. Bemoves all oraptioae of tbe skin, prodoelnga perfect ooesplexioo, or money jaaa4ed. K ato and Mete. BUaaleT.ajfce droggiet. nw it e-7 ' TOMORROW will be the Busiest Day of all do your shopping in the morning. A Superb Xmas Gift one of our fine tailor-made Overcoat. Many are taking advantage of the special price concessions We are making in overcoat and suit. Every nieuV, youths' and boy' suit and overcoat redwood. Suit and over coats that were from $10 to 30 inclusive are now $8.45 to $21.85. Store will be Closed All Day the 95tH. JP a CHRISTMAS DAY . 4 Dressed and Undressed Dolls. No trouble to And what you want in tlii toek of dolls. While SUnS of the Styles are clotted out tben are many equally a attractive yet to choose from. 7"h' (toll, kid ImhIv, bisque bead, closing eyes Sjieeial 50c Othea ni to fs.oo. Mothers bring the children and show them whore OIl Santa come for many of In pre try doll which be distrib utes among the itootl little gills of this town on Xmas eve. Willie here take par ticular notice of our "fic lrvcl loM, murkctl to ell at. . . . 50c SUGGESTIONS for XMAS GlfTS. Pillow Topa white jap. silk embroidered coli China silk pink tinsel or blue oriental desiglM Outlined in white ami a.oo in ilk and irohl 90c Leather Gooda Music rolls, chatelaine, collar and cuff lxe, In-lt. picture frames, xK'ket Ixioks, Waist Patterns Special table of waist patterns in 3, t aul and 3-yard lengths: French flannel, servers. ChaUlOS, etc., all at eeiiil holiday prices. t Spaclitel and Battenberg Pieces. INFANTS WEAR. A complete line of liilitade wear for baby kimonus, crochet saoanes, silk embroidered white flannel skirt, baby shawls, nilk embroi dered fine Nainsook long and short drosses, beautifully finished, "ilk cans and bonnets, bootees, Mot, &c. J3P See our Special 25c and 50c tables of Fancy Xmas Articles. Comb and BrusH W Sets Starling silver set comb, brush and mirror wcdirrwood hacks an elegant itift special g)S Our selection of "Keep Clean" llnir Brushes at Mtc, 7.V, S.V and 1 ogcr oholcs of a useful uift at n reasonable price. See them. Special display of Fine Art Ware, WtdgeWOOd Novelties and Fine Statuary, 50c to $1.50. Holl- day Linens l.inen sets table cloth ami one dosen napkins Irish damask fttl.ltt to fi:.7." set. Fine towels, Hinged and hem' stitched, '.'.V to 11.75. Shoe Department j& Men's PINGBEE SHOES "Vogue" 22 o " "Governor" 4 00 PATENT LEATHER PUMPS f ffi VICI KID PUMPS I g HOUSE SLIPPERS (too many to describe) HM tu 00 Boys' WARM FELT SLIPPERS 1 Jg KID SLIPPERS Tike Papa V j j GOOD SCHOOL SHOES I J BATH SLIPPERS ,r Bin- Girls' Babies' Fine Kid Shoes $1 75 Extra Fine Soft Sole (joe! SchooTSbpss 1 Ig Ww, r ur-irinimea rniper ea Felt Slippers 1 00 Crocheted llootee B .riOc 15c We ring llo bells and raise the strain; Wo hang up the garlands everywhere, And hitl the tapers twinkle fair, And feast and frolic then we go Back to the same old lives again. But before you do go back to the "Same Old Story," make your friends glad. Thir list is a money-saving tip. A. M. WILLIAMS a CO. FOOTBALL FOOTBALL Heppner vs. D.C.&A.C. Dec. 29th at the Football Park Gauss Cavlld Promptly avt f. a. ADMISSION, Gentlemen, 60 Cent. Ladies and Children, 25 Cente. Sexton & Walther Lyon's French Periodical Drops fcaraaleae, euro to aeeoaspiiab Greatest known f Hardware, Iron and Steel Merchants... THE DALLE, OREGON. A foil Mas of BRIDGE A BEACH 8UPEBIOB STEEL RAMOB8, aad Cook aod Heatiag atom. FABMINO IMPLEMET8.-Alali tOfJJ&'JiP'ffiSiA Of? Hsrroas sod Plows. Sarins; Tooth Harrows, Blssell Glutted Plows, anteneii wag oas sad Hecks, fleouey Buyglee. ...Star Windmills... With Bail and Belief bsarlafs, sad fall warraatod. WrWa as far prlose sad i All Prises Uasaiil bats vote nat. Tbsoaly Eaaiaaiea Haadwafo atore la taa aitf . St4tt