The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 21, 1901, Image 4

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    :n town t dav from
K B. tWlbreth we
Ray Lake i slMilanlng a tea day
Another ridiculous food fad haa been ,
nranded 1 the moat competent author- (
Hies. They have dispelled the silly no
tion that one kind of food is nee. led for
brain, another For muscie?. aci st ii? an
nth for houe9. A correct ditt will not
i i" T h L.i hiln. ir oeI; noon!, a particular part of the
the holidays at Ul I meat I aimer. tr. .. wj
B. F. I-aughlin airbed from Portland part. Yet. however good yoar food may
last niaist to spend the holiday with hi. , he, its not'iirer.t i destroyed bv indi-
. ri"k county, ar-
fci sieiid tbr holi-
getion or dyspeysin. loc n.nst pre
pare for their arpea'snce or prevent
their coming bv taking reenter doses of
tureen's August Flower, the favorite
medicine of the healthy ratlibns. A few
doses aids digestion, stiniuatee the liver
far. y
C. MePherson, f
rivd hen ve;erviay
day wit!, his fan.ily
Mrs. James II. I'ieming a-'ived
Thursday tram r;mt. Kosa, i al., na
vi ' her son, J. M li-mnig.
Mr and Mrs. TV B. ffinaotf arrived
herv tiay from Portland to take in (he
fair and remain with relative over
Paui Herbrina. :. of Mr. and Mrs.
Her br ins of this city, returned yesterday
from Mt. Angel t oiiesre to spend tEe.
holidav wit. hi? parents.
- - Rrnne. of Sort'. Dall.-s ' o " ,releB
who is itt ndin- chol in Portland, j forts of the Anglo-American Telegraph
:;rr;ved here on :he noon train to spend j Company to oppose him and charact-
to healthy action, purines the blocd. and
makes y.iu tee. bn ya-.- ar,d vigorous.
Yon can get Dr. 6. C. 8taa's Tt!-ebte:
remedies at Biakeley's drag store. Get:
Green s Sfweia! Almanac. 1
Ridicules (he A ug' -a mr rit so
Londox. Dec. II. The limes, in an '
editorial in which it gives great credit
to the claims of Mr. Marconi in the field
teiegraphv, ridicules the ef-
the h didays with her i-aren-
Congregations' ci.arch corner Ftftb
an.l Court streets. Rev. D. V. Poing,
pastor. Services loth morning end
Si. Paul's Episcopal chorct Dev. C.
H. Lake, rector. Morning service at
11a.m. .Evening service at 7 .LU). Sun
day school, 12 .15 A are invited.
Calvarv Baotist church Eev. W. B.
Saga an service at 11
m.. in the new church
;nndav school a: 10 i
ermes I item a a ' -eeine imitation oi .
Mrs. Partington mopping up the sea.':
The Times thinks it woold be exceed-,
, ing y difficult tor tee isg.-American :
, Comoany to prove anv infringement .
, against Marconi.
An I'tiDp'.Ki . Story.
"I suffered for rears with bronchia! or
i long troobte and tried various remedies
j bot did not obtain permanent relief
' onti. I commenced using One Minute
I Cough Core."' writes Rev. James Kirk-.
j man. evangelist of Belie River, III. "I !
have no hesitation in recommending it
to au ecnerers trom ma.adies ot this
kind." One Minnie Cough Cure affords
immediate re.ief for coughs, colds and
all kinds of throat and inng troubles.
Par croup it is cnequaTied. Absolutely '
safe. Very pleasant to take, never faits ,
and is rea iv a favorite with the children. .
They like it. Clarke A Falk's ?. O.
Clifton, pastor,
a. m. ani :30 d.
on Cnim srree:.
a. m. i B. Y. P. V. at ti3i p. m.
Christian church. Ninth and Conrt
streets. Rev. J. M. Alexander minister
fieai lillu a: 11 a. m. and 7.30 p. m.:
Sunday school 10 a. in. ; Ciris'.ian En
deavor 6 :30 p. m. Praver meeting 7 :30
O C;OCk Tnursday evemcg. Storni ratlerert Slieei
Methodist Episcooai cLarcL Corner , Chkyenxe. Wyo.. Dec. 3l Very
Fifth and Washington. Rev. W. Skip- ' littie is ret known of the number of
worth pastor Morning service at 11 j sheep tost in ihe Red desert. Flock-
o'clock ; evening 7 3t; Sunday school masters nave for several days past been
10 a.m.; claas meeting 10 120 ; Epwortb attempting to locate their flocks, but!
League 6.30. In the evening the pastor j with very little success. Drifting before
will preach a Christmas sermon Special , the wind, the sheep scattered over a ;
music, appropriate to the occasi jr., wiil j wide range of territory, many flocks be- I
be furnished by the choir. Ail are came mixed and complications
cordially inrited to these services
Trotm the I'ufur Dispatch
in get
t;ug then, ceperatec are anticipated.
Dume rumr teiis us tliat the Hon. W.
H H. Duinr is ont for the nomination
tor the office of sheriff of Waso- countv.
j If von want to retain voai hair von
will make roar hair harsh, dry and
crispy. Now we have two of the yery ,
beat nrenarations for eiaaiuinv the ;
Lindsey Ihomas has resigned his scalp Egg and Pine Tar Shampoo. It
position of justice of the peace for Duinr ; will leave yoar hair soft and glosev.
r-.nt .n.i w R m Tmnie h. h! E Prie end 50 cents a bottle, at Fraxer'e
appoinU-d by the roui.ty court to fill the
barber shop. The Dalies.
Glavev Br., sxild. tHs week, t' i. D
Adkissor?. of Boyd, eiev -n head of mule 1
colt.- about six months old for $50 per I
Yon will not hare boils if too
Clarke & Falk's sore care oi boils.
end. Oonciuaior.
gid m -ney get
I: yon want to make
the male raising !
On Tuesday A. J Bn-ham returned
frou: Portland wtiere he had been for
over a eek pust While in Portland i
Mr Brhfham closed a deal with the
Blnmauer Frank I"- Co., by which the
B, B. Medicine o's plant, of this place,
will be rumored to tliat city It is ex
pected t.'at the tranoier wiC b affected
a? s- r. a- the . ck now on hand in
Dufur is workei up probably in about a
month. In future a!! orders fr the .
B . preparations sliould be sei.t to the
Binioauer Frank Drug Co.
froof yf Subnet r.
In England an officer is court roar
tialied for being drunk j and everybody
mil) recollect the young officer who was
accused of this "crime" and war very
nearly got off by Lie servant. The ser
vant, wiio was an irishman, was asked
by me court wiietiier his master was
sober oc the n. : w . er he was stated
! have been drunk.
"Yes, sir," the servant replied, "he
ae quite aober."
"How do you kaosj Le was aober'"'
"Because he asked me to call him
This was a convincing answer But
oue of tiie officers of tiie court martial,
rememberini: that there was no early
s a rede on the following morning, asked
the servant what reaatm his master save
: r wishing v- be called early. Without
a mom-irt'e hesitation tiie -ervant re
iJiad "He aaid he was the queen of the Mav,
That of c urae, o i aided the case.
i Take them
Sold by Clarke fc? talk. TbeDailer, Or.
to-day and
you'll be well
a Id win's
Cold Cure
Tablet NoBB
(oW in head)
I To FleskM Tour Llttli
Pleavaes You m
4m4 far Pr
ms awici
Subscribe for Tax Caaoaucj a.
Nutlcf of the CbBAlracUoa of a l'ropucd
Sam r.
Wbea yoar hair appawrs dry and to
hare lost its vitality it wants something
to give it life and rigor. We have wbat
the hair need when it gets :o tbat con
dition. We have m the Crown of
Science Hair tt Grower and
Cocoanot Crtrtm V Tonic. They
will rare daud afaW ruff and a!
-caij diaaasea. Sot sale at Fraxer'e bar
ber shop. Pries 50b and 7ac a bottle.
tunriae on Mt. Hood ft m Loat,
lHxSb incite. We have plenty of them
now at $1.00. Giffoed.
Sam GliaiBgeT will give a turkey shoot
no the baac) Daoaanber Mth and
Koticv is nerebr givn. liu: the cuacii of
I imum cur ma ol toe atn oar ul uwtmuet
I ISO:, bj reD'nU'jn dair adopted, asisimliii a
i eonstruct and reiar a aewer for tbat port of
halieNty iyhig telu tht bluff and lott) iug
I on and ad.aevnt u Uueny 4treet aud &ceond
, street, and wbict cat. b beoe:itcd b; .aid
t iiacd aer
That ald : kh'.. be of ama eotu pit
and ih- extent aud iueaUoL of whic-i. ihl be a
. hiUowa
Said aba:: at Utr :,.u:r H f - int
medial.. :r utt of Kixlb atraet and mn:iiaa;
Dortbefir in LibertT attaet ir, the hue at the
prexml (M x-trer i.o Utetett. to toe undak-
i hue of second iret. runuitic t: :. easier!?
ai-.ur tbc center ha of aeeutta iTe: tu the mm
: hoc uf ' in .: tmtt. ruuaiu lbracr aa a curve
k tbr teftaiid oinueechig win- tlx- ' nion atnet
at tb n-rth line of see.iud iimiii tut
tiler .f l uiou itreet
Aud if h drt?riuinU by tbr a:d that
lue aot of aaid tewsr ehaJ! t r aii i it g iiajat
. tbr probettr bsneasrd thereby
I Thi noUer of tbi- ovtarmtoanon u oeisar
fjttvsa by (aoriaau day uutrae tbercol , publsb-
i nil oc wane uany cmdk ... a II. Mud V i m t Hi
! noti'-e ,i aivei. by ofder of lb Council of
I City. whirL ontei made uu the 1Mb day V
December. 1401 .
Dated al laallek Cit . Orrfuo. tbia the Utt asx
01 vmxmime? i v..
Bet-trair ofRftniy.
Baby's Comiag
KeDnnald. Oa.. Jul M. issa.
I artriae. every snff-r nc woman to take Wise
of Caxriui. While I w soiiur with my other
children I waft compeUpd U star in hedfordavs
at a time, bat thi time I have taken Wine of
Oardai and Thed ford's ntsck-Draosh- and have
been able to do ail mr hoaaework withou; anv
trocble. I am expeetina; every dav to be con
flaed. My husband thinks Wine of Cardni is
the best medicine in the world. He takes a
dow of Thedford'e B tact Draught erery night
and gives some to the children. He has net
lost a day from work this year. He tells his
friends about your wonderful aaadicinea and 1
tell my lady friend to use mur Wine of
Cardni. Mrs. GEORGIA LEB.
of wesasa who rive
M af tat baby's csxaiaaj.
of the wofktssjs of Nature
Wd t aatpK tortare sari
ewttlamsf tfW rata.
as our full line of new toys, vamcs and
' dolls are finer and at a less price than
ever. ur store ifl headquarters for
Santa Clans, and wc take pleasure in
showiiii. fverythinc in detail.
Shout line
Union Pacific
There arc I
la terror at the
Bat thildbirth a
and it was eat hi
atony to the hsn
and at citiidbeth hat imxRv. bv'
cretwe, tafored Ore ortnes wtuth make htr a woman. Ncskct f ,
a -a annl a a A . . ana. .m - '
arrttaiarracs icaas w ovanaa paws, iinaaa e4 trrc warn
asri the period ei antaamry m tatliaWfl jlihnili t sat
hom. Wast of Cardni wOf rteafarst the fastastrwal taakctssw sasfutW aari
avntaaBv make the yeisrrativc avaaat asneg asri laadthy. rVteaancy asri
chihftirth Save no terror for the wenaan wfhnUs tha nenv wnw. A stroM
htatthy womb will hrsag ha atadsaa hasrisa te aaaMty wt Mksm
pain, a M4...W ' - -. T nTigTililu
carts all these trotrhtcs famiiiarh known as 'femak tawaats" sari equip the
siawMhrt sxaarattvt erfaas for prttaaacy aari chaVffrirth. It wal saw any
atothtr mach past and suffcrine. Al dnrteists sail $4.00 botttcs.
radriee and Ittenuma. iitlnar JTHI lipl i "Tbr I art! as' Advsjsr
The larvcst- and mont
complete line of . . .
! . i - ! I
McniRt: wmm
ever shown in the city
are now on display at
H. Glenn & Co s
ri'T TIME 'HErn.r: !
aonn t THE DJ1I4.ES.
roriland salt Denver, Ft
rr-ccil. Worth, Omnba. Kaf.
U.&p m. aasCity.St.Lfruls.Ch
I via Hum cago and the Fnst.
via Hum sswaty.8t.I-a4,i:hi-
ington. c" the East.
I M. Paul Walla Walla, Uewiston.
! Fast Mail. ; brokane.Wa'iacr..Puii
9: p. m man. Mtanesnxiils. st '
. vu 8no- rani. Dulutb, Miiwr.u
kans. kee, Ohicngo and East.
iio p. a.
(All sailing dates anb
Ject to change.)
R:00 ;.. m.
Paint and Oil Store.
Trilby and Cole's Original Air-Tight Heaters JJITY HARK
Fcr Wood and Lit htP.r Fupi. kJ Ul I I InWll
. - p. m.
; 10:00 ,. iu.
For San Francisco,
Sail every S days.
Columbia stiver.
To Astoria and Way-
t SOp. a
t: P.m.
Wltltrsnettc- Stiver.
LSfil- y- OrnClty,Newberg,.'.a
For Wood and Lighter Fuel.
Tbe intrjfnc.ion d Cole'e Originn! Air-Tigh. Heater has revolution
ized the heatine stove ;raiie in an sectione of th- Ur.ited Staee. Its woc
derfn atnanwij m the ne of fie:, and many other exceilti.i qnalitiee,
atr aglf rec nimend it to all in need of a heating stove.
A What Cctfa'S Heater Will Do.
4m This stove arjfj heat a room from aero to
ID d-grr-ee ;n five minuter.
sariog It ;ieat your houe evenly day and
It ho;ds fire 36 hours nitiicnt attention.
9 Yen buiid oniv one fire each winter.
It burns ehipa, bars, leaves, paper and
corn rot. mil gives excellent reenlte itb
I this fuel, which is ordinarily wasted.
The stove is light and easily moved and
?et np.
The combustion is perfect aod ashes are
removed only otce m four weeks.
None of the heat is wasted and the stove
ai!i save one-haif of yonr foe! bill.
It is clean, economical, convenient, safe
and durable.
Every one of Cule 'e Original Air -Tier.. Heaters is guaranteed to Btav
air-tight as long a used. Where wood is used for fuel every family should
bare one or more of these stoves.
To anv part of the city. Will
make all train?. Ltgitf
baggage free of charge
to al! passengers.
6 -tip. at.
. Tuesday,
' Thursday.
6 CO a. m.
lem. Indrne.tdcuce, Cot
valiis jl a ay-LanCii.ri,.
Cnrrallis and Way.
'' m.
p. m.
W 3usdiy
. Thursdav.
7:00 a. in.
Willamette aud 3:30 p a.
isnhlll atvera. Mondsj,
Oiegnu City. Da j ton anJ ednesday
v.aj -fanataaa. friosy.
Day and Night Service,
Z ;:ft-.a
l Porter 4 Anderson - Proprietors.
an nday
a. m.
Blparia to Lesriston.
ov Mondiy
7 :Bp. M.
Day Phone Grant's, Ical 211,
Distance 1311 ; Night Phones Nel
eon's, Local 334, Long Dist. 1151.
I ,-,,,, gflss" Parties Jeatring to to to Heroner o:
TJOtnbi OB Columbia Knutharn Wiaa .ku
; tace No. 2. tearing The Dalles at S3 n. m.
makjng direct connection at Henpner Jnnrtion
: and Biggs. Returning making dirart conoacnari
i at Heppncrlu net Ion and Biggs with Kg. I, at-
riving at The Dalles at 1:06 p. m.
for further particulars, call on or address
j The Dalies. Onsjoa.
Sold by MAIER & BENTON. The Dalles.
' - S'' t
I have re-opened this well-known Bakery,
and am now prepared to supply every
body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also
all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es.
GEORGE RUCH Pioneer Grocer.
Bva-a Tais:
We offer one hundred dollars reward
! for any case of Catarrh tbat can not be
cored by Hall's Catarrh Core
Transact a General Basking Business. ! ; J Cuasw r 4 Co. Props. , Toledo, 0.
We, the undersigned, have known F.
j J. Cheney for the last 16 rears, and be
Letters of Credit issued available iD lieve hif perfectly honorable in ail botri
tbe Eastern States. ! neas transactions and financially able to
Sight Exchange and Telegraphic ' carry oat any obligations made by their
Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, ; firm.
St. Louis, San Francisco. Portland Ore- j West & Trnax .Wholesale Druggists, To
ry n, Seattle Wash., and various points 'eao aiding, tinman Marvin,
in Oregon and Washington.
Collections made at all points on fav
orable terms.
First-Class Regular Meals.
L. Lane.
Royal Toke Point and Olympia Oysters served
at all hours and in all styles.
Agency ALDON BRAND delicious Chocolates
and Confections. Always fresh.
Wholesale Druggiste, Toledo, Ohio.
Hall s Catarrh Cure is taken inter
nally, acting directly upon the blood and
m neons surfaces of the system.
F. J. v A Co., Props., Toledo 0.
Sold by drrngfrists, price 75c.
HaU'b Family Fills are the best. 12
Waajan anal Carriage Warn.
Fieri rethara' Wagon.
Hurt M ifStm. Fine 159
aavee a is Life.
"I wish to say that I owe my life to
I Kodol Dyspepsia Care," writes H. C.
iCbreetenson of Hay field, Minn. "For
three years I was troubled with dyspepsia
so that I could hold nothing on fay
stomach. Many times I would be no
) able to retain a morse! of food. Finally
j I was confined to my bed. Doctors said
I I could not lira. I read one of your
j ad vertieement e on Kodol Dyspepsia Can
and thought it fit my case and com
I menced its nee. I began to improve
: from the first bottle. Now I am cured
J and recommend it to all." Digests year
Mod. Cores all stomach troubles. Clarke
A Falk's P. 0. Pharmacy.
C. J. STUBLilfnG,
Wines, Liquors Cigars
Family Orders will receive prompt attention.
Seat door to First National Bank.
ataa. leei.
John Pashek, The Tailor,
Has just received 1000 samples
of the latest patterns in Gent's
Clothing Goods. He guaran
tees prices and a good fit or qp
John Pashek. The Tailor.
Undertaker aw Embalmer
Cor. Third and Washington st.
All orders attended to promptly. Long
distance phene 433. Local. 102.
1st Salle.
Every year a large number of poor
sufferers wboas lungs ore sore and racked
with coughs are urged to go to another
climate. Bat this is costly and not al
ways tare. Don't be an exile when Dr.
King's New Discovery for Consumption
will euro you at home. It's the most
infallible medicine for Coughs, Colds,
and all Throat and Long diseases oa
earth. The first data brings relief.
Astounding cures result from persistent
see. Trail bottles free at G. C. Blafcsley s
drag store. Price 60c and fl . 00. Erery
tattle guaranteed. 4
The uianufact erees of Banner ba'vt
having- always believed that no doctor or
medicine can core in every ease, bat
having heard where Bannei baivs
to cure uleets, sores, tetter,
s. or plans, as a matter of cariosity
would like to know if there are cneb
eaeea. Jf eo they will gladly refund lbs
the money. Claike A Falk.
a lot
or Kaataat to !
8. Mitchell, Faiford. Mrf.
illness I was troubled
: "During
witb bed
Ottee, Jl Morgnu'a Art etudiu o&Vv nuunv,
sores, was advised to try DeWiti 'i Witcb
Haaal Balve and did so witb wonderful
r Manila I mmm n aria r fir aired. It nt
the beat salve oa the market." hurs
nasra fnr caikaa Mm fararata. Beware Of
eoonterierts. Clarke A Falk's P.
1 to 5 p. m
ataw a Cata.
Alier exposure or wbaa you lael a eold
eniag oa. taka a does of Foley's Hoeey
siTar. It aever falte to sa. a cold If
for rulsy'i
eaedy tor
4 Folk.
all waoaas
Beanvaaal Tar aaag
Poky tUey-Tr
Clarke Folk.