The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 21, 1901, Image 3

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Chrfetmas Mer
22-inch Jap. nilk, all plain shade,
per yard 24c
Her to whsre HtnUi'liui always Imys
his slipper, ladies' flipper In mi in,
kM And patent leather, from I strep to
x straps ; for home comfort, for recep
tions, for ball, for parties, they an an
important part of avery lady's toilet.
halt at " 86c, $1. $1.80. 1.7t
KM slippers at ' tl.lft, $1 8, $1.75. tt.OO. $S.B0
Homy 5fcnt Were Brings
a Merry Christmas.
All fancy Pillow? reduced aboul
OM r,irter regular price.
and Neck Ruffs.
The pleasure of Christmas shopping depends wholly on the store itself. At PEASE A MAYS'
you will find the greatest and best assorted stock of Holiday Merchandise In the city. To prove
this is to visit our different departments. These air a few of the roasons why you can derive
pleasure from your shopping here. The economy of our policy is more pronounced during the
Christmas trade than at any other time.
25 rer cent off
We have the newest ideas in Smoking Jackets
plain and fancy, double-faced and fancy lined, scotch
plaids, cord edge and silk bound.
Men of taste will be pleased with our Neckwear
we have the prettiest creations that the combined efforts
of weaver and silk worm ever produced. The styles are
various and numerous. One special line of 75-cent
Neckwear now 90 cents
X Splendid Christmas Gift.
That is if your gift is to be of the practical sort.
Maybe above all he would prefer an overcoat or suit.
Perhaps you could not buy a gift with which he'd bo
more pleased. Our $25 Suits and Overcoats, $20.35.
$20 Suits and Overcoats, $15.75. $15 Suits ami Over
coats, $10.35. $10 Suits and Overcoats, $7.05.
Our Grocery Department Spectacular with Holiday Offerings.
Christmas cheer. What is it without the
good things to eat? Far palatable, whole
some table cheer come to this great depart
ment simply spectacular with the enor
mous Htocks temptingly displayed for X mas
shoppers. The prices not only appeal to
the trade they force the business, for they
are wonders.
Pima Pudding.
Gordon !t Dilworth, 1 lb cans 20c
" " 2 lb cans 40c
Persian 8&c per lb
Lemons 20c er dos
Oranges, 160s 36c "
Oranges, 175s 30c "
Bananas 25c and 30c "
Pineapples 40c each
California 1 lb bricks 8 lbs for 25c
California White, bulk .3 lbs for 25c
California Black 3)4 lbs for 26c
Cherry Creek, 1 lb frames 15c
Mince Meat.
Libby's, Is rcpet package
Walnuts rr. 'l2Jc per lb
Almonds 18c per lb
Brazil 17c per lb
Pecans 17c per lb
Filberts 18c per lb
Raw Peanut 8K" P"" lb
Roasted Peanuts 10c per lb
Christmas Candles and favors.
A great stock a beautiful stocka tempting stock a dalieious stock. 8uch is the stock
show in the Confectionery Department at present. And It may be remarked that a box of
Candv makes a most pleasing Christmas lift. Profit by our priet
l'lain mixed 8c
Broken mixed Ids
Boston mixed 12'gC
Ribbon mixed 12fc
Fancy lac
French 20c
Asiorted Stick 10c
Peanut Stick 15c
Hoarhound 12lc
Jellv Beans 12H
Boston Baked Bean 10c
Ietnon Drops 16c
Raspberry Drops tOc
Chocolate Brownies tOc
Matchless Chocolate 20c
t hicken Tameles 20c
Klondike Nuogeta 20c
Peppermint l.osenges. 16c
Conversation I-oiengea 16c
Gum Drops 7'ttc
The Dalles Daily Cfamfefe.
DEC. 21, 1901
Served I
At Andrew Keller's.
All Wum Cautr wf ngttmrm
prior to Juurjr 4, IBM, will
an tort m mt my oAo.
cMHlBtrHTk 19, IMt
John r. eaatpaBiKB.
conatr eessaman.
trepanning and a clot of blood removed ; Williams' name on it. Hthe thief would j inch of wieuerwurst it contained he lair
the boy has been rational most of the ! only return the locket he might keep j robbers, for they were ladies, eating the
time. ! the pure and the rest of its contents. stuff on the spot and calling for mora.
During the next two months Ixmis A letter from the Pacific Bridge Com- The ladies belonged t . the newly organ
Comini will sell every monument in his i ieny dated last Thursday announced iead lodge of Royal and by
yard at a discount of 20 per cent below ! that their employes on the power plant roe mstake they and tbe Mac-
must i at White Kiver fells had Rent wora u : v ---
headquarters that everything would be j night for their regular meeting m
It ' me lime wi i uuu. uii m
ladies learned of the mistake they gal
lantly surrendered the hall to the Mac-
Don t forget Professor Sandvig's dance
at the Baldwin tonight.
For sale A good lounge, cheap. See
J. M. Flemming with Maier & Ben
ton. . d21-2t
In a family named Dughexty, living
out in Deschutes precinct, there are now
live cases of diphtheria.
This office is indebted to Mr. Buchler
of the Colombia Brewery for a beautiful
calender for the year 1901.
Christmas oranges. Ten cents per
dozen for choice Natel oranges for a few
days only. Maier & Benton,
Among the gifts presented to the lady
managers of the Catholic fair is a dinner
feet of 104 pieces by Mrs. Greiner.
Arrangements have been made to
Vmiutrari and tiftv thousand
head of sheep at Shaniko next spring. 7
I.. P. Bolton, of Boyd, writes from
M acedonia. Iowa, under date of Decem
ber 10th, that tbe thermometer there on
that date was JO deg. below zero.
The wife of J. C. Cole of Fulton street
was taken ill yesterday of diphtheria:
This morning the quarantine was raised
from Councilman Kelly ' residence. Thin
'eaves four houses now under quarantine.
There will bea special communication
of Columbia Chapter No. 88, O. BL,
Monday evening, at 7 :S0, for the instal
lation of officers. By order of the W
M. Mary Scott Myers, secretary.
If the thief wbo stole tbe parse from
the market basket of Mrs E. M. Wil
liams in Rordan's store Saturday after
noon will return the locket be can have
the parse and l be rest of its contents.
The Chboshuc in pleased io lean that
Mr. Smith Freed' has almost complete
ly recovered from his lata indisposition
nd is eipwtad by hi physicians to be
restored to his usual health in a short
Grover Wiekham, tea young son of R.
F. ick ham, of Dates flat, who was
o. urlv killed kent ev bmac vio-
'entry thrown to the
back of heme, la
'"epitej imseWeaa awMsaw fa
regular prices. The monuments
be sold as lie needs the money to pay
his debts, d21-
Arrangementa are being per
fected for a Christmas football game
between The Dalles team and the Wasco
eleven, at the latter place. The Dalles
boys are ready for the game, being in
first class condition.
John Doe, an able bodied young fellow
who claimed to have worked on the rail
road improvements below town, was ar
rested last night for begging on the pub
lic streets. He was fined $8 this morn
ing, but having nothing to pay was run
oat of town.
The will of the late Emil Schauno was
filed for probate yesterday. H, J. Maier,
L. A. Schauno and Mrs. Schanno are ap
pointed executors without bonds. The
will is dated October 81, 1894 and ia
witnessed by Malcolm Mclnuis and
Joseph F. Bonn.
A thief yesterday afternoon, in broad
day light, stole s 22 pound dressed
turkey from a hook in front of tbe
Fletcher store ia tbe East End. Tbe
fowl was soon missed and wss setae
qoently found cached ia a chicken htnse
back of tbe store. There is no trace of
tbe thief.
Tomorrow being
services apprupriat
be conducted at
tl-i seedy in a week to turn on the power
pgr. it expected therefore, that this event, so
inrinnilv lmikctri for. and one of the
dost important to The Dallas in all its j oabees, and it was while on the way
listory, will happen without fail be- home, with appetites sharjned by the
ween Christmas and New Years. cold outfit air, that a whiff of hot wiener-
" 4,. - . . t, worst led them into temptation which
'i' SSSS they found i.npoe-ible to resist. No
PT0rt,Kn; SSfS2 ?i LtS rrmts, and Rand says he wouldn't
Chief MeLaucblan to aid him in a search . M "
. T. . , . . . mind lwng robbed again,
for Charles Hooker, who is wanted in " " "7
IGoldendale for running away with thai ihe atienoance iasi mg..v .v v..r
pretty wife of a well-to-do raneher. t;aioiic mir was larger uwn u.
Hnnk.r mm f(lnH .t tl, P.rkins Hotel. I previous night and the receipts were
where he and the woman
stopping iuce Tuesday, and
lodged in jail. Sheriff Bergin
Portland with his primmer this morning.
The Oregon Agricultural college an-
ChristmaB Sunduy,
to the occasion will
the Congregations!
church. Morning subject, "The Limit
less Life. " The choir will render Park's
had been 1 correspondingly larger, i ne mumcai
he was program varied somewhat from that an
left for nounoed for the occasion but what there
was of it was excellent. Miss Myrtle
Michell opened with a vocal solo that
wsk rendered in her usual charming
A J If 1
. . .. . ., ... , , ' mannor, and was Heartily encoreu. ans
tute" at the college lasting from January ".' , ...
L. i..Jli Genevieve l-ish followed with a piano
solo that showed good musical talent
nouncesan "Extended Farmers' Ineti-
14th to February 14. 1802. lectures
will be delivered, animal husbandry,
problems in agriculture, agricultural
chemestry, horticulture, butter and
cheese suaking, bacteriology, insect
peats and plant diseases, vegetable and
flower garden, etc. The lectures are
free to all and no books are needed.
It has now been demonstrated that it
is profitable to ship Washington lumber
by cargo to New York, the initial ship
ment of 600,000 feet having been made
this month by a Seattle firm by steamer,
aye the correspondent of the Tacoma
News. The same firm has another atiip-
anthem, " And There Were Shepherds." j nt of 000,000 feet ready to be shipped
Miss Cuchintr will siui; "Emanuel" as
the evening offertory.
There will be a quarterly-meeting at
the East Dalle United Brethren church,
Rev. C. C. Bell presiding-elder of Oregon
conference will preach Saturday evening
at 7:30, and Sunday morning at 11
o'clock. Communion service at the
morning meeting. You are invited W
come. L liarter, pastor.
The mask ball at Dry Hollow hall last
night was largely attended. Everything
passed off pleasantly and that it was
greatly enjoyed will be evident when it
is said they danced all night until broad
day light and went borne with the (iris
in the morning. Charles Connelly won
the prise for the bast masked gentleman
nd Miss Clara Williams that for the
best masked lady.
This afternoon while Mrs. E. M.
Williams was doing some trading ia
Rorden's grocery store somebody state
her purse out of her market basket while
her face was turned for a few minutes la
The puree was
ia half a minute but the thief
aa and these was no trace by
kv whleb be eowU be diasovared. The
nana eoeteioed 82 -60 ia money
i a maeb
aa soon as a suitable vessel can be pro
cured. The time consumed en route is
about seventy days, and the rates around
the Horn are a little more titan half of
those exacted by the railroads.
At 2 o'clock thin afternoon the voting
at the Catholic fair stood as follow :
For the most popular gentleman in
Wasco eounty, Judge Bradshew, 6 ; Judge
Blake ley, 7; Senator J.N. Williamson,
30 ; Judge Bennett, 8 ; E. . McCoy, 82.
For the moet oooular elk : J, A. McAr-
thur, Ml ; E.Walther, 16; Will Vogt, 30. o'clock
For the most popular member of the
Driving Association: T.J. Seufert,2;
J. g. Fiah, 41 ; L. A. Porter, 18; E. O.
McCoy, 18 ;L. E. Crowe, IS; E. C.Peaas,
11 ; Fred Fisher, SO; W. H. Ilobson, 6.
The voting for the whip will close at
9 -.46 sharp ; for the picture, at 11 o'clock
sharp. The elk's pillow will be the Ian
to be voted on.
-r i
Another hold-up occurred in tbe city
loot eight, and on Second street too, j
right in front of Uneie Sam's postoffies j
end in the full Maze of the eieotm
light in front of tea entrance to the K.
of P. hall. Nana bat nature's weaaoae
east ami nobody was hart, sad ao
but instead Bead's
ef eeary
and careful training in one so young.
Mis Irene ITynn closed with a charm
ing little melody that fairly captured the
house, and not until she had sung a
couple more, equally pleaeiitg, wa she
permitted to permanently retire behind
the stage. The largest program of the
week will be rendered tonight, and there
be no manner of question that it will be
worth the price of admission ten times
. . . , . i . i i t. .
over. Jack nianieis neiu me iucsy
number for a handsome silver cup.
Father Bronsgeest won a beautiful doll's
bed; IL Baile won the order for a tailor
made suit of clothes, and Mrs. Mdirall,
the winning number for a Japanese
center table. The carving set wsh uon
by M. T. Nolan; tbe bamboo table by
Pat McGrail! a patchwork quilt by Mrs.
Cushing, and a footstool by Mrs. stub
ling. Catholic Vmtr frtgwmm
Following ix the program to be given
at the .Catholic fair this 'Saturday)
evening : An it is longer than osaal the
first number will I given st 8:30
Blakeley's Drug Store, 178 2d St., THE DALLES I
OUT new ()uf Christmas lines
are finer than aver.
MedalliOlIS OTr lDr umM many
are all 1901 subjects m
Tbe prices ara 86 to SO per cent
No carry-overs. ,owr tn,B pertiaad.
MAIL, OKUBKS receive our I QflTU DSHMCC I Kvpry fukan 'liror! . attenMon. BUIll rHUlICO promptly, In the city.
Vocal olo
llarilll mjUi
Oeteaaf taia
V(icl wlo.
1' 111U fit' I .
Varsl U
MlM HttU' i imm
JauKK flyun
Jimn iWntou
Ulw Ksta twtb Uos
Mary iioelucr
Hit. N. i, SlBiiot
Par inlaata and Coildxaa.
Ht CM Yn ten Always tnfk
r or the benefit of Cbsietseee abipaera,
the Padde Exprem Compaay's ofttat
will be opea every eveeing till 8 o'clock
from now until
in the glass jar in our Window. We
will give it to the one guessing near
est to the amount the jar contains.
Contest closes March 1st, 1902.
One Minute read this ad,
One Minute to look at our window,
Two Minutes WELL SPENT.
We are Headquarters for
..Santa Clau
The Hub CfothtiMj Co.,
(MA enow is m; iiaii no.)
prised locket and a