The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 21, 1901, Image 1

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    Sip Dalle
MO. 262
London Times Thinks There Is
Cause for Real Alarm
New York, Dec. 30. A telegram
from Doubiin to the London Times and
New York Times says the absolute au
thority which the United Irish League
demands and secures, not only in regard
to the disposal of lands by private per
sons, but also in regard to the allocation
of public appointments and contracts,
is constantly being illustrated. The
North Slift-o branch of the league has
resolved that the local nationalist boards
shall not consider tenders by persons
who do not prove themselves national
ists. The London Times, in an editorial to
day, says the return of John . lied
mond, M. P., and bis companions from
their mission to "raise the wind" on the
other side of the Atlantic, synchronizes
with attempts on the part of the Irish
executive to vindicate the law. Prose
cations have been instituted against
nationalist members of parliament and
others who have defied the authority of
parliament and the crown and have
persisted in holding meetings at which
most violent intimations of coercion
have been need.
It is said that it is mislet dins to argue
because the actual crime acd outrage
is not large, that there is no cause for
alarm about the state of Ireland. There
is ample evidence that the executives
and the workings of the United Irish
League are supported bv the Irish
parlimentary party and by the majority
of the priests. The pressure on peace
able oitixena ia tremendous, and it ia not
surprising that many loyalists pay
blackmail. :
ay WU1 Mat Jtealtn.
Washington, Dec. 10. In view of the
repeated publications of late of the gen
eral romor tbat Secretary Bay is about
to retire frcm the cabinet, a statement
is given with full aothority toncbing
this subject, substantially to the effect
tbat Secretary Hay does not contem
plate retirement from the cabinet. This
statement applies not only to the pres
ent moment, but to that indefinite
period fixed by the conclusion of the
negotiations to the construction of an
iathmain canal.
Also it is stated with equal positive
neas fand authority that President
Roosevelt bad in the strongest terms
expressed to Secretary JHay his earnest
desire that he shall remain in the cab
inet, of which he forms one of the prin
cipal props. Thus, according to the
statement, the secretary's inclinations
and the president's desires ran together,
and there is no foundation for the re
ports to the effect that Secretary Hay is
to leave hie post.
Marcooi Will o lo England.
St. John's, K. F., Dec. 20 Marconi
announced today that according to his
present plana he will sail for England
next Monday on the steamer Sardinian
A com pan v in London wants him to m
aiat in the negotiations with the Anglo
American Telegraph Company. Today
Marconi denied the statement published
in the press of St. John's, and wired
from the United States, to the enact
th t Miu Hoi man. bis fiancee, bad re
ceived a cablegram from him urging
a mnAv inarriam. Mr. MarCOUi will
go to New York to be married in Jan
The "Doctor s'' Statement in the Zion
Receivership Case.
Chicago, Dec. 20. "Dr." John Alex
ander Dowie talked to his heart's con
tent today in defending tbe suit against
him for a receivership for his Zion lace
industries. He intimated to Attorney
Reeves, who was cross-examining bim,
tbat he liked to talk, and he was granted
permission to lay bare bis heart.
"Dowie" was the main topic of hie story,
and with much show of higher educa
tion, Latin quotations and attempts at
witticisms, he brought smiles and merri
ment to his many followers who throng
ed the courtroom until they bed to be
quieted by one of hie deacons. In sub
stance he declared with ranch emphasis
tbat be was no tyrant surrounded by
hordes of willing slayes. Rather, he
explained how be worked tirelessly for
tbe good of his community, sometimes
as much as 27 hours at at stretch. He
said be abbored slaves and would allow
none to work for bim who did not come
to bim voluntarily. He gave Steven
son's testimony flat denial, and said bis
brother-in-law lied when he quoted
Dowie'e sister as saying, "Thank God,
we are free from tbat tyrannical role
now." Dowie admitted that Stevenson,
after parting with his entire business,
including lace machinery, patterns and
stock, got ont of tbe bargain only $5000.
Then Attorney Reeves tried to show that
tbe entire liabilities of tbe Zion lace
industries would aggregate $1,168,000,
inclnding stock dividends, etc., but
Dowie said tbe conjecture was foolish.
Tbe direct question waa then put to
Dowie, whether be believed that he was
Elijah tbe prophet, to which he replied
tbat be was willing to express his views,
bnt tbat they were already on record.
ell of Tate to
Nsw Yoax. Dec. 20. Ths place in
which the Dish king wars crowned,
the historical Hall of Tars, at Navan.
count v Meatb. tbae been offer ed at aoc-
tiou, says the Doblin correspondent of
tbe Journal and American. A wesitu
of legendary Interests cluster about the
soot, and authentic records show tbat
the monarch of Ireland were crowned
there from 89 B. C. to 66 A. D.
These were only two bidders when the
was offered at
far sale privately.
PitUbarg the Scene of Another Dis
astrous Fxplesion.
PiTTSBrBCi, Dee. 20, Tbe Black Dia
mond Steel Works, of Park Bros., on
Thirtieth street, was tbe scene this
morning of an awfnl accident, in which
at least five workmen loot their lives and
12 were injured, Reports are freely
. ... . . .a mt J
circulated mat irom ivwm wera iueu.
and it will not be known just how many
are dead until tbe wreckage is cleared
It was about 4 :15 o'clock, aa tbe nigbt
crew was about to turn over tbe mill to
the day force, tbat lour boilers in tbe
10-lncb bar mill No. 8 exploded with
teriffic force. Tbe mill waa completely
wrecked, and tbe debris plied from 50 to
76 feet high. Tbe boiler works of James
McNeil, adjoining tbe Black Diamond
mill, was also destroyed. A force of
men went to work as quickly aa possible
after the explosion, searching tbe debris
for bodies. Five dead and 12 injured
have already been removed. Tbe dead
have not been identified, and tbe bodies
.... Tl.. U.'.il
are now aims morgue. u ibjui
were removed to tbe West Pean hos
pital. .
Cold W la tfe Soeth.
Atlanta, Oa., Dee. 20. The
hleh for tbe last wees
tbe sooth . today equaled an
records since 1884 for tbe first 20 days of
tbe month of December, and lowered in
some localities all former minimum
a M . iL
-temperature readings, as lar sown mm
Louisiana and tbe gnlf border intense
old prevails, though eo sedoos damage
ia MtatioB has heaai es poet ad, Ths
following minimum temperatures
raanhed Si o'clock tofllsftt.
t; Montgomery, 20; Hew Orleans. 82;
Memphis, 16; Knoxvllle, 10; Obatta
oofsv 11 BalsJgb, 22; JaekaonrilW, 24;
Tamps, 42, Atlanta, 16.
Here von can come ami go
to lHk or to buy very wel
come in either case. Here
A Veritable Xmas Stores
you find gift-things a'plenty from a bahy doll for the little one, to a sealskin coat for mamma. Papa and the big
brothers are also provided for in a tine collection of Ties, Handkerchiefs and the hundred and one little things
they must have also a hat, suitor overcoat can best be bought here as prices on clothing are away down thi
month. Some vers soecial attractions this week in ladies', Misses' am! Children's Jackets and Iong Coat.
jrv. w -f t t sj s-sjs t . - v i
All Ladles' Coats
worth SIO.OO end up
This announivment usually comes in January
when many are already provided for in this line,
This season e quote regular January prices in
December liet'ore the holiday when fully one
l)lf the jeople at' yet planning on what to wear
ami where to buy.
These prices will help you to decide and
when you see the garment you'll buy.
Our stock now contains hardly two coab)
alike some verv exclusive styles.
12.00 Garments are now. .
lfi.00 " M " ..
18.00 " " " ..
20.00 " " " ..
30.00 " " " ..
.$ 9 75
12 75
15 00
16 50
32 50
$20.00 Raglan, double-breasted, oxford m gf
iirray, self-lined, reduced to. . ID3t
One-Fon rtH off
on mil Jm A9
Misses' EL Children's Coats
Please bear this in mind when out looking around
and trying to decide on what to buy vor the little sriri.
Every child should have a new coat at Xmas time and
can have one if you come here for it.
Newest Style
3.00 Coats are now selling at $ 2.25
5.00 "
6.00 "
10.00 "
15.00 "
Holiday liDe of Dressing Sacques, Bath Robes and Men's
House Coats. New line Walking Skirts just opened.
CHeerful Old Santa Clan
who U reputed t 1h of goodly site even he)
could get an oven-nut from mir stock to tit hint.
OvefCflStl and suits for the stout man, the
slim man. the 'all and the short man, the
young and the old man.
for mil mem
Our entire stock of suits and overcoats,
worth $10 and Up, are divided into live dif
ferent lots. A selection from either lot will
mean a bargain to you a neni savins;
of eash.
tf Q A fL ' ,m ,,'",", l'r'' 0,1 ""'',4
ywi U umi overcoat worth from
fio.on to $12.50.
is the price on suits and overcoats worth from $13.50
to $15.00.
is the present prios on suits and overcoats worth frnu
115,50 to 18.75.
is the price we now a.-k for suits and overcoats worth
from 119.00 to 124.00.
is our present price on suits and overcoats worth from
tM.OO to 30.00.
All Youths and Bora' Suits
and Overcoats Reduced if v
Shirts and Neckwear
for the holiday. A choice line
, to select from.
The celebrated .Manhattan Shirts make an
IdeaJ pftwenr SLJO to 2.50.
See our line of wide-end Kour-ili-liii lid
Ties at 50c.
All there
is to
be seen in -
.men's slippers..
you'll see in our store,
A new invoice
just rsavtvedi and
no one show s
so many styles as
Of the product of tbknoe. brsy the U. Hsaltb i
i fbEalsVolts.Us
f isessseitrsl
f eslensUoeebesesdwlihtbe freatff base I se4 T17Ji!Z
pesalUr heiassd." 1
Sexton & Watther
Hardware, Iron
and Steel
A tell line of BRIDGE A BEACH
Cook and Ueatiei Mteees.
FA K M I N( I M I'l.EMEN fH - A,.n.. for Huoaler Prills. J. I. iaas e earns
b tlairoes, oissen vumw
Harrows and Flows. Kpilng Tootb
oos and Hacks, ilennsy Bat-gins.
...Star Windmills...
With Ball and Holler bsarlofs.aod folly warranted.
Write us for prices end cetslogues.
... .. . .-v- . 'Mm
All ordsrs entrosied to as sill bars prompt attention.
Prices always right.
Tbe only Exclusive Hardware (flora ia tbe sity.
lyon's French Periodical Drops
For sale br Oao. 0. Wssaisy. The DaBst. Or.
Fohaf KUmey
a A TRI D1LLH. OlWfUM. f
Advertise m Ths
fori iwp p wig
sss sssjsasrs. sssw