The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 20, 1901, Image 1

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    i)t Hulks
NO. 261
President Will Be the Watchdog of Big
Canal Fund.
Washington, Dm. 16 Representa
tive Hepburn da.) chairman of the
house committee on commerce, today
made the report of the committee in
favor of the Nicaragna canal bill. After
stating the terms of the bill, the report
aaye in pert :
"The purpose of this bill is to concen
trate authority and reeponeibility for the
construction of tbia great work in the
hands of the president. It baa been be
lieved by yonr committee that thia
course would be a safer one to be pnrsned
in carrying out the purposes of the bill
involving the expenditure ol so large a
sum of money, nil the work and all the
expenditure to be made at a distance bo
far from the capital, than any other
other method that could be devised. We
have tried to concentrate authority and
responsibility, rather than to disperse it
Among many persons."
The report refers to the "exhaustive
report made by the Isthmian Com
mission, of wbich Admiral Walker is the
head, in which every feature of this
enterprise is fully and at length dis
co seed," and adds :
"No doubt is xpressed by the com
mission as to the practicability of the
enterprise ; on the contrary, they join
with a score of predecessors in express
ing their belief that the work can te
carried to a successful termination with
in the limits of reasonable cost and
reasonable time. All of the great
political parties are committed to the
policy of the construction of this canal."
The report then quotes the declarations
of the various party platforms and
Presidents McKtoler and Roosevelt
favoring the canal. In conclusion, it
"In view of the many thousands of
pages written and spoken in advocacy of
of the immediate undertaking and com
pletion of this Work ; in view of the
pledges made by the parties that it
should be undertaken and completed;
in view of the recommendations made
by the president of the United States,
and in view of the almost universal
demand of the American people that
congress sbonld at once do something
effective in the inauguration and apeedy
completion of the Isthmian canal, your
committee content themselves with this
brief report, embodying their earnest
recommendation that the bill pass."
Pabltc to Iadlsnaot.
Naw York, Dec. 19. Solicitors of the
Anglo-American Telegraph Company
have made public the following state
ment: "There seems to be some misappre
hension as to the action of our clients,
the Anglo-American Telegraph Company
! Ltd.), with respect to the experiments
in wireless telegraphy recently carried
out at 8t. Johns, N. F., by Mr. Marconi.
In a letter addressed to Mr. Marconi by
the company's legal advisers in New
foundland, after stating the company's
intention to Uke the necessary steps to.
secure a recognition of their rights in
the colony, the letter proceeds :
" 'However, they (the company) in
struct us to inform you that they are
not averse to giving the most carelul
consideration to any proposals which
may be put forward by you with a view
to the further coo tin nance of your work.'
"As to the statement said to have been
telegraphed from 8t. Johns by Marconi
on the l?tb inst., to the effect that in
consequence of the threatened legal
proceedings of the company be was com
polled to diaoontiooe wireless telegraph
teste between England and St. Johns,
we give the following from a letter from
Mr. Mr. Marconi, dated the previous
day (the 18th) to the company's advisers
" 'I nay mention that prior to the
receipt of yonr letter I bad decided to
discontinue the tea t and remove the
Passengers Compelled to Spend Honrs
In Snowdrifts Traffic in Nebraska
and Wyoming Is at a Standstill.
a AM
Damon, Ilk., Sag. 19. Osaseal R
Che, Wyo., Dec. 19. The Unior
Pacific, tbe Colorado at Southern (North),
and the Burlington (Beat) are practically
at a standstill as a remit of the recent
storm in Wyoming and Nebraska. All
trains on the Union Pacific are compelled
toepend boors in snow-drifts waiting
for the rotary plows to make openings so
tbey can pass through. To make matters
worse, a Union Pacific rotary snow-plow,
pushed by two big compound engine,
slashed its way into the rear of a train
of dead head tourist sleepers near Sher
man. Tbe wreckage caught fire and a
caboose and nine tourist cars were com
pletely destroyed. The work of clearing
the track is slow, and tbe blockade may
last for an indefinite period.
A blockade at Ramsay, forty miles
east of Rawlins, has stopped the passage
of trains into Laramie from tbe west, and
the one at Sherman blocks traffic west
On the Colorado Son them , twenty-one
miles north of Cheyenne, a passenger
train was derailed. The accident com
pletely tied op traffic on that branch.
No trains have come in over tbe
Burlington branch from Holdredge for
two days. A drift derailed an engine
abont 100 miles eaat of Cheyenne, and
the wreckers have not yet sncoeeded in
getting it back upon tbe rails. In
addition, tbe branch ia snowbound tor a
stretch of more than fifty miles.
A Flacky Sqaaw Acts.
Fpokakb, Wash., Dee. 18. Angelina
Stewart, a eqnaw, for twenty-tour boors
successfully defied tbe power of tbe Great
Northern Railroad Company. Angeling
owns a ranch in tbe Colville Reservation,
over which tbe Washington 4 Great
Northern, Hill's republic road, desires
to build its line. The ranch ia in Steveoe
county. i
Angelina's damages for giving tbe
road tbe right of way were assessed by a
commissioners, appointed by the secre
tary of the. interior. Angelina, it la
said, consented to tbe award and raised
no objections to the grading on the
right of way. On Friday the track
layers reached the edge of Angelina's
ranch. Bbe forbade tbe track-layers, to
proceed over her property, and enforced
bar demand by brandishing a double-
barrelled sbotnon.
Tbe railroad appealed to tbe courts
and Judge Richardson issued a tem
porary restrain ingNerder. In the mean
time tbe railroad maaaed it forces. It
was nearly dark, but tbe moment Ange
lina quitted the field tbey started laying
tbe track. Tbey Worked all Saturday
nigbt, and finally laid tbe last rati over
Angelina's ranch.
a itr.
"I wish to say tbat I owe my life to
Kodol Drape pais Cure." writes H. C.
Obreateneon of Hayfield, Minn. "For
three years I waa troubled wltb dyspepsia
so that I could bold nothing on my
stomach. Many times I would be un
able to retain a morsel of food. Finally
I was confined to my bed. uootors saia
r nt 11m. I rad one of your
advertisements on Kodol Dyspepsia Cure
and thought it fit my case and com
menced Its use. i uegan w iuip
f..m h Aral hnttla. Now 1 am cured
a .mmni it to alt." Dieeata voor
food. Cores all stomach troubles. Clarke
A Fairs P. O. Pharmacy.
Sehl.y 'or Fr.aM t.
lunimi Mlf.ll. ftoe. 19 At French Inn
tinriffW. waaterdav Richard Croaor
pressed a vary decided opinion tbat
Admiral Schley would make a strong
presidential candidate in 1904, and tbat
.k. nmhhllitUa all favor a boom for
him In tbe Eaat, with a strong foaling
both in tbe 8ootb ana west.
the oDinloa tbat coo areas weuta
not interfere in tbe mtttor In any way,
a ,kt i hi. aronld be to the advantage
of 6ebtoy and tbe democratic party, for
the action would be teoiamoew
indorsement of too majority verdict and
thas oosasart tbe lopoMeaa party wn.
(Hflbrd'g Fotot NwTf F(U
A Veritable Xmas Stores
Here you can come and go
to look or to buy very wol-
a a . a a-
-- como in eilhor case. Here
you find gift-things a'plenty from a baby doll for the little one, to a sealskin coat for mamma. Papa and the big
brothers are also provided for in a fine collection of Ties, Handkerchiefs and the hundred and one little things
they must have also a hat, suitor overcoat can best be bought here as prices on clothing are away down this
month. Some very special attractions this week in Ladies', Misses' and Children's Jackets and Long Coats.
All Ladies' Coats
worth SIO.OO and up
This announcement usually comes in January
when many are already provided for in this lino.
This neaoon we quote regular January prices in
December before the holiday when fully one
half the people arc yet planning on what to wear
and where to buy.
These prices will help you to decidt and
when you see the garments you'll luy.
Our stock now contains hardly two (toils
alike--?ome verv exclusive styles.
$12.00 Garments arc n v . .
lfi.00 " " " ..
18.00 " " " ..
20.00 " " " .,
30.00 " " " ..
.$ 9 75
J2 75
15 00
16 50
22 50
$20.00 Raglan, double-breast ed, ox font
gray, self-line!, reduced to
One-Fourth off
on all av' 49
Misses' S3L Children's Coats
'Please bear this in mind when out looking around
and trying to decide on what to buy for the little girl.
Every child should have a new eoat at Xmas time and
can have one if you come here for it.
Newest Style
$3.00 Coats are now selling at $ 2.25
5.00 " " " " " 3.75
6.00 " " " " " 4.50
10.00 " " " " u 7.50
15.00 " " V " 11-25
Holiday line of Dressing Sacques, Bath Robes and Men's
House Coats. New line Walking Skirts just opened.
Cheerful Old Santa Claw 4P 49
who is reputed to hoof Oontllv ic een ho
could get nn overcoat from our stock to Hi hint.
Overcoats and suits for the tont man. the
slim atatV) the tall :ind the short man, the
young and the oM man.
for nil men
Our entire stock of units and overcoats,
worth $10 and up, are divided into Hvc dif
ferent lot . A "election from cither lot will
mean a bargain to you a neat saving
of cash.
tQ ApL I the present price on suits
OiaU ,ni. I overcoats worth from
$10.00 to HSJKk,
is the price on suits ami overcoats worth from flU.AO
to 115.00.
is the present price on suit and overcoats worth from
ttftje to tiHj.v
Is the price we now ask for units mid overcoat worth
from tltt.oo to 2t.00.
is our present price on suits and overcoat worth from
$2.'). tut to $30.00.
All Youths' and Boys' Suits
and Overcoats Reduced w w
Shirts and Neckwear
for the IioIM.iv.-.. A choice line
to select froti).
The cwebratiHl Manhattan Shirts make an
Idea) ptvsi ni Sl50 to 2. SO.
Son our line of M'Vle-e.ud r'our-iu-huud
Tie at 50c.
All there
is to
be seen in's slippers..
you'll nee in our store.
A new invoice
jut recetrtidi aud
no one shows
so many style a
Sexton & Walther
Hardware, Iron
and Steel
A foil line of HKID'JK A BKaOH
Oook and Heating Steves.
FARMING iyPI.EslEMT8.-A.ei.ts JgSff!3ttAiXu!mESi
Harrows and Plows. Spring Tuoth Narrows, Bleeell Chilled Ploes. Mitchell Wag-
out and Hacks, Haaoey Boggles.
2 Of the product of this welLkaoan brewery toe United Slates tteniiu
I ReooM forJane . 1900, ears: "A more sopeilpr brew new soierad
rrrr A it- V.lm iwith reeorta. It m ebaolately devoid and choicest of hone. Ite toaie oaelUies are of the high-
-dli oa. be need with the grtaet laMt aa. loa by eUl a.a
t aoselbiy bs loend.''
...Star Windmills...
With Ball sod Roller bearings, and folly warranted
Write us for prices and catalogues.
II orders sntrosted to as will bare prompt attention.
Prices always right.
The only Exsloalre Hardware Store Is tbe slty.
Msm pcyyvRnvn pii I
I III I flT IllTTT I Tafl
mm of ssstswatlnn " Tbey r " LIFE
BBHTaw ' - .UUa MalAnnmlL at
for aadf f Oao. 0. BtoMlf, Tbe DaRag.
Advertise in The Ohronldt