ask roR The SHOE ron men Sold only by Mr. H. Herbring h the agent for the Walk-Over Sh. and always kfepf the leading styk-s on hand. The price i only 3.50. ami any gentle nian that wants a pair of Qmm celebrat ed shoes for Christmas UMd not send t Portland for thorn or give an order to a eddler. PwBUte them right at home and patronize your home dealer. PBKSOKAL MISI1UN . L W. Chiiders, ot" Coinnibus, Wash ington, was in town tuday. Clyde T. Bonney is registered at the t'lnatilla House frum Tygh Valley. Frank Gabel, of Wapinitia, and his two sons, have been ic town for two or three days selecting (Jhr'tstnias presente for the rtst of the liable family. Fred Oleson.Iatc with Fease v Mays, arrived here today on his first trip as a representative of a prominent wholesale house in California. After a few days visit at home Eugene .Moore left on this morning's train for Portland. From there he will take the out-going steamer for California where he expects to spend the winter. Mr. Ed T. and Mrs Marshall, of South Dakota, are in the city visiting with Mr. Marshall's nephew, Ed M. Williams, and i : I I -sister, Mrs. 0. D. Doaue. Mr. Marshall, who was raised in The Dalles, is a stepson of the late Father Harmon. THE CATHOLIC FAIR. The Second evening: Hneh More Suc cessful than Opening Might. The second night of the Catholic fair was much more of a success than the opening evening, owing to the increased attendance, a more extended program and a better arrangement of affairs than on the opening night. Voting on the various prizes has fairly begun and the innumerable beautiful articles which are being offered for sale and rathe are bein? rapidly disposed of. The Monte Carlo Booth" seems to be the favorite department in receiving the patronage of all present, while Aunt Sally's clay pipe and the "nigger babies" .receive the harshest treatment imagin able from all present, since there is no one who does not pride himself on being able to throw straight. The other departments are also most liberally patronized. Last evening's program was exception ally fine and wa.- well received. The opening number was a duet, "Rough Aiders," by Mrs. .f. S. Fish and her daughter, Miss Genevieve, which well merited the applause and encore it re ceived. The vocal duet by Miss Irene and James Flynn was beautifully ren dered and alio well received, while Mrs. N. J. Sinnott's siuging of "The Holy City" was beautiful in the extreme, and the encore was responded to by her singing the charming old selection, "Ben Bolt." The program for this evening bids fair to be more extended and of as high an order of excellence a it was the past two evenings. Liberty Street newer (Jittered. A special meeting of the city council was held last night at which the follow ing resolution wa- passed by the unani mous vote of all the councilman present : " Resolved that it is hereby detenu me. I to establish, construct and relay a sew er system on Liberty aud Hecoud street tor that part of Dalles City lying below the bjuff and bordering on and adjacent t said Liberty and Second streets, and which is benefitted by said proposed sewer, beginning at the biuff 50 feet no mediately aoutti ol htxtli street and running northerly on Liberty on the line of the present sewer now therein to the middle line of Second street, to the west line of I nion street running thence on curve to the left of and connecting with the Union street sewer at the north line of Second street in the center of Union street. And it is hereby further determined that the cet of amid sewer shall be assessed against the prop eaty benefitted thereby, and the re- eottar ei Delia Ofty k ordoreaand di rected to give notice of this determina r b tion and of the establishment of said sewer, by publishing a notice thereof in Tuv D m.iks Daily Chkonklk news paper, for a jeriod til fourteen days, a provided by law, which notice shall specify the nature, location and extent oi said sewer as herein set forth." The petition of Frank Kramer fr the opening of a street in the neighborhood of Kramer's addition.was referred to the committee on streets and public prop ertp, to report at the next regular meet ing ot the council. The Voting nt me Kalr. At the Catholic fair last night the winning ticket for a set of beautiful lace eurtaiire was drawn by William Kollus, of Hood River. The vote on the silver-mounted gavel, for the most popular fraternal order, stood at noon today as follows: Eagles, 100 ; Red Men, 75 ; Artisans, 10; Elks, 10; Foresters, 46; Maccabees, 6. The vote on the chafing dish, for the most popular young lady, stood as fol lows: Prudence Patterson, 12; Elsie Carey, 8; Melvia Dawson, 20; Mamie Helen Flynn, 17; Edith Fisher, 16; Mrs. Joe Bonn, 8; Annie O'Brien, 12; Lillie Senfert, 10. The vote on the Elk's pillow, to be given to the most popular Elk stood as follows; J. A. Mc Arthur, 80; E. O. McCoy, 6; II. Liebe, 7; E. Walther, 16; Will Vogt. 30. CASTOR I A For in! ants any Children. fbe Kind You Have Always Bough! Bears the Signature of Thousand Sent lino Kxile, Every vejr a large number of poor sufferers whose lungs are sore and racked with coughs are urged to go to another climate. But this ie costly and not al ways sure. Don't be an exile when Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption will cure you at hbnie. It's the most infallible medicine for Coughs, Colds, and all Throat and Lung diseases on earth. The first dose brings' relief. Astounding cures result from persistent use. Trail bottles free at G. C. Biakeley's drugstore. Price 50c and $1.00. Every tottle guaranteed. 4 Information Wanted The manufacturers of Banner Sa've bavins always believed that no doctor or medicine ran cure in every case, but never having heard where Bannei Salve failed to cure ulcers, sores, tetter, eczema, or piles, as a matter of curiosity would like to know if there are encb cases. If so they will gladly refund the the money. Clarke & Felk. Or Beneflt to Ion. D. e. Mitchell, Fulford, Mil. : "During a long illness I was troubled with bed sores, was advised to try DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve and did so with wonderful results. I was perfectly cured. It ie the best salve on the market." Sure cure for piles, sores, burns. Beware of counterfeits. Clarke A Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. S25 REWARD. We will pay $25 reward for the arrest and conviction of any person trespassing upon the football park, molesting or de stroying the fence. Small hoys who have been digging boiee under the fence are liable to arrest and are included in the above. Beldex H. Grant, L. A. Porte k, E. Kurtz, d4-lm Otis Patterson. To Whom It May Caewri, At a meeting of The Dalles City council held on Monday nigbt Dec. 9, 1901, it was moved and carried unani mously : "That the city marshal be or dered to collect a monthly rental on and after January 1, 1902, from all parties in Dalles City who shall then own bouses or other obstructions that hava not been removed from the public- streets of the city dl0-td Mew Shoe Shop. Hsrold Hansen announces that be has started a shoe shop in the East End, next to the Skibbe Hotel. All kinds of repair work done in first class shape at reasonable price. dl2 lmo Change of Headquarters. The headquarters of The Dalles ar d Sbaniko stage line is now at the Colum bia Hotel. Stage leave there for Sban-' iko very morning, except Sunday, at 6 o'clock. Passenger rate to Shaniko $2. 20n-tf ' J. M. Toons v, Agent. Satisfied People, are the best advertisers for Foley's Honey snd Tar and all who use it agree that It is a splendid remedy for coughs, or sore lungs. Clsrke &. Falk. If you wsnt to retain your hair yon have to keep your scalp clean. Soap ' will make your hair harsh, dry and crispy. Now we have two of the yery best preparations for cleaning the seal (i Egg and Pine Tar Shampoo. It will leave your bair soft and gloss. Price, 25 and 50 cents a bottle, at Fraser'e a'ber shop, The Dalles. tf Foley's Honey Tat Subscribe for Tax Ouonou. in the these the dclav which fc of your Ufa. : i h... kniiu nf Wine Black-Draught. Before I began to take your medicines had pains in my Sick hips, lower boireUandW anas. Sometimes I thought I would go DHud. Cy head ached aud I ae, weak I could hardly walk across tfie floor Now I can only feel a little of the pain in my side and I am going to usTrouVmedlchfes until I get cured, for flSller. they will certainly core me. " hare been married twelve years and am the mother of seren children. I thank you for your wonderful medicine and what it h,td5AmJMiTft r advice sod litrtarf . address, Trilby and Cole's Original Air-Tight Heaters For Wood and Lighter Fuel. Tlie introduction of Cole's Original Air-Tiitlu Heater has revolution ized the heating stove trade ir. ail sections of the United States. Its won derful economy in thu use nf fuei, and many other excelltnt qualities, str uiglv reconinipnd it to all in nee j of a heating stove. Every one of Cole's Original air-tight as long as used. Where have one or more of these stoves. Sold by MAIER 1 PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH Pioneer Grocer. JONES' CAFE. i i i i First-Class Regular Meals. ...SPECIAL SUNDAY DINNER.. Royal Toke Point and Olympia Oysters served st all In svm o an set a 1 1 u I 1 aa SJUV Uil UVIMD BjUU US SBjJLX Olljr 1DD. h Agency ALDON BRAND delicious Chocolates C 4 and uonzections. mm i v i m I w m C. J. STUBLIHG, j WHOLMSALK Wines. Liquors 0 Cigars ,. .1 s Family Orders will receive prompt attention. Next door to First Dosdun Pbooo SS Losi Ulst. 10S1. THE Told by Pain If you have pains you should look after than quickly. Pain shows something at wrong. The sharper the pain the more dan ger there fc in delay. There are thousands of women to-day who arc bearing awful pain almost continually, rather than tell a physician about the shooting pains in their lower abdomen, about the agony of falling of the womb and the distress of leucorrhoca. They let the months pass and their trouble becomes harder to cure and more (distressing. But modest women can secure exemption from the embarrassment of a private exami nation. When pain tells them of danger they can cure themselves by the tee of WINECfRDUI privacy of their You can be cirv. sTfth facto before you ei nn mmm foe vaur mwerv and wasting the days sain today f Belea, Miss., March 9. Its. of Cardni and one package of Thedrord's firing symptoms, "Tae Lamas Airnsory What Cole's Heater Will Do. This stove will beat a room from zero to 8i) degrees in five minutes. It will heat your house evenly day aud night. It holds fire 36 hour- withont attention. You build only one fire each winter. It burns chips, bark, leaves, paper and corn cobs, and gives excellent results with this fuel, which is ordinarily wasted. The stove is light snd easily moved and set up. The combustion is perfect and ashes are removtd only OS OS in four weeks. None of the heat is wasted and the etove a ill save one-half of yonr fnel bill. It is clean, economical, convenient, safe and durable. Air-Tight Heaters is guaranteed to stav wood is used for fuel every family should & BENTON. The Dalles. fc Always fresh. u u u u u u mm AND BKTa'L National Beak. DALLES, OREGON. a. Tori r Little) Ones WE CAN M IT as our full line of new toys, games and dolls are finer and at a leas price than ever. Onr store is headquarters for Santa Claus, and we take pleasure in showing everything in detail. HUB l PMW JUST ARRIVED ! The largest and most complete line of . . . HCTURF HOMIId ever shown in the city are now on display at H. Glenn & Cos Paint and Oi! Store. CITY HACK To any part of the city. Will make all trains. Light baggage free of charge to all passengers. Day and Night Service. Day I'hone Grant's, Local 211, Long Distance 1311 ; Kigbt Phones Nel son's, Local 334, Long Dist. 1151. Potter & Anderson - Proprietors. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. Transact a General Banking Business. Letters of Credit issued available in the Eastern States. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, 8t. Louis, Han Francisco, Portland Ore gon, Seattle Wash., and various points in Oregon and Washington. Collections made at all points on fav orable terms. ii) u, mi 11,1 i v in iiii v ijuhj.ui L. Lane, GENERAL sANDeee Horsesnocr Wagon and Oarrlage Work. Fleh Brother' Wagon. Tbirt ail Jeflfrw, Plume 159 John Pashek, The Tailor, Has just receivetTlOOO samples of the latest patterns in Gent's Clothing Goods. He guaran tees prices and a good fit or no pay. John Pashek, The Tailor. WM. MICHELL, Undertaker ui Embalmer Cor. Third end Washington Sta. All orders attended to promptly. Lorg distance phone 433. Local. 102. J)lt. TAUlk USA L, OSTEOPATHIST. Ottee, Mrs. Morgan's Art Studlo.'OBce hoars. 1 to jp, m. at-las Fcs Kidney Cure nlSLLSSf have botts If yoo tsAe Clerae fait') en re core cs hot. BlacKsmitD Olfford'B Potoa Nmr Fade OREGON Ssoin; Like Union Pacific EAST iwrsn TIME SCHEDULES WEST SOOltfe THE HAL1.ES. ChiCHgo Po.'tltmd Special. 1':2T p. in. via Hunt ington. Atlantic Express, 12:5. m. vis Huut lufou. Salt Lake, Oenver, ft. Worth, Omnha, Rsn MsCtty, St. Louis, Chi cago and the East. i:io;p. m. Salt Lake, Henvsr. Ft. Worth, Omaha, Kan-: aasCity.Ht.tiOuU.Chi oago and the East. St. Pan) Fast Mall, 9:36 p. m. via apo kanc. Walla Walla, Lewlatoa. Minneapolis, at. Paul. Uuluth, MHwro kee, Chicago and East. 3:3.". 0CEA1 AID BJYEB 80HEDULE From Portland. (All sailing dates sub I ject to change.) For San Franoisco, Sail every 5 days. 8:00 p.m. 4:00 p. m Daily except Sunday, s:0b p. ei. Saturday, 10:00 p. m. Monday, Wrdncsd v, Friday, : l p. m. Tuesday, Thurftday, Saturdav. 6 00 a. m. Columbia It I tot. To Astoria and War- 4:00 p. m. except Sunday. Landings. Willamette River. OregonCity.Nowberg.tia lem, Independence, Cor vail is & Way-Landings. Tuesday, ThursdaV, Saturday, 5:00 p. m. 4:30 p.m. Monday, Wednesday Friday. Corvallis and Way Landings. 1 Tuesday, Willamette and 3:30p.m. Thursday, Vumhlll Ktvars. Monday, etaiuraay, oreiron Citv. Davtnnanrt Wednejdar :00 a. m. Way-Landings. Friday. itlparia Baka Ktvar. dafiv, f ex. Sunday' Rtparia to Lewiston. 4:06 a.m. , Lesvo , Leiristoa dairy, ex Monday i 7:0Up. ai. IB& rsrtlcs Jeslrlng to n to neppner or pointa on Columbia Southern via Biggs, should take No. 2, leaving The Dalles at 12:25 p. m. making direct connections at Heppner junction nnd Biggs. Returning mas iug direct connection at Heppner Junction and Biggs with No. 1, ar riving at The Dalles at 1:06 p. m. For fuither particulars, call on or address JAB. IRELAND, Agent, The Dalles, Oregon. Prof. Homer de Morrison 1KJ Ki Sfes iVA . vTaahtoaton atrent. Knoms 23-30, I'OKttsN D, OKROON. The first registered as well as the first gradu ate palmist ever in Portland. The world's k eatest Trance Clairvoyant and Herbalist can be consulted daily on all attain of life. Prof, de Morrison is without a doubt the most scientific I'almUt and Clairvoyant in the world today: he locates hidden treasure, reunites toe separated, tells if there is mineral, oil. or gas on your land, enables you to win the aftection of one you desire. Palmistry taught, medium tsdc persons devel oped. Heal by the uses of bis revealed herbs! teas; curen chronic and so-called incurable dis eases. Free treatment for the poor. Send $1, date of birth and three questions ; all letters answered at cnee, LoeataO by Vision. Portland, Aug. 10.-(fo the Editor;.-Homer de Morrison, occultist, located by vision tneboi lion stolen Iron the Bclby Smelting Works. In behslf of occult science he Immediately com municated by latter the fasts to Mr. A. J. Bala ton, owner of the Helby Works. The reports re ceived last night prove hit statements comet. MRS. FRANCIS PABTLOW- "It is pleasing to be assured that tnegoM stolen from the Helby BmeltJnjr Works waa . "lo cated by vision by a Portland occultist. This proves that the story of the confession of we thief and that hi ssslstaasin was required in re covering the gold was a base California inven tion for the puraoae of depriving Oregon of ju glory. "-(Editor Portland Oregon ian.) How'a Tmial We offer one hundred dollars reward for any case of Catarrh that can not be cored by Hall's Catarrh Core. F. J. Chun icy it Co. Props., Toledo, 0. We, the undersigned, have known t J. Cheney-for the last lf years, and be lieve birr perfectly honorable in all busi ness transactions and financially able to carry oat any obligations made by tbsir firm. West A Troax, Wholesale Druggists, To ledo, O., Welding, Kinnaa d Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Care is taken inter nally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of tbe system. F. J. Cuaaar & Co., Props., Toledo 0. Sold by drrnggists, price 7Ac. Hall's Family Pills are the best. 18 Am SvasujatUt'a Btory. "I suffered for veers with bronchisl or long trouble and tried various reuisdist bat did not obtain permanent rslisf until I commenced using One Minute Cough Core," writes Bev. James kirk man, evangelist of Bella Birsr, III. have go hesitation in recommending n to all sufferers from maladies of ibM kind." One Minute Coogh Cars sfforde iemediete retlef for eooghs, colds sod all kiada et Ibreos at long trooWai. a-"CB . ! For esoon it is aneonallad. r like & Otarao 4 folk' P-