The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 19, 1901, Image 3

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Christmas Mirers.
Here is where Santa Clans always tmys
his slippers. ladies' slippers In satin,
kkl and patent leathea, lra 1 strap to
s straps ; for home comfort, ioc recap
tines, for balls, for parties, they sre an
important part of every lady's toilet.
Fait slippers at Sftc, 1. $1.80, $1 78
Kid allppera at 1.3, 1.80, $J.7e, II.O0. 13.S0
Money ftwnt Iter Bring
Merry Christmas.
22 inch Jap. silk, all plain shades
per yard . k 2c
All fancy Pillows reduced abunt
on cruatrter regular price.
and Neck Ruffs.
The pleasure of Christmas shopping depends wholly on the store itself. At PEASE MAYS'
you will find the greatest and best assorted stock of Holiday Merchandise in the city. To prove
this is to visit our different departments. These are a few of the reasons why you can derive
pleasure from your shopping here. The economy of our policy is more pronounced during the
Christmas trade than at any other time.
Three Christmas Special for friday and Saturday.
25 er cent off
We have the newest ideas in Smoking Jackets .
plain and fancy, double-faced and fancy lined, scotch
plaids, cord edge and silk bound.
Men of taste will be pleased with our Neckwear
we have the prettiest creations that the combined efforts
of weaver and silk worm ever produced. The styles are
various and numerous. One special line of 75-cent
Neckwear now M cents
A SpendM Christmas Gift.
That is if your gift is to le of the practical sort.
Maybe above all he would prefer an overcoat or suit.
Perhaps you could uot buy a gift with which he'd be
more pleased. Our $25 Suits and Overcoats, $20.35.
$20 Suits and Overcoats, $15.75. $15 Suits and Over
coats, $10.35. $10 Suits and Overcoats, $7.05.
Our Grocery Department Spectacular with Holiday Offerings.
Christmas cheer. What is it without the
good things to eat? For palatable, whole
some table cheer come to this great deparfe
ment simply spectacular with the enor
mous stocks temptingly displayed for Xmaa
shoppers. The prices not only appeal to
the trade they force the business, for they
are wonders.
Plum Pudding.
Gordon & Dil worth, 1 lb cans 20c
" " 2 lb cans 40c
Persian 8c per lb
Lemons 20c ier doz
Oranges, 160s 35c
Oranges, 175s We
Bananas . 25c and 80c "
Pineapples 40c each
California 1 lb bricks S lbs for 25c
California White, bulk 3 lbs for 25c
California Black 3)6 lbs for 25c
Cherry Creek, 1 lb frames 16c
Mince Meet.
Libby's, Is 7 t9c per package
Walnuts lHc per lb
Almonds 16c per lb
Brazil 17c per lb
Pecans 17c per lb
Filberts 16c per lb
Raw Peanuts 8Kc per lb
Roasted Peanuts . 10c per lb
Per quart 10c
Christmas Candles and Favors.
A great stock a beautiful stock a tempting xtoek a delielous stock. Such is Uie stock
show in the Confectionery Department at present. And it may be rsmarkeri that a boa of
Candy makes a most pleasing Christmas gift. Profit by our prices.
Plain mixed 8,c
Broken mixed 10c
Boston mixed . . 12lc
Ribbon mixed 12Kc
Fancv 16c
French SOc
Asiorted Stick 10c
Peanut Stick 16c
II oar hound 12vvc
Jelly Beans 12 V
Boston Baked Bean 20c
lemon Drops 15c
Raspberry Drops 20c
Chocolate Brownies SOc
Matchless Chocolate. 20e
Chicken Tatnalee 20c
Klondike Nuggets 20c
Peppermint Losenges . J 5c
Conversation losengus 16o
Gum Drops 7',e
The Dalles Daily Chattel.
DEC. 19, 1901
At Andrew Keller's.
All Waaoo County warraarta awffietered
prior to January a, lfSS, Wttl bo paid
on presentation at say oJBoe. Interest
ceaeee after November 19, 191.
jobs w. aaairsaiBS,
County Treasurer.
The Hub is undoubtedly the head
quarters for Santa Clous. Bee the win
dows. Lost An arrowhead stick pin. Find
er will greatly oblige by returning same
to this office. dl9-2t
Talk about u swell line of silk neck
wenr, silk handkerchiefs, etc., you
fliould see The Hub windows.
Say, have you seen that holiday neck
wear put up in beautiful Xmas boxes,
ready for mail, at The Hub.
Msier & Benton received today a
hn wagon load of Christinas trees of all
ftizes which they offer for sale cheap.
For rent Furnished rooms with steam
heat and electric lights. Apply to Mrs.
P. Chapman, Chapman block. dlO-tf
Margaret Bhroeder wishes to announce
that she is prepared to do all kinds of
Hewing. Residence across track from the
Wasco warehouse. dl9-lw
Frank Callaghan, the young son of M.
Callaghan. of this city, who has been ill
for five weeks with typhoid fever, is re
ported better and on the road to recov
ery. A dispatch from Rome announces that
it lias been decided to canonize Joan of
Arc and that a formal ceremony for that
turjose will shortly be held in St.
The Ciiko.vki.k is pleased to learn
that Tom Ward, who has been seriously
for a lone time, has improved very
much during the past two or three days
and it is now hoped, is on the road to
A hobo was arrested last night by
Mticer Aliaky for attempting to pick a
man's pocket in the White House sa
loon. The fellow was confined in the
county jail till this morning when he
was run out of town.
The west-bound passenger train, due
here at 1 :10 p. m. is not expected till
"about" 9 o'clock tonight, which means
any time between tola and Christmas.
The delay is said to be oo aaoountola
wreck sostewhsre eaat d Hoslwgtun.
The tnaassl ol the Isto Robert Mcin
tosh wok ntaaa this aiteresns sad
church were conducted in presence of an I pec ted to live, this increase is remark
audience that filled every available foot ' able, the more so considering that only
of space, while scores of persons
outside, unable to gain admission.
Mr. D. M. Roerdon and Miss Harriett
Wilson, of this city, were united in
marriage last night at the residence of
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Wilson, Rev. D. V.
Poling officiating.
about a third of the birds were liberated
in that vicinity.
Articles of incorporation of the Monnt
Hood Mining and Stock Company were
filed today in the office of the county
clerk. The incorporators are B. R.
rr 1 Tt O 1 1 T? TP CiUH.
xmoaer, i . o. luuer nuu x-. o. i-viuiij.
Sheriff Frazierwas in tow today from AThe business of the corporation is to
Portland receiving horses for the British J" acquire, hold, work and operate placers
cavalry. Thirty-six head, all told, were land lodes or quarts mines," and
offered and sixteen of these were from f quire such property and do such
to ac-
Klickitat countv.
accompanied Mr. Fraxier, for some
son, was unusually bard to please, and
only fourteen head of the entire lot were
accepted. v
Mr. Henry Herbring is the agent for
the Walkover shoes and always keepa
the leading styles on hand. The price is
only $3.60 and any gentleman that wants
a pair of these shoes for Xmas need not
send to Portland for them or give an
order to a peddler. Procure them right
at home and patronize your home deal
The prospectus of the JNew Years
Oregonian in todays issue of that paper
says : "It will he news to. marry Port
land people even that a single corpora
tion at The Dalles has this year expend
ed nearly $860,000 in the construction of
a large electric light and power trans
mission plant, and for the purchase and
betterment of new properties."
Mays & Crowe have placed in one of
their big show windows a glass jar filled
with money which they propose giving
away to their customer?. With every
cash purchase of 1 they give a ticket on
which yon enter your auess of the
amount of money in the jar. The per
son guessing the closest to. the amount
gets the money. '1 he contest closes
March 1.
Addison Kidd, the self-confessed train
wrecker, asked for a lawyer for the first
time yesterday. One was promptly sent
for but what passed between them only
themselves know. Since the conference,
however, Kidd has been quite reticent
about his alleged part in the wreck.
He has written to friends in St. Louis
and Seattle for monev to enable him to
fee a lawyer.
At the Catholic fair tonigbt, toting
will begin on the beautiful picture drawn
by Miss Jennie Williamson, daughter of
Senator Williamson. The vote will be
for the most popular man in Wasco
county. There will also be toting for
an elegant oil painting by Miss Lillis
Senfert ; also s fine carriage whip for the
man who has the finest horse in The
Dalles. Come and vote for your friends.
It is reported that the English part
ridges imported and turned loose in sev
eral kwalitiae in the Willamette valley
about a year ago have increased remark
ably. An high as seventy-five birds were
iiuiafa In lasgleaeid i the vicinity
of Albany this fail. As the entire iav
mrtation oeneistad of eat twenty
The contractor who I as are incident to a general mining busi
ness ; to buy and sell mining claims and
ot her real estate, and to conduct a gen
eral livestock business. The head office
is at Hood River, and the capital stock
is $80,000.
Mrs. H. F. Myers and daughter, Mrs.
Ed Meddler, of Wasco, spent last night
in the city on their way home from a
week's stay at St. Martin's Springs. Mrn.
Meyers told Tim Chboxule man that
she had never heard of the report that
the St. Martina had o included to rent
the springs and did not believe there
was a word of truth in it. On the con
trary she was reliably informed that the
St. Martin's had recently refused an of
fer of $46,000 for a ten years' lease, the
lessee binding himself to spend $15,000
in improving the property, and the im
provements to belong to the St. Martin's
at the termination of the lease.
A man named West, aired about 60
years and a stranger In these parts, died
very suddenly at the lygh hotel last
Saturday morning, having arrived here
from I yle the night before. Arriving at
Tygh he complained to the landlady of
feeling very ill and asked for a bed. He
til . S A I
igrew worse very rapuuy ana me
local physician was seat for. When be
arrived at West's bedside the doctor saw
the man was dying and beyond the reach
of human skill. Before 8 o'clock that
evening Wert was dead. Judge Blake
ley was notified and he gave orders that
the man be buried at Tygh at the
county's expense. It is said that the
doctor pronounced the man's death to
have resulted from acute pneumonia.
It is said he was complaining when he
left here. The long, cold ride t Tygh
undoubtedly hastened bis death if it did
not causa it.
Jerome Parsons, wno for many year
.owned and operated a ferry boat on the
John Day river at Costention, now
Twickenham, Wheeler eosnty, has sold
bis ferry boat to Graham & Son, who
will operate it for the use of the public,
at their place on the river at the mouth
j of Thirty-mile creek, in Gilliam county.
The boat is to be navigated down tne
river by Captain Parsons, Pilot Jay
tiaJtpmo.n aud First Mate Johnny Gra
ham. The distance is about sixty miles
down the river, and the voyage, if sue
easeful aa it is confidently expected it
will be, will deutosutrste ttiat the John
Day is no slouch of sa "open river" it
self. A ferry sttbe Bosthof Thirty-
will afford a much nearer route to the
j railroad to many farmers of the May ville
section than they now enjoy, provided
the wagon road across the canyon be
worked and improved. Fossil Journal.
"Toronto lias soma of the best paved
streets on the continent, but the method
of conducting the business affairs of the
city is what commends itself to the
casual visitor," says a recent visitor to
that city. "For instance, their system
of controlling the saloon business is
about tierfect. There are about 160 sa
loons in Toronto, and that is the limit
prescribed by city ordinance. These sa
loons are regularly licensed, and the
only way to obtain a license is to pur
chase a business already established.
The license itself is about $900 per year.
When I left Canada, the sum of $4000
i was offered a saloon man for his license.
I don't know whether he concluded to
accept it or not. The taloonx sre regu
lated in such a manner that they are
the most orderly of places. They close
at 11 "'clock on all night except Satur
day when they close at 6 o'clock. This
is done in order that the workingman
will not spend bis weekly wages for
drink. When they are closed there is no
back door entrance. They are shut
tighter than a drum, and a man who
opens his saloon stands a chance to have
his license revoked. At a valuation of
$4,000 he can hardly afford to run the
Catkoile fair Program
F 1 lowing i the program to be given
at the Catholic fair this 'Thursday)
evening :
Selection-- Sery' Ortibeatr
Vocal eolo MIm Mary Goeluer
Vossi eolo by repeat Mr. N. J Binnoii
For the benefit of ChriMtmas shippers,
the Pacific Express Company's office
will be open every evening till o'clock
from now until Christmas.
Gifford'e Fqtos Never Fade.
Notice of the Coaalraetloa of a Vrodoaed
Notice i hereby given tbat the CoaasU of
Dalle City did on the lth day of Decern tier,
ISO I, by reaoiuOon duiyadopbal, determine to
aonetruct and relay a sewer lor that part ot
Dalle :ity lying below toe Muff aud bordering
on and adjacent to l iberty ktreet and Second
Ireet, and wbtcb can be benefited by aaid pro
I oaed aewer.
That laid aewer .hull be of terra cotta fMpe,
and the extent and location of which ahall be u
follows :
Said aewer ahall b.-sin at the bmfJ' W Ut Ira
mediately aonih of rtlith atrset aud rusnliis
aortae'ly Is Uberty atreet in taa llae oi trie
protest old m war bow taeseln to tea middle
Him of Second atreet, running Ibeuot eaeterly
alouc tee center line of necoud atreet to toe west
line of Onion atreet. tunning thence uu a curve
to the left and connecting with the l ulon atreet
ewer at the ui rth line of Hecoud atreet in the
center of Uuiou atreet.
Hid it la determined by the aaid Ceeseil that
the coat of aaid aewer bail be aw-iti agaiuat
lite property beBeSted thereby
Dated at Delia City, Oregon, this Urn lata day
gad tmmmmm left
Blakeley's Drug Store,
Our new
are all 1901 subjects
No carry-overs.
Our Christmas lints
are finer thaa ever.
Of er three times ss many
as Issl year.
The prices sre 15 to 30 per cent
lower then Portland.
MAIL OKUBHS receive our I DflTU DUflMCC I Kvery reeaaee delivered area. I
personal attention. QUI II mwlICO promptly, In the city. I
in the glass jar in our Window. We
will give it to the one guessing near
est to the amount the jar contains.
Contest oloses March 1st, 1G02.
One Minute read this ad,
One Minute to look at our window,
Two Minutes WELL SPENT.
We are Headquarters for
Santa Claus
The Nub Clothing Co.,
(MAYS a ClOlil MIJIfuDlNU.)
toe I tarda, and seretml of them ware not ex-
Mt ttewcwefPaUttCitr.