w: ft Dalles (fl)rxmicle. VOL. XIII THE DALLES, OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 19 1901. NO. 260 MARCONI'S INVENTION Cable Companies Apparently Pear Its Competition Their Charters Arc Not Effective Against New Invention. New York, Dec. 18. That William Marconi's wireless experiments in New foundland cannot be stopped by the Anglo-American Telegtaph Company, even by resort to tbe courts, is the as sertion of Mr. Marconi's representatives bere. They further state tbat be can not be stopped even from transmitting commercial messages. They say the charter of the Anglo-American Company, by which it claims monopoly of tele graghio communication between New foundland and other places, was examined by counsel for tbe Marconi Company before an attempt was made to experiment in Newfoundland. They decided that the charter would not interfere with the sending of wireless messages to and from Newfoundland even to the two years tbe charter bas yet to be ran. They declare in the first place that a charter monopoly would not- operate to estop scientific experiments and second, that according to English decisions inch a grant would not operate to bar an invention tbat was unknown at tbe time the concession was granted. C. Cothbert Hall, general manager for the Maroaui Wireless Telegragti Com pany, said in an interview : "Wears rather glad than otherwise that this attempt to stop Mr. Marconi bas been mad. Even if we go cm further in Newfoundland, although we can do so if we wish, it will do as no barm. There are places along the coast equally available. The interference shows, to my mind, that tbe cable companies look on os as a dangerous competitor. It rather pleases me as an acknowledgment of tbe fact that wire less telegraphy is a coming force." Edward H or man, counsel for the Mar coni Telegraph Company : "This action by tbe Anglo-American Company is a surprise to me, as I bad supposed tbat there wonld be no hostility, direct or indirect. Before Mr. Marconi attempted to make experiments in New foundland, I went over the Anglo American charter with a view of deter mining his rights. It is elear that the company eaunot atop scientific experi ments. Tue company seems to have feared active competition and therefore we have taken tbe ball by tbe boras." Irish Agitator Beat to FrUoa. Castle Bab, Ireland, Dee. 18 The hearing of tbe charges of holding meet inge and delivering intimidating speeches in defiance of tbe police brought against Connor O'Kelly , M. P., chairman of tbe Mayo council, and several other officials of Mayo county, was concluded today. Mr. O'Kelly was sentenced to two months' Imprisonment and four other defendants ranging from a fortnight to a month- All tbe sentences imposed were without hard labor. Tbe court refused tbe demand of tbe defendants for leave to appeal from tbe jurisdiction of tbe court. Tbe refusal of tbe oonrt was due to tbe fact tbat tbe defendants refused to promise not to peak publicly in the interim. Tribal to Maroont. Naw Yoax, Dec. 18 At bis laboratory at Oranste. N. J., Thomas Edison author- iued tbe following statement concerning Marconi's feat in wireless telegraph com munication from England : "Slue Marconi has stated over bie sisnatare that be baa received tbe signals from England, I believe and I think he will carrv it to a commercial socosss. u Is a great achievement, and be is a great experimenter." Qive ARE AGAINST ANARCHY Two New Bills Introduced in the Lower House Today Assaults on Officials Punishable by tbe Death Penalty. of 10,000 Baavloj Gilt of ! Naw Yobk, Dsn. 18 James C. Fargo, president of tbe American Express Uom Danv baa annoonosd tbat each of tbe 10,000 employes of the corporation la tbe United States will receives ubrmmas gilt of $10. Last year the sompaay gave Washington, Dec. 18. Chairman Bay, of tbe hones committee on judiciary, today introduced an anti -anarchist measure which will probably be tbe basis of legislation on tue subject in tbe house. Tbe measure is very elaborate, and brings together features of the many propositions for dealing with the subject. It provides the death peuslty for assaults on the president or other executive officer. It is made a felony to advise or to teach tbe overthrow of the govern ment or any interference with govern ment officers. Tbe death penalty also Is provided for conspiracies in this country leading to the killing of a foreign king, emperor, president of other ruler. May So For Peace. London, Dec. 17. Tbe capture of Commandant Kritzinger, who baa been styled tbe "Dewet of Cape Colony," is regarded as very important. He has been a troublesome invader of Cape Colony, and is credited with more bar barities than any other commandant f xcept Scheypers. In a recent procla mation be called himself, "Chief Com mandant of Cape Colony." During tbe last few days tbe moet persistent reports, emanating both from South Africa and from Boer headquarters in Europe, of an approaching crisis in Booth African affairs, have been current. It ia alleged tbat Mr. Kroger will abandon bis demand tor independence, and that the Boer leaden la tbe Sold are inclined to cease fighting and seek tbe beet terms obtainable. New Ll MolMar Proposed. Washington, Dec. 18. Representa- tive Wililsm Alden Smith, of Michigan, has introduced a bill asking tbat tbe birthday of President McKinley , January 29tb, be a legal holiday. N.w Immigration BUI. Washing roN, Dec. 18. A new im migration bill, which is tbe joint pro d notion of Senator Penrose and Com missioner-General Powderty, bas been Introduced in tbe senate by Mr. Frye. Tbe bill provides and eduoational tost, and in addition to tbe present system of domestic inspection of immigrants, authorises the appointment of inspectors at tbe principal foreign porta lrom which immigrants sail, with instructions to exercise special tcratioy of tbe polios records of immigrants, with tbe view ol excluding anarchists. Tbe bill also provides for tbe deportation of aliens wbo prove to oe eoarcum.. V ava SIM Life. "I wish to my that I owe my life to Kodol Dyepepsie Cure," writes H. C. Chreatenson of Hsyfleld, Minn. "For throe years I was troubled with dyspepsia so that I could bold ootblng on my k Mnw tinea I woald be un able to retain a niorssl of fond. Finally I was confined to my ueu. wwn t -u - II ua I Mil ana of VOOr 1 uuuiu uvi ...w. - - advertisements on Kodol Dyspepsia Cure and thought it fit my cues and com menced iU use. i o iiupiw fwm th flrnt bottle. Now I am cored and recommend it to all." Dlgoeta your food. Curee all stomach troubles. Clarke A Falk's P. O. Pbarmaey. King to It Ul Bern's OMt. Wahikoton. Dec. 18.-Seoator Frye bas introduced a joint resolution author .in. th nreeident to invite tbe king of bi tn vi.it the United States. It sets forth in a preamble tbe feet tbat toe km of BJam bss madu known to our minister at Bangkok bis desire to visit tbe United States and the resolution nidaa that be aball be invited to be- Mmi the meet of tbe Nation while here. An appropriation fur Mis Majesty e suitable enter tain mentis pcorJood, Bat tbe sum is left blsnk for tbe Whan novo lost ssohofrtaomsgwyos . our balr appears dry aud io Its vitality it wants something togivstt life and vigor. Wo bow who luThairnosd. wbou It net-to tbateo. drttoo, WP bu S H? m umw ' 1 W ruff and all ForialsaiFruarrtbus. Uoin Hair Oocoaout Oroam will euro Jlu. Wahop. Pries fOeuud Tie A. Ta. T - - a 1 - "W aUT aC a - H ore you can come and go JT V CniaUlC A.Uia9 vJlUI Ci to look or to buy-very wel. come in either case. Here you find gift-things a'plenty from a baby doll for the little one, to a sealskin coat for mamma. Papa and the big brothers are also provided for in a fine collection of Ties, Handkerchiefs and the hundred and one little things they must have also a hat, suit or overcoat can best be bought here as prices on clothing are away down this month. Some very special attractions this week in Ladies', Misses' and Children's Jackets and Long Coats. All Indies' Coats worth $10.00 amd an ? ? REDUCED This announcement usually comes in January when mauy are already provided for in this line. This season we q'lote rea-ular Jaminry prices in December before the holidays when fully one half the people are yet planning on what to wear and where to buy. These prices will help you to decide and when you see the garments you'll buy. Our stock now contains baldly two coats alike some verv exclusive styles. S12.00 Garment are now Ni.00 " " ' . 1S.00 " " " . 20.00 " " " . 30.00 " i: " .$ 75 12 75 15 00 16 50 . 22 50 Special, 20.00 Raglan, doubk-breusted, oxford gray, self-lined, reduced to $16.50. One-FourtH off on avll a e Misses' H CHildrcn's Coats Please bear this in mind when out lookinjf around and frying to decide on what to buy for the little girl. Everv child should have a new coat at Xmas time and have one if vou come hero for it. Newest Style ' $3.00 Coats are now selling at $ 2.25 5,00 " " " " " 3.75 6.00 " " M '? u 4.50 10.00 " " M " u 7.50 15.00 u " " " " U.25 Holiday line of Dressing Sacquos, Bath Kobes and Men's House Coats New line Walking Skirts just opened. ES CHoorful Old Saints, Clams e d who is reputwl to he of goodly site even he could get an oven-oat front our stork to St him. Oveniuits and suits for the stout man. the slim man, the tall and the short man, th. JrttOttg and the old man. SUITS and OVERCOATS t i or aaa wmwwm GRCATLY REDUCED! $10.65 $13.85 $16.85 $21.85 Our entire stork of suits ami overcoats, worth $10 uud up, arc divided into Ave dif ferent lots. A selection from either lot will mean it liargnin !o you a neat saving Of rash. A A A e is the present priee on suits O. U anl oveteoats worth from 10.00 to 112.50. is the mice on suits and overroats worth from 113. M) is the pt to $1".00. is the present price on suits and overcoats worth from 15.50 to f!8.7.V is the price we now ask for suits ami overcoat worth from S10.0O to $24.00. is our present price on suits and overcoat worth from $25.00 to $30.W. All Xoutnu and Bora Suits and Overcoats Rwducwd ! Shirts and Neckwear for th- holidays. A choice line Go select from. The celelmilisl Manlmttan Shirts make an ldSl present S1.50 to S.JO. Sr.- our line n( wide-eml Fourinband Ties at 30c. A. M. WILLIAMS (SI CO. I HS'sT M DEAR MADAM All there is to be seen in ..men's slippers.. you'll sec in our store. A new invoice just reeeived, and no one shows mo many styles us A. M. WILLIAMS A COMFAJfY. Sexton & Waither THE CELEBRATED .. .GOMflBln BREWEKY.. AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop. Of th. product of this weil-knoi a brewery the UaiUd Hj-J X"i?Zd with tbegr-U-t burfltd possibly be Und." M MM BMOSd itrwwt, TBI DALLW, ORSOON. C Hardware, Iron and Steel Merchants THE DAUBS, OREGON. IK foil line of BRIDGE 4 BEAOH UUPERIOR iTEKh RANUW, aad Cook and Heutiaff Mtovee. EARM1NO I$IFLE-lENru.-Aoais twUaJMlJ.l.pmJMWjjm H..,..od Plows. Hnrins Tooth HarruS. Blsesll unma riww.. r one sua Hscss, iieuy domiss. Star Windmills aaa WltB Bslt and Roller bearings, sad folly warranted. Writ us lor prices and catalogues. All ordar antrDltsd to US vill bare pruaoot UttUUtlOU. Prices slwsys right. Tbe only Exeiasive Hardware utore lu tbe ally. mi Mil JU of ssswotruatino Tby are "UTS womanhood, aidiaf dorelopmen. ol They avsreossa Weub uoas, imsrulurltjr uud onibauoa. laafsjuau vin koowo wioedy Jor womeojp 0, Waby. Tue Fetusjs) tut Otguus m uoay. mm sals tuosn. Maaot go gynm chImil ca.OovXsd.ro BSSlasSsMSSSS AiiwratsHaa in Ths niiriMlilllut