The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 18, 1901, Image 4

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    The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
DEC. 18, 1901
While congressmen are rushing to
the front with bills which will raise.
. .
still higher and thicker walls against
the admission of Confucians within
the limits of this republic, the Ah
Singe now living in the Chinatowns
of New York and San Francisco and
: :..-.
VUlcr luit'i itnn Lines uic tuutauu
with slant eyed glee. Why shouldn't
thev be happy ? Thev arc here,
nd it is not likely they will be cast
nt. Thev know full well that
millions of their fellow countrymen
envy their good fortune, and are
beating vainly at the barriers which
are set up against their admission to
this promised land of milk and
honey, of fat sharks' fins and luscious
nesta of swallows.
The French satirist wrote that
there is something not wholly dis
pleasing in the misfortunes even of
our best friends. Aud so it is with
the Chinamen now living in the
United States. President Roosevelt
declares that this country must keep
its gates closed against yellow floods
from the Orient, and in this declara
tion he has scores of millions of
Americans at his back: hut no per
son of common sense is now
Chinese who
eating the exile of the
have set up their household gods and
their sadirons among us. The reso
luie conviction of Yankeedom is un-:
questionably that the number of J
of hieroglyphic laundries now exist
ent between Beacon street and the
Golden Gate, between the Zenith i
City of the Unsalted Seas and the
low lying levels of salt-strewn Gab
veston, is sufficient to meet the
urgent demands of this cosmopolitan
commonwealth of the Stars and
Stripes. Yet this will be followed
in these days by no fresh war cry
that "The Chinaman must go!" Let
- . t i . l i 3 n j
mm 0ijr u ue .a uere a.reauj. WH,
as the president hints in bis message, !
we have enough of him in present
'conditions. Those of him "in our
midst" in this period are lucky.
May they thrive and flourish. New
York Tribune.
The Oregonian says; "The pub
lic takes little interest it the wrang
ling of detectives over the apportion
ment of the award offeted by the
O. R. oVK. Co. for the arrest and
conviction of the man who wrecked
its train near Celiio a few days ago.
While it is desirable tbat justice be
done, as no doubt it will be, the fact
tbat the tram-wrecker has been ap
prehended and will suffer the penalty
for his atrocious crime is the point
upon which general interest centers."
ltut has the tram-wrecker been ap
prehended ? That is the question.
Ktdd may have placed the nut on I
the track, but no man who has ever'
talked half a minute with this man
would believe him on oath. Kidd is j
a moral degenerate ; a smart, intelli- j
gent scoundrel, who has no more
moral sense than an African gorilla.
The Astoria News got mad when
it heard of the verdict of BenLam
and Ramsey in the Schley case and
proceeded to call them donkeys,
asses, tools and knaves, and villains.
These are strong terms and, possibly,
not choice, but they come pretty
near expressing the sentiment of lots
of people.
An exchange suggests that one of !
-those islands in the south Pacific tbat i
baa a bahit of sicking out of eight
without warning would be just the
place to put the anarchists.
Grant Mays is in the city from bis
stock ranch in Crook county.
John Minto arrived here todav on his
regular round of duty as deputy collector i
ui luieruai rovuuua.
Attorney A. C. Palmer, of Prinevjlle,
was in town but sight on hie way home
from Portland wham lie was a witness
in the Oregon King
Clarke A Falk's flavoring eztraete are
the beet. Ask your a e for tbem.
Pictures enlarged at the Wilson photo
gfgph gallery. dec4 lm
dark A Falk are never closed Sunday,
Don't forget this .
fllavWn .C. l iU- hum nn lain a fnl) Unm; u M. mm linn wu mmiv m lull IU7
of paint 8nd artiat,g brnBh-B
Go to the WihK)n gallery for excellent
I photos at reasonable prices. dec4-lm
H yon can't come dnring the week,
! yon can have a sitting Sunday by seeing
! Gifford. nl9
, A Falk.
Floral lotion will enre wind chapping
Manufactured by C'arice
Try Van Norden's for a perfect fit in
old ynnB DMr sighted or
far sighted.
For lient-
A fiiomali ear? nilUna r f ter9
rooms on West Sixth and Lincoln streets.
Apply on the premises. dl2lw
The prices on ladies' and children's
knit goods are surprisingly low at the
New York Cash Store. dlStf
Christmas will soon be here and yon
haven't bad that negative made yet.
See Gifford right away qnick. nl9
Children's knit leggins, mittens and
toques a full line at lowest prices at
the New York Cash Store. dl3tf
It's easy to select Christmas presents
if you look over those Indian and foreign
curios, sea shelleand noveltiee, at Wild
er's. dl71w
If anything ails your hair, go and see
Frazer; he's the headquarters for all
hair remedies. Remember that he
ma km a rccialtv of these goods. tf
Have you seen those knit goods at the
. hv-wn.ils pirnlar ahnwla mittpns orwl
j ekirts. dl3tf
Those artists' prooie. My! but they
are fine! One dozen will make just
twelve fine Chrietmas presents. Gifford
is the man that make.- them. nl9
Clark and Falk have just received a
full line of fresh Velox papers and de
veloped, the same as mm by Mr. Lovick
in his recent demonstration at our store.
Cigars for Christmas in handsome
boxes of 12, 13, 25, 50 and ICO; every
popular brand, cheap, at Grant's the
only exclusive cigar store in the city.
Christmas sale of millinery at the
Campbell A Wilson millinery palors.
One-third off regular price of entire
stock. Sale will continue until first of
January. 25n-tf
Why pay 1.75 per gallon for inferior
paints when you can buy James E.
p.ttone 8nn proof palllt(! tor $160
gallon, guaranteed for 5 years. Clark A
F' genU mI
i on saw inose nne portrait trame at
the carnival? They are going verr fast ;
the supply is limited, and your picture
in one of them is just the thing for
Christmas. Giffoid. nl9
Dyspepsia can be cored by using
Acker'e Dyspepsia Tablets. One little
Tablet will give immediate relief or
money refunded. Sold in handsome tin
boxes at 25 cts. Blakeley the druggist.
Experience is the best Teacher. Use
Acker's English Remedy in any case of
coughs, colds or croup. Should it fail to
give immediate relief money refunded
25 cts. and 50 cts. Blakeley, the drug
If you wish to retain a natural color
to your hair, stop its falling out, eradi
cate dandruff and make it soft, fine and
wavey, then use Aristo Hair Food. For
ale by Clarke A Falk, post orb ee pha--macy.
Are you ready for cold weather? If
not yon should provide yourself with
some of those knit goods from the New
York Cash Store. A large assortment
of these goods for women and children
may be seen at the New York Cash
Store. dlStf
Sick Headache absolutely and perma-
nently cured by using Moki Tea. A
pleasant herb drink. Cures constipation
anu inaigestion, maKeti yon eat, sleep
anu nappy, oaiiaiaction guaranteed or
money back. 25 cts. and50cts. Blakeley,
the druggist.
Chae.Repiogle, At water, ()., was in
very bad shape. He says : '"I suffered
a great deal with my kidneys and was
reooeeted to try Foley's Kidney Cure
I did so and in fonr days I was able to
go to work again, now I am entirely
well." Clarke & Falk.
The largest and best collection of Ore
gon and Indian views in the city at
Wil Jer's 'photo stndio. Souvenir siz,
10 cents : medium, lo cents: lanre oi.e.
25 cents. Remember tbeee views are
finished on aristo and bromide carbona
"nd Bar"at for all time. dl7-lw
Fine turkea fattened especially for
me uarnany maraet. Minzes' hmmi
pickles in bulk, bulk olives, sweet cider,
apple butter, pickled tripe, pigs feet,
sauerkraut, and other specialties too
numerous to mention, can be bad all the
time at Carnaby'e American Market.
your hair anoears drv mH in
have lost its vitality it want something
to give it life and viiror. We have what
the hair needs when it gets In that con-
We have the Grown nf
Science Hair OtMBS Grower and
Uoeosnut Cream Tonic. They
will cure dand aaeaV ruff and all
scalp diseases. For sale at Fraser's bar
ber shop. Price 60c and 76c a bottle.
Foley's Honey Tar
conr, prevents pntimonku
Union and Second Streets. Local Phone 92.
Women and Jewels.
Jewels, candy, flowers, man that ie
the order of a woman's preferences.
Jewels form a magnet of mighty power
to the average woman. Even tbat
greatest of all jewels, health, is often
reined in the strenuous efforts to make
or save the money to purchase them. If
a woman wHl risk her health to get a
coveted gem, then let her fortify herself
aaainst the insiduous consequences of
coughs, colds and bronchial affections by
the regular use of Dr. Boschee's German
Syrup. It will promptly arrest con
sumption in itsearly stages and heal the 1
affected lungs and bronchial tubes and
ilrive the diead disease from the system, j
It is not a cure-all, but it ie a certain
cure for coughs, colds and all bronchial i
troubles. You can get Dr. G. G. Green's
reliable remedies at Elakeley's drug
store. Get Green's Special Aimanac. 1
Played Oat.
Dull Headache, Pains in various parts
Of the body, Sinking at the pit of the
Stomach, Loss of appetite, Feverishness, j
Fimplee or Sores are aii positive eviden
ces of impure blood. No matter how it j
became eo it must be purified in order ,
to obtain good health. Acker's Blood I
Elexir has neve: failed to cure Scrofulous
or Syphilitic poisons or any other blood
diseases. It ie certainly a wonderful
remedy and we sell every bottle on a
positive guarantee. Blakeley, the drug
gist. He Rapt III Leg.
Twelve years ago J. W. Sullivan, of
Hartford, Conn., scratched bis leg with
a rusty wire. Inflammation and blood
poisoning set in. For two years he suf
fered intensely. Then the best doctors
urged amputation, "but," be writes, "I
used one bottle of Electric Bitters and
1 1-2 boxes of Bucklen's Arnica Salve
and my leg was sound and well as ever."
For Eruptions, Eczema, Tetter, Salt
Rheum, Sores and all blood disorders
Electric Bitters has no rival on earth.
Trf them. G. C. Blakeley will guarantee
satisfaction or refund money. Only 50
eenta. 4
Health and Beauty.
Apoor complexion is usually the re
sult of a torpid liver or irregular action
of the bowele. Unless nature's refuse is
carried off it will surely cause impure
blood. Pimples, boils and other eruptions
follow. This is nature's method of
throwing off the poisons which the bowele
failed to remove. DeWilt's Little Early
Risers are world famous for remedying
this condition. They stimulate the liver
and promote regular and healthy action
of the bowels but never cause griping,
cramps or distress. Safe pills. Clarke
A Falk'B P. O. Pharmacy.
Attractive Women.
All women sensibly desire to be at
tractive. Beauty is tbe stamp of health
because it ie tbe outward manifestation
of inner purity. A bealtby woman is
always attractive, blight and happy.
When every drop of blood in the veins is
pore a beauteous flush is on the cheek.
But when tbe blood is impure, tnoroee
nees, bad temper and a sallow complex
ion tells tbe tale of sickness all to plain
ly. And women today know there is no
beauty without health. Wine of Cardai
crowns women with beauty and attrac
tiveness by making strong and bealtby
thoea organs wbicb make ber a woman.
Try Wine of Cardnl, and in a month
your friends will hardly know yon.
rood Changed to I'ultun.
Putrefyiog food in tbe intestines pro
duces effects like those of arsenic, bat
Dr. King's New Life Pills expel tbe
poisons from clogged bowels, gently,
easily but surely, curing Constipation,
Biliousness, Sick Headache, Fevers, all
Liver, Kidney and Bowel troubles. Only
25c at G. C. Blakeley's drug store. 4
Don't Let Them Suffer.
Often children are tortured with itch
ing and burning eczema and other skin
diseases but Bucklen's Amies Salve
beals the raw sores, expels inflammation,
leaves tbe skin without a scar. Clean,
fragrant, cheap,' there's no salve on
earth as good. Try it. Care guaranteed.
Only 25c at G. C. Blakeley's drug store. 4
Don't Hum it lm.
Just wst tbe affected part freely with
Mysterious Pain Care, s Scotch remedy,
and tbe pain is gone. Sold by Clarke m
To Stop a Cold. A
After exposure or when yon feel s coldj
cuwiufj no, laae a oose oi roiey jjojtey
sad Tar. It sever fella to stop a cold V
taken id time. Clarke A Folk.
US. T.
Dalles, wflnf & Astoria
at 7 A. M.
...Portland Boat...
at 7 :00 A. M.
W. C. ALLAWAY, General Agent,
The Dalles, Oregon.
Crandall & Borget
The Dal les, Or.
All kinds of
Funeral Supplied
r. s.
Purest Liquors
Delivered to any
Phones :
51 Local,
868 Long Distance.
M Wm Mill C
Headquarters for Seed Grain of all kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain ot u kin
Headquarters for Boiled Grain, &u kind
Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, Sttfi
Headquarters for "Byers Best" Pendle-
tOn FlOUT Thl8 Moor manufactured expressly for family
. r . u : wv sack is guaranteed to give satisfaction,
i i9! l00 ,owf thn y bones in Ins trade, and if you don't tbrnkee
esll and get our prises snd be convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. .Barley and Oats.
Blacksmith, Horseshoer
Iron, Steel.
Aaest for Kuswii a Co.'i Battues, Thraeben sad saw Mills.
SsTn'ion. Cir. feui
Fine Lard and Sausages
Curersof BRAND
Jast What
You uiant.
New ideas in Wall Paper here. Such
wide variety as we are showing never be
fore graceo a single stock. Keel imita
tion creton effects at ordinary prieee.
uooa papers at eneap paper prices,
j&iegani aesigns, tasteful colorings, yours
for a mall price, st oar store on Third
street. Also s fall line of bouse paints
D. W. VATJSE, Third St.
Burial Shrouds
for Family Use
part of the City.
173 Second Street
and Wagon-maker..
Axles, Springb and Blacksmith SnpsOiss
I kifilii &, THE DALLES OB
White Collar Linn.
Hie Daiies-Peniann mte
Str. "TAHOMA,"
Portland, The Dalles and
Way Points.
Leaves Portland st 7 a. m. on Tues
day, Thursday and Saturday.
Arrives Tbe Dalles, same day, 5 p. m.
Leaves Tbe Dalles at 7 a. m. on Sun
day, Wednesday and Friday.
Arrives Portland, same day, 4 p. ra.
Meals the Very Best.
bis Route hss the Grand
Scenic Attractions on Earth.
Portland-Astoria Route
Daily Round Trips except Sunday.
Leave Portland 7 a.m.
Leave Astoria 7 p.m.
Landing and office Foot of Alder
Street; both phones, Main 361, Port
land, Oregon.
E. W. Crichton, Agent Portland,
Pratber and Barnes, Ats., Hood River,
Wolford & Wyere, Agts.. White Salmon,
.1. C. VVvatt, Agent, Vancouver,
A. J. Taylor, Agent Astoria.
K. B. Giibretb, Agt., Lylc, Wash.
J. M. FILLOON, Agent, The Dalles.
Max A. Yoot,
First national Bank.
A Genersl ""1 Business transacted
uepoena received, subject to uigni
Draft or Check.
Collections mods snd proceeds promptly
remitted on dsv of collection,
light snd Telegrspbic Exchange sold os
sw York, San FrsseJsos snd port
D. P. Tnoatrson. Jso. B. Sohsscs.
Eo. M. Williams. Oao. A. Lisas.
H. M. Bsaix.
WW. WILSON, Manas".
First-qass in Euery Resp?Qt.
finals at oil !?ours.
The table slews supplied with tbe
best in the market.
7t Front 8t., near Coort, The Dalies-
irrig atton, Bridge, Bail road and Water Bupplr
5!ff!?!nt- . - . m.d
viVi auaeana uperi uw "
E!esnon, Contraction and B.iuUM" of
r.O. Be.ete.THB DAbLBS. O